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(A Classroom Action Research in the First Year Students
of MA Al Bidayah Candi Bandungan in the Academic
Year 2009/2010)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)
In English and Education Department


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In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful.

Hereby the writer fully declares that this thesis is made by the writer

herself, and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other

“people” ideas except the information from the reference.

The writer capable account this for thesis if in the future this thesis can

be proved of containing others idea or in fact the writer imitate the other thesis.

This declaration is made by the writer to be understood.

Salatiga, 03 Agustus 2010


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ARI SETIAWAN, S. Pd, MM Salatiga, 03 Agustus 2010

The Lecturer of Educational Faculty
State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga
Case : Zunita Widyasari’s Graduating Paper

The Head of State Islamic
Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Zunita Widyasari’s graduating paper entitled


MASTERY ( A Classroom Action Research in the First Year Students of

MA Al Bidayah Candi Bandungan in the Academic Year 2009/2010)”. I have

decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by educational

faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.


Ari Setiawan, S.Pd, MM

NIP. 19751004 200312 1 002
SALATIGA Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga
Website: E-mail:

(A Classroom Action Research in the First Year Students of MA
Al Bidayah Candi Bandungan in the Academic Year 2009/2010)

NIM. 113 06 106
Has been brought to the board of examiners in August, 31 st 2010 M /
Ramadan, 21st 1431 H , and hereby considered to completely fullfillment of
the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S. Pd. I) in The
English and Educational Faculty.

August, 31stP 2010 M

Ramadan, 21st 1431 H

Board of examiners
Head Secretary

Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag Dr. Rahmad Hariyadi, M.Pd

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1st examiner 2nd examiner

Hammam, M. Pd Dr. Zakiyudin, M. Ag

NIP. 19730610 2000003 1 001 NIP. 19720521 200501 1 003


Ari Setiawan, MM
NIP. 19751004 200312 1 002

Trust with our selves


This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedicated to:

‫ط‬ My beloved mother, Siti Solekhah and my beloved father, Nahrowi,

thanks all support, trust, finance, and encouragement.

‫ط‬ My old sisters, Zunatun Huda and my old brother in law M. Nazam,

thanks for your kindness, togetherness.

‫ط‬ My old brother Saiful Hadi and his wife

‫ط‬ My nephew, Salman and Salsa

‫ط‬ My special someone, Muhammad Ulin N thanks for your support in

finishing this thesis

‫ط‬ My best friends, Nadzir, Ila, Dayah, Mimi, Yunita

‫ط‬ My friends in TBI' 06 especially TBI D’06


In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, the lord of

universe, because of Him, the writer could finish this thesis as one of the

requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Islam in English Department of Educational

faculty of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in 2010.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet

Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

However, this success would not be achieved without those supports,

guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individual and institution, and I

realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, the Head of State Islamic Studies Institute

(STAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M. Pd as a chief of Education Faculty.

3. Maslihatul Umami, M.A, as a chief of English Department.

4. Ari Setiawan, MM, as a consultant who has educated, supported, directed

and given the writer advice, suggestion, and a recommendation for this thesis

from beginning until the end.

5. Ruwandi, MA, as a academic counselor who has given the writer suggestion

6. All of the lecturers in English department

7. All of the staff who have helped the writer in processing of thesis


8. My beloved father and mother, thanks all support, trust, finance,


9. All of my friends who have help me to finish this thesis

Finally this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and

information to the readers. And the writer is pleased to accept more suggestion

and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the thesis.

Salatiga, 03 Augusts 2010


Zunita Widyasari (2010). “The Use of Crossword to Improve Vocabulary

Mastery of the First Year Students of MA Al Bidayah Candi Bandungan in the
Academic Year of 2009/ 2010
The Aim of this research is to find out whether interactive method by
applying crossword puzzle can improve vocabulary mastery of the first year
students in MA Al Bidayah Candi Bandungan.
To find out whether interactive method by applying crossword puzzle can
improve students’ vocabulary, the writer gives the students pre test before
treatment and post test after treatment.
The finding shows that the t-test calculation from the result of pre-test
and post-test in cycle I is 5, 97 and in cycle II is 6, 33. Both of them is greater
than t-table with n =26 is 2, 06. It means that the use of crossword puzzle can
improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

Keyword: Crossword Puzzle, Vocabulary Mastery


TITLE ...................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION ...................................................................................... ii

ATTENTIVE CONSELOR NOTES ......................................................... iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ...................................................... iv

MOTTO ................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ......................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGENMENT...................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................ x


1. The Background of the Study .................................. 1

2. Limitation of the Problem........................................ 3

3. The Purpose of the Study......................................... 4

4. The Benefits of the Study ........................................ 4

5. The Definition of Key Term .................................... 5

6. Thesis Outlines ........................................................ 6


1. Crossword Puzzle .................................................... 9

2. Vocabulary in Learning English .............................. 12

3. Achievement as a Result of Teaching Learning Process18

4. The Students' Motivation ......................................... 19

5. The Use of Crossword Puzzle in Learning Vocabulary23


1) The Setting of Research.....................................................25

2) The Subject of Study..........................................................23

3) Research Method.................................................................28

4) Research Procedure............................................................29

5) Model of Research..............................................................31

6) The Technique of Collecting Data...................................32

7) The Technique of Data Analysis......................................33

8) Pre Research.........................................................................34


a. Cycle I...................................................................................36

b. Cycle II..................................................................................46

c. Analysis Between Cycle I and Cycle II.........................54


d. Conclusion...........................................................................57

e. Suggestion...........................................................................58




A. The Background of the Study

English is becoming more and more important in Indonesia as it is

use for different purposes, such as teaching, cultural and among others. In

Indonesia, English is as a one of foreign language which is taught in

elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. For many

years ago the material of English is emphasized in the structure of

language, the students are hoped be able to recall the pattern of tenses. It

is too hard for the students, it makes the students are lazy to learn

English. Beside that the students are unable to speak English, it is caused

the students are less vocabulary.

Vocabulary is one of aspects in English. It is very important for

studying English. Learner who just learns grammar without vocabulary

will be difficult to convey what he or she wants to say. However, learner

who just learn vocabulary or just read text or open dictionary will be able

to say something (Harmer, 2001; 13). Vocabulary is needed to improve

the four English skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This

means that the vocabulary plays an important role for the study in their

field of study. The students, who are less in vocabulary, will be difficult in

understanding the text, unable to speak English, and difficult to write

their own idea. In addition, students with a small vocabulary also read

slowly because they do not

understand many of words or have to stop and look them up in dictionary

(Edwards, 2006; 177).

In my view, some of students in senior high school still have less

vocabulary. Sometimes they don’t understand what the teacher says.

Moreover, the students are still difficult to communicate using English. It

can make the students lazy to learn English. The students don’t give

attention when the teacher is explaining the material in the class.

Furthermore, they just keep silent if the teacher asked them in English.

So, most of students just acquire a few vocabularies. The researcher needs

to implement a method that can make students interested in learning.

Most of this situation is found in MA Al Bidayah too. Most of students

did not understand what the teacher said in English and they are difficult

to remember news vocabularies that they have learned.

In improving the student’s achievement in teaching learning

process, the teachers have an important role. Teachers are in constant

search of essential activities that allow students to improve their learning

abilities of foreign language. The teachers must know the condition of the

students. In the other hand, method has an important role in teaching

learning process. Method which is used by the teacher can make students

enjoy in learning. The teacher must use the appropriate method in

teaching learning process that can make students is easy to acquire the

new vocabulary. Game is one of method that can make students feel
enjoy in learning. The students can do both of learning new vocabulary

and play game. In addition, games are helpful because they

can make students feel that certain words are important and necessary

(Allen; 1983:54). Without those words, the students can not finish the


There are many games which can be used in teaching learning

process. One kind of game is crossword puzzle. By crossword puzzle, the

students can get new vocabularies and improve their vocabulary.

According to Edward (2006; 74), there are some of activities that will

help build vocabulary that are using words in conversation and doing

crossword puzzle. Therefore, the researcher suggests crossword puzzle in

teaching vocabulary. Crossword puzzle can train the student’s brain to

recall the new words. Moreover the students will learn English by sharing

with their friends to finish the crossword puzzle.

All of above explanation create inspiration to the writer to make

an action research, because the writer wants to know how far crossword

puzzle can improve students’ vocabulary mastery and does meet the

students in MA Al Bidayah? So the writer makes an action research with

the title The Use of Crossword Puzzle to Improve Vocabulary Mastery (A

classroom Action Research of The First Year Students in MA Al Bidayah

Candi Bandungan in the Academic Year 2009/2010).

B. Limitation of the Problem

In order to avoid any misinterpretation of the problem, the writer

would like to limit the scope of the study. The writer wants to know
whether crossword puzzle can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

The material
is limited to that is taught at first grade of senior high school in the

second semester.

C. The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this research is:

1. To find out whether crossword puzzle can improve the vocabulary

mastery of the first year students in MA Al BIDAYAH in the

academic year 2009/2010.

2. To find out whether crossword puzzle does meet with the first year

students in MA Al BIDAYAH in the academic year 2009/2010.

D. The Benefit of the Study

1. Theoretically, the benefit of this research is can be a reference for

other writers in their paper.

2. Methodologically, the benefit of this research can give inspiration to

the teacher in order to can use the method which is appropriate in

teaching learning process.

3. Practically, the benefits of this research are, firstly the finding of the

research can be used by the teacher in selecting the technique to

improve the student’s vocabulary in teaching learning process.

Secondly, the finding of this research can improve knowledge and to

be an experience for the writer, so the writer will be better in the

next teaching. Thirdly, the finding of this research can help the
students to improve the student’s vocabulary. Moreover, it can be as

a reference for the other researcher,

because this result just in MA Al Bidayah in the academic year


E. Definition of Key Term

The writer wants to clarify and explain the terms of the title to

make understandable meaning, they are following:

1. Crossword Puzzle

Crossword is puzzle in which words have to be written (from

numbered clues) vertically and horizontally (up and down) in scales

on a chequered squared or oblong (Hornby; 1963: 233). Puzzle is

problem design to test a person’s knowledge (Hornby; 1963: 652).

Crossword Puzzle is problem design to test a person’s knowledge in

which words have to be written vertically and horizontally in spaces

on a squared.

2. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary is list of words used in a book with definition or

translation (Hornby; 1963: 1120). Mastery is great skill or knowledge

(Handy learner’s dictionary of American English, 2000:

252).Vocabulary mastery is the knowledge in understanding the words

F. Thesis Outline

This thesis will consist of five chapters. Each chapter will be

discussed as follow:
Chapter I tell about introduction, and the writer will explain the

relationship related to the thesis. It is the background of the study,

of the problem, the purpose of the study, the benefit of the study,

definition of key term, and thesis outline.

Chapter II tells of the theoretical review. In this chapter, the writer

will explain about crossword puzzle, vocabulary in teaching learning

process, and achievement as a result of teaching learning process,

students’ motivation, and crossword puzzle game in teaching vocabulary.

Chapter III explain about research methodology. In this chapter,

the writer would like to explain the setting of research, the subject of

study, research method, research procedure, the model of research, the

technique of collecting data, the technique of data analysis, and pre


Chapter IV is talking about teaching implementation and data

analysis. In this chapter, the writer would like to explain about data

analysis the result of research in cycle I and cycle II, then make analysis

between cycle I and cycle II

Chapter V consists of the writer will explain about the conclusion

and suggestion of this research.




A. Crossword Puzzle

In Oxford Learner’s dictionary (2003;103), crossword is puzzle in

which words have to be guessed from clues and written in spaces in a

grid. A crossword is a word puzzle that normally takes the form of a

square or rectangular grid of white and shaded squares

( Puzzle is game that you have to think about

carefully in order to answer it or do it (Oxford Learner dictionary;

2003:349). Puzzle is game or toy to exercise the mind (Longman Handy

Learners’ Dictionary of American English: 2000:336)

From some definitions above, the writer can conclude some

definition of crossword puzzle:

1. Crossword puzzle is a game that you have to think about carefully

which is consist of words that written in space in a grid.

2. Crossword puzzle is a game to exercise the mind which is consist of

words that written in space in a grid.

3. Crossword puzzle is a game that you have think about carefully which

is normally takes the form of a square or rectangular grid of white and

shade square.

4. Crossword puzzle is a game to exercise the mind which is normally

takes form of square or rectangular grid of white and shade square.

In Longman Handy Learners’ Dictionary of American English

(2000: 99), crossword puzzle is printed game in which words are fitted

into numbered square. Crossword puzzle is a game which is consists of

words in the grid that has to think carefully to guess from the clue and

can be exercise the mind.

1. Crossword Puzzle as a Game

In the definition above shows that crossword puzzle is a game.

In our daily live, It can be an exercise our mind which is done in our

free time as a filler. In teaching learning process, it can be a game

which helps the students in improving vocabulary.

Furthermore, the statement below will show that crossword

puzzle is one kind of games. There is the type of games that usually

called fillers. These are not mainly games, but they are activities,

which can be turned into games by incorporating the competitive

element to them (, they consist of:

a. Quizzes are not games as their name indicates; however, games

can become quizzes. One of the purposes of games is for the

teacher to evaluate students' knowledge. They are generally used

in an end-of-lesson activity to check student’s retention.

b. Riddles, whose main goal is to develop students’ listening or

reading comprehension. It can improve students’ vocabulary too

(Lee; 1963:124). For Example, the teacher said, “What do we use

to cut our meet? “Write down your answer on your paper”. (the

answer is knife)
c. Crossword puzzles, which are mainly focused on vocabulary and

spelling practice. Crossword puzzle can improve the students’

vocabulary by filling the words in the clues and reading the clues

of crossword puzzle. Sometimes, the teacher gives the clues of

crossword puzzle orally, so the students listen and write down the

clues. It can train the students’ spelling and listening.

2. The Kind of Crossword Puzzle

In teaching vocabulary by using crossword puzzle, there is some

kinds of crossword puzzle which can be done the students, they are:


a. Oral crossword.

The oral crossword is the crossword which is the clue is

given orally by the teacher, and the students just get the blank

crossword. Only give the students the puzzle with no clues what so

ever. Give the clues orally. In a foreign language class, this can be

an excellent listening activity. Tell students to fill in what they can

and then repeat the clues once more at the end.

b. Picture crossword

Picture crossword is the crossword which is the clue consist

of picture. Only give the students the puzzle with no clues. For

each clue, hold up a picture. This works especially well with a unit

that involves a lot of new vocabulary.

c. Object crossword

The object crossword is the crossword in which the clue is

written on the object. Only give students the blank puzzle with no

clues. Place the items around the room, each labeled with their

clue number. Have students rotated around the room to different

stations; allow them to pick up the objects as they complete the

puzzle. This tactile version of the puzzle is great for those students

who are hands-on learners. This type of puzzle works well for

units with a lot of vocabulary.

3. The Procedure of Presenting Crossword Puzzle

In presenting crossword puzzle, the teacher can do the various

ways. The procedure of presenting crossword puzzle must make the

students are interested to do the crossword puzzle. The various

procedures are possible (Lee; 1963:135):

a. The teacher gives the same crossword for each student. They solve

individually with the help of written clues.

b. The teacher divides the class into groups. Then the teacher gives a

different crossword for each group. Everyone in the group helps to

solve it. However, if there is a more active member in one group,

they tend to do all the work. In otherwise, if there is a more

passive member in one group, they will difficult to do all the work.
c. Teacher gives crossword puzzle for all of students. They do the

crossword individually. Then the teacher divides the class into

and then they work in groups. The students can share their answer

to finish their crossword in their group.

d. The teacher write crossword on the board, but no written clues.

The teacher gives clues orally and solves the crossword step by

step with the class. The class is divided into groups and each group

come to the board and writes the words in one by one.

Furthermore, the teacher can be creative in presenting crossword

puzzle. For example, the teacher divides the class into groups. Then

the teacher gives the same crossword for each group. The group who

finished in the first time and all of the answer is right will be given a

point. It can be more interesting, if there is a prize for the winner.

In addition, crossword puzzle consists of a crossword and clues.

The clues are the guidance for solving crosswords puzzle. There are three

kinds of clue:

a. Picture

The clue is consisting of picture which shows something, so

the learner can guess the word. For example:

What is this animal? (The answer is rabbit)

b. Definition

This clue is by giving the meaning of word in crossword

puzzle. For example: Be no longer valid (The answer is expire)
c. Sentences completion

This clue is consisting of sentence in which the answer is

by fill the missing word. For example: My father’s brother is my

…. (The answer is uncle)

B. Vocabulary in Learning English

In Oxford Learner’s Pocket dictionary, vocabulary is list of words

with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign language.

Vocabulary is a powerful carrier of meaning (Harmer; 2002: 45).

Vocabulary is one of the most obvious components of language and one

of first things applied linguists turned their attention (Harmer; 2001: 4).

Vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to typical

language learner (Fauziati; 2005: 155).

In the writer’s opinion, vocabulary is one aspect of language in

which is important in learning language because vocabularies carry

meaning which is used in communication. All of the statements about

vocabulary show that vocabulary is important in learning vocabulary.

Moreover, vocabulary has an important role in teaching learning

process. According to Scrivener (1994: 75) in classroom there are five

role of vocabulary, they are:

1. Vocabulary is very important and needs to be dealt with systematically

in its own right.

2. We need to distinguish between vocabulary for productive use and for

receptive recognition.

3. The learner will be difficult to finish the work, if they have first met

some new vocabulary.

4. We need to deal not only with single word lexical items. But also with

longer, multi word items.

5. Training in the use of English-English dictionaries provides learners with a

vital tool for self- study

It shows that how important vocabulary for the students in

teaching learning process. If the students just have a little vocabulary the

will be unable understand the question, the text of English. In addition, if

the learners have a small vocabulary, they cannot have very much

information or knowledge. Moreover, without the words the learner

cannot really understand fact or ideas. With the new ideas that the

learners have meet, they will get new words.

1. The Source of Vocabulary

From the statement above, we know that vocabulary is

important in teaching learning process, therefore we must improve our

vocabulary. To improve vocabulary, we must know, where the source

of vocabulary comes from is. So the students will be easier to learn

English. According to Harmer (2001: 56), there are some source to

learn vocabulary in teaching learning process, they are:

a. Words list

Word list is on economical way of organizing vocabulary

for learning and it doesn’t matter a great deal if they are put

together in a random way. The students can learn vocabulary

wherever they are, because it is easy to bring.

b. Vocabulary book

It is also integrated into skills work, typically in the form of

a pre-task or post-task vocabulary focus. There is many vocabulary

and task in vocabulary book which can be an exercise for the


c. The teacher

The teacher is a potential fruitful source of vocabulary input

not only in terms of in accidental learning, but also as a means of

introducing vocabulary thought teacher talk.

d. Learner

Each learner can contribute to the shared class lexicon

though activities as brainstorming. Learner can improve their

vocabulary from other learner by discussion and sharing with their


e. Short text
Short text for vocabulary building purposes whether spoken

or written have enormous advantages over learning words from


From the statement above, we know that the teacher and

learner have the great influence in improving the students’

vocabulary. Teacher
must help the students to improve the students’ vocabulary, especially

in teaching learning process. Teacher must make students feel enjoy in

learning vocabulary. So they will be easier in remembering new

vocabulary that they have gotten. With much vocabulary they will

easier in communication with other and understanding what they have

read. Therefore the students with poor vocabulary need to build their


2. Improving Vocabulary

After we have known the source of vocabulary, we must improve

our vocabulary. There is an efficient way to improve vocabulary

(Edwards; 2006: 71), they are:

a. Be aware of words

Many people with poor vocabularies do not pay attention to

the words around them. The first step to better vocabulary is start

paying attention the word.

b. Reading

Reading can help to find new and interesting words. Read

new magazines, books and newspapers. Identify the words that

you don’t know and write them down.

c. Use dictionaries

Use the dictionary dictionaries to look up the meaning of

the words that you find while reading for pleasure and for school.
The dictionary is filled with information about words and the use

of words
(Mullen; 1963; 29). It can be a basic reference tool when the

learner using words in doing the task.

d. Use index cards to study

Learner should write the new word on an index card. Then

write the definition and a sentence using the word on the back of

the card. Carry these card wherever the learner go.

e. Review vocabulary words regularly

Keep the index cards, and study them although just a few

spare minutes. The words that have written in index card must be

bring in every where. So the learner can read the words although

just a few minutes.

f. Try vocabulary–building books

Some students have great success with vocabulary-building

books or website. These can be an excellent help if the learner

enjoy doing the exercise

g. Use the words

Two other activities that will help build the learner

vocabulary are using the words in conversation and doing

crossword puzzles. The use of words in daily conversation can

help the students in using the words spontaneously in speaking

ability. In addition, the students can practice their vocabulary by

doing crossword puzzle. It can make students to remember the

vocabulary that they have had.

3. The Kind of Vocabulary

The learner’s vocabulary is divided into two main areas, active

and passive (Nasr; 1972: 75). Sometimes they called productive and

receptive vocabulary. An important consideration for teacher planning

vocabulary work is the distinction between productive and receptive

vocabulary (Scrivener; 1994: 74). The clear differences between

productive and receptive vocabulary will be seen the function of the

using vocabulary. The productive vocabulary is used for oral skill, and

receptive vocabulary is used just for comprehending.

In addition, understanding the differences between active and

passive vocabulary is important for the learner, because adding a word

to active vocabulary is ordinarily more difficult than merely learning

to recognize (Mullen; 1963: 4). Learner must choose a word that

appropriate in the situation when they speak in English. Therefore, it

is useful to know the differences between them.

f. Receptive Vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary is the set of words that we recognize

and understand, but tend not to use ourselves (Scrivener; 1994:

75). Receptive vocabulary sometimes called passive vocabulary, it

is a word that a person understands when he hears or reads them

but does not use in his own speech (Nasr; 1972: 75). In addition

receptive vocabulary is the words those they will need merely to

comprehend, especially in their reading (Harris; 1969: 48).

Receptive vocabulary is
the word which is used in reading and writing skill.

Learner’s receptive vocabulary is useful in understanding

what the learner have heard and what they have read. If the learner

has much receptive vocabulary, they understand what the text

talking about.

g. Productive Vocabulary

Productive vocabulary is the words that the students should

be in using in their speech and writing (Harris; 1969: 48).

Sometimes, productive vocabulary called active vocabulary

(Nasr;1972: 75) Active vocabulary consist of those words which

the learner use frequently and naturally in learner’s writing and

speaking (Mullen; 1963:113). Productive vocabulary is the words

which are used in speaking and writing skill.

An active vocabulary is more difficult to be learned than a

passive vocabulary. The learner must be able to choose the word

which is appropriate with the situation. Therefore, the learner must

be an extra effort to learn an active or productive vocabulary.

C. Achievement as a Result of Teaching Learning Process

Achievement is the result of reaching something by effort.

Achievement is a concrete result of an action done by an individual

(Handayani; 2005: 11). Achievement is a personal accomplishment,

attainment of goal go by the individual or the society in educational

The achievement of every student is different between one and

another. Achievement is the result of teaching learning process. Learner is

said successful in teaching learning process, if he or she gets good

achievement. Achievement of the students in teaching learning process is

influence of some factors. Teaching is consciously effort of teachers to

make students learn and reach the achievement. There are two factors that

influence English Achievement. The factors of achievement according to

the theory of psychology are:

1. The internal factor

The internal factors consist of physical and psychological

moods, physical modes cover, health, fatigue, and sensory factors, and

psychological moods consist of observation, reaction, fantasy,

associative intelligence, emotion, motivation, desire, attention and


2. The External factor

The external factors consist of physical and social factor.

Physical factors cover study space, study tools, lighting, ventilation,

weather, nutrition, desk, chair, noisy, and tranquillest, and social

factors consist of parents sitting, playmates, study mates, teacher,

principal and staff.

D. The Students’ Motivation

Motivation is same kind of internal drive which pushes someone

to do things in order to achieve something (Harmer; 1980: 105).

Motivation is probably the most often used catch all item for explaining

the success or
failure of virtually any complex task (Brown; 1980: 22). Motivation is

commonly thought of an inner drive, impulse, emotion, or desire that

moves one to a particular action. Motivation is a critical component of

learning. Motivation is important in getting students to engage in

academic activities ( Motivation is

one of internal factor that can make students to do something seriously in

order to they can achieve what they want.

The students’ achievement in vocabulary is influence by student’s

motivation. Students who complain that they cannot remember what they

read sometimes are not motivated (Edwards; 2007: 92). Therefore they

have less vocabulary and they are lazy to learn English.

Furthermore, the teacher’s motivation has an influence too for the

successful in teaching learning process. The teacher must be motivated in

teaching the students. It is better that teacher can improving the students’

motivation in learning process. The teacher must make the students are

interested in learning process. So the students will feel enjoy in learning


The teacher and students have an influence in teaching learning

process. If they were highly motivated, so they really wanted to learn and

they had powerful reasons for doing so, the desire to learn can come from

many causes. Perhaps the students love the subject or are simply

interested to see what it is like. On the other hand, they may have a

practical reason for their study.

In second language learning to claim that a learner will be

successful with the proper motivation. Such claims are of course not

erroneous, for counlyless studies and experiments in human learning have

shown that motivation is a key to learning

The motivation that brings students to the task of learning English

can be effected and influenced by the attitude of a number of people.

Some sources of motivation of the students are:

1. The society where the students live in

Outside any classroom there are attitudes to language learning

and the English language in particular.

2. Significant others

Apart from the culture of the world around students, their

attitude to language learning will be greatly affected by the influence

of people who are close to them.

3. The teacher

A major factor in the continuance of as student’s motivation is

the teacher.

4. The method

Method is vital that both in the teacher and students have some

confidence in the way teaching and learning take place.

The students who are motivated will easier to learn than the

students who are not motivated. Therefore learner must improve their
motivation to get the better result in learning. There are ways to enhance

intrinsic motivation in
the classroom:

1. Arouse interest

It is important to convince students of the importance and

interest level of the material that is about to be presented, to show that

the knowledge to be gained will be useful.

2. Maintaining curiosity

A skilful teacher will use a variety of means to further arouse

or maintain curiosity in the course of the lesson. The use of

demonstrations helps to make students want to understand.

3. Use a variety of interesting presentation modes

The motivation to learn is enhanced by the use of interesting

materials, as well as by a variety in the way that material is presented.

For example a teacher can use films, guest speakers, demonstrations

and so on, in order to maintain interest in a subject. However, all of

these different materials need to be carefully planned and should all

focus on the course objectives and complement each other.

4. Help students set their own goals

People will work harder for goals that they have set for

themselves, than if they were set by others.

5. Express clear expectations

Students need to know exactly what they are supposed to do,

how they will be evaluated, and what the consequences of success

will be. Failure often stems from confusion about what was asked of

6. Provide clear feedback

Feedback can serve as an incentive. It can be an adequate

reward in some cases. Feedback must be clear and specific and given

close in time to the performance. It should be informative and

motivational and help by giving them suggestions for future success.

7. Increase the value and availability of extrinsic motivators

Students must value incentives that are used to motivate them.

For example, some students may not be all that interested in receiving

teacher praise and grades, but might value notes sent home to parents,

more recess time or special privileges.

E. The Use of Crossword Puzzle in Teaching Vocabulary

The crossword puzzle is still the most popular word game. It lies

in the ease with which it can be constructed. The words are run together

horizontally and vertically

Wharton (1995: 48) stated that crossword puzzle for use in the

language classroom is really quite easy to create. First, make a list of

words with which your students should be familiar. Then, search for a

letter common to two words and you are off.

The puzzle forms may be used in several ways:

1. The students find animals, colors, or plants in the puzzle.

2. The students find certain parts of speech: verb, noun, preposition, etc.
3. Other categories may include the names of the days, the week,

months, school subjects

4. The student finds proper nouns: cities, states, countries, famous

people, etc.

5. The student finds certain kinds of activities: trades, professions, sport,

hobbies, etc.

This game can be done in individual, in pair, or in groups. The teacher

gives a copy of the “crossword puzzle” and explains the rules, such as

students have to complete it as quickly as possible. For the individual

game, the student who can complete it first is the winner and gets the

good point from the teacher. In pair work or group, the winner is the pair

or group who can complete it first. All of the winners will have prizes

from the teacher. It makes this game to be more attractive.

The use of crossword puzzle game in teaching vocabulary is one

of the alternative techniques to help the students to construct and improve

their vocabulary mastery.

Moreover, crossword puzzle can be one of activities in practicing

vocabulary which can help the students to be more familiar with the

words, recognize the words, manipulate and remembering the words

(Scrivener; 1994: 83).



A. The Setting of Research

This classroom action research was done at MA Al Bidayah Candi

Bandungan. It is located at Jl. Hadiningrat No. 03 Candi Village,

Bandungan Subdistrict, Semarang Regency, 50651. This research has

been done from January until February. MA Al Bidayah has a building for

learning teaching process. It is an education center to support the

succesfull in teaching learning process. Moreover the situation of MA Al

Bidayah is below:

a. Building
Table 3.1 Building of MA Al Bidayah
No The kind of room Total Large

G. Classroom 6 315 m2
H. Laboratory 1 12 m2
I. Library 1 3 m2
J. Healthy room 1 15 m2
K. Headmaster room 1 15 m2
L. Teacher room 1 120 m2
M. Mosque 1 18 m2
N. Students restroom 5 12 m2
O. Teachers restroom 2 6 m2
P. OSIS room 1 6 m2
Q. Pramuka room 1 12 m2
R. TU room 1 4 m2
S. Cooperation shop 1 12 m2
Source: MA AL Bidayah Candi Bandungan:2010
b. Teacher’s Condition
Teacher is someone who transfer knowledge for the students.
They transfer some materials and skills during the learning teaching
process. They facilitate the students to get their talent. Therefore, the
teacher is important in teaching learning process. The situation of
teacher in MA Al Bidayah as follow:
Table 3.2 Teachers of MA Al Bidayah
No Name of teacher Position Kind of subject

6. Drs. Edi Winarto Headmaster Economy

7. Dra. Retno Sri Vice headmaster of Sociology,
Sayekti Curriculum Javanese, Faith
8. Anshory, S.Pd.I Vice headmaster of Arabic
Dra. Siti
9. Maesaroh Teacher Fiqh
10. Mustofa, S.Pd.I Vice Headmaster Communication,
of Public Relation Information and
Health Education
11. Dra. Budi Gendriyani Teacher Civic Education,
Culture Art
12. d Syaefudin, Vice Headmaster Geography,
S.Pd.I of Tool and Qur’an Hadis,
Overhead History of
Islamic Culture
13. Muhamad Akhsin, Teacher History,
S.Ag Ke-NU-an
14. Hening Titi Wijaya, Teacher Chemistry,
S.Pd Physic
15. Dra. Eni Nurmala Teacher Biology
16. Pujiati, S.Si Teacher Mathematic
17. Umi Prihwanti, S.Pd Teacher Indonesian
18. Mazulfah, S.Pd.I, Vice Headmaster English
M.Par of Students
Ir. M.
19. Fauzan Teacher Mathematic
20. Afriyah Teacher Skill
Source: MA AL Bidayah Candi Bandungan:2010
c. Student Background
The number of students in MA Al Bidayah is not more than

one hundred and thirty. In class X, XI IPS and XII IPS are

dominated by male students, however the number of students in

MA Al Bidayah is

nearly same between female and male students.

Furthermore, the numbers of students in MA Al Bidayah are:

Table 3.3 Students of MA Al Bidayah

No Grade Students Condition

Male Female Total

7. X 15 11 26
8. XI IPS 20 17 37
XI IPA 8 8 16
9. XII IPS 14 8 22
XII IPA 4 18 22
Total 61 62 123

Source: MA AL Bidayah Candi Bandungan:2010

B. The Subject of the Study

The subject of the study is the first year students of MA Al Bidayah

Candi Bandungan. It is only one class with the total number of students are 26

(11 female and 15 male). The student’s list details are below:

Table 3.4 The first year Students of MA Al Bidayah

No. Students’ number Name sex

1 1010 Afif Fusoim M

2 1011 Atina Muflichah F
3 1012 Agung Darmawan M
4 1013 Agung setiawan M
5 1014 Agus Arifin M

6 1015 Ahmad Subkhi M

7 1016 Ahmad Roikhan M
8 1017 Asrifah F
9 1018 Asmiyati F
10 1019 Erwin Ihwani M
11 1020 Febriana Arum Dari F
12 1021 Fitria Nur Anisa F
13 1022 Hani’ah Masruroh F
14 1023 Ikang Kholil M
15 1024 Khotimatul Afiyah F
16 1025 Lailatul Maftukhah F
17 1026 Mujayanti F
18 1027 Mujid Al Qorni M
19 1028 Nasyr Nuril Huda M
20 1029 Ngatiman M
21 1030 Nur Alimin M
22 1031 Reza Wahyu Fahlevi M
23 1032 Sa’dun Niam F
24 1033 Tarji’un M
25 1034 Yuni Sulistyo M
26 1035 Sulistya Wati F

Source: MA AL Bidayah Candi Bandungan:2010

C. Research Method

In this research, the writer applying classroom action research method.

Classroom action research begins with a question or questions about

classroom experiences, issues, or challenges. It is a reflective process which

helps teachers to explore and examine aspects of teaching and learning and to
take action to change and improve the students’ achievement in teaching

learning process.

Action research is the name given to a series of procedures in

which teachers can engage in either they wish to improve aspects of their

teaching or evaluate the success and appropiacy of certain activities and

procedures (Harmer; 2001:344). The researcher will do the research in

teaching learning process, so the researcher will know the situation in the

classroom action research is small-scare classroom research implemented

by teacher and directed at improving learning outcomes.

According to Ebbut, Action Research is about the systematic

study of attempts to improve educational practical actions and by means

of their own reflection upon the effects of that action (in Hopkin;


From the definition above, the writer conclude that classroom

action research is the research that be done by the in teaching learning

process to know the situation of students when they are ing learning


D. Research Procedure

This study applying classroom action research, according to Kemmis

(in Hopkins; 1985) Action Research along with the major steps of

planning, action, observation and reflection before revising the plan, they

6. Planning

The researcher needs to prepare instruments which is support

in teaching learning process, they are:

a. Preparing material, making lesson plan, and designing the steps in

doing action.

b. Preparing sheets for classroom observation

c. Preparing pre test and post test items

7. Action

Te researcher will implement the classroom Action Research

with the activities below:

a. giving pre test

b. teaching text (news item text)

c. doing crossword puzzle

d. giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties in doing

crossword puzzle

e. giving post test

8. Observation

Observation is one of the instruments in collecting data. As a

scientific method, observation can be systematically used to observe

and note the phenomena investigated like the students’ feeling,

thinking, and something they do in teaching learning process. So the

researcher will observe the students by analyzing the result of field

note which is made by the partner of researcher. Moreover the

researcher will analyze the result of pre test and post test to know

whether the students’ vocabulary improves or not.

9. Reflection

After the researcher has accomplished analyzing the

observation, the researcher will plan the next cycle. If the researcher

find problems in the first cycle, she will try to solve the problem in the

next cycle.

E. Model Of Research

The model which is used in implementation of this research as

below; Figure 3.1: Action Research Protocol

(Kemmis in Hopkins, 1985)

F. The Technique of Collecting

Data 1. Test
To get the data, the writer will precede the test that consist of pre
test and post test. The function of pre test is to know how far the

vocabulary mastery of the students before applying crossword puzzle.

And the function of post test is to know the increasing of vocabulary

mastery after applying crossword puzzle.

2. Documentation

The researcher needs documentation to know about the

situation school students. Documentation includes not only the official

organizational papers, reports, brochures but also the more work-a-

day, work plans, and materials.

3. Observation

Besides doing the test, the researcher will do class observation.

Observation is more than just looking and seeing. The task of

observation is to be able to represent a social scene in a way which is

recognizable to the actors involved, is considered valid and a true

representation of their action.

4. Field note

Field note refer to various note recorded by scientist during or

after their observation of a specific phenomenon they are studying.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the next step of study is analyzing the data.

There are two ways to analyze the data, they are:

1. Descriptive technique

A descriptive technique is used to know the students’ behavior

during the teaching learning process. In descriptive technique, the

researcher will analyze the observation sheet which has been made

by her partner

2. Statistical technique

A statistical technique is used to know is there any influence to

the student’s vocabulary or no from the result of pre test and post

test. This research is calculated by t-test analysis: a. SD (Deviation


The first step, the researcher will calculate SD, the formula is

‫ه‬ D2 ‫و‬ ‫ه‬ D 2ِ

= -ç ÷
Where, ç ÷
N è N ّّ

D = Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

N = Difference between pre test and post test
b. T-test = Number of observations in sample

After calculate the SD, the researcher will calculate t-test to

know is there any significant differences or no between pre test

and post test

‫ه و‬Dِ
ç ÷
to è N ّّ
‫ و‬SDD ِ
è N -1 ّ

to = T-test for the differences of pre test and post test

SD = Deviation standard for one sample t-test

D = Difference between pre test and post test

N = Number of observations in sample

H. Pre Research

1. Planning

The researcher will do pre research before implement the

research. In pre research, the researcher will observe the situation of

the students in teaching learning process. The researcher will observe

how the teacher organize the clues and the students’ behavior. The

researcher provides sheets for observation.

2. Class Observation

The researcher will observe the teaching learning process and

make field note. The teacher began the lesson with question to the

students that have a relation to the topic. There are a few students who

answer the teacher question, others just keep silent.

Teacher giving example the way to read News items text. And

asked to the students to read the text by heart and doing the question

about the text. Then the teacher asked to the students to identify the

generic structure of news item text in group. Then the teacher asked to
the students to submit the text, and teacher explained the aspect of

news items text.

3. Analysis

From the simple illustration above, the researcher know that

most of students just keep silence in the teaching learning process and

are not noisy. However the students look lazy and are not confidence

to say something in class.

4. Reflection

From the simple illustration above, the researcher knows the

students condition in teaching learning process. So she thinks that the

students need a new variation in learning English. Therefore the

researcher will solve the problem by implementing the crossword

puzzle in learning vocabulary.




In this research, the data consists of pre test, post-test and field note.

The data of pre test and post test will show the improvement of the students’

achievement in vocabulary. How far is the acquiring the vocabulary with

crossword puzzle. Field note will show the students’ behavior in teaching

learning process. How far is their motivation in teaching learning process?

The action of this research consists of cycle I and cycle II. The

researcher has done pre research which has been explained in Chapter III.

The purpose of doing pre research is to know how the method of the teacher

looks like in teaching learning process. So the researcher can plan what are

the steps of each cycle in this classroom action research. Moreover the

researcher will show the teaching implementation which has been done by

the researcher.

A. Cycle I

1. Planning

Before conducting the research, the researcher prepare the

instrument of research, they are:

a. Lesson plan
Lesson Plan as a guide for teacher’ activities in class, so

teaching learning process can be controlled

b. Materials (text with the title Air France Tail Section Recovered)

c. Crossword puzzle,

Crossword puzzle is used in teaching vocabulary. It is

consist of clues and a grid squares. The students will fill the

words in the grid square by guessing the clues.

1 2
3 4 5

7 8 9
10 11
12 13

17 15
1 1 1
6 7 8

19 21
23 24

25 26


3. Ship that can travel under water
4. I …. It difficult to understand him
8. Recently, there is an … that make building collapse and
many people dead.
10. My friend has had an …, he has broken an arm.
The people go by
12. 27. ….

13. Burning that producer light and heat

14. Look carefully fore somebody or something
16. Person who sees an event takes place and is able to describe it.
19. Great quantity of water
21. Shop living
23. Cause something to collide with something other
25. Find something for the first time
28. Search a place thoroughly

1. Investigation
2. Person who has been attacked injured or killed as the
result of crime, disease, accident, etc.
5. Discover the presence of something
6. What is the … like today?

7. 22.

8. Believe that something will happen

9. Get back something lost
11. Part of something that sticks out at the back
15. Fall down suddenly
17. Hurt, injure
18. They … to campus together.
20. Piece of metal, mood, etc. left after something has
been destroyed
21. Terrible accident
24. … it! You’re hurting me.
26. Happen

d. Sheet for classroom observation

The researcher provides the observation sheet for her partner to

take a note the process of teaching learning process by crossword


e. Test (pre test and post test)

Pre test is the test in which be given to the students before the
teaching learning process by crossword puzzle. Post test is the

test in which be given to the students after teaching learning

process by crossword puzzle.

The researcher will teach the students by using cross word

puzzle and she helped by her partner to observe the teaching learning


2. The Implementation of the Action

On Monday, the first of February 2010 the researcher entered

her English class. Then she in introduced the mode of presentation in

studying vocabulary by using crossword puzzle. Before the lesson,

she gave pre test for the class for about 30 minutes. After pretest, she

began to teach.

The teacher told to the student about the topic that day. The

topic is disaster, and then the teacher asked to the students about

disaster. However, most of students just keep silence. Suddenly there

is one student answer that disaster is bencana.

The teacher asked the students to open their book and she

asked the students what kind of that text. Most of students answered

that text is news items. Then, she asked to read and translate the text

one by one. There are no more five students who can understand the

text well. Others are difficult to understand the text. After all off

students have read the text, the teacher read and translates the text.
Most of students noted the difficult word in their book. Moreover, the

students are asked to answer the question that is related with the text.
The next lesson is learning vocabulary by using a simple

crossword puzzle. The teacher asked to the students whether the

students know crosswords puzzle. Then, the teacher explained to the

students that crossword puzzle is TTS (Teka Teki Silang) and how to

do that crosswords puzzle. The situation in class is being conducive

while the teacher distributing a copy of simple crossword puzzles to

each of them and do the crossword on the teacher's guidance.

Because the time is up, the teacher continued the meeting in

the following day, the fourth of February 2010 in which the teaching

and learning process runs as follows:

In the morning, the teacher entered the class. She asked to the

students whether the students still remember how to do crossword

puzzle. Most of students answer the teacher’s question that they are

still remembering. Then the teacher distributes the crossword puzzle

to each student and said to the students to do the crossword for about

fifteen minutes by their friend. They walked around the class. After

fifteen minutes the teacher said that the time is up and she would

divide the class into group. The teacher distributed the same

crossword puzzle. She wanted the students shared their answer of

crosswords that they have done. In order they solve the crossword in

the first time and all of he answer are right, so that group become the

winner and they get point. The teacher gave time to the students for
about thirty minutes to finish the crossword. When they were doing

the crossword, they were very noisy

because each student spoke up in their group to finish the crossword

in the first time. However there is two group which is just keep

silence and just two students in that group who try to finish that


After 30 minutes the teacher asked the students to submit their

crossword puzzle. Then the teacher gave post test to the students. The

post test is done for about 30 minutes. In the end of meeting the

teachers announced the winner of game in that day and ask what the

difficulty in doing crossword puzzle is.

3. Observation

In the first cycle, the researcher obtains the field note from her

partner. By monitoring the student’s activity in this action, the

teacher can see that the students still difficult to translate the text. It

shows that the students have less vocabulary. In addition, to know

there is a significant improvement of vocabulary, the researcher will

analyze by using t-test calculation from the result of pre test and post

test. Before analyzing t-test, the researcher will show the data

presentation of pre test and post test.

Table 4.1. Pre test and Post Test Score

Score of pre Score of post

No test No
1 5,6 1 5,3
2 4 2 7
3 4 3 6
4 3 4 5,6
5 5.6 5 5
6 3.3 6 5,3
7 3 7 5,6
8 3 8 6,6
Score of pre Score of post
No test No
9 4.6 9 7
10 5.6 10 3
11 6.3 11 7,6
12 5.6 12 5
13 3.3 13 6,3
14 3,6 14 7
15 5,6 15 5
16 5,6 16 6,6
17 3,6 17 6,3
18 3,6 18 5,3
19 3,6 19 5,6
20 4 20 7
21 3,3 21 6
22 5 22 5
23 3,3 23 5,6
24 5,6 24 7
25 3,6 25 5,3
26 5,3 26 5
112 155,4
Source: Author Data: 2010

From the data above, the researcher would like to calculate the

student's improvement from the result of pre test and post test. The

calculation is by using t-test, the process as follow:

a. Calculate to

value The steps


1) Prepare the table from the result of pre test and post test to get

SD and SD2

Table 4.2. The data for t-test calculating

No Pre Test Post Test Post-Pre (D) 2

1 5,6 5,3 -0,3 0,09
2 4 7 3 9
3 4 6 2 4
4 3 5,6 2,6 6,76
No Pre Test Post Test Post-Pre (D) D2
5 5,6 5 -0,6 0,36
6 3,3 5,3 2 4
7 3 5,6 2,6 6,76
8 3 6,6 3,6 12,96
9 4,6 7 2,4 5,76
10 5,6 5,3 -0,3 0,09
11 6,3 7,6 1,3 1,69
12 5,6 5 -0,6 0,36
13 3,3 6,3 3 9
14 3,6 7 3,4 11,56
15 5,6 5 -0,6 0,36
16 5,6 6,6 1 1
17 3,6 6,3 2,7 7,29
18 3,6 5,3 1,7 2,89
19 3 5,6 2,6 6,76
20 4 7 3 9
21 3,3 6 2,7 7,27
22 5 5 0 0
23 3,6 5,6 2 4
24 5,6 7 1,4 1,96
25 3,6 5,3 1,7 2,89
26 5,3 5 -0,3 0,09
S= 112,3 154,3 42 115,9

2) Calculate standard deviation of difference between pre test and post test.
SD ‫ه‬ D2 ‫ ه و‬D ÷2ِ
D = -ç ÷
N è N ّّ

9 ِ ,42 ‫و‬

= -ç ÷
26 è 26

= 4,46 -1,622

4,46 -
= 2,62
= 4
= 1,356
3) Calculate to
‫ هو‬D ِ
ç÷ N ّè

to ‫ و‬SD ِّ
ç ÷
è N -1
‫ و‬42

ç ÷
è 26 ّ
= 1,356 ‫و‬

ç ÷
ç ÷
è 25 ّّ
= 1,62
= 5,97
b. Giving interpretation to

1. Calculate of
df df = n -1

= 26 -1

= 25

2. Consult with t table value

With df = 25, the value of tt with level of signification 5%

is 2,06.

3. Comparing to with tt
to = 5,97, therefore to is greater than tt with level of

signification 5%
4. Conclusion

If to same or greater than tt, so null hypothesis (Ho) is

rejected. Ho is there is no significance difference between pre

test and post test mean. T-table with n = 25 is 2, 06. The result

is 5, 97

> 2, 06, so, t-test calculating is greater than t-table. So, Ho, is

rejected, therefore, there is a significant difference between pre

test and post test mean.

From the illustration above, the researcher can see that

the mean between pre test and post test has a significant

difference, where post test is greater than pre test. It shows that

crossword puzzle give certain influence in improving student’s

vocabulary, because the student’s achievement has been

increase after the students did the crosswords puzzle. It means

that crossword puzzle is appropriate with the situation and

condition of students in MA Al Bidayah in learning


4. Reflection

After analyzing the result of action in cycle I ,the teacher can

conclude that the students vocabulary is still poor. It show by most of

students get score not more than 6, further more the students still

difficult in understanding the text. Therefore in the next cycle, the

researcher will more motivate the students in order to get better score

in pre test and post tes

B. Cycle II

1. Planning.

Such as in the cycle I, the planning of researcher is by preparing :

2. Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan as a guide for teacher’ activities in class, so

teaching learning process can be controlled

3. Material(text with the title PERTAMINA Adds to Kerosene Supply)

4. Crossword Puzzle.

1 2

3 4

5 6

8 9 0

11 12


16 17 18


20 2
22 23 24 25

26 27


Cross :
1. Become smaller, fewer, weaker
5. Act of using food, resource, amount
6. The antonym of export
8. Process of getting coal, metal from the earth
9. Thing that is produced
13. Wrong use of something
14. Selling of a company’s product
15. Amount by which something, especially a sum of money is
too small
16. Petrol
22. Process of reducing something
26. Give something officially for a particular purpose
28. The teacher … the answer sheet to the students

Down :
2. Point or line that may not or can not be passed
3. An idea of the cost, size, value, of something without
calculating it exactly
4. Rise in amount
5. Measure a car’s fuel ….
7. Give a subsidy to somebody
10. Lock of something
11. Something that smoebody need
12. Supply of something available for use
16. Group of people who govern a country or state
17. The government asked PT Pertamina to ….
18. The earth’s … resources is coal, oil, etc.
19. Show something
20. My mother has filled up the … to the stove before she cooked
21. The advantage that the seller get from selling things
23. My mother … sugar to the coffee
24. This … will be built a new shop
25. My mother … me money to boy vegetable
27. Do you fry your food in butter or in …?

5. Sheet for classroom observation

The researcher provide the observation sheet for her partner to

take a note the process of teaching learning process by crossword


6. Test (pre test and post test)

Pre test is the test in which be given to the students before the

teaching learning process by crossword puzzle. Post test is the test in

which be given to the students after teaching learning process by

crossword puzzle.

7. Some difficult word in cycle I.

3. The Implementation of the action.

On Monday, the fifteenth of February 2010, the researcher

entered her English class. She reviewed some difficult words that

most of students didn’t understand the words. The she continued by

using pre test for the student. The teacher given time 45 minutes for

the student to finish the pre test. After the pre test, she began to teach.

The situation is follow:

The teacher distributes a text to the students and asked what

kind of that text. The students answer together that text is news

items. Then the teacher asked the students to read and translate that

text. Most of students are still difficult to understand the text. Most of

students read the text slowly. After all finished reading and

translating, the teacher read and translates the text to help students

understand the text. Then they are asked to answer the question

related to the text. The teacher continued the meeting in the next

meeting on Thursday, the eighteenth of February 2010 because the

time is up. The situation is following:

In the morning, the teacher entered the class and said that they

will do the crossword again that day. They are divided into group

directly, so they must work together to solve the crossword. In this

game, the teacher and the students do the crossword together. The

distributes a copy to each group. Then, the teacher read the clue and

tried to make students understand the clue. The teacher asked to all of

group to answer the crossword. The groups, who know the answer,

raise their hand and write the answer in the blackboard. The teacher

will observe and give a score to the group. The group that got the

greatest score is the winner. For about thirty minutes the students try

to solve the crossword with the teachers help. There is some group

who try to answer the first time. Then the teacher gives post test to

the student for about 45 minutes.

1. Observation

In the second cycle, such as in the first cycle, the researcher

get field note from the partner which has been written above. By

monitoring the student’s activity in the action, the teacher can see

that the students still difficult to understand the text, it show with

some of students still have difficulty in understanding the meaning of

some words that has been learned. Moreover the researcher will

analyze the student’s improvement of vocabulary from the result of

pre test and post test. Before analyzing the data, the researcher will

show the result of pre test and post test.

Table 4.3 Pre Test and Post Test Score

No Score of pre test No Score of post test

1 4,3 1 6,3
2 6 2 8,3
3 4,6 3 8,6
4 3,6 4 5,3
5 5,6 5 7,3
6 4,6 6 7,6
7 4,6 7 7,6
8 4,3 8 6
9 4,6 9 7
10 4,6 10 5,3
11 7,6 11 9,2
12 6 12 6
13 6,6 13 5,6
14 4 14 6,3
15 7 15 8,6
16 4 16 7,6
17 6,6 17 5,6
18 4,6 18 6,6
19 5,3 19 7,3
20 4,3 20 7,6
21 4,6 21 6
22 5,6 22 7,6
23 4,3 23 4,3
24 4,6 24 6,6
25 3,6 25 6,3
26 6,6 26 6,6
131,1 177,1
Source: Author Data: 2010
Furthermore, he researcher will calculate the result of pre test

and post test above to know the students’ improvement in learning

vocabulary, the calculating is as follow:

10. Calculate to value

The steps


9)Prepare the table from the result of pre test and post test to get
SD and SD2
Table 4.4. The data for t-test calculating

Subject Pre Test Post Test Post-Pre (D) D2

1 4,3 6,3 2 4
2 6 8,3 2,3 5,29
3 4,6 8,6 4 6
4 3,6 5,3 1,7 2,89
5 5,6 7,3 1,7 2,89
6 4,6 7,6 3 9
7 4,6 7,6 3 9
8 4,3 6 1,7 2,89
9 4,6 7 2,4 5,76
10 4,6 5,3 0,7 0,49
11 7,6 9,2 1,6 2,56
12 6 6 0 0
13 6,6 5,6 -1 1
14 4 6,3 2,3 5,29
15 7 8,6 1,6 2,56
16 4 7,6 3,6 12,96
17 6,6 5,6 -1,6 2,56
18 4,6 6,6 2 4
19 5,3 7,3 2 4
20 4,3 7,6 3,3 10,89
21 4,6 6 1,4 1,96
22 5,6 7,6 2 4
23 4,3 4,3 0 0
24 4,6 6,6 2 4
25 3,6 6,3 2,7 7,29
26 6,6 6,3 0 0
S= 132,1 176,8 44,1 121,37

Such as in the cycle I, the researcher will calculate t-test by

using the data above to know whether cross word puzzle still give

a significant difference between pre test and post test. Moreover,

the steps are following.

10) Calculate standard deviation of difference between pre
test and post test.

‫ه‬ D2
‫ هو‬D ِ

SD = -ç ÷
ç ÷
N è N ّّ
‫و‬ ِّ
121,37 44,1

= -ç ÷
26 è 26 ّّ

= 4,67 -

= 1,794
= 1,339
11) to
‫ هو‬D ِ

ç ÷
è N ّ
to ‫ و‬SD ِّ
ç ÷
è N -1 ّ
‫ و‬44,1

ç ÷
è 26
‫و‬1,339 ِّ
ç ÷
ç ÷
è 26 -1
= 1,696
1,339 ‫و‬
ç ÷
ç ÷
è 25 ّّ
= 1,696
‫و‬1,339 ِ
ç÷ 5 ّè
= 6,33
11. Giving interpretation to

1) Calculate of df
df = n -1

= 26 -1
= 25
2) Consult with t table value

With df = 25, the value of tt with level of signification

5% is 2,06.

3) Comparing to with tt

to = 6,33 therefore to is greater than tt with level of

signification 5%

4) Conclusion

If to same or greater than tt, so null hypothesis (Ho) is

rejected. Ho is there is no significance difference between pre

test and post test mean. t table with n = 25 is 2,06. The result

of to is 6,33 > 2,06. So to is greater than t-table. Therefore,

Ho is rejected, it means that there is a significant difference

between pre test and post test.

From the illustration above, the researcher can see that

the mean between pre test and post test has a significant

difference, where post test is greater than are test. It shows

that cross word puzzle give influence in improving student’s

vocabulary, because the student’s achievement has been

increase after the students did the crosswords puzzle.

2. Reflection

By analyzing the result of action 2, then teacher conclude that

the students can improve their vocabulary, since they can answer the

question better in post test than in pre test. It indicates that they know

the meaning of words well, although they are still difficult to

understand the text.

4. Analysis between cycle I and cycle II

From the result of analyzing in cycle I and cycle II, the researcher

will analyze the student’s improvement from cycle I to cycle II. The

improvements as follow:

a. The mean of pre test in cycle I is 4, 31 and increase 16 % to be 5, 81

in post test.

b. The mean of pre test in cycle I is 5, 04 and increase 18 % to be 6, 81

in post test.

c. The students’ improvement from cycle I to cycle II can be seen on

table 4.5 and 4.6.

Table 4.5. The Student’s improvement in cycle I

No Student’s improvement Total Percentage

d. Increase 20 77%
e. Decrease 5 4%

f. No change 1 19%
Table 4.6. The Student’s improvement in cycle II
No Student’s improvement Total Percentage
T. Increase 21 81%

U. Decrease 2 8%
V. No change 3 11%

From explanation above shows that by using crossword

puzzle most of students improve their vocabulary. Moreover the

result of t-test in cycle I and cycle II shows that there is a

significance influence between pre test and post test mean. And the

result of post test in cycle II and in Cycle I are greater then pre test.

It shows that the student’s achievement in vocabulary has improved.

By mastering the vocabulary, the students will be easier to

communicate with their friend and their teacher in learning process.

Because vocabulary is the source to understanding what the people

said, therefore vocabulary is important in learning process.

In this case, the student’s improvement is influenced by some

factors. The first is the use if media crossword puzzles that can make

students feel there is a variation in learning process. So, they are not

bored in learning English. The second factor is the method used in

presenting crossword puzzle. This is showed with the method that be

used with the difference method in presenting crossword in cycle I

and in cycle II. The students are easier in solving the crossword in

cycle II than in cycle I. In this research the researcher uses game

method in presenting crossword puzzle. However, she used the

different procedure in cycle I

and cycle II. Therefore, the teacher must be creative in choosing the

method that appropriate with the students. The third factor is the

students themselves. Although the teacher has been creative and

applying the good media in teaching learning process, if the students

don’t have a motivation they will not get a satisfy achievement in

their study. It is showed by some of students who are still passive

when they are doing the crossword puzzle, so they get the

achievement are not maximal.



A. Conclusion

The finding of the research on MA Al Bidayah Candi Bandungan

shows that:

The teaching learning process by using crossword puzzle gives the

positive effect in improving the student’s vocabulary and the student’s

motivation in learning vocabulary. This is shown by the students’

enthusiasm in doing crossword puzzle and most of the students more

understand what the teacher said in cycle II than in cycle I. Moreover, the

student’s achievement of vocabulary has improved by using crossword

puzzle in teaching learning process. When we compare between pre test

and post test, we will know that the students’ score in post test is greater

than pre test. Furthermore the result of t-test calculation in cycle I is 5, 97

and in cycle II is 6, 33. T-table with n =

26 is 2, 06. If t-table is same or greater than t-test calculation, so the null

hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Ho is rejected, therefore there is significance

difference between pre test and post test mean.

It indicates that by applying crossword puzzle, the students’

vocabulary has improved. It means that Crossword puzzle provide

significant contribution in improving the students’ vocabulary. Finally,

from some statements above the researcher conclude that crossword

puzzle is appropriate
for the first year students of MA Al Bidayah to improve vocabulary

mastery vocabulary.

B. Suggestion

From the result of research in the first year students of MA Al

Bidayah Candi Bandungan, in order to build the English teaching

learning process more effective and more optimal for the students, the

researcher would like to suggest:

1. In applying crossword puzzle, the researcher needs to a better

preparation before. Moreover, the teacher should be able to determine

and choose the topic which can be implemented in crossword puzzle.

2. The researcher should apply the appropriate method in teaching

learning process. The most important in choosing the method is

should make students get new experience, new concept, and better

skill. So, they can solve their problem in teaching learning process.

3. This research need a further research to get a better result and

improvement in implementation to the following research in other

school, due to this research is in the first year students of MA Al

Bidayah in academic year 2009/2010 in the second semester.


In the morning of Friday, there is a baby was born in

the Purwogondo village, Boja sub district, Kendal
regency. It is in the June 3rd 1988. In that day, I lived
in the earth for the first time. I was born by my
beloved mother, Siti Solekhah which s her husband’s
name is Nahrowi.
Zunita Widyasari is a beautiful name that have been given for me. In 1994, I
graduated from the Pertiwi Simbang Kindergarden. It is located near my
grandmother’s home and in 2000, I graduated from Kaligading Elementary
school. It is located near my home. In 2003 I graduated from Limbangan
Junior High School and in 2006, I graduated from Boja Senior High school.
Both of them are so far from my home. I must go to school by rural
transportation. It is about 3 or 4 kilometers from my home. Furthermore, I
decided to continue my study in the State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN)
Salatiga. I choose English department of education faculty. Since I have
studied in STAIN, I followed one of intra organization. That is university
student’s cooperation (KOPMA FATAWA). I got many experience from
there. I have learnt how to be an entrepreneurship. Moreover, I hope that I
will be a better people from many experiences that I have gotten since am a
student in STAIN Salatiga.

Nama Sekolah : MA Al Bidayah Candi Bandungan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester : X/ II
Standar Kompetensi :Membaca
Memahami text fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana
berbentuk Descriptive, News Item, dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses pengetahuan
Kompetensi Dasar : Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam news item text
Indikator : 1. Mengidentifikasi Isi teks yang dibaca
2. Mengidentifikasi kata-kata dari teks yang dibaca
3. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dari teks yang dibaca
Jenis Text : News Items
Aspek/Skill : Membaca
Alokai Waktu : 4 x 45 menit
A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat :
1. Mengidentifikasi Isi teks yang dibaca
2. Mengidentifikasi kata-kata dari teks yang dibaca
3. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dari teks yang dibaca
B. Materi Pembelajaran
Text tulis jenis news Item yang berjudul “Air France Tail Recovered”

C. Metode/Teknik : Game dan Tanya jawab

D. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran :
1. Kegiatan Awal
- Greeting/ salam
- Mengecek kehadiran
- Pre-test
2. Kegiatan Inti
- Tanya jawab tentang materi
- Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menbaca text News Item
dan mengartikannya
- Guru membantu siswa mengartikan text
- Siswa mengerjakan soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan text
- Guru dan siswa mengerjakan simple crossword puzzle
3. Kegiatan Akhir
- Guru menjelaskan tata cara mengerjakan crossword puzzle
- Guru membagikan crossword puzzle kepada semua siswa
dan siswamengerjakan cossword secara individu
- Guru membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok
- Guru membagi crossword puzzle yang sama kepada
setiap kelompok
- Siswa mengerjakan crossword puzzle bersama-sama
dalam kelompok
- Siswa mengerjakan post-test

E. Sumber Belajar:
IKAPI, 2010. Kresna Bahasa Inggris. Klaten: Sinar Mandiri
Name :……………..
No. :……………..
Class :……………..

Match the meaning of words in column A with ones in column B!

No Column A Answer Column B

a. give an account of something heard, seen, done, especially for
1 Collapse a
2 Recover b. fall down suddenly
3 Debris c. speak or tell something to somebody using words
4 Submarine d. make something greater in amount
5 Damage e. Find something again
6 Occur f. Make something by putting parts together
7 Say g. change position
8 Report h. piece of something from something which has been destroyed
9 Build i. accident involving a vehicle in collision with something
10 Injure j. harm
11 Victim k. flying vehicle with wings and one or more organs
12 Weather l. request for information
13 Search m. give somebody support
14 Stop n. cause something to go
15 Send o. reach a place
p. condition of sun, wind, temperature, etc at a particular place
16 Inquiry and
17 Crash q. discover the existence
18 Increase r. no longer move
19 Paint s. move towards the speaker
20 Plane t. look for something
21 Disappear u. person who has been attacked the result of crime
22 Work v. a large boat that carries people or goods by sea
23 Box w. ship that can travel under water
24 Detect x. happen
25 Arrive y. hurt one self
26 Move z. injury to the body
27 Ship aa. go out of sight
28 Wound bb. Do something that requires mental or physical effort,
as part a job.
29 Come cc. container made of wood, cardboard, etc
30 Encourage dd. colored liquid that is put in a surface
Air France tail recovered

The Jakarta Post: A Brazilian search team has recovered a large tail
section of the air France jet that crashed a week ago over the Atlantic with
228 people on board.
The Brazilian military released photos of divers securing the tail fin,
which was painted with air France colors. Meanwhile the US is sending two
sophisticated listening devices to help search for black boxes from the plane.
The Brazilian officials said 24 bodies ha now been recovered, an
increase from the previous total of 16. Bodies and debris from the plane have
been found some 1,000km (600 miles) north-east of Brazil’s Fernando de
Noronha Islands, where the air bus disappeared.
The BBC’s Gary Duffy, in Sao Paulo, says the search team are likely
to draw encouragement from the discovery of the plane’s tail. There had been
uncertainty last week about weather some of the debris came from the plane,
but our correspondent says the latest is likely to help to move the inquiry
Investigators have so far focused on whether the plane’s speed sensors
stopped working properly just before it crashed in turbulent weather.
The US listening device are being flown to Brazil and will then be
taken to two French tugs that will listen for signals from the plane’s “black
box” data recorders, the Pentagon said. They can detect signals from the
black boxes up to a depth of 20,000 ft (6.100 m). The boxes are capable of
emitting signals for 30 days.
A French submarine is also expected to arrive this week at the crash
site to help the search. Teams from the France and Brazil are continuing to
scour the site of the crash.
The bodies that have been found will be taken by ship to Fernando to
Noronha, before been moved to the Brazilian city of Recife, where a
temporary mortuary has been.

Answer the question below based on the text above!

1. What is the title above?
2. When did the crash happen?
3. Who did release of the photo?
4. What did the US do to help search the black box?
5. How many people were on the French air?
A simple Crossword Puzzle for the first year students of MA Al Bidayah

1 2 3 4 5

7 8

9 10


Tuesday is
1. between
Monday and……………………..
6. I have two ears but
The number after
7. 89
9. We hear with each
ear, and we see with each…………
10. This tea
is………hot to
11. Did she ring that
bell? No.
1. They were very
happy when their team…………the game.
2. What did you eat
3. You don’t like
4. Come back
5. To make green, we
mix blue and…………..
8. France is
Do the crossword puzzle below by the clues in Cross and in Down!

Write your group number and your group members in the box!

1 2

3 4 5

7 8 9

10 1

12 3

7 15

6 17 18

19 21

23 24

2 2
5 6



Cross :
3. Ship that can travel under water
4. I …. It difficult to understand him
8. Recently, there is an … that make building collapse and
many people dead.
10. My friend has had an …, he has broken an arm.
The people go by
12. 27. ….

13. Burning that producer light and heat

14. Look carefully fore somebody or something
16. Person who sees an event takes place and is able to describe it.
19. Great quantity of water
21. Shop living
23. Cause something to collide with something other
25. Find something for the first time
28. Search a place thoroughly
Down :
1. Investigation
2. Person who has been attacked injured or killed as the
result of crime, disease, accident, etc.
5. Discover the presence of something
6. What is the … like today?

7. 22.

8. Believe that something will happen

9. Get back something lost
11. Part of something that sticks out at the back
15. Fall down suddenly
17. Hurt, injure
18. They … to campus together.
20. Piece of metal, mood, etc. left after something has
been destroyed
21. Terrible accident
24. … it! You’re hurting me.
26. Happen

Group :
Members :
The key of Crossword puzzle I

I 2v
3S U B M A R I N E F I N5D
Q 6W C E
7B 8E A 9R T H Q U A K E T T
U Y E I 10A C C I D E N 11T
12S H I P T 13F I R E T M C A

E V 17S E A R 15C H L
16 17 18
N R 19F L O O 21D
J 21D I E L E
U 22T I A B
23C R A 24S H R S P R

O I 25D I S C 26O V E R S
27P L A N E T C

28S C O U R U

Nama : MA Al Bidayah Candi Bandungan

Sekolah : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester : X/ II
Standar : Membaca
Kompetensi Memahami text fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana
berbentuk Descriptive, News Item, dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses pengetahuan
: Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei
Kompetensi Dasar menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam news item text
: 1. Mengidentifikasi Isi teks yang dibaca
Indikator 2. Mengidentifikasi kata-kata dari teks yang dibaca
3. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dari teks yang dibaca
: News Items
Jenis Text
: Membaca
Alokai Waktu : 4 x 45 menit

F. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat :

1. Mengidentifikasi Isi teks yang dibaca
2. Mengidentifikasi kata-kata dari teks yang dibaca
3. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dari teks yang dibaca
G. Materi Pembelajaran
Text tulis jenis news Item yang berjudul “ Pertamina Adds to Kerosene

H. Metode/Teknik : Game dan Tanya jawab

I. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran :
1. Kegiatan Awal
- Greeting/ salam
- Mengecek kehadiran
- Pre-test
2. Kegiatan Inti
- Review materi pada pertemuan sebelumnya
- Tanya jawab tentang materi
- Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menbaca text News Item
dan mengartikannya
- Guru membantu siswa mengartikan text
- Siswa mengerjakan soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan text
3. Kegiatan Akhir
- Guru membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok
- Guru menjelaskan tata cara mengerjakan crossword puzzle
- Guru membimbing siswa untuk mengerjakan crossword puzzle
- Siswa mengerjakan post-test

J. Sumber Belajar :

IKAPI, 2010. Kresna Bahasa Inggris. Klaten: Sinar Mandiri

Give the meaning the words below in

1. Collapse :

2. Debris :

3. Victim :

4. Inquiry :

5. Wound :

6. Encourage :

7. Victim :

8. Submarine :

Don’t open the dictionary!!

Don’t cheat!

You will be better if you do it by yourself!!

God bless you………………………..

PERTAMINA Adds to Kerosene Supply

Tempo Interactive, Jakarta: the Government asked PT. PERTAMINA

to add the kerosene supply in several areas in Indonesia, the additional
kerosene supply is being carried out starting today until the end of year.
PERTAMINA’s director of marketing and commerce, Ahmad Faisal
said Vice President Jusuf Kalla ordered that the kerosene supply is being
added in order to meet the people’s need, the extra kerosene is around
100000 kiloliter up the end of year, he said after the coordination meeting on
the kerosene shortage in the Vice President’s palace yesterday.
Additional supply, said Faisal will be done throughout the nation
except in Balik Papan and Sulawesi, because in those areas there is no
kerosene shortage, he said. According to him, the extra supply is only for
subsidizes and household kerosene.
Faisal said the additional kerosene will normalize distribution in two
or three days. This will give kerosene subsidized by between Rp. 300 billion
to Rp. 250 billion based on the assumption that the subsidy is between Rp.
3000 and Rp. 5000 per liter kerosene extra supply, he said has not been
discussed with the house. The important thing is meet the people’s demand
he said.
According to him, the kerosene shortage occurred due to the decrease
of the quota allocation in the stage budget from 10 million kiloliter to 9, 9
million kiloliter. At first, PERTAMINA estimate a declining trend of
kerosene consumption. However, after the fasting month, there was a
kerosene demand hike. The worst shortages are in Medan and Jakarta,
especially Cempaka Putih and Tomang.
Faisal argued that it is said the kerosene shortage s because
PERTAMINA is in stock deficit the kerosene stock is still enough for 29
days. What we do is only to limit sales volume, he said. To prevent abuse,
PERTAMINA cooperates with the agency for oil and natural gas police.

Answer the question below based on the text above!

1. What is the title of the text?
2. Who asked PT. PERTAMINA to add the kerosene?
3. Who is PERTAMINA’s director of marketing and commerce?
4. Where is the worst kerosene shortage?
5. What is the Faisal’s argument?
Do the crossword puzzle below by the clues in Cross and in Down!

Write your group number and your group members in the box!

1 2

3 4

5 6

8 9 0

1 1
1 2


16 17 18


2 2
0 1

22 23 24 25

26 27

Cross :
1. Become smaller, fewer, weaker
5. Act of using food, resource, and amount
6. The antonym of export
8. Process of getting coal, metal from the earth
9. Thing that is produced
13. Wrong use of something
14. Selling of a company’s product
15. Amount by which something, especially a sum of money is
too small
16. Petrol
22. Process of reducing something
26. Give something officially for a particular purpose
28. The teacher … the answer sheet to the students
Down :
2. Point or line that may not or can not be passed
3. An idea of the cost, size, value, of something without
calculating it exactly
4. Rise in amount
5. Measure a car’s fuel ….
7. Give a subsidy to somebody
10. Lock of something
11. Something that somebody need
12. Supply of something available for use
16. Group of people who govern a country or state
17. The government asked PT PERTAMINA to ….
18. The earth’s … resources is coal, oil, etc.
19. Show something
20. My mother has filled up the … to the stove before she cooked
21. The advantage that the seller get from selling things
23. My mother … sugar to the coffee
24. This … will be built a new shop
25. My mother … me money to boy vegetable
27. Do you fry your food in butter or in …?

Group :
Members :
The Key of Crossword puzzle II

1D E C 2L I N E
3E 4I I
5C O M S U M T I O N 6I M P O R T
O T E 7S I
8M I N I N G 9P R O D U C T 10S
11D M M E B 12S H
E E A 13A B U S E T O
14M A R K E T I N G S I O R
A C E E 15D E F I C I T


16G A 17S O L I 18N E E

O U A 19I
20K 21P V P T N
22D E C R E 23A S E P 24A U D 25G

S I M 26A L 1 L 27O C A T E


E 28D I S T R I B U T E
Do exercise below by crossing a, b, or c which has the same meaning with the

Provide something or somebody with something that the

1. need:
a. Shot b. supply c. subsidize
2. Give a subsidize to somebody:
a. subsidize b. add c. prevent
3. Chance to do something:
a. profit b. opportunity c. thing
4. Estimate that is based on know fact:
a. estimate b. stock c. projection
5. Believe that something:
a. argue b. indicate c. expect
6. Situation in which something is happening:
a. activity b. thing c. expire
7. Show something:
a. indicate b. practice c. figure
8. Stop something from happening:
a. prevent b. abuse c. stop
9. Liquid obtained from petroleum, used as fuel in car engines:
a. gas b. oil c. petrol
10. Any of several think slippery liquids that burn easily:
a. oil b. petrol c. gas
11. Let somebody have something as a present.
a. supply b. give c. provide
Money that you make in
12. business:
a. profit b. cost c. value
In front of person to show the
13. way?
a. go b. forward c. lead
14. Business organization:
a. company b. production c. director
Way in which people or thing is arranged in relation to one
15. another.
a. order b. put c. occur
16. Situation when something is necessary.
a. shortage b. need c. demand
17. Having a great effect or or value.
a. important b. increase c. demand
18. Be no longer valid.
a. valid b. unimportant c. expire
19. group of people who govern a country or state.
government b. president c. minister
20. wrong us of something.
a. bad b. abuse c. quarrel


df .10 .05 .025 .01 .005 .000
1 3.078 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.657 636.619
2 1.886 2.920 4.303 6.965 9.925 31.598
3 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.841 12.941
4 1.533 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604 8.610
5 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032 6.859
6 1.440 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707 5.959
7 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.998 3.499 5.405
8 1.397 1.860 2.306 2.896 3.355 5.041
9 1.383 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.250 4.781
10 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169 4.587
11 1.363 1.796 2.201 2.718 3.106 4.437
12 1.356 1.782 2.179 2.681 3.055 4.318
13 1.350 1.771 2.160 2.650 3.012 4.221
14 1.345 1.761 2.145 2.624 2.977 4.140
15 1.341 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.947 4.073
16 1.337 1.746 2.120 2.583 2.921 4.015
17 1.333 1.740 2.110 2.567 2.898 3.965
18 1.330 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878 3.922
19 1.328 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861 3.883
20 1.325 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845 3.850
21 1.323 1.721 2.080 2.518 2.831 3.819
22 1.321 1.717 2.074 2.508 2.819 3.792
23 1.319 1.714 2.069 2.500 2.807 3.767
24 1.318 1.711 2.064 2.492 2.797 3.745
25 1.316 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787 3.725
26 1.315 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.779 3.707
27 1.314 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771 3.690
28 1.313 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763 3.674
29 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756 3.659
30 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750 3.646
40 1.303 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704 3.551
60 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660 3.460
120 1.289 1.658 1.980 2.358 2.617 3.373
X 1.282 1.645 1.960 2.326 2.576 3.291

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