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Product is an important component of marketing mix without which there would be no

business. A product can be anything. Managing the product includes planning and developing
the right product, product line, product range, branding, labelling packaging, new product
development, guarantees, service etc. Packaging refers to the activities of providing a wrappers
or container for a product. It protects the products, so that it can travel safely through the
channels of distribution from producers to the consumers and can also be stored easily. It also
helps in preserving the freshness and quality of the product. Further, it serves as a marketing
tool and helps in promoting the product. As a promotional tool, it carries attractive graphics
and design, strong and deep colours etc. to attract the customers.

Place decision or distribution decisions are concerned with decisions relating to the smooth
flow of goods from the producer to consumer and thereby create time, place and possession
utilities. Place decision include channel of distribution decision and physical distribution
decisions. One of the best ways to ensure products make it out of the warehouse and into the
store faster is adopting a retail ready packaging (RRP) strategy. This type of packaging makes
it easier for retail store employees to identify your products in storage, to get them out onto
store shelves and to restock products when the time comes.


Packaging is a cost to the manufacturer and that impacts price. Reducing the cost of packaging
may allow you to reduce the price or increase your profits. If you’re positioning your product as a
premium option, your packaging needs to reflect that. Packaging will substantiate the price of your
products. However, packaging also directly affects the price people are willing to pay.
Consumers will certainly choose one brand over another based on the packaging. You can
quickly boost the perceived value of a product with the right packaging, especially if the
package provides a way to make a customer’s life easier. That could mean it’s easier to carry,
store, open, use, improves safety, protects the product, or keeps something fresh longer.


When consumers enter a retail store, promotional efforts, such as the work put into product
packaging, are your last chance to convince them to buy. It often provides the final push needed
to persuade people to place an item in their shopping carts. That’s why your packaging strategy
should be in harmony with your brand’s overall marketing strategy.
When consumers enter a retail store, promotional efforts, such as the work put into product
packaging, are your last chance to convince them to buy. It often provides the final push needed
to persuade people to place an item in their shopping carts. That’s why your packaging strategy
should be in harmony with your brand’s overall marketing strategy.

As renowned retail magnate, Harry Gordon Selfridge, pointed out more than a century ago,
“Excite the mind and the hand will reach for the pocket.” Kanak packaging designs and retail
displays can accelerate sales and get your products noticed. Not only do we design packaging,
we also create shipping solutions that protect merchandise, improve processes, and generate
cost savings.

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