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† fibers, whereas most postganglionic

sympathetic fibers secrete __________.
ATENEO DE MANILA UNIVERSITY a. norepinephrine; acetylcholine
School of Social Sciences b. glutamate; acetylcholine
Department of Psychology c. serotonin; norepinephrine
d. acetylcholine; acetylcholine
PSY 106 / PSYC 21: Physiological Psychology
1st Semester, SY 2019-2020 e. acetylcholine; norepinephrine
Manuel D. Cuenca, Jr., MD, MHPEd, DPBA, FPSA
Quiz # 3 8. The ventromedial hypothalamic area is the
__________ center of the brain.
1. In the opening vignette, Ryan B. undergoes a. satiety
neurosurgery to remove a portion of his b. hunger
__________ in order to treat his worsening c. thirst
epilepsy. d. temperature-regulating
a. cerebellum e. none of the above
b. limbic system
c. medial temporal lobe 9. Which of the following statements regarding the
d. corpus callosum spinal nerves is true?
e. parietal lobe a. The cell bodies of efferent axons lie in
the spinal cord gray matter.
2. The cerebral cortex has a grayish-tan b. Incoming sensory signals arrive via the
appearance because __________. ventral roots of the spinal cord.
a. the cortex contains many axons c. Outgoing motor signals travel via the dorsal
b. of the large amount of myelin contained in roots of the spinal cord.
the cortex d. The cell bodies of efferent axons lie in the
c. nerve membrane is uniformly gray in spinal cord white matter.
appearance e. The cell bodies of outgoing motor neurons
d. many Schwann cells are located in the reside in the dorsal root ganglia.
e. the cortex contains many cell bodies 10. The putamen and __________ make up the
lenticular nucleus of the basal ganglia.
3. The motor neurons of the sympathetic nervous a. claustrum
system project from the __________ to the b. striatum
__________. c. caudate nucleus
a. gray matter of the sacral spinal cord; d. corpus striatum
sympathetic ganglia e. none of the above
b. gray matter of the thoracic and lumbar
spinal cord; sympathetic ganglia 11. The key function(s) of the parasympathetic
c. gray matter of the thoracic and lumbar division of the ANS relate to __________.
spinal cord; final target organ a. the control of the somatic nervous system
d. gray matter of the cervical and sacral spinal b. the inhibition of digestive function during a
cord; sympathetic ganglia fight
e. cervical regions of the spinal cord; final c. activities that increase stored energy
target organs within the body
d. acceleration of heart rate and increased
4. The surface of human cortex __________. blood flow to the muscles
a. is smooth is\n a human brain e. inhibition of sweating and salivation
b. is convoluted by grooves and bulges
c. contains cell bodies that give rise to a 12. The lobe of the brain located rostral to the
whitish appearance fissure of Rolando is called the __________
d. is about 250 square feet in area lobe.
e. is about 30 mm in thickness a. frontal
b. temporal
5. Which of the following terms means “endbrain”? c. parietal
a. telencephalon d. occipital
b. diencephalon e. none of the above
c. mesencephalon
d. myelencephalon 13. The term “rostral” means __________.
e. metencephalon a. toward the tail
b. superior
6. Which of the following is a subcortical c. toward the beak or snout
structure? d. away from the midline
a. spinal cord e. toward the midline
b. lateral fissure
c. limbic system 14. Which of the following terms belong together?
d. dura mater a. substantia nigra; sensory processing
e. parietal cortex b. hypothalamus; sleep and arousal
c. periaqueductal gray matter; pain
7. The transmitter __________ is secreted by the reactivity
terminal buttons of preganglionic sympathetic d. red nucleus; Parkinson’s disease
e. reticular formation; language

NAME: ______________________________________________ SECTION: __________ PCN: _________ 1

b. The thickness of human cortex is about 0.3
15. __________ is responsible for eye movements, mm.
while __________ is responsible for tear c. The human cortex is about 3 mm in
secretion. thickness.
a. CN IV; CN VI d. The migration time of cells in all layers of
b. CN III; CN X the cortex is about the same.
c. CN VI; CN VII e. The human cortex is composed of nine
d. CN II; CN VI layers.
e. none of the above
24. In which sensory system does sensory
16. Damage to the substantia nigra would be information from the left side of the body travel
expected to produce __________. to the left hemisphere?
a. difficulty in color perception a. vision
b. changes in appetite leading to anorexia b. audition
c. difficulties in visual tasks c. pain
d. Parkinson-like motor symptoms d. olfaction
e. problems in speech perception e. somatosensation

17. The __________ consists of the pons and 25. Which of the following pairs exhibits a
cerebellum. sympathetic response?
a. telencephalon a. stimulation of tear secretion; secretion of
b. diencephalon epinephrine by adrenal medulla
c. mesencephalon b. inhibition of digestion; inhibition of sweat
d. myelencephalon secretion
e. metencephalon c. stimulation of glucose release by the
liver; constriction of blood vessels in
18. The __________ senses send information to skin
primary sensory cortex on the contralateral side d. constriction of pupils; dilation of blood
of the brain. vessels in muscles
a. vision, audition and somatosensory e. none of the above
b. temperature and taste
c. vision and olfactory 26. The __________ region of cortex lies buried
d. pain and olfactory within a fissure between the __________ and
e. vision, pain and taste the __________ lobes.
a. calcarine; temporal; frontal
19. The thoracic region of the spinal cord has b. insular; parietal; frontal
__________ pairs of spinal nerves. c. calcarine; insular; occipital
a. 5 d. insular; frontal; temporal
b. 8 e. parietal; frontal; calcarine
c. 10
d. 12 27. Another term for “caudal” is __________.
e. 24 a. ventral
b. dorsal
20. Which of the following do NOT belong c. anterior
together? d. lateral
a. occipital lobe; visual function e. posterior
b. frontal lobe; motor function
c. frontal lobe; auditory function 28. The __________ regulates and controls the
d. insular cortex; taste function excitability of the cerebrum.
e. temporal lobe; auditory function a. pons
b. thalamus
21. The term “dorsum” means __________, while c. medulla
the term “ventrum” means __________. d. midbrain
a. back; belly e. none of the above
b. belly; back
c. front; rear 29. The __________ is the origin of the cells that
d. rear; front form the central nervous system.
e. top; down a. basal plate
b. ventricular zone
22. The __________ can be found in the rostral c. cerebral cortex
part of the brain. d. mesoderm
a. parietal lobes e. arachnoid layer
b. Brodmann area 22
c. Calcarine fissure 30. Damage to the striatum of the basal ganglia
d. Broca’s area may result to __________.
e. none of the above a. wild flinging movements
b. rebound phenomenon
23. Which of the following statements regarding the c. dysdiadochokinesia
human cerebral cortex is true? d. inability to maintain postural support
a. The term “cortex” means “limb.” e. none of the above

NAME: ______________________________________________ SECTION: __________ PCN: _________ 2

31. A brain region that is anterior and dorsal to the
thalamus could also be described as 38. A __________ section is made through the
__________ and __________ to the thalamus. human brain and is parallel to the ground, and a
a. caudal; inferior __________ section through the spinal cord is
b. lateral; medial parallel to the ground.
c. ipsilateral; contralateral a. transverse; horizontal
d. rostral; superior b. horizontal; transverse
e. none of the above c. sagittal; midsagittal
d. frontal; coronal
32. Somatosensory association cortex covers e. parasagittal; midsagittal
Brodmann areas __________.
a. 1, 2, 3 39. Oxytocin and __________ are stored in the
b. 4 posterior pituitary gland and are released from it
c. 41, 42 when needed.
d. 9, 10, 11 a. insulin
e. none of the above b. antidiuretic hormone
c. prolactin
33. A key function of apoptosis is to __________. d. estrogen
a. form new neurons e. none of the above
b. guide new neurons to their final position in
the brain 40. The __________ is formed by the cranial
c. spur the growth of dendritic branches nerves and spinal nerves plus the peripheral
d. terminate the formation of new neurons ganglia.
within the developing brain a. enteric nervous system
e. mold an adult nerve cell b. automatic nervous system
c. peripheral nervous system
34. The midbrain is comprised of the __________. d. somatic nervous system
a. thalamus and hypothalamus e. central nervous system
b. tectum and tegmentum
c. pons and medulla 41. The white matter in the spinal cord is located
d. dorsal horn and ventral horn __________, whereas that of the brain is
e. esuperior colliculus and inferior colliculus located __________.
a. outside the dura mater; inside the dura
35. All of the following statements are true mater
EXCEPT: b. outside the gray matter; inside the gray
a. The preganglionic fiber of the matter
parasympathetic system secretes the c. ventrally; dorsally
neurotransmitter acetylcholine which is d. inside the gray matter; outside the gray
then received by adrenergic receptors. matter
b. Adrenergic receptors receive the e. medially; laterally
neurotransmitter norepinephrine that is
secreted by the long postganglionic fiber of 42. __________ is responsible for facial
the sympathetic system. expressions, while __________ is responsible
c. Nicotinic receptors receive the for facial sensations.
neurotransmitter acetylcholine that is a. Trigeminal nerve; CN IV
secreted by the preganglionic fiber of the b. CN VII; CN IV
sympathetic system. c. Abducens nerve, CN XI
d. Postganglionic fiber is shorter than the d. CN V, facial nerve
preganglionic fiber in the parasympathetic e. none of the above
e. none of the above 43. Which of the following supports the notion that
brain development can be modified by
36. Neurons that are formed during embryonic experiences?
development are likely to die if they do not a. The motor cortex of a blind person is
__________. enlarged relative to that of a sighted
a. undergo apoptosis person.
b. form synaptic contacts with other b. The somatosensory cortex in the cortical
neurons regions devoted to control of the fingers is
c. form synaptic contacts with radial glial cells smaller in expert guitar players relative to
d. receive synaptic inputs from visual sensory novice players.
neurons c. The visual cortex is larger in blind persons.
e. undergo further cell division d. Apoptosis trims the number of dendritic
branches in the brain.
37. __________ aphasia is characterized by e. The development of the neural circuits
anomia and extreme difficulty in speech for depth perception requires input from
articulation. both eyes during a critical period.
a. Wernicke’s or expressive
b. Receptive or non-fluent 44. The __________ is considered to be the body’s
c. Sensory or non-fluent “master gland.”
d. Broca’s or expressive a. pineal gland
e. none of the above b. amygdala

NAME: ______________________________________________ SECTION: __________ PCN: _________ 3

c. posterior hypothalamus c. lateral geniculate nucleus; projects to
d. anterior pituitary primary visual cortex
e. hippocampus d. ventrolateral nucleus; projects to primary
somatosensory cortex
45. In the peripheral nervous system, the e. lateral geniculate nucleus; projects to
__________ and the __________ fuse together primary motor cortex
to form a single sheath that protects the spinal
and cranial nerves and the autonomic ganglia. 53. Hydrocephalus is treated by __________
a. dura mater; pia mater a. stimulant drugs
b. arachnoid layer; dura mater b. anti-serotonin drugs
c. astrocytes; choroid plexus mater c. blocking the flow of CSF through the
d. arachnoid membrane; pia mater ventricles
e. glia; astrocytes d. removing the choroid plexus
e. draining CSF from the ventricles using a
46. An anesthetic drug injected adjacent to the dura shunt
sac surrounding axons of the cauda equina
would be expected to deaden pain sensation in 54. Damage to the basal ganglia would be
the __________. expected to produce difficulties in __________.
a. tongue a. recognizing emotion in the facial
b. fingers expressions of other people
c. pelvic region b. naming the parts of one’s own body
d. forehead c. understanding social rules
e. neck and upper chest d. motor movements
e. forming emotional memories
47. The brain floats within __________ fluid which
is contained within the __________. 55. The __________ is the key structure of the
a. intracellular; pia mater basal ganglia.
b. cerebrospinal; subarachnoid space a. hippocampus
c. cerebrospinal; blood vessels b. cerebellum
d. interstitial; subarachnoid space c. caudate nucleus
e. extracellular; dura mater d. amygdala
e. hypothalamus
48. __________ is controlled, at least in part, by
the hypothalamus. 56. Which of the following is offered as an
a. pain reactivity explanation of the difference in brain size
b. drug addiction between humans and chimpanzees?
c. feeding a. The asymmetrical period of neuron
d. memory formation is longer in the chimpanzee brain.
e. language b. Chimpanzee brains have fewer founder
49. CSF flows from third ventricle to the fourth c. The symmetrical and asymmetrical
ventricle via the __________. periods of division are longer in the
a. choroid plexi human brain.
b. subarachnoid spaces d. Chimpanzee brains show more apoptosis
c. massa intermedia activity.
d. arachnoid granulations e. Chimpanzee brains have more dendritic
e. cerebral aqueduct branches than do human brains.

50. Cessation of respiration would be expected 57. A function attributed to the cerebellum is the
following damage to the __________. __________.
a. superior colliculi a. capacity to reason
b. cerebellum b. facilitation of verbal learning
c. putamen c. coordination of motor movements
d. medulla oblongata d. ability to read and write
e. corpus striatum e. expression of emotion

51. CSF is produced within the __________ and 58. __________ creates a visual image of
reabsorbed into the blood by the __________. functioning in various parts of the brain by
a. subarachnoid villi; choroid plexus tracing chemical activity.
b. blood-brain barrier; choroid plexus a. CT scan
c. gut; ventricles b. MRI
d. ventricles; arachnoid granulations c. PET scan
e. arachnoid granulations; lateral ventricles d. EEG
e. X-ray
52. Which of the following represents the correct
pairing of a thalamic nucleus with its projection 59. The pons is located __________.
to the cortex? a. immediately ventral to the cerebellum
a. medial geniculate nucleus; projects to b. beneath the hypothalamus
primary visual cortex c. caudal to the medulla
b. ventrolateral nucleus; projects to primary d. rostral to the frontal cortex
visual cortex e. rostral to the hypothalamus

NAME: ______________________________________________ SECTION: __________ PCN: _________ 4

a. 10%
60. The rostral end of the neural tube at 28 days b. 15%
would eventually form 3 interconnected c. 20%
channels known as the d. 25%
a. telencephalon e. 30%
b. cerebral cortex
c. mesencephalon 68. Which of the following would be expected
d. myelencephalon following damage to the cortex that lies just in
e. ventricles front of the central sulcus?
a. intense hypersexuality
61. Which of the following statements regarding the b. visual hallucinations
functions performed by the left and right c. inability to discriminate tones as low
hemispheres is true? intensities
a. The left hemisphere is adept at the d. difficulty in reading and writing
analysis of information. e. difficulty in controlling the muscles of
b. The right hemisphere is adept at the serial the body
analysis of information.
c. The right hemisphere is adept at the 69. The __________ branch of the nervous system
analysis of information. is under voluntary, conscious control.
d. The left hemisphere is adept in the a. central
synthesis of information. b. autonomic
e. The two hemispheres perform identical c. vagal
functions. d. sensory-motor
e. somatic
62. Damage to the __________ would be expected
to produce memory disorder. 70. Damage to the visual association cortex would
a. limbic cortex be expected to produce __________.
b. hippocampus a. problems in recognizing an object by
c. caudate nucleus sight
d. amygdala b. difficulty in playing a tune on a piano
e. mammillary bodies c. difficulty in naming an object the person
can touch (but not see)
63. Neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus is d. problems in naming a song the person
stimulated by __________. knew before sustaining brain damage
a. the experience of behavioral depression e. an inability to recognize a familiar odor
b. learning experience
c. the experience of prolonged stress 71. Which of the following statements regarding the
d. ingestion of drugs that induce stress evolution of the human brain is true?
e. blockade of glutamate receptors a. The human brain is smaller than that of any
other primate.
64. The most likely consequence of damage b. Comparisons of brain size within the
positioned at the junction of the visual, auditory, primate family require an adjustment for
and somatosensory association cortexes would body size.
be __________. c. The size of primate brains has shrunk over
a. problems in recognizing an object by sight the course of evolutionary history.
b. an inability to recognize a familiar odor d. Primate brain size increases depended on
c. difficulty in naming an object the person the elimination of duplicate master genes.
can touch (but not see) e. Inactivation of the ghrelin gene likely makes
d. problems in reading or writing chimpanzee brains larger than human
e. difficulty in playing a tune on a piano brains.

65. The __________ comprise the autonomic 72. The __________ is a part of the cerebellum
nervous system. that is involved in planning and initiation of
a. sympathetic and parasympathetic movement.
divisions a. vestibulocerebellum
b. dorsal and ventral divisions b. pontocerebellum
c. ventral and dorsal spinal roots c. spinocerebellum
d. hypoglossal and cranial nerves d. cerebrocerebellum
e. tectum and tegmentum e. none of the above

66. The planning and execution of movements is a 73. The __________ nerve is named for its
function performed by the association cortex wandering course in the thoracic and abdominal
within the __________ cortical lobe. body cavities.
a. occipital a. trigeminal
b. frontal b. facial
c. parietal c. trochlear
d. insular d. vagus
e. temporal e. hypoglossal

67. The brain continuously receives approximately 74. This area which is important in speech
__________ of the blood flow from the heart. comprehension is located in (the) __________.

NAME: ______________________________________________ SECTION: __________ PCN: _________ 5

a. somatosensory association cortex net weight is reduced to approximately
b. postcentral gyrus __________.
c. Brodmann areas 18, 19 a. 100 ml; 60 gm
d. Brodman area 22 b. 125 ml; 80 gm
e. none of the above c. 150 ml; 65 gm
d. 200 ml; 50 gm
75. The total volume of the cerebrospinal fluid is e. 225 ml; 40 gm
approximately __________. Because of this, its

NAME: ______________________________________________ SECTION: __________ PCN: _________ 6

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