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Jorel Montalbo Cuenca

CHAPTERS 5-8 Types of Sensory Receptors/Transducers

CH5: STUDY OF THE LIVING HUMAN BRAIN  Mechanoreceptors – responds to mechanical pressure/distortion
- Pacinian corpuscles – responsible for sensitivity to vibration/pressure
 Recent technological advancements have permitted researchers to study the - Joints and stretch receptors in muscles
brain’s activities by recording/stimulating the activity of particular regions - Hair cells in auditory & vestibular systems
- Even while patient is still living/doesn’t cause patient distress
 Photoreceptors – converts light into signals that can stimulate bio processes
1. Position Emission Tomography (PET scan)
- Rods and cones of the retina
- Creates a visual imagine of functioning in various parts of the brain
 Chemoreceptors – detects changes in CO2, O2, and pH
 Uses a device that reveals the localization of a radioactive tracer
- Olfactory receptors
2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI scan)
- Taste receptors
- Provides clear pictures of structural anatomy and chemistry of brain
- Osmoreceptors – detects changes in osmotic pressure
 Passes a strong magnetic field through the person’s head
- Carotid body receptors – detects changes in arterial blood oxygen
 Interior of the body is accurately imaged
- Involves interaction between radio waves and a strong magnetic field  Extremes of temperature and pain
3. Computerized (axial) Tomography (CT or CAT scan) - Nociceptors/free nerve endings
- Presents picture of the human brain by passing x-ray beams through Fiber Types and Conduction Velocity
the head or body at various angles
- Employs a computer to produce a 2D picture of a “slice” of the body  Largest diameter and fastest conduction velocity – myelinated
4. Electroencephalograph (EEG) - Ia (e.g. muscle spindle afferents)
- Records electrical activity of brain by placing electrodes on the scalp - Ib (e.g. Golgi tendon organs)
- A-alpha (e.g. large alpha – motor neurons)
 Small diameter and medium conduction velocity – myelinated
CH6-8: SENSORY AND MOTOR SYSTEMS - A-delta (e.g. touch, pressure, temperature, and pain)
- III (e.g. touch, pressure, fast pain and temperature)
SENSORY SYSTEM  Smallest diameter and slowest conduction velocity – unmyelinated
SENSORY RECEPTORS – GENERAL - C (e.g. slow pain)
- IV (e.g. pain and temperature)
Receptive Field
 Specialized cells in the sense (and internal) organs, muscles, skin and joints
- Detects physical or chemical changes (environment) and translate these  Region that contains the sensory receptors/transducers
events into impulses (message) that travel along sensory neurons  Can be excitatory or inhibitory
 These neurons transduce environmental signals into neural signals
 The environmental signals that can be detected include mechanical
force, light, sound, chemicals, and temperature
Jorel Montalbo Cuenca

Sensory Transduction  Second-order neurons

- Located in the spinal cord/brainstem
 Process by which sensory stimuli are transduced into receptor potentials - Receives info from one or more primary afferent neurons and transmit
- Receptor potentials: slow, graded electrical potential produced by a it to the thalamus
receptor cell in response to a physical stimulus - Its axons usually cross the midline at a relay nucleus of the thalamus
 Simply, it’s the change in membrane potential caused by stimuli  Thus sensory info originating on one side of the body ascends to
 Steps the contralateral thalamus
1. Stimulus arrives at the sensory receptor  Third-order neurons
 Stimulus may be a photon of light on the retina, molecule of NaCl - Located in the sensory nucleus of the thalamus
on the tongue, a depression on the skin, etc.  From here, encoded sensory info ascends to the cerebral cortex
2. Ion channels are opened in the sensory receptor, allowing the current
 Fourth-order neurons
to flow
- Located in the appropriate sensory area of the cortex
 Current usually inward, producing a depolarization of the receptor
- Info received results in a conscious perception of the stimulus
 Exception is in photoreceptors, where light causes a
o If neurotransmitter is excitatory, response of the cell to
light is hyperpolarization  Includes the sensations of touch, movement, temp., and pain
o If neurotransmitter is inhibitory, response of the cell to
Pathways in the Somatosensory System
light is depolarization
3. If potential is depolarizing, membrane potential  closer to threshold  Dorsal Column System
 Receptor potentials are graded in size depending on the size of the - Processes sensations of touch, pressure, vibration, and movement
stimulus  Anterolateral System
o If large enough, membrane potential will exceed - Processes sensations of temperature and pain
threshold and sensory neuron will fire an action potential
Mechanoreceptors for Touch, Pressure, and Stretch/Movement
Adaptation of Sensory Receptors
 Pacinian Corpuscle – rapidly adapting
 Slowly adapting receptors – responds repetitively to a prolonged stimulus - Onion-like structures in the subcutaneous skin
 Rapid adapting receptors – shows a decline in action potential frequency - Sensation encoded is high frequency vibration and tapping
with time in response to a constant stimulus  Meissner’s Corpuscle – rapidly adapting
- Present in non-hairy skin
Sensory Pathways from the Sensory Receptor to the Cerebral Cortex
- Touch-sensitive
 First-order neurons - Sensation encoded is velocity (and low frequency vibration)
- Primary afferent neurons that receive signal, transduce it, and send the  Ruffini’s Corpuscle – slowly adapting
info to the CNS - Encapsulated
- Cell bodies of the primary afferent neurons are in dorsal root or cranial - Sensation encoded is pressure (and low frequency vibration)
nerve ganglia
Jorel Montalbo Cuenca

 Merkel’s Disk – slowly adapting  Referred Pain

- Touch-sensitive - Pain of visceral organ is referred to sites on the skin and follows the
- Sensation encoded is location dermatome rule
 Golgi tendon organs  These sites are innervated by nerves arising from the same
- Receptor organs at the junction of the tendon and muscle that is segment of the spinal cord
sensitive to stretch or muscle tension o e.g. ischemic heart pain referred to chest and shoulder
 Muscle spindle
- Detects both static and dynamic changes in muscle length
 These are neural tissue and photoreceptive cells located on the inner surface
 Info from different parts of the body is arranged somatotopically
of the posterior portion of the eye
- Somatotopic: specific relation between body regions and corresponding
 Photoreceptors – one of retina’s receptor cells
motor areas of the brain
- Transduces light energy into electrical impulses
 Destruction of thalamic nuclei results in loss of sensation on the
contralateral side of the body Function Rods Cones
Sensitivity to Sensitive to low-intensity Sensitive to high-
Somatosensory Cortex – the sensory homunculus light light; night vision intensity light; day vision
Acuity Lower visual acuity Higher visual acuity
 The major somatosensory areas of the cortex are SI and SII
- SI has somatotopic representation similar to that in the thalamus Adapts later Adapts first
- This “map” of the body is called the sensory homunculus
Color vision No Yes
- Largest areas represent the face, hands, and fingers, where precise
localization is important
Optic Pathways and Lesions
 Light  retina (photoreceptors  bipolar cells  ganglion cells)
 Associated with the detection and perception of noxious stimuli
 Axons of the ganglion cells from the optic nerve and optic tract end in the
 Its receptors are free nerve endings in the skin, muscle, and viscera
lateral geniculate body of the thalamus
 Substance P – one of the neurotransmitters for nociception - Dorsal Lateral Geniculate nucleus
- Inhibition of its release is the basis of pain relief by opioids  Group of cell bodies w/in the lateral geniculate body of thalamus
 Fibers for Fast pain  Receives inputs from the retina then projects it to the PVC
- Carried by group III fibers  Fibers from each nasal hemiretina cross at the optic chiasm
- Has rapid onset and offset, and is localized - Fibers from each temporal hemiretina remain ipsilateral
 Fibers for Slow pain  Thus fibers from left nasal hemiretina and fibers from the right
- Carried by C fibers temporal hemiretina would form the right optic tract
- Characterized as aching, burning, or throbbing that is poorly localized o It then synapses at the right lateral geniculate body
Jorel Montalbo Cuenca

 Fibers from the lateral geniculate body form the geniculocalcarine tract and Refractive Errors
pass to the occipital lobes of the cortex
- Calcarine fissure: horizontal fissure on inner surface of occipital lobe  Emmetropia – normal; light focuses on the retina
 Location of the primary visual cortex or striate cortex  Hypertropia – far-sighted; light focuses behind the retina
 Lesions - Corrected with a convex lens (thicker in the middle)
- Cutting optic nerve causes blindness in ipsilateral eye  Presbyopia – far-sighted;
- Cutting optic chiasm causes heteronymous bitemporal hemianopia - Result of loss of accommodation power of the lens via aging process
- Cutting optic tract causes homonymous contralateral hemianopia - Near point moves farther from eye and is corrected with a convex lens
- Cutting geniculocalcarine tract causes homonymous hemianopia with  Accommodation: change in the thickness of the lens of the eyes
macular spring o Accomplished by the ciliary muscles, which focus images
near or distant to the retina
 Myopia – near-sighted
- Light focuses in front of the retina and is corrected with biconcave lens
 Astigmatism
- Curvature of the lens is not uniform
- Corrected with a cylindrical lens
 Achromatopsia – colorblind
- Inability to discriminate among different hues
- Caused by damage to visual association cortex
- Loss of color vision without disruption of visual acuity
 Visual agnosia
- Deficits in visual perception in the absence of blindness
 Person can see but cannot recognize/interpret visual info
 Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK)
- Refractive surgery for correcting vision using an excimer laser
Optics – Refractive power of a lens  Permanently changes the shape of the cornea (refracts light)
- Other refractive surgeries include Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)
 Physics of light as it enters and travels through the eye and Laser Sub-epithelial Keratomileusis
 Measured in diopters
- Equal to the reciprocal of the focal distance in meters
 e.g. 10 diopters = 1/10 = 10 cm
Jorel Montalbo Cuenca

OLFACTION  CN VII, IX, and X enter the medulla  ascends to the solitary tract 
terminates on second-order taste neurons in the solitary nucleus
Receptor Cells
- Then projects (mostly ipsilaterally) to the ventral posteromedial
 True neurons that conduct action potentials into the CNS nucleus of the thalamus  taste/gustatory cortex
 Located in the olfactory epithelium Steps in Taste Transduction
- Its basal cells are undifferentiated stem cells that continuously turn
over and replace the olfactory receptor cells  Taste chemicals (sweet, sour, salt, and bitter) bind to taste receptors on the
 Only example in the adult human where neurons replace microvilli  produces as depolarizing receptor potential in the cell
Cranial Nerve I (olfactory)
Motor Unit
 Carries information from olfactory receptor cells to the olfactory bulb
 Axons of the olfactory nerve are unmyelinated C fibers and are among the  Comprises a single motor neuron and the muscle fibers that it innervates
smallest (and thus slowest) in the nervous system - Motor neuron
 Olfactory epithelium is also innervated by CN V  Neuron whose axons form synapses with extrafusal muscle fibers
- CN V – detects noxious or painful stimuli such as ammonia of a skeletal muscle
- Lesion to the olfactory nerve or olfactory bulb reduces (hyposmia) or  Activation contracts the muscle fibers
eliminates (anosmia) the sense of smell - Neuromuscular junction
 Synapse between the terminal buttons of an axon and muscle fiber
TASTE - Motor endplate
 Postsynaptic membrane of a neuromuscular junction
Taste Pathways
- Endplate potential
 Receptor cells for taste sensation are located in the taste buds  Postsynaptic potential that occurs in the motor endplate in
- These cells are covered with microvilli which increase the surface area response to release of Ach by the terminal button
for taste chemicals to bind to  Fine control – single motor neuron innervates only a few muscle fibers
- Taste receptors are not neurons (in contrast to olfactory receptor cells)  Larger movements – single motor neuron may innervate thousands of
- Taste buds are located on the specialized papillae muscle fibers
 Anterior two-thirds of the tongue has fungiform papillae  Motor neuron pool
- It detects salty and sweet sensations – innervated by CN VII  Group of motor neurons that innervate fibers w/in same nuclei
 Posterior one-third of the tongue has circumvallate and foliate papillae  Force of muscle contraction is graded by recruitment of more motor units
- Detects sour and bitter sensations – innervated by CN IX
 Back of the throat and epiglottis is innervated by CN X Small motor neurons Large motor neurons
Innervates a few muscle fibers Innervates many muscle fibers
Has lowest threshold and thus Has highest thresholds and thus fires
fires first last
Generates the smallest force Generates the largest force
Jorel Montalbo Cuenca

Muscle Sensors Cerebellum – central control of movement

 Muscle spindles detect both static and dynamic changes in muscle length  Functions of the Cerebellum
 Golgi tendon organs detect stretch or muscle tension - Control of balance and eye movements (Vestibulocerebellum)
 Pacinian corpuscles detect vibration - Planning and initiation of movement (Pontocerebellum)
 Free nerve endings detect noxious stimuli - Synergy (Spinocerebellum)
 Control of rate, force, range, and direction of movement
Brainstem Control of Pleasure  Clinical Disorders of the Cerebellum – ataxia
- Results in lack of coordination, including delay in initiation of
 Motor Centers and Pathways movement, poor execution of a sequence of movements,
- Pyramidal Tracts – cerebral cortex  spinal cord/brainstem dysdiadochokinesia
 Pathway concerned with voluntary/skilled movements - Intention tremor occurs during attempts of voluntary movements
- Extrapyramidal Tracts – brainstem nuclei  spinal cord - Rebound phenomenon (ability to stop a movement)
 Pathway concerned with involuntary movements
Basal Ganglia – control of movement
 Effects of Transections of the Spinal Cord
- Paraplegia  Consists of the caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus
 Loss of voluntary movements below level of the lesion
 Modulates thalamic outflow to the motor cortex to plan and execute
 Results from interruption of descending pathways from motor
smooth movements
centers in the brainstem and higher centers
 Lesions of the lenticular nucleus  inability to maintain postural support
- Loss of conscious sensations below level of lesion
- Initial loss of reflexes – spinal shock  Lesions of the subthalamic nucleus  wild, flinging movements
 Limbs become flaccid and reflexes are absent  Lesions of the striatum  quick, continuous, uncontrollable movements
 With time, partial recovery and return of reflexes or even  Lesions of the substantia nigra (in midbrain)
hyperreflexia would occur - Caused by destruction of dopaminergic neurons
 If lesion is at C7,  Since dopamine is excitatory, there is overactivity of inhibitory
o Loss of sympathetic tone to the heart and thus slow pathways from the striatum to the globus pallidus
down heart rate and decrease arterial pressure   lead-pipe rigidity, tremor and reduced voluntary movements
 If lesion is at C3, o As seen in patients with Parkinson’s disease
o Respiratory muscles disconnected from control centers in
the brainstem, causing breathing to stop Motor Cortex
 If lesion is at C1 (hanging) – certain death  Premotor Cortex (Area 6)
- Region of the motor association cortex of the lateral frontal lobe,
rostral to the primary motor cortex
- Most active during preparation for a movement and less active during
the movement itself
Jorel Montalbo Cuenca

 Supplementary Motor Cortex/Area (Area 6) Terms

- Region of the motor association cortex of the medial frontal lobe,
rostral to the primary motor cortex  Nerve
- Programs complex motor sequences and is active during mental - Set of axons in the periphery, either from a sensory organ or an internal
rehearsal for a movement body structure to the CNS/ CNS  muscle, internal organ, or gland
- Most active during preparation for a rapid series of movement  Nucleus
 Both are responsible for generating a plan for movement - Group of neuron cell bodies of similar shape and function w/in CNS
- Plan is then transferred to the primary motor cortex for execution  Ganglion
 Primary Motor Cortex (area 4) - Group of neuron cell bodies usually outside the CNS
- Responsible for the execution of movement  Tract/Pathway
- Programmed patterns of motor neurons activated in motor cortex - Set of axons within the CNS that is also known as projections
 Excitation of upper motor neurons in motor cortex is transferred  Aphasia – caused by brain damage
to the brain and spinal cord - Difficulty in producing or comprehending speech not produced by
o It is where lower motor neurons are activated resulting deafness or a simple motor deficit
finally in voluntary movement  Anomia – one of the symptoms of aphasia
- Somatotopically organized - Difficulty in finding the appropriate word to describe an object, action,
or attribute
 Apraxia
- Difficulty in carrying out purposeful movements, in the absence of
paralysis or muscular weakness

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