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November 21, 2019

Activity: identify the scenario which decision making is involved and apply the steps of the decision
making process.
a. Identify the decision
b. Gather information
c. Identify alternatives
d. Weigh of evidences
e. Choose among alternatives
f. Take actions
g. Review your decisions
Scenario: “in high school, I’m thinking of choosing a course whether it is engineering or a teacher
a. My parents had always choose a course that suited for me. My father tell me that what I want
is also his choice but my mother want me to become a teacher because she want a practical
job and also she want me to graduate as early as possible in college. If a choose engineering,
my parents wouldn’t send me money because that is my own choice and also my study
depends on my family.
b. In choosing my course, I always ask what is the outcome by the help of my family, friends,
and teacher. My family always said that to be a teacher is good because you can find a job
early as possible, you will graduate on time, and your life will be easy as you choose these
course not like engineering that you will graduate 7 years or more and your life will be
miserable in taking such course, if I graduate on such course, I’m not sure if I will find job
c. If my parents will push me to choose teacher, I will take it as long as they send me money or
allowance at all time needed. If I graduated such course is I will try studying engineering if I
have a time to study.
d. If I will be a teacher there 100% chances that I will find job early, it will be easy for me to
study this course and also I will think if my brain and self can handle this course. If I go
engineering, I will be stressed at all time and I cannot graduate on time.
e. I will choose teacher because that’s what my parents want for me and it will be easy for me
to handle this course.
f. Tell my parents that I will choose teacher field because I can handle this course well. I will tell
them to send me money weekly to graduate early in college. I will study well in order to get
Latin awards.
g. I will choose teacher because I proved it that I can handle it well. As tested in my course BSEd-
Physics, I can handle it even though it hard for me to learn chemistry, and if I graduated in
this course I would say “I made it” and realizing that what the best for your parents is the best
for you.

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