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First Day Hunt

To familiarize students with the school and personnel, I take students on a hunt for a certain goodie
(cookies, watermelon, etc.) around the school. Before school begins I hide the goodie somewhere
on campus and write out clue cards. On the first day of kindergarten we read the clues which take us
around the school, into the office, the library, restrooms, playground, etc. As we read the clues we
look for the goodie in all the places. The last clue leads us to the goodie. After the students find the
treat they get to eat it. We also then create a map of the school and create a book about our
hunt. Kim, Grade K

“I CAN’T” Funeral
A great first day activity is the “I Can’t Funeral”. Distribute a small piece of paper to each student for
them to write at least one thing they think they cannot do academically. Such as “I can’t do word
problems,” or “I can’t read well.” Collect the papers, place them in a shoe box or paper bag, and bury
it in the school yard. Or bury it away somewhere in your school or classroom to pull out at the end of
the year. Have a simple service with appropriate words such as “Today, we bury our can’ts. We will
miss them terribly but we will learn to live without them”. Nadine Poper

A Great Book to Start the Year

I usually begin the year by reading the chapter book “Walter the Lazy Mouse” by Marjorie Flack. This
is an old book that none of the children have ever read, so the story is always a surprise to them.
Walter is very lazy and never pays attention in school. He ends up getting lost, and meets three
frogs. He tries to teach the frogs what he knows, but soon realizes that he only knows the wrong
answers since he did not pay attention in class. He goes back home, returns to school, and
becomes a good student himself, so he can come back and teach the frogs correctly. I think it’s a
great book to begin the school year. There are so many cute art projects using mice that it’s easy to
find a follow-up creative activity, too. Mary Ann Oczkowski, 2nd Grade

All About Me Posters

On the first day of school, I have my students draw and color their name on a large sheet of paper.
They add things about themselves, including their birthdays and their favorite things to do. The
posters are then displayed on the wall in the classroom. Drucilla, Grade 3

When the children arrive on the first day of school I have a bookmark waiting for them on their
desks. I ask them to make it as beautiful as possible as it will be very important to them throughout
the year. Later that morning we look at everyone’s bookmarks and talk about how we are all going to
become even better readers that year. Ashley DeMazza
Class Puzzle
During the first week of school I have my class create a puzzle. I cut a poster up and give each
student a piece of the puzzle. (Be sure to put a dot in one of the corners so that you know which side
is up.) The students put their name on it and decorate it. Then as a class we put the puzzle together
on a bulletin board. This is great for problem solving and cooperative learning. Every year the kids
love it. Cheryl Pauly

Common Threads
Materials: ball of twine, kite string, or mason’s line One student (or teacher) has the ball of string and
shares one small fact about their life or an interest they have. Any other student in the classroom
finds a way to connect, and raises their hand. The student with the twine holds the end of the twine
and chooses where to pass it, preference given to students who have not connected yet. Each
student who has connected holds the string and passes the ball of twine. The object is to have all
students share something, creating a “web” that shows we are all connected through each other.
The connections sometimes get very fun and creative, and rewinding the ball of twine shows you a
thing or two about how manageable your class is! John Markealli

Cover Sheets
Many of the classrooms in my district are arranged in a way that groups 3 or 4 students together in
individual desks. On the first day, have the students decorate a plain manila file folder with their
name and any other decorative elements that they choose. Have the students place these in their
own desk to use as needed for cover sheets or open them and create their own personal “cubicle”
for test times. L. Parker

Dear Me,
“Dear Me” is a letter students write to themselves on the first day of school. Inside the letter they are
to discuss their feelings about starting a new school year, what they loved/hated about the previous
school year, and what they expect to learn this year. The requirements can be changed. The teacher
collects the letters to put them in individual envelopes. At the end of the year, the teacher passes out
their letters. The students read their own letter. This can lead to other activities such as sharing their
letters, seeing if their opinions changes a great deal. It is exciting to read all the letters to get to know
the students, understand where they are coming from, and what they expect. At the end of the year
it is exciting to observe the students react to their own letters (and share with others). Another
adaptation is that I give this assignment to the 6th graders. Then I give them the letters when they
graduate the 8th grade. Some students really get a kick out of reading what they wrote 3 years prior.
Ms. V
Family Tree
During the first week of school my Kindergarteners help me to make a large tree out of Brown
Butcher paper. I encourage parents at open house to send in 2 or 3 family pictures to put on the
family tree. We then add leaves–green for the beginning of school, then we change them as the
foliage turns. The kids are very proud to have picture of their families in the classroom. It also fits
nicely in our “All About Me” theme. Alyssa Robbins, Kindergarten

First Day Advice

At the end of each school year, one of my closing activities is to have my class write a letter to my

next class giving advice as to how to be successful in 2nd grade/my class I bind their
letters together and I usually read it the first day. Not only is it a hoot to hear “their” take on what
makes ME tick, but it’s a very good ice breaker.

First Day Letter

On the first day of school, I have a letter ready for each child. Although the letter is the same, each is
addressed with the child’s name. In the letter I introduce myself, talk about my family, my summer
holidays and my hobbies. I then ask them to write back to me and fill me in on them. The students
are very interested in the personal life of the teacher at this age. The letter back gives a review of the
“friendly letter” format, gives me an overview of their writing ability and an insight into the child as
well. Penny – Grade 5

First Day Name Puzzle

On the first day of school, I like to make a name puzzle with my students. I take a large piece of
poster board, and mark out lines that can be cut into pieces. Make sure that the puzzle will have
enough pieces for each student to have one. We all gather on the floor to write our name on the
blank side of the poster board. I write my name in the middle, and the students write their name in all
different directions. When I have free time, I cut the board into puzzle pieces. As a class we each
find the spot where our puzzle piece belongs. Tape the puzzle together after school, and post it on
the wall in the classroom. When the students return the next day, the will be excited to see the
puzzle, and to show off their name. My kids have fun talking and, working to put the puzzle
together. Carmen, 1st Grade

First Day Nameplates

On the first day of school, I have enough pre-cut letters ready for each child to spell out their first
name twice. Each student is provided a sheet of cardstock cut to fit their name, and folded in half to
form a tent. The students then glue their names on both the front and the back side of the ‘tent’ and
stand the nameplate on their desk. After this fun activity, not only does the teacher have a clear view
of each new student’s name, but the student can also see their name in print and can use it to copy
from, match letters, count letters to compare with classmates, etc. Darlene L., K-1st

First Days Activities

For the last several years, we have started back with students in the middle of the week. Those
“odd” days I have spent slowly introducing the classroom rather than begin active lessons. A new
grade level and classroom is so overwhelming… there is so much so to see and do! I make a word
search using my new class list and have a crossword puzzle (or similiar “seat work”) available. I set
out many math manipulatives for free exploration. Learning Centers are a big hit in my room–so, I
have really neat ones out that first week. We spend those first days going over discipline, listening
skills, and procedures. Even the first full week of school, we go slow–introducing each text book one
at a time. I don’t even pass them out until we are ready to use them. Lisa Slaughter, 2nd Grade

Fun First Day Activity

On the first day of school I have plenty of pre-cut letters in lots of different colors on a table. As the
children come in they find the letters to spell their names and glue them together. I hang these from
the ceiling! They really brighten up the room and look great for Open House! Usually this is the first
thing they point out to their parents. Shelly, 1st Grade

Introducing Science
A great introduction to Science at the beginning of the year is to talk about scientists. Give your
students a piece of white paper and tell them to draw what they think a scientist looks like. Let them
have about 10 minutes or so to do this. Then instruct students to write on the paper what they think a
scientist does. Encourage them to use a word or short phrase. Ex. read, study, mixes things,
experiments, observes, etc. After a few minutes, have students put their pencils down and ask them
to share different words that they wrote. Ask the students, Do you read? Have you ever
experimented with things? What about things in the kitchen? Have you ever created something?
Objective is for the students to realize that they are all scientist. A scientist does not have a
particular look. They are all scientists. Karen Wilson, Grades 3-6

Making An Important Book

On the first day of school I read The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown. I review paragraph
writing and instruct them to write a paragraph following the same format as the book about
themselves. I also do the same. After the rough drafts are written they are to do a final draft and
attach it to a white piece of paper, where they add an illustration. All the pages are laminated and
bound into a book. Students reread this book throughout the year. It easily becomes a favorite.
Students also enjoy reading the book from the previous years classes. Robin Long

New Student Information Booklet

During the first few weeks of school, my class makes a book about the school. Each student has a
page about themself with a picture that they make themselves. I include pictures of important staff
and faculty, important parts of the school (gym, media center, computer lab, etc), and extra copies of
the student information from the beginning of the year. When a new student arrives, they take the
book home for a few days to help get familiar with the school. The students love this and it works
great. Jennifer, Grade 1

Picture portfolio
Take a digital picture of each student on the first day of school. Insert into a Microsoft Word
document in which each student types or writes about what they would like to learn in second grade.
Glue on the front of a file folder and put samples of student’s work in it throughout the year. Take a
picture of each student the last week of school and have students write what they learned
throughout the year. Glue on the inside of the file folder. Use folders as a portfolio to send home at
the end of the year.
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5

Picture Rules
While introducing the class rules and expectations, I have a student model each desired behavior. I
take a digital picture of it and use them in a PowerPoint. I make a slide of each rule with the child’s
picture for the background. I print the slides and post the picture rules on the wall. The heading for
this is “Model Behavior” or “Welcome to Our Picture Perfect Class”. Debbie Coria

Sentence Strip Unscramble

This activity is great to use the first day kids walk in, while you greet new students and their parents.
Type a short letter attached to an envelope inviting students to unscramble the sentence you have
placed in their envelope. Sentences like: Welcome to 3rd grade! It’s going to be a great year! I’m
glad you are here! Be sure to cut between the words like a puzzle. The students job is to place the
sentence in order. S. Crenshaw
Snowball Fight!
Students write three things about themselves on a piece of paper. Then they crumple the paper up
into a “snowball.” Students have one-two minutes to have a snowball fight. When time is called,
everyone grabs the closest snowball and tries to find the person who wrote it. They then introduce
that person to the entire class by sharing the three facts. If you really want to liven things up, join in
the fight with your class. Daphne Sherrod
Time Capsules
I have a Year 2 class (5-6 year olds). In the first week of school, we make time capsules (small
cardboard boxes) with pictures of “What I want to be,” “Who my friends are,” a print of their hands, a
sample story, and a sample of handwriting. We decorate the box with their name in glitter and hang
them from the classroom roof. They are exciting to open at the end of the year to see how we’ve
changed! Kim Burdett, Taupo, New Zealand

Toothpaste to Teach Respect

Before we discuss classroom rules I tell the kids we are going to play a game. Each group has a
travel size tube of toothpaste. First I tell them to squeeze all the toothpaste onto a paper plate. Then
I tell them the game is to try to get all of the toothpaste back into the tube without using any tools
expect a toothpick (including not using their hands!). Well, it doesn’t work. I then tell them that the
toothpaste is like words we speak. Once we say an unkind word we can’t put it back in our mouth.
Then we talk about repecting one another and our classroom rules. I heard about this idea from Dr.
Dobson. Mary Beth Busick

True False Quiz

On the first day of school I give my new students a T/F quiz all about me. I have silly things in there
like “I like to hang upside-down from trees” “I love Harry Potter books” and “My favorite color is
purple.” The children take the quiz and then we go over the answers. I usually give a small prize to
whoever gets the most correct. Then it is their turn to write a T/F quiz for me about them. If there is
time, I will try to answer the quizes out loud so that everyone gets to know everyone a bit. I tell them
I want them to pay attention to punctuation and do the best they can on spelling as well, without
putting too much pressure on them about it. This give me a change to preview their skill level as well
as get to know them.
Turning over a new Leaf
On the first day of school students see their names written on a leaf that is hanging from a tree in our
reading center. The quote, “Turning over a new leaf” is written on the board and we brainstorm ideas
as to what it means. Once the children have an understanding of the quote, they then write me a
letter that begins, “This year I am turning over a new leaf. Last year I…..and this year I want to….”
Many students wrote about grades, and others wrote about wanting to change their behavior.
Students feel better after we have discussed that they are indeed turning over a new leaf because
they are starting the new year with a clean slate! Andrea, Grade 4

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