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Approximately, there are 250 individuals in Maigo Rural Health Unit alone taking non –
communicable disease medicines such as losartan, amlodipine, metformin and gliclazide
monthly. It is estimated that every barangay cater 200-300 of patients and taking of such
medicines monthly. This means, medicines are the most essential tool in the health care system
to able to treat and prevent certain diseases.
Apart from that, 2,500 individuals given primary TSEKAP by the Doctors and Nurses to the Barrio
have seen every month. These huge numbers of patients coming in and out in the health center
have different medical problems and some just come by to monitor their blood pressure or blood
sugar before taking medications. Nonetheless, the supply and demand mechanism could no
longer allocate the needs of the people.

In the recent data given by the pharmacy in charge, almost 6 months that the medicines coming
from the Regional Office runs shortage or may be out of stocks and have a problem in
procurement. Also, the contribution coming from the LGU is unsustainable and most of the time is
delayed, out of budget or some times they aligned the allotted medical budget to the other
projects. With most medicines unavailable, the community health workers have little choice and
let the patient buy their own medicine. With this, they could no longer continue there maintenance
and left untreated, suffered and may face complications in the long run.

The “SANA ALL” in tagalog or simply means I hope everything is like this/that becomes a
common expressions among the millennial or perhaps all the generations, which it has been
widely used as a positive response for a thing that happened positively. However, I highly
neglected this expression in an optimistic way due to some reason that thousands of people in all
ages have suffering of lack of medications. Others per say endured the sickness they have just to
survive. The SANA ALL expression hope could catch the attention from the government that not
all things are in a positive way as always and should not be tolerated or ignored. If the
government could sustain the basic medicines to the poor, there will be no people will suffer and
some diseases can be prevented or treated in timely manner.

With this background, I decided to conduct a study the lack of essential medicines to the
marginalized and vulnerable people in the community. Considering the fact that my job
description in the department of Health as Nurse II focuses with the vulnerable and marginalized
people of Maigo, Lanao del Norte. It is for this very reason that this study is conducted in order to
determine the specific and current problem of lack of medicine supplies.


Build a consumer-focused integrated primary health cares system; improved access and reduce
inadequacy of essential medicines; filled up medicines unavailability and timely and accurately
record keeping of in and out medicine supplies.


a. Availability of essential medicines to the marginalized and vulnearable people

b. Sustainability of essential medicines to the NCD patients
c. Increase the supplies and cope the demand of medicines
d. Tracking records of in and out of medicines


This study focuses on the lack of primary medicine supplies in the rural health Unit and in Barangay
health Station. The data collection will be conducted in Maigo, Lanao del Norte and its respected
barangay. This study will not cover other problems that are not considered as the main reason for
inadequate medicine supplies. The study would be done through collecting data in the pharmacy unit
of rural health unit and selected barangay health station. By this strategy, the researcher will be able
to identify the root cause of the problem.


a. HUMAN RESOURCE HEALTH – is defines as the group of individuals in the formal and
informal health sector that seek to protect, promote, and improve population health,
equitable distribution and mobilization, and strategic utilization in order to meet the health
system’s goals (World Health Organization, 2006).

b. PHARMACY IN-CHARGE- responsible in dispensing basic medicines coming from the

DOH and LGU supplies with timely record of supplies and demand of the community.

c. LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT – is an institutional unit whose fiscal, legislative and

executive authority extends over the smallest geographical area distinguished for
administrative and political purposes.

d. DEPARTMENT OF HEATLH- is the executive department of the Philippine government

responsible for ensuring access to basic public health services by all Filipinos through the
provision of quality health care and the regulation of all health services and products

e. MEDICINES- a substance or preparation used in treating or preventing disease,

especially a drug or drugs taken by mouth.
a. Coordinate with the DOH pharmacy on the availability of medicines from the
other municipality and have internal arrangement on the exchange of
b. Conduct weekly monitoring on the Implementation of the DOH Complete
Package Program in the RHUs including gathering of reports on utilization of
c. Facilitate the submission of reports on existing Medicine Access Program for
the listed patients in the community: Mental Health, Insulin n etc.
d. Coordination in the Municipal and Barangay Level about the quarterly
budget of the medications.
e. Enlistment of the people taking in and out of basic and maintenance
medications in the RHU

a. Encourage the pharmacist to be keened on monitoring the expiration of the
medicine and dispose to the other municipality six months before the date of
“First expired, first out”
b. Closely monitoring health Facilities and provide Pharmaceutical Supply
Chain Management which includes reports on utilization and expiry of stocks
c. Coordinate with the Municipal Level thru Sangguniang Bayan members the
essential medication needed in the RHU
d. Update the LGU about the supply and demand of the medications in the
e. Provide technical assistance regarding Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
Management includes conducting orientations

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