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Anatomy & Physiology II Exam 1 Review

Hormone Functions
Down/Up Regulation and difference
Water/Lipid Soluble Hormones and their examples
Mechanism of action of water/lipid soluble hormones
Second messenger
Endocrine Glands and their hormones and functions
Which structure is a neuroendocrine organ
Which structure is the size and shape of a pea
Which structure controls fight or flight
Know the two sets of hormones that regulate the same thing but in a different way
Know the hormones that are also neurotransmitters
Know the three cardinal signs of diabetes mellitus (The Three P’s)
Know the 3 hormone interactions
Glucocorticoid Actions and which part of the adrenal gland produces
Regions of Adrenal gland and hormones
Types of hormones, know the difference between (autocrine, paracrine)
Pathways of anterior/posterior pituitary gland hormones
Blood function, components and characteristics
Know all blood cells and their functions
Know the disorder if blood cells are abnormal /deficient
Know the two groups of white blood cells
Know which white cells are most/least abundant and the largest/smallest
Know the pH of blood
Plasma proteins
Process of hematopoiesis
Precursor cells of each blood cell
Myeloid/lymphoid lineage
Erythropoietin/ Thrombopoietin
Know the 3 steps of hemostasis/and coagulation
Blood Clotting Cascade
Clotting Factors and name
Blood types (groups) antigen and antibody
Know universal donor/recipient
Know hematocrit/hemoglobin and normal values
Know what hypoxia is
Know difference between thrombus/embolus
Know the term anticoagulant
Know Diagnostic Blood Tests
Know where blood cells develop in the fetus
Know Anatomy of the Heart
Know Layers of the Heart
Know Function of Pericardial fluid
Know Chambers and Valves locations
Know Blood Flow (oxygenated and deoxygenated)
Know coronary circulation of the heart ….Coronary Artery branches
Know Systems of circulation
Cardiac muscle fibers
Conduction system (steps)
Cardiac Cycle
Action Potential Diagram and ions
Waves of Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac Output Equation
Heart Sounds
Regulation factors for Stoke Volume
Know what ECG represents (waves) and what each indicates (action)
Know the 3 blood vessels
Layers of blood vessels
Functions of blood vessels
Branches of the Aorta
Net Filtration Pressure equation Filtration / Reabsorption
Know Starlings Law
Methods for Capillary Exchange
Blood Viscosity, Resistance, Compliance
Cardiovascular Center
Know the sensory receptors
Hydrostatic and Osmotic Pressure (blood and tissue)
Know the different components that regulate blood pressure- (hormones)
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide
Veins of Systemic circulation
Blood Pressure values

Also please note this is just a guide to help study for the exam, this is not a reflection of the actual
exam and please note something may not be mentioned on this review that will be on exam but
however it was covered in class. So please review the powerpoints


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