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Senior High School Department

Learning Style and its Relationship to Academic Performance of Grade 12

Students at St.Vincent College of Cabuyao

A Thesis Presented in St. Vincent College of Cabuyao

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical Research 2






2019 – 2020

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department

Table of Contents
I. The Problem and its Background
Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………………….....2
Theoretical Framework………………………………………………………………………………..3
Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………………………...4
Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………………………......5
II. Literature Review
Review of Literature and Studies……………………………………………………………………..6
III. Methodology
Research Design………………………………………………………………………………………10
Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………………………………………….11
IV. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Interpretation of Data………………………………………………………………………………......16
V. Summary of findings, Conclusions and Recommendations


Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department

The purpose of this study is to provide enough information about the motivational factors

that affect students’ interest in the English subject. Many students have different attitudes

toward the subject, but many factors are influencing them to act in a certain way. This paper

seeks to give answers and explain these motivational factors and how to further elborate the

influence of these factors.

The study used the descriptive case study method of research by utilizing questionnaire

and focus group discussion to gather. It is qualitative approach that focuses on identifying and

describing phenomena that now exist. The respondents were chosen using purposive sampling,

in this way, the researchers can draw reliable conclusions and opinions from the chosen people

and they have a certain characteristic that the researchers selected to satisfy the needed data.

To further elaborate these factors, the researchers need to provide answers to this

question: What are the different motivational factors considered by students that affect their

interest towards learning in the English subject?

There are a lot of motivational factors influencing a student’s attention, but the effort that

matters most is within themselves, their inner confidence and decision to get up and learn this

subject. Students are in control of their decisions and interest knowing that it may gratify them in

the end. The learners have different ways of learning and these practices are believed to be a

very fundamental edge in learning. The researchers recommend to keep an open

communication from all people inside the classroom for better understanding and for the

development of a good working environment as the students learn with these motivational

factors that help them to be interested in the English subject.


Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department



“Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They
vary in their desires to reach their potential”. – John Maxwell

The word "learning” is typically defined as the forces that account for the
selection, direction, and continuation of behaviour. Actually, it is often used to
describe certain sorts of behaviour. A student who studies hard and tries for top
grades may be described as being "highly motivated", while his/her friend may
say that he is "finding it hard to get motivated". Such statements imply that
motivation has a major influence on our behaviour. (Alexeoamen, 2009)

The English language is commonly known as our second language or

generally, the universal language that enables people all around the world to
converse with each other using a language that can be understand by all.
Locally, it is proven that the English language is a prominent way of
interaction.Having to learn English since the first day of school, students are
expected to reach a higher knowledge about the said subject. Mike Cabigon
(2018) stated that the Philippines is recognized globally as one of the largest
English-speaking nations with majority of its population having at least some
degree of fluency in the language.Basic writing, comprehension and
understanding English are taught during our younger years and yet, a huge
number of students are still having difficulty in this subject.

Statement of the Problem

Ever since our younger years,we’ve been taught of the basic English grammar,
writing and reading. A huge percentage of Filipinos do speak English on a daily basis,
on work, at home and mostly at schools. According to an article written by a student in
UK Essays, Academic English is now considered as an important language, not only in
Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
the learning institutions but also within the society. Most employers seek employees
who can communicate competently in English. Unfortunately the standard of English
among today's graduates is disappointing. One may argue that emphasize should be
put on the skill needed to do a particular job instead of focusing on being able to speak
English well.

Learning in Academic can be fun for other students, but for those other learners
who have their interests in different subjects or activities may find it boring. Their
attentiveness may change according to their environment and other factors that may
improve their attention and willingness to learn. Some students may find this subject
mundane, but it is not because of their disinclination, there are several reasons why
they are behaving unmotivated and inconsistently active on the subject, there are
factors affecting their moods and interest.

This study aimed to recognize these factors that divide the learners’ attention that
may cause lack of concentration towards learning in their English subject. English is a
very pertinent medium to communicate and at the same time can be used on in-
demand jobs. Lack of motivation and contributing factors may affect learners
inquisitiveness and to find out these motivating factors may help students, teachers and
as well as parents into understanding on how it may affect learners’ performance.

Statement of the Problem

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
This study aimed to evaluate the motivational factors that influence the learners
style interest and its Relationship to Academic Performance. To explain these factors,
the researchers need to provide answers for this question:

What are the different learning style considered by students that affect their
interest towards learning in the Academic Subjects?


1. What are the learning styles of the students?

2. What is the Academic Performance of the Student during 1st
3. Is there a significant relationship between the learning style and
Academic Performance?

Theoretical Framework

Even though the majority of Professional development programs in the last 30

years were not conceptualized as a system impacting student learning, but only

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
focusing on teacher outcomes. Some authors (Guskey, 1986) have already advanced

the importance conceptualizing Professional Development through its ultimate impact

on students.

Guskey (1986, 1997) presented a model (Figure 1) of teacher change process

that teachers go through when participating in professional development programs. This

model has the professional development program as the initial triggering mechanism in

the change process. However, it recognizes that the student learning outcomes, as

observed by the teachers after they have transformed their classroom practices, are a

determinant in promoting teachers’ change in beliefs and attitudes.

Ch a n ge in Ch a n ge in Ch a n ge in

Figure 1: A Model of the process of Teacher Change (Guskey, 1986)

There are several models of professional development present in the literature,

one of the most evolved ones is presented by Loucks-Horsley, Hewson, Love, and

Stiles (1998) (Figure 2) for designing professional development programs for teachers

of science and mathematics. This framework emphasizes the continuous and circular

design permeating the implementation of professional development programs. This

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
design is infused by the continuous reflection based on the outcomes of the program to

reevaluate and further improve it.

C o nte xt C ri ti c al
Is s u e s

S e t G o al s Pl a n Do R e fl e ct

K no wled ge S t rat e g i e s
& B eli ef s

Figure 2: Professional Development Design Process for Mathematics and Science

Education Reform (Loucks-Horsley et al., 1998)

Hein (1997) presented a view of the U.S. Educational System where student

learning was the ultimate goal and the teachers were portrayed as the main level just

before students through which that goal could be achieved. Nonetheless, according to

Hein at that time “the evaluation of Teacher Enhancement efforts must focus on

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
observable outcomes for teachers … (because) the research base that links teacher

behavior and student learning is still inadequate” (p. 161).

One may argue that professional development researchers must place student

learning at the center of the educational system, and also that it must inform and

influence the steps right above it, teacher professional development in particular, since

the teachers are one of the greatest influences on student learning.

Based on the presented models and frameworks for the structure of professional

development and its impact on teacher change, and on this researcher’s firm belief that

student learning should be the focal point of the educational system, a theoretical

framework for professional development was developed (Figure 3). This framework

reflects these researcher’s values about what should guide professional development

programs. Three concentric domains characterize the framework. It includes the student

learning domain, a teachers’ change/evolution domain, and a professional development


Change is a complicated process, not an event (Loucks-Horsley & Roody, 1990).

It is not reasonable to expect teachers to change overnight because of their

participation in a professional development program. The impact on teachers’ beliefs

and attitudes is much more probable to become a reality after they notice an

improvement in their student learning outcomes than before. However, intensive and

extensive follow up activities of the professional development program are other

essential requirements to nurture teacher change.

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department

Significance of the Study

The result of the study, on how motivational factors affect students’

interest in the English subject, will be of great benefit to the following:

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
This study aimed to recognize how motivational factors
toward learning English subject may affect the learners’ interest. It
is intended to prompt students to practice etiquette during English
subject and for them be aware of their attitude while learning. This
study also proposes how understanding and studying may affect
their competencies, careers, and future choices in life. Their
learning styles as students and how the teaching strategies of their
teachers affect their attentiveness in the class. The researchers are
also want to see how the classroom atmosphere is going to
influence the learners’ focus.

The data given would guide the teachers into more fun and
exciting ways of learning in English subject. It is also aimed to
inform educators on how their teaching methods affect their
students’ interest in their subject. Also, to suggest different effective
ways to catch learners’ attention into learning their subject. This
study also sights to apprise instructors of what kind of learning
environment the students prefer to listen with undivided attention
and using motivational factors that favors the interest of their
students and them as well.


Like the teachers, parents too will learn how motivational

factors affect their childrens interest towards learning in English
subjectand also they will have ideas on how to encourage their
children to learn more in English subject.


Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department



Review of Literature and Studies

When talking about motivational factors, a lot of ideas come into our heads.
There are so many learning style and its relationship to academic performance, and one
of those is the teaching strategies and attitudes of the teachers. Students’ learning

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
motivation is directly affected by the teacher and the teaching techniques that are
supported with appropriate guidance and advice. Learners appreciate the distinctive
paths offered to them to follow for better understanding and learning. Furthermore,
teachers and their teaching methods also affect students’ motivation. Students’ interest
in school and wish for learning are affected by such factors as teachers, instructors,
school circumstances, and their friends in classroom. But when compared, teachers are
seen to be the most important factor due to the fact that they have important role in the
students’ learning. Teachers’ feedback influences students’ learning motivation when
they realize that he/she follows their individual development (Trong Tuan, 2012).

Shinn Y.H. (1997), stated that students come from different backgrounds and
have varied experiences and abilities. Good teaching is not only dependent on teaching
strategies or their effectiveness but It also depends on individual needs and adequacy
of the content. Dyer and Osborne (1995) in their study, Effects of Teaching Approach on
Achievement of Agricultural Education Students with Varying Learning Styles proposed
that "the selection of an appropriate teaching approach is one of the most important
processes to have teaching success and student achievement" (p. 260). Joyce and Weil
(1986), further stated that "students react differently to different teaching methods, and
that the selection of the proper method is critical to the learning style of those being
served by the instruction" (p. 260). There is an assumption that students learn with
different styles, at different speeds, different levels of prior knowledge and different
environments when the subject matter is given by way of a variety of teaching

Second is the learning style of the students, their learning styles are one of the
most important motivational factors toward their learning. Golkap. M stated in his study,
The Effect of Students’ Learning Styles to Their Academic Success, that it is commonly
believed that learning styles are not really concerned with “what” learners learn, but
rather “how” they prefer to learn and it is also an important factor for students’ academic
achievement and attitudes. Students have different strengths and preferences in the
Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
ways how they take in and process information which is to say, they have different
learning styles. Some prefer to work with concrete information (experimental data, facts)
while others are more comfortable with abstractions (symbolic information, theories
Mathematical models). It is common to describe and classify unique styles in many
domains. Qiang Z noted that, As class sizes increase, so do the types and numbers of
student learning styles. Also, as previously mentioned, internationalization and changes
in the media culture may affect the spectrum of classroom learning styles as well.

Lastly, classroom atmosphere is also considered as one of the motivational

factors affecting learners’ interest in the said subject. Classroom management entails
the activities to organize and direct classes to achieve specific goals. There are many
things that can affect this environment. There are physical elements such as wall art,
arrangement of desks, or resources. Also, there are intangible elements such as the
energy of the classroom, the rules, or the sounds within the room. Each of these can
impact a student’s focus and achievement in the class. They can also affect a teacher’s
attitude in the class. Included in each of these elements of the classroom is the
emotional environment. The way in which a teacher organizes their class, or how they
control it, will yield positive or negative consequences for their students. (Hannah,
2013). Classroom management is a critical part of effective and successful instruction.

According to the study about the Effects of Classroom Physical Environment on

the Academic Achievement Scores of Secondary School Students, Effective classroom
management, which initiates with well-organized and efficient lesson planning
preparation, helps a teacher to teach and students to learn. Students perform well in an
optimistic classroom atmosphere and an environment in which they feel secure, safe,
cared for and involved. From a student point of view, effective and successful classroom
management provides students with opportunities to socialize while learning interesting
content. From a teacher point of view, effective classroom management involves
preventive discipline and interesting instruction. (Lang and Hebert, 1995)

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
Local Literature

Go, Lucas, and Miraflores (94) conducted a study to determine the causes of

anxiety in English language learning of foreign students in the Philippines. Findings

suggest that these type of learners used vocabulary strategy to efficiently learn the

English language and to cope with their English class anxiety. Two hundred fifty foreign

students were the respondents of this study. The target participants were foreign

college students taking any course in these institutions provided that they are enrolled in

any English course during the time of the administration of the questionnaires. It has

been found that the employment of this strategy enables the learners to take charge of

their own learning as this serves as their basic aid to learn other macro skills in the

target language.

Del Villar (159) identified beginning student’s attributions about their oral

communication anxieties. A total of 250 students were included in the study. Results

revealed an eight factor model explaining 69.11% of the total variance in the data. The

factors are expectation, training and experience, audience, self-worth, rejection, verbal

fluency, preparation and previous unpleasant experience.

Cao (73) compared the two models of foreign language classroom anxiety

scale (FLCAS). FLCAS was constructed where items reflect the characteristics of

foreign language anxiety. There showed two models of FLCAS which are three factor

model and four factor model. The three factor model has three domains which are

communication apprehension, test anxiety, fear of negative evaluation. The four factor

model has four domains which are communication apprehension, test anxiety, fear of

negative evaluation, and fear of English classes. The FLCAS was administered to a
Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
sample (N=300) and the factors were confirmed using Confirmative Factor analysis

(CFA). The results showed that the three factor model of FLCAS has the better fit.

Cequena and Gustillo (280) investigated on the connection between writing

anxiety and writing performance. The respondents of the study composed of 17

freshman college students, majoring in Computer Studies. Results of the quantitative

analysis of writing anxiety revealed that there is a positive correlation between essay

scores (argumentative and definition essays) and writing anxiety.

Balili (1) studied level of language anxiety and its effect on oral

performance in English of Teachers College freshmen of the University on Mindanao.

Employing the descriptive correlational method, with the Foreign Language Classroom

Anxiety Scale and Clark’s Four Scale System, it was found out that there was no

significant relationship between the two variables since Bouchard’s Picture Talk their

language anxiety. The result suggested that a similar study be conducted but using

evaluation tools that would clearly gauge that language anxiety and the oral

performance of the students.

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department


The foregoing theories are significant to the present study because they
explained and defined the different motivational factors influencing the interest of the
students in English subject which are the variables and the main concern of this

First factor is the teaching techniques that the teachers do because the
researchers think that it is a very important factor, for the teachers are the instrument for
knowledge and the students learning ability do not only base on themselves but also to
their teacher.

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
Second factor is the learning style of the learners, the students have different
styles in learning, like watching, listening, writing and so many more that’s why this
theory is sought to be proven.

Last is the classroom atmosphere. The researchers want to find out if a good and
well ventilated classroom may affect the effectiveness of learning on the students and if
the classroom environment of a student affect the lowerized percentage of learning due
to the classroom’s lack of motivational atmosphere. These factors are to be proven by
the researchers.



Research Design

The study used the descriptive case study method of research by utilizing questionnaire
and focus group discussion to gather. It is qualitative approach that focuses on
identifying and describing phenomena that now exist. The interviewees are expected to
have a particular knowledge about the topic.

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
The findings are based on the perception of the students about the different
motivational factors influencing their interest in Academic Subject To find out more
about more and learn others’ insight about learning style and its relationship to
academic performance the researchers conducted a qualitative research, it is based on
written or spoken narratives, it was based on qualitative questions that is more on words
or sentences to be answered. The researchers used the said method so respondents
can elaborate their answers clearly. They have no limitations on how long they want to
answer the inquiries.

Data Gathering Procedure

After getting the approval of the research adviser, permission was saught to
distribute the questionnaires with the subject. The questions were given in advance to
allow the participants to study and prepare their answers. The respondents were
chosen intentionally from different levels of learning to analyze and study their ideas
and opinions about the subject. They were personally monitored by the researchers in
their house during convenient time. Accomplished questionnaire were gathered by the
researchers. The responses were analyzed and categorized for interpretation.

Statistical Instrument

Before the researchers collect any data from our respondents, instruments were
designed to carry out interviews on our interviewees. The study utilized self-made
questionnaire to gather sufficient data on the learning s. It was developed by gathering
Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
related literatures atyle and its realtionship to academic performance. It was validated
through consultation with the research adviser and was given to the respondents to be
analyzed, reviewed and answered.




The researchers had discussed the research design and methodology, origin of
the research, design of the research, population and sample of the research, tools for
data collection and procedure for data collection done in research work. After collecting
the data with the help of relevant tools and techniques, the next logical step, is to
analyze and interpret data with a view to arriving at empirical solution to the problem.

Data Analysis

Braun and Clarke (2006) argued that thematic analysis should be a foundational
method for qualitative analysis, as it provides core skills for conducting many other
forms of qualitative analysis. Many authors have maintained that because thematic
Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
analysis is a process used by many qualitative methods, it is not a separate method,
rather something to be used to assist researchers in analysis (Boyatzis, 1998).

The researchers divided the questions into three (3) parts. First, the questions
about their classrooms’ atmosphere, Second is the teaching strategies and attitude of
the teachers, lastly, the learning style of the students. In this method, we collected
different answers from the three respondents gaining information of their opinions in
their current learning level.

Interpretation of Data .

There are some teachers’ strategies that are considered by the learners to be
effective. The teacher’s lesson together with motivational lecture makes the students
attentive in class, speaking confidently encourages the learners to listen more and
cracking jokes related to the lesson is said to be an effective way for students to
remember the topic. Most students don’t agree with this, they are more comfortable
learning in a quiet classroom on their own and they are more interested in the subject
this way.

The most important factor in learning is the students’ style on how to gain
knowledge, they are in-charge of their own way in order to learn. Students, mostly teens
have more interest in learning while playing music, in this way, they are said to be more
alive and relaxed. The other style is through watching, a lot of students learn the English
subject through watching movies and subtitled series to widen their knowledge in the
said subject. Others prefer to learn through writing, they are learning more in this
efficient way by understanding the text that they are writing down. Some of the students

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
are learning by reading books and stories, they are curious of the written text and they
can practice their comprehension through this. There are a lot of ways to learn and have
interest in a specific subject, it’s up to the learner to know what is the most effective
style they are most comfortable with and the most effective way of having interest in the
English subject.

1. 15 0.75 18.75 % -4.45 19.80

2. 15 0.75 18.75% -4.45 19.80

3. 25 1.25 31.25% 3.95 15.60

4. 9 0.45 11.25% 10.5 11.30

5. 12 0.6 15% 10.2 10.4

6. 7 0.35 8.75% -9.4 12.3

7. 19 0.95 23.45% -8.9 79.2

8. 10 0.5 12.5% -6.7 44.89

9. 17 0.85 21.25% -10.9 119.90

10. 10 0.5 12.5% 7.4 55.50

11. 14 0.7 17.5% 4.8 23.04

12. 16 0.8 20% 1.05 1.10

13. 17 0.85 21.25% 1.8 3.24

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
14. 18 0.9 22.5% 1.05 1.10

15. 28 1.4 35% 1.8 36.60

16. 30 1.5 37.5% 1.05 1.10

17. 26 1.3 32.5% 6.05 36.06

18. 21 1.05 26.25% 11.8 139.04

19. 23 1.15 28.75% 13.3 17.6

20. 15 0.75 18.75% 7.55 5.3

Mean = 21.67

Sd = 1.68

“Learning Style and its Relationship to Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students”

Name (optional) __________ Strand/Course : ____________

The following questionnaire has been designed to help you clarify your attitudes
and feelings toward the subjects you have taken. There is no right or wrong answers to
each question. Put a check ( ∕ ) and respond to the items listed below by using the
following rating scale:

Legends: Use a rating of 1 if you strongly disagree with the statement.

Use a rating of 2 if you disagree with the statement.
Use a rating of 3 if you agree with the statement.
Use a rating of 4 if you strongly agree with the statement.

Questions 1 2 3 4
1. I am confident of my ability to learn important course material.
2. I often daydream during class.
3. Working with other students on class projects is something I enjoy.
4. Facts presented in textbooks and lectures usually are correct.
5. To do well, it is necessary to compete with other students for the
teacher’s attention.
6. I usually am eager to learn about the content areas covered in class.
7. My ideas about content are often as good as those in the textbook.

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
8. Classroom activities generally are boring.
9. I enjoy discussing my ideas about course content with other students.
10. Teachers are the best judges of what is important for me to learn in a
11. It is necessary to compete with other students to get a grade.
12. Class sessions typically are worthwhile.
13. I study what is important to me and not always what the instructor
says is important.
14. Very seldom do I get excited about material covered in a course.
15. I enjoy hearing what other students think about issues raised in class.
16. Teachers should state exactly what they expect from students.
17. During class discussions, I must compete with other students to get
my idea across.
18. I get more out of going to class than staying at home.
19. Most of what I know, I learned on my own.
20. I generally feel like I have to attend class rather than like I want to



Summary of Findings

Classroom atmosphere, teachers’ strategies and learning styles of the students

are some of the motivational factors affecting students’ interest in the English subject,
these factors have huge effect on the students and their enthusiasm in the said subject.
Students are most likely to learn in a quiet area which provides them focus and interest
in the subject, some may say otherwise. The purpose of this study is to find out the
most effective motivational factors that influence the interest of a student towards the
English subject. The study aimed to recognize the insights of students in these
motivational factors and how relevant it is to learn and focus on the said subject.

Finding 1. Students are meant to listen to their instructor, they are gaining more
interest if the educator is a motivational speaker and has an unwavering knowledge

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
about the topic that he is discussing. Also, a teachers’ way of imparting knowledge
makes a huge argument about the students’ preferences. Others may like written
lessons and visual aids but others can understand more when the topic is thoroughly
explained by the instructor and visual presentations are being shown to them.

Finding 2. The students’ interest varies from their classroom atmosphere

preferences, some of the students would like to have a quiet classroom where they can
think critically and focus on learning, some students would like to have a cheerful
classroom with light environment and joyful people, they are said to be more relaxed
and comfortable with this kind of atmosphere. Students who got competitive classmates
end up being as competitive a them driving them to pursue a certain knowledge about
the subject to make them cut above the rest.

Finding 3. The learning style of a learner is the most important factor towards
having interest in the English subject, the student get to identify what kind of learning
style is efficient for them to have interest in the lesson. Also, a great contributor for this
factor is the driving motivation of a student to actually learn in this subject. Whatever
style they’re comfortable with where they can learn and understand the lesson can
motivate them into learning more.

Finding 4. Every motivational factors are greatly effective for students to gain
interest in the subject. There must be a huge effort for the students and teachers to
achieve these concepts that are favorable for both parties. To attain these, students
must act accordingly in approbation of the teachers, as well as Educators, they must
know what are the preferences of the students and they must agree in a way that is
affirmative for both. Adjustment and understanding are the tools for a healthy learning
atmosphere at school.

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department


Therefore I conclude that Students, regardless of their capabilities and learning

capacity are a great hope for the future, learning at school is a stepping stone for every
one of them. Making students interested in a subject may be hard but definitely worth
every effort from the people around them, the teachers and most importantly
themselves. With this study, the researches found out how these different motivational
factors affect student’s interest in the Academic subject. The researchers found some
major factors that drive the student to learn more in this subject.

It takes effort for the teachers to impart their knowledge to their students, they
are the ones making the learners digest what they are teaching, so numerous strategies
were named that are found effective by their students. Students are the major subject in
this study, the core purpose of the study is for them to be aware of the motivational
factors that influence them everyday to be interested in the Academic Subject

There are a lot of learning styles, but the effort that matters most is within
themselves, their inner confidence and decision to get up and learn this subject.
Students are in control of their decisions and interest knowing that it may gratify them in
Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department
the end. The learners have different ways of learning and these practices are believed
to be a very fundamental edge in learning. To support a child and to push them to learn
can lead to success and betterment of a student that requires a lot of endeavor from all
these learning style


A strong recommendation would be encourage other researchers to use this

study to devise more research to examine the results documented in this study. More
time could be put into conducting follow up interviews on other learning styles and its
relationship to academic performance affected them personally.

Overall the study has met the established goals but further and more
comprehensive research needs to be done to see if the results hold true for a larger

Practical Research 2
Senior High School Department


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Dyer, J.E. & Osborne. E., (1996) EFFECTS OF TEACHING APPROACH ON

LEARNING STYLES. Iowa State University: University of Illinois
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Hannah. R.,(2013). The Effect of Classroom Environment on Student Learning. Western

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Lang, R. H. and Hebert, J. (1995). Teaching Strategies and Methods for Students
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Practical Research 2

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