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Background of the Study

Communication of the teens towards their parents in this generation is a bit

problem. Communication is the key for the understanding. It is one of the

processes that deals with exchanging thoughts and ideas that involves verbal, non-

verbal and written. Teenage years can be difficult to many families. Young people

may develop ideas, values and beliefs that are different to those of their parent.

This part of the normal process of moving towards independence (Better Health

Channel,2018). In this stage, teens are ready to be developed. They are engage

in various activities that can help to them to become better version of themselves.

Adolescent stage for parents is a challenging part of their lives. In this stage,

rebellious type of teens, some are just hiding and locked up there or being an

introvert type of personality. Teenagers are individuals with unique personalities

and their own likes and dislikes, some traits are universal (, 2018).

Constantly communicating to others our thoughts and feelings, whether aware of

it or not. Words, actions, gestures and posture send signals (Our Everyday life,

2016). The attitude of students inclined in their everyday communication towards

their parents is a quite trouble for their relationship. It is always observed in today’s

generation. Behavioral concerns of teenagers in communication is an everyday

scenario for their parents.

In this generation, it seems teens or specifically in the adolescent stage of

a person developed their persona throughout. The misunderstanding between the


parent and their child sometimes can be a scene in their lives. Conflict is inevitable

when people with different views live together so the occasional clash with your

teenager is normal and to be expected. However, ongoing conflict can undermine

the relationship between a parent and a young person (Better health, 2018). These

are the major outcome that can affect one’s individual especially the relationship

between the parent and its young. The longer the years, the relationship changes.

This study aimed to determine the communication behavior of senior high

school students in terms of openness, attitude and connection towards their

parents and to know the possible solutions to have an open communication, to

know the right attitude in communicating their parents and to build up bond

between the senior high school student and the parent.

Statement of The Problem

The study endeavored to understand the communication behavior of the

senior school students in terms of openness, attitude and connection to their

parents. This is the given question to the respondents:

1. What is your behavior in communicating towards your parents in terms

of openness, attitude and connection?

Significance of the Study

The result of the study on the communication behavior of senior high school

students towards their parents in openness, attitude and connection provide

valuable information to the following:


To the Senior High School Students, this study understands the changes

may occur in their communication towards their parents.

To the Parents, the results of the study give them idea and encouragement

to them to guide their students to their communication behavior and to understand

the issue.

To the Researcher herself, this study benefited the researcher in such way

that she gained more knowledge. The researcher improved her skills, strategy,

understanding and creativity in engaging this research study in the communication

behavior of senior high school students in terms of openness, attitude and

connection towards their parents.

Scope and Delimitation

Specifically, this study focused on the communication behavior of senior

high students in terms of their openness, attitude and connection towards their

parents. This phenomenological research which deals with the lived experience of

the senior high school students in terms with their communication behavior that

they usually done towards with their parents.

The limitations of the study include lack of available information and lack of

prior research studies on the communication behavior of senior high students in

terms of their openness, attitude and connection towards their parents.


Key Concepts

The following key concepts are operationally defined as used in the study:

Communication. It is a process by which information is exchange between

individuals through common system of symbols, sign or behavior.

Communication Behavior. It is people’s tendency to express feelings,

needs and thoughts by means of indirect messages and behavioral impacts.




This chapter dealt with the review of related literature and studies which

finds a bearing on the present study. The researcher drawn some insights from

these literature and studies.

Related Literature

History of Communication

Communication is one of people’s way to connect with other people.

Humans have communicated with one another in some shape or form ever since

time in memorial. But to understand the history of communication, all have to go

by are written records that date as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and while

every sentence starts with letter, back then people with a picture (Nguyen, 2019).

Communication starts with written words in the letter. People give messages

through their writing ability. Communication begins with language. The distinctive

ability has made possible the evolution of human society with language any

message, no matter how complex, can be conveyed between people over limited

distance. The history of communication is mankind’s search for ways to improve

(History World).

Communication Behavior

Communication is a way of process that exchange thoughts and ideas by

person to a person. Effective communication is central to the success of any

business organization. Communication is a pervasive activity which encompasses


almost all facets of our lives (Kukreja,2019). Communicating is important for all

people in their daily life because it is important for people to express themselves.

It is the important aspect that people should apply to. Communication is always a

two-way street. Sending messages is only half of the communication equation. The

other half is receiving-listening (Mills,2016). Communicating is a must for people

to send the right messages to avoid misunderstanding. Communication should

have these characteristics to ensure that communication is really effective for both

sender and receiver of the messages. A good communicator can give the right

message that he/she want to express to other people that might help to be rest

assured of themselves.

Behavior in Communication

Students in the adolescent stage has many behaviors that can argued much.

Some student behavior is aimed at getting what they want, when they want it. This

type of behavior is very common for students who struggle with impulsivity or

flexible thinking (Morin, 2015). Teenagers in this time are engage in making their

decisions and not listening from others opinions especially in their parents that

tend them to differ from each other and can be a reason for misunderstanding

communication for that behavior. In the long term, challenging behavior in early

childhood puts children at risk for later academic dropout, criminal behavior, drug

use, limited income, occupational success and repeated patterns of failure

(Chazin, 2016). Behavior is always communication. Parents are often quick to

judge whether that behavior warrants a punishment, but pause to listen to what the

behavior is saying about child’s feelings and experience, a whole new world opens

up to and children (Eanes, 2018). Communication of teenagers sometimes need

their parents to understand their side. Their behavior in their communication has

its meaning that teenagers want people or specifically parents to comprehend with.

All teens behavior has interpretation to its emotions and feelings that they want to

express. It is important to remember that in most cases, a nonverbal child is not

behaving poorly in order to be naughty, but merely expressing a severe lack of

communication skills coupled with extreme frustration at his or her need not being

met. Poor communication skills lead to frustration which leads to acting out

behaviors. The more students are assisted with effective communication, the less

negative behavior will see (Airth, 2014). Through their behavior we can see that

every students or every adolescent show what were their needs as an individual

or what are they trying to say and to prove to their parents.

Students and Communication

Teenagers in adolescent stage develop their personality also in their

communication. Communication with teenagers is different from communicating

with younger children and can cause conflict and stress (, 2018).

It is really difficult to parents to address their adolescent child because in this time,

ideas and goals came up with their mind and they only choose to believe

themselves. As the child grows up, the way of communication with them will need

to change to reflect the new boundaries in relationship created by their increasing

independence. Discovering new and different approaches to communicating

effectively with one another will be a learning experience (Reach Out Australia,

2019). The parents should have approaches to make the communication stronger

and easier for the both parties. This one is difficult but the outcome will be both

more connected and more confident to share one idea. To have a strong bond for

the parent and for the adolescent child. The teenage years have a lot in common

with the terrible twos. During both stages, kids are doing exciting new things, but

they’re also pushing boundaries (and buttons) and throwing tantrums. The major

developmental task facing both age groups is also the same: kids must pull away

from parents and begin to assert their own independence (Ehmke, 2017).

Teenagers want to know and they want to find out more. The influence of other

people can also the reason why teenagers want to be independent and free from

their parents. Teenagers believe that they can choose and can decide what will be

their wants and needs. Parents have difficult times to understand what is it

happening to their child? Or what they should do to their adolescent child.

Communication in teenagers are quite tough but the true essence is to make them

better as possible.

Parents Responsibility to their Students

Parents are responsible for their child’s behavior. For instance, parents play

a big role to his/her child throughout the years. Many parents of adolescents might

find themselves asking “does my child care what I think?”. The answer is the child

probably cares a great deal about parents think. Parents play an important role in

shaping adolescent’s behavior. Teens who say their parents warned them about

drug use and set clear rules are less likely to use drugs. Parents’ and teenagers’

morals, future aspirations, and self-control are typically quite similar. Talking

encourages family togetherness and increases the likelihood teens will share

parents’ values (Hessong, 2013). Parents should have an open connection to their

teenager child to avoid any actions that may their child might do. The combination

of firm control exercised with high warmth and the use of explanations and

reasoning, characteristic of authoritative parenting, produces emotionally well-

adjusted children with adequate cognitive skills, who enter adolescence with more

resources enabling them to solve problems and manage relationships more easily.

In cases of children with high levels of negative emotionality, who respond with

high degrees of fear, irritability, and anger to stressors, authoritative parenting

provides a sense of mutuality which functions as a protective factor against

aggressiveness and defiant behavior (Silva & Sandstrom, 2016). Parents have the

power to make their teens submit to them. Like measures but also careful because

in adolescence, a child is really sensitive to its feelings and emotions. Parents and

child should have the connection to be rest assured that his/her child will not be at


The Openness and Connection of the Student and Parent

An open communication can be a result for a healthy bond for both parent

and child. This means if child open up to its parents, there will be issues and act

to be done by the teen child. As the adolescent starts detaching from childhood

and parents for more freedom of independence, there is more conflict between

them than before. And as the adolescent starts differentiating from childhood and

parents for more individual expression, there is more contrast between them than

before (Pickhardt, 2018). Parents will be having a bad time in considering to

communicate with his/her child especially their child is in the hard time in the stage

of early adulthood. As said, parents will have more effort and difficulties in making

their child close enough to them or to communicate with them. These are not only

problems, however, parents and teenagers have quite different views on what

needs to be the subject of the communication, leading to mismatches in actual and

desired communication (Golsteijm & Van den Hove, 2011). This includes the

strong relationship of the parent and child. They will further to know each one’s

topics, views and opinions about and the closeness will be stronger. Greater

openness is important. Children don’t always open up about what really bothers

them or about their lives in what called “the second family”; the peer group, pop

culture, and the internet out there. Knowing specifics about preschool through high

school dramas, fears, or worries makes a profound difference in being an

authoritative parent who can guide kids through an increasingly tough academic

and social world (Taffel, 2014). Openness and connections are really important for

the both parties for them to deeply understand why does he/she do it? Truly, an

open relationship can strengthen the bond of each. It is really important because

people out there can always influence one’s individual. One’s if it has done, there’s

no turning back.

Strengthening the Relationship of the Student and Parent

The most important early relationship is between the parent and their child.

Starting when their child was born in this world. They are responsible enough to

have the bond in between. Positive parent-child relationships help children learn

about the world – whether the world is safe and secure, whether they’re loved, who

loves them, what happens when they cry, laugh or make a face, and much more

(, 2004). Being there when children need support from their

parents and spending the most time to their child is the one important key for

parents to have a good attachment especially for teens and having hard time

finding and knowing themselves more. Parenting is a tough job, but by maintaining

a close relationship and open communication with their children. Parents stay

connected to them during all stages of life. Further, a strong parent-child

connection actually makes parenting easier since children who feel more

connected to their parents are more inclined to want to listen, help and follow

directions. Children who feel connected are also more willing to talk to their parents

about problems with friends or in school (McClure, 2019). Parents will be more

convenient if he/she is confident that his child is in a good condition. If they practice

good relationship in between, it will be easier to them to share some of their

thoughts and ideas. They will become much more confident to have

communication where they can talk about their lives and experiences. Building and

maintaining a relationship with a child takes work. Creating good relationship is

quite hard for parents who have adolescent child. Teenagers are discovering and

making now decisions that they know. They have the decision to make their parent-

child relationship really effective for the both. Parents is above after all. They will

manage what will be their next move to their children.


Related Studies

Studies shows that parenting is multidimensional to respond to the varied

needs of their children, parent must develop both depth and breadth of knowledge,

ranging from being aware of developmental milestones and norms that help in

keeping children safe and healthy to understanding (National Academy of

Sciences, 2016).

One studies show that parents introduce children to the social world where

they develop understandings of themselves and their place and value in society,

understandings that influence their choices and experiences over the life course

(Bremer, Ford & Gadsdon,2016).

Another studies shows that the most significant type of involvement is what

parents do at home. By monitoring, supporting and advocating. Parents can be

engaged in ways that ensure that their children have every opportunity for

communication (Garcia & Thorton, 2014).

Studies shows that the attitude of the student is quite trouble in

communicating their parents. They become more not interested and can cause the

parent and the child not in good terms because of the attitude that have shown by

the student which is not right. The world nowadays is really putting the young ones

in front of all other generation. This their attitudes have become worse and get

worse every year (UK Essays,2018). The attitudes have been the issue that

parents and child can’t understand each one’s side.

Other studies show that tactics of control includes personal attacks, inducing

guilt, authority assertion, and love withdrawal. Parental behavior control is


positively linked to adolescent developmental outcome, control impairs adolescent

development (Shek, Zhu & Ma, 2018).

Studies shows some of the parental controls can affect their child’s emotions

and behavior especially when their child is in the adolescent stage. When children

become teenagers, parents are often challenged. To an extent, it is important that

the parent continue to set boundaries through teen years, but it is also necessary

to begin giving up some control (Young, 2019).




This chapter dealt with the research design, respondents, instrument, data

gathering procedure and processing that used in the study.

Research Design

This study aimed to provide factual and realistic results. This study used

phenomenological research. Phenomenological Research is an approach that

focuses on the commonality of a lived experience. This study is based on the

personal experiences of the subject which is the senior high school students to

determine if there is a communication behavior in students in terms of openness,

attitude and connection towards their parents.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Purok Malipayon, General Santos City Special

Education Integrated School.

Research Participants

The participants of the study are 15 female students and 15 male students

of the senior high school currently enrolled at General Santos City Special

Education Integrated School Year 2019-2020. This study used Random Sampling

Technique. Random sampling is a procedure for sampling from a population in

which (a) the selection of a sample unit is based on chance and (b) every element

of the population has a known, non-zero probability of being selected (Stat Trek).

Research Instrument

The study determined the communication behavior of senior high school

students in their openness, attitude, and connection towards their parents through

Key Informant Interview (KII). Key Informant Interview (KII) are qualitative in-depth

interviews with people who know what going on in the community. The purpose of

key informant interviews is to collect information from a wide range of people—

including community leaders, professionals, or residents—who have firsthand

knowledge about the community. These community experts, with their particular

knowledge and understanding, can provide insight on the nature of problems and

give recommendations for solutions (UCLA Center for Health Policy Research).

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher first asked permission to the head of the school to conduct

a study about communication behavior of senior high school students in terms of

openness, attitude and connection towards their parents. After the permission was

signed, the researcher started to conduct. The researcher provided the

questionnaires to students who are enrolled in the senior high school department

because of their involvement in the study.

The handling of questionnaire was done personally by the researcher as well

as the retrieval of responses. This procedure enabled the researcher to conduct

interview at the same time consecutively. The researcher collected the answered


Data Processing Procedure

The data gathered was analyzed and interpreted through thematic

presentation. Thematic presentation is a method of analyzing qualitative data that

usually applied to a set of texts such as interview transcripts. Researcher closely

examines the data to identify the communication behavior of senior high school in

terms of openness, attitude and connection towards their parents (Caulfield,2019).

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