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Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 310: F284–F293, 2016.

First published November 25, 2015; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00360.2015.

Vasopressin/V2 receptor stimulates renin synthesis in the collecting duct

Alexis A. Gonzalez,1 Flavia Cifuentes-Araneda,1 Cristobal Ibaceta-Gonzalez,1 Alex Gonzalez-Vergara,1
Leonardo Zamora,1 Ricardo Henriquez,1 Carla B. Rosales,2 L. Gabriel Navar,2,3 and Minolfa C. Prieto2,3
Instituto de Química, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile; 2Department of Physiology Tulane
University, School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana; and 3Hypertension and Renal Center of Excellence, Tulane
University, School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana
Submitted 7 August 2015; accepted in final form 18 November 2015

Gonzalez AA, Cifuentes-Araneda F, Ibaceta-Gonzalez C, Gonza- that act on AGT substrate delivered from the proximal seg-
lez-Vergara A, Zamora L, Henriquez R, Rosales CB, Navar LG, ments. As evidence, ANG II, AGT, and renin contents are
Prieto MC. Vasopressin/V2 receptor stimulates renin synthesis in the increased in the kidneys from ANG II-infused hypertensive
collecting duct. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 310: F284 –F293, 2016. First rats (12), which contribute to sodium reabsorption (48). How-
published November 25, 2015; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00360.2015.— ever, the mechanisms regulating renin in the CD and its
Renin is synthesized in the principal cells of the collecting duct (CD),
physiological implications are not well understood.
and its production is increased via cAMP in angiotensin (ANG)
II-dependent hypertension, despite suppression of juxtaglomerular
There is consensus evidence showing that the cAMP-PKA
(JG) renin. Vasopressin, one of the effector hormones of the renin- and cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) pathway
angiotensin system (RAS) via the type 2-receptor (V2R), activates the constitute the central pathway for renin regulation in JG cells
cAMP/PKA/cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) path- (17, 26). Klar et al. (23) showed that cAMP formation medi-
way and aquaporin-2 expression in principal cells of the CD. Accord- ated by forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase (AC),
ingly, we hypothesized that activation of V2R increases renin synthe- increased the activity of renin promoter thus stimulating
sis via PKA/CREB, independently of ANG II type 1 (AT1) receptor renin gene transcription in juxtaglomerular (JG) cells. In the
activation in CD cells. Desmopressin (DDAVP; 10⫺6 M), a selective distal nephron, renin synthesis and transcription are upregu-
V2R agonist, increased renin mRNA (⬃3-fold), prorenin (⬃1.5-fold), lated by ANG II through the activation of the AT1 receptor
and renin (⬃2-fold) in cell lysates and cell culture media in the M-1 and PKC (8).
CD cell line. Cotreatment with DDAVP⫹H89 (PKA inhibitor) or Vasopressin (AVP) is a potential effector of the RAS (16) in
CREB short hairpin (sh) RNA prevented this response. H89 also CD cells. The activation of the AVP type 2 receptor (V2R)
blunted DDAVP-induced CREB phosphorylation and nuclear local-
stimulates the cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway and aquaporin-2
ization. In 48-h water-deprived (WD) mice, prorenin-renin protein
levels were increased in the renal inner medulla (⬃1.4- and 1.8-fold).
(AQP2) expression in the apical plasma membrane of principal
In WD mice treated with an ACE inhibitor plus AT1 receptor block- cells in the CD (28). AT1 receptor blockade in rats treated with
ade, renin mRNA and prorenin protein levels were still higher than the specific V2R agonist desmopressin (DDAVP) and sub-
controls, while renin protein content was not changed. In M-1 cells, jected to dietary NaCl restriction decreased urine osmolality
ANG II or DDAVP increased prorenin-renin protein levels; how- and blunted the DDAVP-induced upregulation and phosphor-
ever, there were no further increases by combined treatment. These ylation of AQP2 via PKA (27). This further supports a role for
results indicate that in the CD the activation of the V2R stimulates ANG II in the regulation of AQP2. Nonetheless, it has not been
renin synthesis via the PKA/CREB pathway independently of determined whether the V2R regulates CD renin abundance.
RAS, suggesting a critical role for vasopressin in the regulation of In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that V2R
renin in the CD. activation in CD cells stimulates renin synthesis via the PKA/
intrarenal renin-angiotensin system; collecting duct; water depriva- CREB pathway independently of the AT1 receptor. We per-
tion; distal tubular renin; prorenin; PKA/CREB formed in vitro studies using M-1 cells to determine the effects
of DDAVP treatment on renin and the signaling pathways
involved. To establish in vivo relevance, we evaluated the
THE RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM (RAS) plays a pivotal role in the renin and prorenin responses in renal inner medullary tissues,
regulation of blood pressure (BP) and in the maintenance of devoid of renin from JG cells, from mice subjected to 48-h
body sodium and fluid balance. There is growing evidence water deprivation and RAS blockade.
demonstrating the presence of the RAS in the tissues of renal
and cardiovascular systems (5–7, 35), supporting the impor- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tance of the tissue RAS in the accomplishment of its functions. M-1 cell cultures. The M-1 cells were obtained from the American
The kidneys generate angiotensin II (ANG II) de novo (46, 47). Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA). Cells were harvested after
The luminal presence of angiotensinogen (AGT) in the proxi- 6 h of treatments. DDAVP (catalog no. 16679-58-6, Sigma-Aldrich, St.
mal tubules (PT) (24), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) Louis, MO) was tested at doses of 10⫺10 to 10⫺6 M. Forskolin (catalog
in the collecting duct (CD) (3, 15, 25, 39), and prorenin and no. 66575-29-9, Sigma-Aldrich) was used at 10⫺6 M. H89 (catalog no.
renin in the distal nephron has been established (40, 41). These B1427, Sigma-Aldrich) was used at 10⫺6 M. ANG II (catalog no.
findings further support the formation of intratubular ANG II 4474-91-3, Sigma-Aldrich), was used at 10⫺7 M, and tolvaptan (cata-
from sequential coordinated actions of tubular renin and ACE log no. 150683-30-0, Sigma-Aldrich) was used at 10⫺6 M. Calphostin
C (catalog no. 121263-19-2, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz,
CA) was used at 10⫺7 and 10⫺6 M. Losartan (catalog no. 124750-
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: A. A. Gonzalez, 99-8, Sigma) was used at 10⫺6 M.
Institute of Chemistry, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Val- PKA assay and cAMP measurements. M-1 cells were seeded and
paraíso, Chile 2340000 (e-mail: treated with DDAVP, and the reaction was stopped by removal of the

F284 1931-857X/16 Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society

medium and addition of a cocktail of protease inhibitors (catalog no. In vivo treatments, water restriction protocol, and animal tissue
P9599, Sigma-Aldrich). PKA activity was measured using a PKA sampling. The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees
kinase activity ELISA kit from Enzo-Life Sciences (catalog no. approved all animal protocols. Male CF-1 mice (18 –20 g, n ⫽ 5,
ADI-EKS-390A, Glasgow, UK) after 20-min treatment. The cAMP Charles River, Wilmington, MA) were subjected to 48-h water
levels of M-1 cells were determined with cAMP ELISA (Cayman, deprivation or ad libitum tap water supplementation. Another set of
Ann Arbor, MI) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Briefly, animals (n ⫽ 5) was subjected to a combined treatment with losartan
cells were stimulated with DDAVP or DDAVP plus inhibitors or (30 mg·kg⫺1·day⫺1, Cozaar) and captopril (40 mg·kg⫺1·day⫺1, Fisher
vehicle (PBS) for 20 min and harvested in 100 ␮l of 0.1 M HCl Scientific, Houston, TX) supplemented in food, with free access to
containing 10⫺9 M IBMX to prevent the degradation of cAMP. The water or water restriction for 48 h. To increase plasma osmolality, we
ANG II⫹IBMX group (see Fig. 5B) was also harvested in the performed intraperitoneal injection of 20% mannitol (34) equivalent
presence of IBMX. After centrifugation at 1,000 g for 10 min, the to ⬃1.6 g/kg in saline solution in an additional set of mice (n ⫽ 5).
supernatants were decanted into clean new tubes to process immedi- Mice were euthanized after 1 h, and prorenin and renin protein
ately or store at ⫺80°C. For cAMP assay, the samples were diluted abundance was compared with control animals receiving saline injec-
two- to threefold using a kit provided for ELISA buffer. Fifty tion. Overall, all mice were euthanized using CO2 following treat-
ments. Renal tissues were stereo microdissected, washed in PBS three
microliters of the diluted samples and the cAMP standards were added
times, and 15 mg of inner medullary tissues devoid of renin from JG
to each well of the plate precoated with mouse anti-rabbit IgG cAMP
cells were used to measure renin mRNA or protein. As previously
ELISA (Cayman) using equal amounts of protein following the
demonstrated (37), no differences between the amount of prorenin or
manufacturer’s instructions. renin protein levels were found in perfused kidneys vs. freshly
RNA isolation and real-time quantitative PCR for renin mRNA. isolated dissected medullary tissues (data not shown).
Total RNA was extracted by using the RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, Immunostaining. Renin immunostaining was performed in para-
Valencia, CA). Primers and probes used to amplify renin mRNA formaldehyde-fixed kidney consecutive sections with the peroxidase
using the TaqMan System were forward: 5=-AGTACTATGGT- technique using renin antibody provided by Dr. Tadashi Inagami
GAGATCGGCATT-3=, reverse: 5=-AGATTCACAACCTCTAT- (Vanderbilt University) as previously described (37). AQP2 immuno-
GACTCCTC-3=, and a fluorogenic probe: 5=6=-FAM-TTCAAAGT- staining was performed with the peroxidase technique using an
CATCTTTGACACGGGTTCAG-BHQ1-3. A mouse ␤-actin gene anti-AQP2 antibody (sc-28829, Santa Cruz Biotechnology). Periodic
was used as an internal standard: forward: 5=-ATCATGAAGTGT- acid-Schiff (PAS) staining was performed for better characterization
GACGTTGA-3=, reverse: 5=-GATCTTCATGGTGCTAGGAGC-3=, of the structures.
and a fluorogenic probe: 5=-6-HEX-TCTATGCCAACACAGTGCT- Plasma osmolality measurements. Plasma osmolality was mea-
GTCTGGT-BHQ2-3=. The qRT-PCR was performed in the Mx3000P sured using a vapor pressure osmometer (model 5520; Wescor,
system (Stratagene, Santa Clara, CA). Logan, UT). Blood samples were centrifuged at 14,000 rpm, and 10
Renin, prorenin, and CREB protein expression by western blot ␮l were used. Measurements were made from filter disks absorbed
analysis. Twenty micrograms of total protein were separated and with plasma fluid. Appropriate osmometer calibration was verified by
transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). measurement of standards before the sampling.
Anti-phospho-CREB and total CREB were obtained from Cell Sig- Statistical analyses. The mRNA measurements were done in trip-
naling (catalog no. mAb 9198, Danvers, MA). For prorenin and renin licate. For Western blotting, an average number of five to six inde-
detection, polyclonal IgG B-12 antibody was used (Santa Cruz Bio- pendent observations were performed for each treatment. Data were
technology). Results were expressed as the ratio between the abun- evaluated by the Grubb test followed by paired and unpaired Student
dance of the protein of interest and ␤-actin. Recombinant mouse t-tests or by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s posttest. For mRNA and
prorenin (AnaSpec, Fremont, CA) and renin (Lee Biosolutions St. protein data, control levels were defined as 100%. Significance was
Louis, MO) were used as standards. Cell culture media (1 ml) was defined as P ⬍ 0.05. Results are expressed as means ⫾ SE.
centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 5 min, and the supernatant was concen-
trated (10⫻) using Amicon ultrafilter units (Millipore, Temecula, CA) RESULTS
after 20 –30 min of centrifugation. Final recovery volume was 40 ␮l,
and 40 ␮g of total protein were used for Western blot analysis. DDAVP increases renin synthesis in M-1 cells. The immu-
CREB knockdown in M-1 cells using short hairpin RNA. Plasmids noblotting data revealed two bands, one at ⬃45 and the other
containing four different sequences [SureSilencing short hairpin (sh) at 38 kDa (Fig. 1A), consistent with previous reports (12, 19,
RNA Plasmids, catalog no. 336311, Qiagen] were purified (see Fig. 32). DDAVP elicited dose-related increases in renin mRNA
4A) and transfected (1 ␮g of DNA) using Lipofectamine LTX (Invit- (306 ⫾ 30 vs. 100 ⫾ 12%, P ⬍ 0.001), prorenin (165 ⫾ 23 vs.
rogen, Carlsbad, CA) for 36 h. Efficiency of transfection was con- 100 ⫾ 10%, P ⬍ 0.05), and renin (200 ⫾ 13 vs. 100 ⫾ 15%,
firmed by green fluorescent protein (GFP) detection (see Fig. 4B). P ⬍ 0.05) in cell lysates (Fig. 1, B and C). At 10⫺8 M, we
Reduction of CREB protein expression reached 67 ⫾ 9% quantified observed slight increases in prorenin protein levels but signif-
by the CREB vs. ␤- actin ratio (see Fig. 4C). A scrambled shRNA icant increases in renin protein (142 ⫾ 15%, P ⬍ 0.05) and
sequence containing GFP was used as a negative control. renin mRNA (135 ⫾ 19%, P ⬍ 0.05) levels. PKA activity was
Renin and CREB immunofluorescence. M-1 cells were fixed in cold increased at a dose of 10⫺8 M of DDAVP (Abs-450: 0.67 ⫾
methanol, blocked, stained with either rabbit anti-renin (B-12, Santa 0.11 vs. vehicle: 0.45 ⫾ 0.12, n ⫽ 4, P ⬍ 0.05) and 10⫺6 M
Cruz Biotechnology) or total CREB (Cell Signaling, New England
(Abs 450: 0.95 ⫾ 0.14, n ⫽ 4, P ⬍ 0.05 vs. vehicle). These
Biolabs, Beverly, MA), and detected with Alexa Fluor 594-conjugated
to anti-rabbit IgG (Invitrogen). Samples were counterstained with
results agree with the increased phosphorylation of CREB at
4=,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI; Invitrogen). Negative controls the same doses (p-CREB/T-CREB ratio: 135 ⫾ 13 and 150 ⫾
were obtained by omission of the specific primary antibody. NIS 15%, P ⬍ 0.05, Fig. 1D). Immunofluorescence in M-1 cells
Elements analysis software (Nikon) was used to quantify renin- (Fig. 1E) showed a marked increase in prorenin-renin immu-
prorenin immunostaining (object count) and nuclei CREB localization nostaining after DDAVP treatment (object count: 435 ⫾ 13 vs.
based on their DAPI (nuclei) colocalization by measuring the merging control: 27 ⫾ 8). DDAVP significantly increased the prorenin
area of CREB-DAPI in n ⫽ 6 fields (⫻100). Results are expressed as band, starting at 10⫺10 M [arbitrary units (AU)/mg protein:
the percentage of nuclei-CREB colocalization (see Fig. 3B). 28 ⫾ 4 vs. 12 ⫾ 3, P ⬍ 0.05] in the cell culture media. We did

AJP-Renal Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00360.2015 •


C 400

Renin mRNA / β actin

A 300

(% Control)
Human Human
kDa MW r-Prorenin r-Renin M-1 200
50 -Prorenin
40 -Renin
0 E
Veh 10-10 10-8 10-6
B kDa DDAVP (Mol/L)
-45 D
β actin- -40 Total-CREB -
250 Prorenin band * P-CREB vs. Total CREB
Prorenin or renin vs. β actin

Renin band
200 *
* 150
(% Control)
(% Control)



0 0
Veh 10-10 10-8 10-6 Veh 10-10 10-8 10-6

F G Renin- + Tolvaptan
β actin-
Prorenin or renin vs. β actin

Prorenin band
Prorenin or renin vs. total protein

Renin band
40 Prorenin band * *
Renin band
* 200 *
(% Control)

(arbitrary units)

* 150


10 50

0 0
Veh 10-10 10-8 10-6 Veh DDAVP DDAVP+Tolv
Fig. 1. Renin expression in M-1 collecting duct cells is increased by desmopressin (DDAVP) treatment. A: renin and prorenin protein bands were visualized by
Western blotting using 40 ␮g of protein extracts. The identity of renin (⬃38 kDa) and prorenin (⬃45 kDa) was based on the comparison with positive controls
using human recombinant renin and prorenin proteins. B: dose-response curve for DDAVP (10⫺10, 10⫺8, and 10⫺6 M) showed prorenin and renin protein
expression levels in cell lysates. C: renin mRNA expression at 3 different doses of DDAVP. D: cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation
at 3 different doses of DDAVP showed a significant increase in phospho-CREB at 10⫺8 and 10⫺6 M DDAVP. E: immunofluorescence (⫻100) using a
prorenin/renin antibody showing the increased punctuated red staining (anti-mouse IgG secondary antibody Alexa Fluor 594) in response to DDAVP (10⫺7 M).
F: dose-response curve for DDAVP showed prorenin and renin expression levels in cell culture media (⫻10) concentrated. G: tolvaptan, a V2 receptor antagonist,
blunted the DDAVP-mediated increase in prorenin and renin protein abundances. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs. vehicle-treated group. **P ⬍ 0.01 vs. vehicle-treated group;
n ⫽ 6.

not detect a renin band at basal conditions; however, the band we examined the effects of H89, a PKA inhibitor, in the
was present at 10⫺10 M DDAVP (Fig. 1F). Tolvaptan, a V2R presence of DDAVP treatment. As shown in Fig. 2, pretreat-
antagonist, blunted DDAVP-mediated inductions on prorenin ment (20 min) with H89 completely prevented the DDAVP-
and renin protein abundances (Fig. 1, E and G) and prorenin- induced expression of prorenin [DDAVP⫹H89: 95 ⫾ 20% vs.
renin immunofluorescence (object count: 15 ⫾ 4 vs. control: control: 100 ⫾ 10%, P ⫽ not significant (NS)] and renin
27 ⫾ 8), confirming the receptor specificity of DDAVP. (DDAVP⫹H89: 98 ⫾ 18 vs. control: 100 ⫾ 13%, P ⫽ NS).
DDAVP increases renin in M-1 cells through the PKA/ No effects were observed with H89 alone (prorenin: 89 ⫾
CREB pathway. To investigate the intracellular pathways in- 20%, renin 82 ⫾ 15%, P ⫽ NS). Forskolin, an enhancer of
volved in the V2R-dependent upregulation of renin in the CD, intracellular cAMP formation, greatly increased prorenin

AJP-Renal Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00360.2015 •


Prorenin- onstrating that there is not an additive effect. Calphostin C

Renin- (PKC inhibitor) partially prevented the cAMP formation in
the ANG II⫹DDAVP group at 10⫺7 M. This effect was even
β actin-
greater at a higher calphostin C concentration (10⫺6 M),
indicating that the stimulation of cAMP formation by
DDAVP and ANG II is dependent on PKC. As a positive
Prorenin band control, we tested whether phosphodiesterase inhibition may
Prorenin or renin vs. β actin

300 Renin band

show further increases in measurable cAMP. As shown in
Fig. 5B, cAMP levels were even greater in M-1 cells treated
* with ANG II plus IBMX.
(% Control)

200 Water deprivation stimulates renin expression in medullary

CDs. To examine the in vivo effects of V2R activation on renin
in the CD from the renal inner medulla, we used 48-h water-
100 deprived mice. To avoid contamination of the JG renin com-
ponent, we exclusively used microdissected renal inner med-
50 ullary tissues to measure renin mRNA and prorenin and renin
protein abundance. As shown in Fig. 6A, renin mRNA levels
were augmented in the tissues of water-deprived mice com-
Veh DDAVP DDAVP H89 Forskolin
+ pared with controls (300 ⫾ 56 vs. 100 ⫾ 15%, P ⬍ 0.05).
H89 Similarly, the prorenin (165 ⫾ 23 vs. 100 ⫾ 13%, P ⬍ 0.05)
Fig. 2. Activation of V2 receptor (V2R) increases prorenin and renin protein and renin (254 ⫾ 18 vs. 100 ⫾ 11%, P ⬍ 0.05) protein levels
levels via PKA pathway in M-1 cells. Augmentation of prorenin and renin (Fig. 6B) were augmented, and there was increased specific
protein was blunted by H89 a PKA inhibitor, while forskolin treatment positive immunostaining in the renal cortical and medullary
increased prorenin and renin expression. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs. vehicle-treated group;
n ⫽ 6. CD cells (Fig. 6C). To confirm the physiological effect of
water deprivation, we performed AQP2 immunostaining in
consecutive kidney sections. As expected, water deprivation
(230 ⫾ 23%, P ⬍ 0.05) and renin (255 ⫾ 17%, P ⬍ 0.05) increased apical AQP2 abundance. Figure 6 also shows PAS
protein abundance. Because cAMP-dependent activation of staining to better appreciate the structures.
PKA leads to CREB phosphorylation and CREB localization in Increased renin mRNA and prorenin protein expression in
the nucleus, we further investigated the effects of H89 on the renal medullary tissues following water deprivation is in-
CREB pathway. DDAVP increased the phosphorylation levels dependent of AT1 receptor activation. Figure 7A shows the
of CREB after 20 min of treatment, while H89 pretreatment expression of medullary prorenin and renin in mice sub-
prevented this effect (Fig. 3A). Nuclear localization of CREB jected to 48 h of water deprivation with and without losartan
protein was analyzed by immunofluorescence after 20 min of plus captopril in the food. Despite RAS blockade, renin
DDAVP treatment. As shown in Fig. 3, B and C, the increased mRNA was significantly higher than in control mice (285 ⫾
nuclear localization of CREB immunostaining was blunted by 56%, P ⬍ 0.05). Prorenin protein levels were significantly
H89 treatment. To further confirm the role of CREB in this higher than controls (171 ⫾ 10 vs. 100 ⫾ 23%, P ⬍ 0.05)
pathway, we used a CREB shRNA to knock down CREB but not those from renin (113 ⫾ 13%). As previously
expression. As shown in Fig. 4D, CREB knockdown (67 ⫾ demonstrated, ACE inhibition or AT1 receptor blockade
9%) prevented the DDAVP-mediated increase in prorenin does not affect prorenin renin expression at basal conditions
(119 ⫾ 9%, P ⫽ NS vs. control) and renin protein bands (14, 37). These data indicate that renin mRNA and prorenin
(121 ⫾ 16%, P ⫽ NS vs. control). protein levels are augmented by water deprivation indepen-
ANG II and DDAVP independently increase prorenin and dently of AT1 receptor activation. The posttranslated un-
renin in M-1 cells. We next examined the effects of ANG II
changed abundance of renin also suggests that the AT1
treatment plus DDAVP in M-1 cells. ANG II mediated renin
receptor might mediate processing and cleavage of prorenin
upregulation in CD cells at submicromolar concentrations in
vitro (19). M-1 cells were incubated with DDAVP (10⫺6 in CD cells since losartan plus captopril treatment prevented
M), ANG II (10⫺7 M), or both for 4 h. As shown in Fig. 5A, the increase in renin protein.
DDAVP treatment increased prorenin and renin protein Intraperitoneal injection of mannitol induces upregulation
levels to the same extent observed with ANG II incubations of renin in the renal medulla. To assess the acute AVP effect
compared with controls (prorenin: 195 ⫾ 23%, P ⬍ 0.05 on CD renin, we used mice subjected to a single intraperitoneal
and renin: 200 ⫾ 20% P ⬍ 0.05). Treatment of cells with injection of hypertonic mannitol to increase osmotic-mediated
ANG II plus DDAVP caused a similar induction of (pro- vasopressin release. Mice were euthanized after 1 h, and
renin: 172 ⫾ 13% P ⬍ 0.05 and renin: 189 ⫾ 15%, P ⬍ 0.05 medullary tissues and plasma osmolality were analyzed.
vs. control). Figure 5B shows the cAMP levels in M-1 cells Plasma osmolality was slightly but significantly increased in
subjected to various treatments. DDAVP increased cAMP the mannitol-treated group (mannitol: 315 ⫾ 4 vs. control:
levels to a similar extent as observed by ANG II treatment 298 ⫾ 6 mosmol/l, P ⬍ 0.05, n ⫽ 5). As shown in Fig. 7B,
alone. ANG II plus DDAVP increased cAMP levels to the prorenin and renin protein levels were significantly higher than
same extent, and AT1 receptor blockade does not affect the in controls (prorenin: 182 ⫾ 13 vs. 100 ⫾ 15%, P ⬍ 0.05;
DDAVP/ANG II-mediated increases in cAMP levels, dem- renin: 172 ⫾ 12 vs. 100 ⫾ 9%, P ⬍ 0.05).

AJP-Renal Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00360.2015 •



Total-CREB - 100 *

% CREB –DAPI colocalization

200 * 80

P-CREB vs. Total CREB

150 60

(% Control)
100 40

50 20

0 0
Fig. 3. Inhibition of PKA activity diminished the H89
DDAVP-induced CREB phosphorylation and
nuclear localization in M-1 cells. A: levels of the
phosphorylated form of CREB normalized by B
total CREB after immunoblotting. B: CREB-
4=,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) colocal-
No antibody Veh
ization by immunofluorescence showing that
CREB is undergoing nuclear destination after
DDAVP treatment; however, H89 pretreatment
blunted this effect as judged by immunofluores-
cence colocalization (red) with DAPI (blue)
staining. C: percentage of CREB-DAPI colocal-
ization in each group *P ⬍ 0.05 vs. vehicle-
treated group; n ⫽ 6.


DISCUSSION medullary CD by water deprivation even in the presence of

The present study demonstrates that 1) V2R activation AT1 receptor blockade; and 5) rats with mannitol-induced
stimulates renin synthesis and secretion in the CD via the increases in plasma osmolality exhibit rapid increases in pro-
PKA/CREB pathway; 2) renin and prorenin are secreted by renin and renin synthesis in the renal medulla.
M-1 cells in response to DDAVP stimulation; 3) renin is Although the mechanisms of renin regulation in JG cells are
augmented in the renal inner medullary CD of mice after 48 h well established, the regulation of distal tubular renin remains
of water deprivation; 4) renin is stimulated in the renal inner unclear. It is known that the cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway

AJP-Renal Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00360.2015 •



-Total CREB

- β actin

Fig. 4. A: integrity of the CREB-short hairpin

D (sh)RNA plasmids (1– 4) and scrambled control
(Scr) after purification assessed by agarose gels.
Prorenin- MW, molecular weight standard. B: green fluo-
Renin- rescent protein (GFP)-containing shRNA plasmid
(green) showing transfection efficiency. C: repre-
β actin- sentative Western blot showing the knockdown of
CREB protein (67 ⫾ 9%). D: CREB-shRNA
Prorenin band prevented the DDAVP-mediated increase in pro-
Prorenin or renin vs. β actin

Renin band renin and renin upregulation in M-1 cells. *P ⬍
0.05 vs. control group (Scr shRNA).
250 *
(% Control)





Scr Scr shRNA shRNA shRNA CREB

constitutes the central pathway for the stimulation of renin treated with either DDAVP or ANG II, we showed increases in
expression in JG cells (17, 26). However, ANG II suppresses prorenin and renin to the same extent, but not in response to a
renin synthesis through PKC and Ca2⫹ in JG cells, as part of combined treatment, which only caused further increases in
the physiological negative feedback regulation of renin release prorenin. This suggests that lower concentrations of both
(36). In the CD, increases in intracellular Ca2⫹ and in cAMP hormones may interact in vivo to enhance renin production in
levels are required to target AQP2 to increase osmotic water the CD. Interestingly, increases in PKA activity were only
permeability (4). However, the lack of a potentiation effect of observed in response to a micromolar dose of DDAVP, con-
thapsigargin on AVP-dependent cAMP accumulation indicates sistent with previous reports using cultured rat inner medullary
that the increases in intracellular Ca2⫹ may not play a major CD cells (9) (28). Lee et al. (28) demonstrated that ANG II
role on the responses elicited by AVP (20). Previous studies plays a role in the regulation of AQP2 targeting to the plasma
demonstrated that CD renin is upregulated by PKC activation membrane in CD cells. This effect is mediated by the activa-
and that the ANG II-mediated upregulation of renin is sup- tion of the AT1 receptor (28). The effect of activation of the
pressed by PKC inhibitors (12). Studies in rat inner medullary AT1 receptor is probably mediated by the activation of PKC
CD cells showed that PKC inhibitors decrease cAMP accumu- (12). Rozengurt et al. (43) showed that PKC activation en-
lation (29). These findings suggest that the activation of PKC hanced the cAMP accumulation induced by forskolin and that
plays a role in stimulation of AC, cAMP accumulation, and this effect can be prevented by downregulation of PKC. This
subsequent renin upregulation in the CD. In the present study, modulatory effect of ANG II may be mediated by direct
we demonstrated that cAMP accumulation in M-1 cells also activation of AC (1, 2).
depends on intact PKC activity, since PKC inhibition partially Previous studies have ruled out the involvement of AC3 and
suppressed cAMP accumulation in response to ANG II plus AC4 in the vasopressin-dependent stimulation of cAMP (21,
DDAVP treatment. 22) and suggested that the most likely AC involved is AC6
Kang et al. (15) showed that M-1 cells treated with ANG II (42), which is the most abundant AC in the CD. However, the
showed an increase in renin mRNA levels. They also demon- present study did not allow defining which of the ACs is
strated that the CD is the main source of prorenin in diabetic involved in the V2R-dependent stimulation of renin in the CD.
rats (15). Our data agree with these results; however, we Future studies are needed to address this question.
detected the presence of two protein bands (renin and prorenin) Interestingly, we observed granule-like patches with positive
in cell lysates and cell culture media of M-1 cells, both immunofluorescence for prorenin/renin in M-1 cells treated
augmented by DDAVP and ANG II treatments (Fig. 4). We with DDAVP (Fig. 1). This observation along with the pres-
previously showed that freshly isolated rat inner medullary CD ence of prorenin and, to a lesser extent of renin in the cell
cells express mainly prorenin and that its protein levels are culture media, strongly suggests that prorenin and renin are
stimulated by ANG II (12). In the present study using M-1 cells secreted in response to V2R stimulation. Secretion of renin

AJP-Renal Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00360.2015 •


β actin-

cAMP accumulation

(pmol/mg protein)
Prorenin band 300
* *
Prorenin or renin vs. β actin

250 Renin band

** *#
200 ** *
* 200
(% Control)




Fig. 5. A: DDAVP- and ANG II-independent upregulation of prorenin and renin in vitro. M-1 cells were treated with DDAVP (10⫺6 M), ANG II (10⫺7 M), or
DDAVP⫹ANG II for 4 h. Combined treatment did not enhance prorenin and renin protein levels. B: cAMP levels in M-1 cells subjected to various treatments.
DDAVP increased cAMP levels, as well as was observed by ANG II treatment alone. ANG II⫹DDAVP increased cAMP levels to the same extent in M-1 cells
without an additive effect. AT1 receptor blockade with losartan (Los) did not affect the increases in cAMP. Calphostin C (PKC inhibitor, 10⫺7 M) in the presence
of ANG II and DDAVP partially reduced cAMP formation. Higher dose of calphostin C blunted this effect, indicating that the stimulation of cAMP formation
by DDAVP and ANG II is dependent of PKC. *P ⬍ 0.05. **P ⬍ 0.01 vs. vehicle-treated group. #P ⬍ 0.05 vs. ANG II⫹DDAVP and DDAVP groups.

from the CD of rats has been previously reported (31). The osmolality can act synergistically through the stimulation of
apical secretion of renin by the CD may favor the luminal intrarenal RAS, contributing to sodium and water retention.
interaction with AGT delivered from proximal segments to Indeed, the demonstrations that ANG II and AVP can directly
contribute to intratubular ANG II de novo generation during stimulate epithelial sodium channels in the CD (10, 33) and
water deprivation. suggest a parallel pathway for the stimulation of synthesis and
ANG II increases AVP release from the supraoptic nucleus secretion of prorenin-renin, as well as of AQP-2 expression, in
via the pituitary gland into the blood (38). It is possible that the principal cells. Furthermore, the binding of renin and
during the water deprivation period of 48 h, intrarenal RAS prorenin to the (pro)renin receptor on the apical side of the CD
activation may also exert stimulatory effects on CD renin. In may help prevent the losses of these proteins in the urine (11)
the microdissected inner medullary tissues, renin transcript was and may also contribute to increase their catalytic activity to
markedly augmented by water deprivation. RAS activation due further increase intratubular ANG II generation (11, 13). Im-
to volume depletion may also contribute to renin upregulation portantly, it has been shown that plasma AVP concentrations
in the renal medulla (12). In this regard, the role of the AT1 are increased in some patients with heart failure, despite
receptor was clearly demonstrated in the AT1aR knockout hyponatremia and low plasma osmolality (45). Thus the in-
mice, which exhibit increased 24-h urine excretion (30). This creases in plasma AVP levels may result from the activation of
effect is not suppressed by exogenous AVP or water restric- pressure mechanoreceptors due to low cardiac output (18).
tion, and it was associated with reductions in AC protein However, it is likely that the increases in CD renin may help to
expression (44), suggesting the importance of cross talk be- restore water and salt equilibrium in volume-depletion condi-
tween AVP and ANG II in the mechanisms of urinary concen- tions or during low cardiac output through the enhancement of
tration. Our current findings demonstrate that both mechanisms intratubular ANG II formation.
also regulate renin in the CD. Indeed, renin and prorenin in the In summary, the present study provides clear evidence for
CD of the inner medulla were stimulated by water deprivation the V2R-mediated regulation of CD renin. V2R activation in
in mice; however, pharmacological blockade of RAS during the M-1 cells increases renin synthesis and secretion. Further-
water deprivation did not change renin protein. These results more, the demonstration of increased medullary renin/prorenin
suggest that intrarenal RAS stimulation by water deprivation formation following 48 h of water deprivation suggests that
may further enhance prorenin cleavage, thus leading to in- V2R activation also regulates CD renin in vivo; thus AVP may
creases in renin formation and release from the CD cells. contribute to intratubular ANG II formation, leading to further
The physiological significance of these studies is highlighted stimulation of water and sodium reabsorption in the distal
by the fact that volume depletion and augmented plasma nephron segments.

AJP-Renal Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00360.2015 •


B Control WD
β acn-

Prorenin or renin vs. β actin

400 Prorenin band
Medullary renin mRNA

200 Renin band

vs. β actin RNA

300 *
(% Control)

(% Control)

100 Fig. 6. Renin expression is increased in the
medullary collecting ducts following water
deprivation. A: mice subjected to water de-
100 50 privation (WD) showed increased renin
mRNA levels in inner medullary tissues,
0 0 which are not of juxtaglomerular origin.
Control WD Control WD *P ⬍ 0.05 vs. control group; n ⫽ 4. B:
prorenin and renin protein levels in inner
medullary tissues were augmented by WD.
*P ⬍ 0.05 vs. control group; n ⫽ 4. C:
C AQP2 RENIN PAS consecutive kidney sections (3 ␮m) from a
control mouse (top) and a WD mouse (bot-
IM tom) showing aquaporin-2 (AQP2), renin,
CD CD and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining. Kid-
ney sections are from cortical regions to show
juxtaglomerular (JG) renin as positive control

(renin, top middle, arrow). Middle: renin

staining in collecting ducts (CD) from cortex
and inner medulla (IM; insets). Pictures were
captured using a digital camera and an
Eclipse Nikon microscope. Bar ⫽ 400 ␮m.



We thank the Molecular Core of the Tulane Renal Hypertension Center of Funds were received from FONDECYT-Chile 11121217 and 79112017
Excellence for providing the physical infrastructure to perform some of the grants to A. A. Gonzalez; from a National Institute of General Medical
experiments of this study. Sciences National Institutes of Health (NIH: CoBRE P30GM-103337) grant to

Prorenin- Prorenin- Fig. 7. WD increases prorenin and renin expres-
Renin- sion independently of renin-angiotensin system
β actin-
(RAS) activation. A: in an additional experi-
β actin- ment, mice were subjected to WD or WD plus
losartan (Los) and captopril (Capt) treatment in
Prorenin band food for 48 h. Prorenin and renin were aug-
250 Prorenin band 250 Renin band mented in medullary tissues of WD mice. WD
Prorenin or renin vs. β actin
Prorenin or renin vs. β actin

Renin band
* 200 * * plus RAS blockade caused increased expression
of prorenin, but renin was not different from
* *
(% Control)

control, suggesting posttranscriptional process-

(% Control)

150 150
ing mediated by AT1 receptor activation. No
effects were observed in mice treated with lo-
sartan plus captopril alone. B: mice subjected to
50 50 intraperitoneal injection of mannitol (20%, 1 h)
showed increased expression of prorenin and
0 0 renin in the renal medulla. *P ⬍ 0.05.
Veh WD WD+Los Los Saline Mannitol
+Capt +Capt

AJP-Renal Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00360.2015 •


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