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Rahmatina B. Herman
Bagian Fisiologi
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas
Achieving homeostasis requires system for
regulation and controlling:
nervous and endocrine systems
- Nervous system: for rapid activities
e.g.: - muscle contraction
- rate of glandular secretion
- Endocrine system for metabolic functions
e.g.: - chemical reactions in cells
- transport of substances through cell
Overview of Nervous System

The Sensory division

- Receive sensory input and transmit it to the CNS
The Central Nervous System (CNS) consists of
brain and spinal cord
- Sensory area
- Association area
- Motor area
Motor division
- Transmit motor output to the motor organ
…..Overview of Nervous System
In its function, nervous system requires:
- Sensory input (information) through the receptor
- Flow of information into the primary sensory cortex
- Elaboration and processing of information in the
higher sensory area
- Integration and association of the information in the
association area for planning of purposeful action
- Programming of sequences of movement in the higher
motor area
- Commanding of efferent motor neuron by the primary
motor cortex to initiate voluntary movement
- Motor output through the effector
Basic Functional Unit of Nervous System
Nervous system contains more than 100 billion
neurons (nerve cell) which are assembled into
complex networks, consisting of:
- Afferent sensory neuron:
begin from the receptor in the sensory organ
- Efferent motor neuron:
leading to effector which lead to the effector in
motor organ
- Synapses:
anatomically linked of neurons
- Soma (cell body)
- Dendrite:
> extend outward of the cell body
> receive impulses from the previous neuron
- Axon:
> a long fibrous that originates from the cell body
> transmit impulses to the next neuron
> synaptic knobs in the ending, which contain vesicles of
transmitter (synaptic or neuro-transmitter)
Two types of neuron:
- Myelinated neuron
- Unmyelinated neuron

Myelinated neuron
Functional Type of Neuron
1. Afferent neuron:
- Without dendrites
- Impuls only from the reseptor
2. Efferent neuron:
- A complete neuron: soma, dendrites and axon
3. Interneuron:
- Type of neurons in CNS (>99 % of neurons in CNS)
- Integrating and changing (facilitation or inhibition) of
the impulses or signal
A sensory information is received by
receptor, a specialized cell or type of neuron
or group of neurons that is very sensitive to
certain type of changes (stimuli) in internal
or external condition
The process of sensation begins in a large
variety of different types of sensory
receptors, each of which is sensitive to
particular stimuli
Sensation is the conscious or
unconscious awareness of external or
internal stimuli
If the stimulus is strong enough, one
or more impulses will arise in sensory
nerve fibers
Modality of sensation
Each specific type of sensation is called a
sensory modality
The distinct quality that makes one
sensation different from others is its
A given sensory neuron carries only one
Each modality is interpreted by particular
part of brain
Transmission of Sensory Signal into the CNS

Cutaneous, deep and visceral sensation:

From sensory receptor into spinal cord through
dorsal root (radix dorsalis)
From spinal cord into brain through 2 pathways:
1. Dorsal column or lemniscal system
2. Anterolateral system
Both systems continuous into the brain stem and
thalamus and then into somatic sensory cortex
…..Transmission of Sensory Signal into the CNS

Dorsal column or lemniscal system :

- dorsal root → dorsal horn of spinal cord → the brain
stem, cross the midline in the medulla and ascend in
the medial lemniscus to end in the thalamus
- large myelinated fiber, rate of transmission of 30-
110 m/second (rapid transmission)
- high degree of temporal and spatial orientation
- mediating fine touch and proprioception (discrete
type of mechano-receptive sensation): phasic
sensation (vibration), body position, tingling, a sense
of movement, point for point localization
…..Transmission of Sensory Signal into the CNS

Anterolateral system:
- cross the midline in the spinal cord and ascend in the
antero-lateral quadrant of spinal cord to brain stem
and thalamus
- major input from the antero-lateral system into
the mesencephalic reticular formation, activates
reticular activating system (RAS) → maintains the
cortex in the alert state
- small myelinated fiber, rate of transmission 40 m/sec.
- low degree of spatial orientation
- mediating the broad spectrum of sensory (pain, warm,
cold, gross, and sexual sensation)
Anterolateral system Dorsal column
Somatic Sensory Cortex
In the parietal lobes:
- Primary somatic sensory cortex:
> in the anterior part
> initial processing of sensory information
- Secondary somatic sensory cortex:
> in the posterior part
> elaboration and processing of sensory
> the higher sensory area
Motor Cortex
The higher motor area:
- receiving the information from the association area
- programming of sequences of movement to be
mediated to the primary motor cortex
Primary motor cortex : frontal lobes
- commanding of efferent motor neuron to initiate
voluntary movement
Other region for motor control:
- Supplementary motor area:
> Programming complex sequences of movement
- Premotor cortex
> Orienting body and arms toward target
> Coordination of complex movement
Transmission of Motor Signal
From primary motor cortex through 2 pathways:
1. Corticobulbar system
- Nerve fibers from motor cortex to the cranial nerve
2. Corticospinal system
> Lateral corticospinal tract/ pyramidal tract:
- Cross the midline in the medullary pyramids
- 80% of the fibers in the corticospinal system
> Anterior/ ventral corticospinal tract:
- Does not cross the midline, end on interneuron and
make contact with motor nerve on both sides of body
- 20% of the fibers in the corticospinal system
Impulses are transmitted from one neuron (presynaptic
neuron) to another neuron (postsynaptic neuron) at
Transmission of impulses from neuron to muscle cell at
neuromuscular junction
Essential in the homeostasis, since at synapses:
> integration and “filtering” of impulses
> excitation/facilitation or inhibition
Type of synapses:
- axodendritic
- axosomatic
- axoaxonal
Electrical synapses:
- Membranes of presynaptic and postsynaptic neuron
come close together form low resistance bridge, so
that ion pass with relative ease
Chemical synapses:
- Most synaptic junction
- Impulses in the presynaptic axon causes secretion of
neurotransmitter (e.g acetylcholine or serotonin)
which then binds to receptors on the surface of the
postsynaptic neuron →
> excitatory: excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)
> inhibitatory: inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)
Inside the presynaptic terminal are many mitochondria
and many vesicles which contain the neurotransmitters
3 kinds of synaptic vesicles:
- small, clear synaptic vesicles contain acetylcholine,
GABA, or glutamate
- small vesicles with a dense core contain
- large vesicles with a dense core contain
Neurotransmitters release to the synaptic cleft by
stimulation of electrical impulses that arrive in the
presynaptic terminal
Chemistry of Neurotransmitter
Identified neurotransmitter can be divided into broad
categories/families based on their chemical structure
- Some are amines, amino acids, many are
- Some are purines, and NO and CO gases
- In addition, some derivatives of arachidonic acid may
be transmitter
It is worth noting that most of these substance not only
released into synaptic cleft; in other situation
- they diffuse into extracellular fluid around the
synapse and exert effects at some distance
- they are also released by neuron into blood stream
as hormones
Synthesis and Release of Neurotransmitter
…..Synthesis and Release of Neurotransmitter
Fate of the Released Neurotransmitter
Received by postsynaptic neuron  impulses
Re-transported or re-uptake into presynaptic
neuron that secreted the transmitter neuron
Neurotransmitter remaining in the synaptic cleft
immediately destroyed by the enzyme yang (e.g.
acetylcholine destroyed by cholinesterase)
…..Synthesis and Release of Neurotransmitter

Ach : Acetylcholine
ASE : Acetylcholine esterase
X : Receptor of

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