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Perfect Attendance Award

A classic recognition in any school, this teacher shows up for class in rain, sleet, or snow. This award
recipient sets an example for students and fellow teachers, making his/her way into school regardless
of the weather or any nasty illnesses circulating in the hallways.

Coolest Classroom Award

This award recognizes the teacher who transformed his/her classroom into an inspirational haven for
learning and creativity. Taking the time and dedicating the energy to turning a plain room filled with
desks into an educational escape is an effort that should absolutely be celebrated.

No-Nonsense Nurturer Award

This teacher is known for his/her tough love approach to teaching. At first, this person might seem
gruff or uncaring but on closer inspection, it becomes quite clear that this educator is dedicated to
nurturing students and encouraging them to achieve at their highest level.

Walking Wikipedia Award

Ms. Smith teaches biology but everyone knows they can go to her with questions on a wide variety
of topics and receive a thorough explanation. This particular teacher dedicates him/herself to
educating people whenever s/he is presented with the opportunity to do so.

Top First-Year Teacher

Teaching can sometimes be treacherous and grueling, and surviving the first year of it is truly an
accomplishment. Acknowledge the first year triumphs of this newbie teacher with an award they’ll
cherish for decades to come.

School Spirit Award

Attends every school play, supports each fundraiser, and cheers from the sidelines of every game,
this teacher represents the heart and soul of your school. Both in and out of the classroom, this
person goes above and beyond to set the example for school spirit and that should be rewarded.

Humanitarian Award
You would use the words “kind” and “generous” to describe this teacher because s/he is always there
to lend a helping hand to another person, whether it’s a student, parent, colleague, or otherwise. This
teacher puts others before him/herself and is probably an educator because s/he wanted a career
where they could focus on helping others.

Green Guru Award

From setting up a recycling program for the school to composting lunchroom waste, this teacher is
driven to educating the world, while also making it a greener place. Say “thank you” for all of the
environmentally-conscious efforts this teacher has dedicated to the school and its students.

Tech Whiz Award

Busted laptop or malfunctioning tablet, this teacher can fix any tech gadget with just a few taps. Like
a magician pulling rabbits from a hat, s/he can easily resolve vexing technical issues and doesn’t
mind lending their digital expertise to students and colleagues alike.

Class Clown Award

This title isn’t reserved for students. Some teachers have that incredible ability to teach through
comedy, allowing students to learn and laugh at the same. Of course in the faculty lounge, this
teacher is surrounded by his/her peers, cracking jokes and make everyone smile.

The [School Name] Peace Prize

Schools can be hotbeds for conflict, but luckily yours has one teacher that always knows how to keep
the peace and work out the issues. Recognize the hard work it requires to have the patience,
understanding, and talent to cool tensions between people at odds.

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