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One of pharmaceutical development is the activity of drug information services to serve the
needs of people in the field of information, especially drugs

The future of pharmacy such as the development of a pharmacy, and to develop a pharmacy
needs to hold a renewal or innovation in the pharmacy.

Innovation is any new idea or idea that has never existed or published before.

Pharmaneurs should be aware that consumers are saturated while consuming a product and
service that's all and expect new and stronger, more convenient, practical, interesting, and
satisfying products and services. However, the pharmacy business competition is already tight,
competition between pharmacies is usually still around the selling price and service. and to
advance the pharmacy required a new breakthrough that is innovation. Innovations in pharmacies

1. Innovation Place: Choose a place to build a pharmacy in a rare area of pharmacies and
build an attractive, clean and comfortable pharmacy building so that consumers are not
easily bored, as well as in a strategic place. Pharmacies that are on the roadside will be
easier to recognize and place than a pharmacy deep in the housing complex. Then create
a symbol and name, a pharmacy that has a symbol and a unique and different name will
be more easily known and with a unique pharmacy name will not be difficult for
consumers to find it.

2. Human Resources: As a Pharmacist or Pharmacist Assistant as well as people in charge

of the pharmacy should be friendly, smile and greet to every visitor of the pharmacy to
make consumers feel comfortable.

3. Give the Best Service: As a seller we are obliged to provide our best service to
consumers. Do not underestimate how much the amount of goods that consumers will
buy and we as a pharmacist or pharmacist assistant should be professional. Although the
drugs offered will always be the same as other pharmacies, but if our service is
satisfactory, then the customer will always return to our pharmacy and we should offer
the best medicine to the consumer, the consumer is entitled to choose the best medicine
for his recovery, it is appropriate as the owner or pharmacy guardian to provide an
overview and various types of alternative medicine from the drug they are asking to be a
comparison material for the consumer.

4. Display Innovation: Can be done with renewal on the packaging aspect but with the same
content. Because with the new packaging can increase the attractiveness, and can also be
an effective element of promotion.
5. Service Innovation: This can be done by providing 24-hour service and online services.
But online service is only for certain medications that do not require a prescription or it
could be for drugs Compulsory pharmacies but on consumers who have consulted with

When we feel it as a consumer, then we too will realize that we are creatures of boredom, always
want something new and new. So, inevitably, Innovation must be continuously done.

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