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Introduction 2

The Basic Concept of E-Business versus E-Commerce 2-4

E-Commerce is here to grow 4-6

1. The growth scenario in Malaysia
2. Factors influencing the adoption of e-commerce by an organization

E-commerce in Real Estate Industry 7-19

Case Study: Property Guru, Real Estate Experience for

Agents and Consumers with cross channel marketing.

1. The Journey
2. Challenges
3. Solution with Oracles
4. Results
5. The Process of Property Guru Websites for Agents on Residential

Benefits of E-commerce

o Benefits of e-Commerce to consumers

o Benefits of e-Commerce to an organization

Conclusion 21

Reference 22-23

In Malaysia, electronic commerce
has become the most important
fundamental in supporting different
types of business activities that
comes out from the convergence of
several information technologies and
business practices. The e-commerce,
as defined by Kotler & Keller, 2012,
is a commercial transaction conducted
electronically on the internet. The latter is
seen to be an effective way of business trade (Sulaiman A & others, 2001). In fact, the e-commerce adoption
has substantial potential to support the growth of SMEs in developed and developing countries alike (Kurnia S
& others, 2015). In Malaysia e-Commerce has a significant contribution in line toward the growth of
the country economically (Ismail AF
& others, 2017). More and more
companies are attempting to gain
competitive advantages by using e-
commerce as business platform (Lee
& Lin, 2005). The development
technology of internet has created
unlimited opportunities for e-
commerce due to the compelling
advantages that offers over
conventional bricks and mortar stores
such as greater flexibility and market outreach, lower cost structures, broader product line, smoother transaction,
convenience and customization (Hou, 2005).


Some people use the terms "e-business" and "e-commerce" interchangeably, but they aren't synonymous. To
put it simply, e-commerce refers to buying and selling online, while e-business encompasses all business
conducted online. E-commerce can be viewed as a subset of e-business.

In a tech-driven world, the best way to understand e-businesses is with the help of examples:

o Email marketing to existing and/or prospective customers is an e-business activity. It electronically

conducts a business process—in this case, marketing.
o A company that builds and sells an online system that tracks inventory and triggers alerts at specific levels
is an e-business. Inventory management is a business process, and when facilitated electronically, it
becomes part of e-business.
o A content management system that manages the workflow between a content developer, editor, manager,
and publisher is another example of an e-business. In the absence of an electronic workflow, the physical
movement of paper files would conduct this process. By electronically enabling it, it becomes an e-business.
o Online tools for human resources can be produced by an e-business. These tools include online job boards,
application processers, and systems that collect and maintain data about employees.

Many processes that are described as e-business might be handled in-house through a company's network, or it
might be something the company outsources to a provider that specializes in whatever service is desired. By
producing them in-house, standard businesses may incorporate some elements of e-business into their plan—
the two types of businesses are not mutually exclusive.

Sometimes the difference between a standard business and an e-business is just a matter of how business is
conducted. For example, if you are an advisory firm helping people choose the right furniture, then you are a
business, but if you run a website where people can compare furniture options, then you are an e-business.

Compared to e-business, the definition of e-commerce is clearer. In its basic form, it involves placing orders
and making payments online. E-commerce comes in multiple forms. In business-to-consumer (B2C) e-
commerce, a business sells goods and services to consumers through its website.

Many brick-and-mortar retailers have adapted to the popularity of e-commerce, and they now conduct sales
through their websites as well as in their stores.

E-commerce sales can include every element of a sale: ordering a product, paying for a product, and having it
delivered. It might also involve only part of the process. For example, a customer might order a product online
to be picked up at the store. Payment might be conducted online or at the store when the item is picked up.
Either way, the transaction still involved an element of e-commerce.

Source: National eCommerce Strategic Roadmap Overview MDEC/MITI

Many businesses also sell through virtual marketplaces in addition to their own websites. For example, a popular
brand like Nike will sell shoes from its website, as well as through an online retailer like Amazon. Whether you
buy it from Nike's website or Amazon's, the transaction is still an example of e-commerce.

E-COMMERCE IS HERE TO GROW (The scenario and Influencing


1. The growth scenario in Malaysia (Young nation & tech-savvy potential)

J.P Morgan Global Payment Trend (2019) reported that Malaysia’s $4 billion e-commerce market is notable for
its explosive growth in recent years. Annual sales have expanded significantly since 2015, jumping 47.8 percent
in 2017 alone. Looking ahead, the market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 24 percent
to 2021. Despite a four-year period of rapid growth, there is still plenty of room for the market to continue to
expand. At present, just under half the population is yet to
shop online, meaning there are almost 16 million as-yet
untapped e-shoppers.

The nation is also young: the average age is 28.7 years,

and 44.2 percent of the population is aged 24 and under,
offering a generation of tech-savvy potential customers.

The growth has now expended to mobile shopping
According to a joint study by Google Malaysia and
Singapore-based Temasek Holdings Pte Ltd, Malaysians
spent RM4 billion on retail purchases online in 2015, with
81% of the country’s over 30 million population using
smartphones. Revenue from online transactions is
expected to reach RM32 billion in 2025, underpinned by
strong mobile usage among Malaysians. It is said that the
future of e-commerce in Malaysia will be mobile-driven,
with less and less people using laptops and computers for
transactions. Mobile will be a key feature that will uplift the country to propagate the
e-commerce to a higher level in the country.

2. Factors influencing the adoption of e-commerce by an organization

Why has e-commerce has grown so rapidly? The answer lies in the unique nature of the Internet and the
Web. Simply put, the Internet and e-commerce technologies are much more rich and powerful than previous
technology revolutions like radio, television, and the telephone. Table below exemplify the unique features
of the Internet and Web as a commercial medium.

In short organization will experience significance in

1) Larger Customer Base

With excellent inbound techniques, including stellar SEO, and a robust CMS, a small business could
grow into a global powerhouse.

2) Customers Choose Ecommerce

On-line shoppers are on the rise due to many benefits. Among others are price comparison and choice
of goods.

3) Online Shopping Offers More Options

A large percentage of shoppers prefer local business who offer online shopping. These buyers want to
find something unique that’s not available anywhere else, but they still want the convenience of online
buying. Others like to buy online and pick up at their local retailer.

4) Lower Labour and Tax Costs
Expanding your business could mean opening more retail spaces, which brings its own set of challenges
and costs. Staff, rental, and inventory equals a lot of overhead. An online presence can help expand
beyond your one location without the addition of staff or retail space. In addition, tax regulations are
different for each state, so sales taxes and income taxes, while tricky, could add up to less than physical
stores might incur.
5) Easier to Compete
Marketing and SEO play a huge part in growing an online presence.


Advances in Information and Communications Technology have revolutionised the ways of doing business in
the real estate industry. However, scarce literature on real estate agency Internet adoption, particularly in
Malaysia limits understanding on the extent of applications and implications of Internet on real estate agency
business activities


Targets Real Estate Experience for Agents and Consumers with cross channel

1. The Journey
Looking for a dream home can be exciting—or overwhelming. That’s where PropertyGuru comes in.
Spurred by Singapore’s property boom as well as people’s frustrations in using classified ads to find homes,
PropertyGuru was launched in 2006 to provide a smarter, more intuitive online channel for home seekers
to find their ideal property. Since then, PropertyGuru has expanded to Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia
while becoming synonymous with property search throughout Asia. Each month, more than 11 million
property buyers view 90 million property pages and generate 350,000 inquiries for real estate developer and
agent advertisers. PropertyGuru has also developed and launched 15 mobile applications in four countries
and three languages. By the end of 2013, PropertyGuru had recorded more than 1.3 million downloaded
mobile apps in the region—and had been honored with three MOBEX awards.

2. Challenges
PropertyGuru aims to continue growing their customer base through a two-pronged marketing strategy. The
company uses marketing emails to target home-seekers directly—but it’s just as important for PropertyGuru
to maintain targeted, relevant communication with the real estate agents who are experts at connecting
Asia’s consumers with the right homes. PropertyGuru likes to motivate these agents by providing them with
detailed information about their performance and offering them tips to improve. But until recently,
PropertyGuru was relying on an array of disconnected marketing solutions and sending out ad hoc emails
to their two audiences. As a result, the company had little insight into the effectiveness of their campaigns.
“We wanted our marketing campaigns to be more agent-driven, where we could provide agents with the
specific data, they needed to improve their performance,” says Regina Oh, Data Marketing Manager at
PropertyGuru. “Meanwhile, we hadn’t moved past the batch-and-blast phase with our customer campaigns.
It’s hard to be targeted when you only have the technology to send the same messages to your entire
customer database. We clearly needed to upgrade.”

3. Solutions with Oracle
PropertyGuru began evaluating leading marketing solutions such as Sitecore, Marketo, and Silverpop.
Oracle Marketing Cloud quickly stood out from the pack due to the enterprise-level functionality and strong
support offerings. “Our initial impression of Oracle Marketing Cloud has proven to be true,” says Regina.
“Their technical staff helped us go live quickly and easily. Their online support is outstanding With Oracle,
we can better manage and optimize multiple agent-facing and consumer-facing campaigns at the same time.
The solution has helped us identify communication gaps, thus improving the overall experience. Regina Oh
Data Marketing Manager PropertyGuru Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
whenever we have a question. And the Topliners forum is an invaluable source of product information and
marketing strategies.” PropertyGuru can now carefully target specific groups within its agent and consumer
databases and has automated many of the key tasks in launching an email campaign. Dynamic content
functionality enables PropertyGuru to email agents with benchmarking data as well as personalized
recommendations on how to improve their performance relative to their peers. “Our agents are typically too
busy to maintain their own records on performance,” says Regina. “Our automated, data-driven campaigns
enable them to take the specific steps they need to be more effective—which of course will help us achieve
our revenue goals as a company.” Automated emails to agents provide them with information on how many
listings they’ve posted, leads they’ve received, and credits they’ve used. When agents exceed their allotment
of listings, PropertyGuru can automatically upsell them to a higher tier of membership. They also send
agents market news and data to keep them informed about the biggest opportunities and challenges they’ll
face in their daily work.

4. The Results
Since going live on Oracle Marketing Cloud, PropertyGuru has leveraged marketing automation to run more
campaigns in less time. They’ve also gained deeper insights into all of their agent-facing and consumer-
facing campaigns. As a result, the company can now test campaigns and tweak strategies for the greatest
possible results. “We were previously making many of our marketing decisions based on guesswork because
we didn’t have much data on campaign performance—and what little data we had was hard to collect,” says
Regina. “With Oracle Marketing Cloud, we now have an instant, comprehensive view of key stats such as
open rates and click through rates. That tells us how we’re doing at engaging our audience—and influences
every decision we make about future campaigns.” With powerful marketing tools at their fingertips,
PropertyGuru’s marketers point and click to build sophisticated, multi-step campaigns. Whereas the
company previously depended on multiple applications to build emails, landing pages, and forms, all of this
content is now in Oracle Marketing Cloud. This not only makes it easier to build campaigns, but also allows
PropertyGuru to generate more coherent reports in less time. PropertyGuru’s automated, event-triggered
campaigns are performing at an impressive rate. “Overall, our automated campaigns are generating much
higher open rates than emails that we’ve sent out ad hoc,” says Regina. “We recently ran an agent campaign
that achieved an open rate of 40 percent and a click through of four percent. We’re delighted with these

results.” PropetyGuru is now focusing on optimizing the frequency of its agent-facing and consumer-facing
campaigns, and on performing A/B testing to determine which messages resonate best with each audience.
Working in the cloud, PropertyGuru’s marketers have the flexibility to change strategy or content in just
minutes as the needs of the audience dictate. “There is no doubt that our marketing solution adds value to
our business by unifying our marketing processes, enabling greater insights, and improving process
efficiencies,” says Regina. “With Oracle, we can better manage and optimize multiple agent-facing and
consumer-facing campaigns at the same time. The solution has helped us identify communication gaps, thus
improving the overall experience.

5. The process of e-commerce for PropertyGuru Websites.

In this case study, the focus will be in creating new listing for Apartment and Condominium for agents
before disseminating it to prospect or purchasers.

Step 1 - Managing the portal (for agents)

AgentNet is a portal for your one stop Content Management System (CMS) for you to manage you
listing. It can be new and edit current listings of the property. They are two (2) ways to access the

Type into the Internet browser Type into the Internet
address bar.
browser address bar.
1. Click on Property Agent
2. Click on Login to AgentNet

Once accessed, home page for the Agent’s portal will be presented.

1. Tabs to move around in the site

2. Your profile photo will appear here

3. Account Summary

4. Activity Summary

5. Property Wanted – Latest Wanted Enquiries Posted

6. Ask Guru – Latest Questions Posted by Consumer

Step 2 - Editing profile

Editing profile together with photos to create an ease communication with buyers. The process is as follows:

1. click on My Account

2. Field to change password

3. Field to key in personal information

4. Field for contact information

(email and mobile number are mandatory)

5. Check the box if you want to enable the Spam Filter

6. Click Save Changes

7. The click on the public profile

8. Click on choose file to upload the photo

9. When filling the profile is done, click save before changes

is made.

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The third tab will be Billing

In this tab, you will be able to see your Receipts, Credits, and
Product Credits. Any additional purchases of any packages or
features will be shown here.
➢ Receipts: Any transaction made will be under this tab.
➢ Credits: Credits that you can use to purchase discretionary
➢ Products Credits: Credits that you can use to purchase discretionary products.

Under Communication, you will be able to choose if you would

like to be updated with the latest offers and news regarding
PropertyGuru and the property market. Check on the boxes that
are applicable in and click Save Changes.

Under Facebook tab, you will be given a choice to connect with

Facebook. This means that any listing that you post on PropertyGuru
website will be shown on your Facebook automatically as well. It can save
you the hassle of reposting it in another platform and your friends in your
Facebook will be able to view your listing, thus increasing exposure for
your listings as well.

Step 3 - Manage listing. Create new Listing (Apartment & Condominium)

1. Click on My Listing located on the top red tab. You will
then be presented with a new page with 4 different new
tabs namely Active Listings, Draft Listings, Past
Listings, and Featured Listings. These are tabs which
show the statues of your listings.
➢ Active Listings: Listings that are currently being
advertised on PropertyGuru Website will be store here.
➢ Draft Listings: Listings that are pending activation
will be store here.
➢ Past Listings: After 2 months, once your listing has expired, it will be stored in the Past Listings

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➢ Featured Listings: This is where you manage your featured listing on PropertyGuru.

2. Click Create New Listing on the far-right hand corner. We will proceed to learn how to create an
ideal listing to generate higher exposure. Once you click the
button, you will be directed to the page as shown. On your
far right, you will see a bar that says, “Listing Quality”. This
is a gauge for you to see how quality your listing is. As you
enter more listing information, it will increase in percentages.
It is for your own information and does not affect listing

Start with the following steps:

1. Select the Listing Type. (Sale, Rent or Room Rental)

2. Select the Property Type. (e.g. Apartment/Condo)
3. Next, type in the property name or address and click on Search.
This is a very important step as missing it will be resulted in
you not able to find your listing in the website later.
4. A new mini window will appear (as shown on left) and you
can choose the exact address. NOTE: If you could not find
your address from the search results, kindly click on the “Not
Found” button.
5. Once you have found your address, click on Select, it will then
lead you back to the main page and the selected property be
underlined and in blue.
6. Fill in the remaining information and click Next.
a) Further fill in the Asking Price (RM);
b) Then select # of Bedrooms and Built Up;
c) Click on Next button to proceed.

12 | P a g e
You will now be presented with the Extra Details page which prompts
you to enter additional property information. It is a page full of details
of the listing. They are all optional. However, it is always better to
provide as much information as possible to help promote your listing.

When you are done, you can either click on Save as Draft so as to
continue later on or click Next to proceeds.

If you selected a condo only from our database under Basic tab, the
location will be fixed for you. However, if you manually typed in a
property, you will also need to manually select the district. You can also
opt to include the block number, street, name or postcode. Then click on
Google Lookup.

You will now be directed to the next page where you can upload
photos, videos, virtual tours, and documents. You can start uploading
all these under the Media tab. The more photos / videos you upload,
the higher chances a potential buyer will contact you.

You can add watermark to your photos to maintain copyright and

protect your photos. Just click on Add Watermark and select

a) None;
b) PropertyGuru Watermark;
c) Custom Watermark

13 | P a g e
You can also share your photos with PropertyGuru to earn credits of
RM2 that would go towards your account. Simply click on Share Your
Photos and check on the box I want to share my photos. You can use
credits to purchase any PropertyGuru discretionary services. Click on
Upload to select your photos once you have completed the above steps.
A mini page will open up. You can select one of more photos to upload
a time. Once uploaded, you will see thumbnail versions of them at the
bottom of the page.

Reminder: Only JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats are allowed.

NOTE: Shared photos are subjected to approval.

You can also share your photos with

PropertyGuru to earn credits of RM2 that
would go towards your account. Simply click
on Share Your Photos and check on the box
I want to share my photos. You can use
credits to purchase any PropertyGuru
discretionary services.
Click on Upload to select your photos once
you have completed the above steps. A mini
page will open up. You can select one of more
photos to upload a time. Once uploaded, you will see thumbnail versions of them at the bottom of the page.

Reminder: Only JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats are allowed. NOTE: Shared photos are subjected to approval.

There are several additional photos of the

property provided by PropertyGuru. These photos
will appear along together with the rest of your
photos. Please check on Don’t Display if you do
not wish to use a certain photo.

14 | P a g e
Upload Video

To upload videos or virtual tours, you can follow a similar process as above by either uploading a video / virtual
tour file or embed one from another location (e.g. website such as YouTube).
➢ To embed a file (e.g. YouTube), you will need to find the relevant code:
➢ Click on Share, and then on Embed.
➢ Copy the code.
➢ Paste it into the Embed Code section shown above.

You can also add a thumbnail if you have one stored on your computer. To add more information, just follow
similar steps as if you were loading a photo but select a Word or PDF file. You cannot “Watermark” the
documents. If needed, kindly upload as “Photo”.

The last tab is Summary. This is where you double check all
the details of your listing. Click on Activate button to
advertise your listing live on the website.

15 | P a g e
Step 4 – My Message
In here, you will be able to see your Message Inbox and
Message Archive. This is where you will read messages left
by either the agents or consumers enquiring about your listings.

Step 5 – AgentWeb Personal Website (For Paid Account Only)



PropertyGuru provides all Premium Agents with a FREE personal website, with ZERO maintenance. See
example below. You just enter the information in AgentNet and it automatically appears on your website. Unlike
the PropertyGuru website (all properties and agents), your website just contains your information and listings.
You can therefore promote it to your clients by adding your website address to your name cards, flyers, or
newspaper classifieds. To set up your personal website, you will need to be an existing Premium Member. In
AgentNet, select AgentWeb tab on top.

A. Send your preferred domain name (e.g. to for domain
B. Once your website address is done, it will then prompt you to choose your web status and also the template
you would like to use (as shown below). Choose your preferred website style. To review these, click the
Preview Templates. This opens a new window. After reviewing, close the preview window by clicking on
the “X” in the top right hand of the browser as below.
C. Select your preferred template by clicking the drop-down menu next to “AgentWeb Template”. If you would
like your email address to appear on your personal website, please check the box and then Save Changes.

16 | P a g e
D. Moving on, select the AgentWeb Content tab as below. You can add/edit details for the website
Introduction – text, colours, and fonts. In addition, you can even insert pictures on your website. To see
how your website looks, visit your website address. You can include details about yourself in a new page.
Select the box, add a title for the new website page (e.g. “About Me”) and then add details. Select Save
Changes at the bottom of the page when done.
E. You can create sub-pages for your projects in your website, just click on the Create New Custom Page.
For the PropertyGuru Library, this is the page where you can decide to show / not to show the page that you
had created.
F. Then key in the Page Title and Page Content. Click on Create Page after you had done with put in the
G. Select Extra tab which allows Expired Listings and Completed Listings on your personal website. You
can change the image that appears on your home page by browsing and selecting any photo on your
computer by selecting Choose File. A ‘thumbnail’ of the photo appears below once loaded. The
“Resources” section can be renamed by typing it in the box next to Resources Tab Label. You can have
your “Featured Listings” on the home page displayed in ‘one row’ or more by selecting the appropriate
option from the drop-down menu. Click Save Changes at the bottom when done.

6 7 8 9

Step 6 – Marketplace
The Marketplace section is where you will find extra services to help increase exposure for your listings and
yourself. You will be able to read through all PropertyGuru services under this tab. For assistance, please call
our Customer Service officer at (+603) 2279 7555.
Step 7 – Ask Guru
Answering these questions helps to position you as an expert in property and therefore getting you more
exposure and potentially more clients. Postings are sorted by categories and location as well as Latest, Most
Popular, and Unanswered as shown in the screen shot.

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Step 8 – Wanted Leads
Wanted Leads (paid agents only) are posted by direct buyers looking for properties or agents looking for co-
broking opportunities. To view a lead, just click on the blue title. You can then read the full details of their
request and reply accordingly.
Step 9 – Statistics
From the Statistics section, you will be able to see how many times your specific agent profile and listings have
been viewed and how many messages you have received within the last 30 days and in total since joining
PropertyGuru. You can also see the same viewing stats for each individual listing – this should help you
prioritize your actions so you can focus on more popular types of listings or regions.

Step 10 – Customer Support

Go to Customer Support tab, to get information about the services

provided to you. In this page, there are 5 links there, where you can
learn about the benefits of agent membership packages, get tutorial on
how to use the website or download full user guide, contact us on any
enquiries, video tutorials and advertisement and content guidelines.



18 | P a g e
A. Learn about the benefits of Agent Membership Packages. This will help you understand the latest
updated membership packages that are currently being offered by PropertyGuru. Please call our
Customer Service officer at (+603) 2279 7555 for more information.

B. Read a tutorial on how to use the website – or download full User Guide This is where you get
information on how to use the website. Download the full Quick Start Guide to help you get started with
the AgentNet account.

C. Contact us on any enquiries. This is where you can get in touch with PropertyGuru staff. Send us a
message and we will get back to you a.s.a.p

D. Video Tutorials. This is where our video tutorial is. Each section of the AgentNet is covered in the

E. Advertisement and Content Guidelines. This is where the Terms and conditions for agent membership
in are in. Every agent member is obliged to abide these guidelines when using
the service.

Step 11 – AgentNet Mobile Apps

Property hunting now goes easier and awesome!
From now on, you can search for Malaysia
properties, view all newly-launched projects, and
read up on the latest property news while you’re
on the move – simply by using PropertyGuru’s
iPhone and Android applications.

Upload your new listings or activate your drafts while on-the-go. Receive incoming message alerts and stay
connected to potential buyers all in one app. Enjoy this convenience with PropertyGuru's AgentNet on
smartphone & iPad!

Advertise fast: With the simple step-by-step app version,

post your listing online. Snap photos on your smartphone
and upload them on the spot.
Reply immediately: View, read and reply to enquiries for
potential buyers on your mobile while on the move.

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Benefits of e-Commerce to consumers
1. It provides 24x7 support. Customers can enquire about a product or service and place orders anytime,
anywhere from any location.
2. E-commerce application provides users with more options and quicker delivery of products.
3. E-commerce application provides users with more options to compare and select the cheaper and better
4. A customer can put review comments about a product and can see what others are buying or see the review
comments of other customers before making a final purchase.
5. E-commerce provides options of virtual auctions.
6. It provides readily available information. A customer can see the relevant detailed information within
seconds, rather than waiting for days or weeks.
7. E-Commerce increases the competition among organizations and as a result, organizations provides
substantial discounts to customers.

Benefits of e-Commerce to an organisation

1. Using e-commerce, organizations can expand their market to national and international markets with
minimum capital investment. An organization can easily locate more customers, best suppliers, and suitable
business partners across the globe.
2. E-commerce helps organizations to reduce the cost to create process, distribute, retrieve and manage the
paper-based information by digitizing the information.
3. E-commerce improves the brand image of the company.
4. E-commerce helps organization to provide better customer services.
5. E-commerce helps to simplify the business processes and makes them faster and efficient.
6. E-commerce reduces the paperwork.
7. E-commerce increases the productivity of organizations. It supports "pull" type supply management. In
"pull" type supply management, a business process starts when a request comes from a customer and it
uses just-in-time manufacturing way.

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It is inevitable that E-commerce plays a very importance role in our system be it individual or an organization.
To reject or deny its presence would mean to stop oneself/selves from moving forward for growth and will stand
to lose in this evolving economic circle of livelihood.

Nevertheless, care must be observed by all parties especially regulators to circumvent possible miss-
appropriations of data privacy that can lead to fraudulence. Amongst them are fraud causes due to identity theft,
phishing and account theft.

Fraud prevention best practices should be the guiding principle by all and amongst them include the

1. Addressing Verification System

Use AVS (Address Verification System). It’s amazing. It helps you secure your e-commerce business by
verifying the customer’s billing address, whether it’s the same as the credit card company has on the records
or not.
2. Following PCI Standards
PCI or, Payment Card Industry (PCI) has security regulations for every e-commerce company to follow.
These standards make your transactions more secure. If you don’t adhere to the PCI standards, you can
easily become a victim to e-commerce frauds or might even expose yourself to a hefty lawsuit.
The bad guys hide behind international borders, and because your local authorities may have no jurisdiction
over them, it can be problematic for you to recover your stolen money or data.
3. Setting Strong Password Requirements
Restrictive password requirements often frustrate us. But as a matter of fact, using a complicated password
protects your customers as well as your business. It is a smart practice to insert different types of characters
in your password to reduce the chances for hackers to attack you.

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8. Business Wire- A Berkshire Hataway - Global B2B E-Commerce Market 2018: By 2020, Sales are
Projected to Be More than Two Times Higher than Global Online Retail Sales - –Company- September 28, 2018
9. Mark Rao-The Malaysian Reserve; Malaysian e-commerce space to grow exponentially by 2025;
Thursday, June 8th, 2017
10. Adrian, Future of E-commerce in 2019: 10 International Growth Trends;
11. Kotler, P., & Keller, K.L. (2012). Marketing management (14th ed.). England: Prentice Hall

12. Sulaiman A, Jani R, Bahri S (2001), The Development of E-commerce in Malaysia. In Towards the E-
Society 74: 341-353.

13. Kurnia S, Choudrie J, Mahbubur RM, Alzougool B (2015) E-commerce technology adoption: A
Malaysian grocery SME retail sector study. Journal of Business Research 68: 1906-1918

14. Ismail AF, Tean WS, Sam MFM, Pei CS (2017) E-Commerce Adoption among Retailing Malaysia’s
SMEs in Perspective of Technological-Organizational-Environmental (TOE) Framework. International
Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management

15. Lee, G. G., & Lin, H. F. (2005). Customer perceptions of e-service quality in online shopping.
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 33(2), 161-176.

22 | P a g e
16. Hou, G. (2005). Service quality of online apparel retailers and its impact on customer satisfaction,
customer trust and customer loyalty. (Doctoral dissertation, University of North Caroline, 2005), pp.

17. Business Wire- A Berkshire Hataway - Global B2B E-Commerce Market 2018: By 2020, Sales are
Projected to Be More than Two Times Higher than Global Online Retail Sales - –Company- September 28, 2018

18. Mark Rao-The Malaysian Reserve; Malaysian e-commerce space to grow exponentially by 2025;
Thursday, June 8th, 2017

19. Adrian, Future of E-commerce in 2019: 10 International Growth Trends;

20. 5 Reasons Small Business Owners Adopt Ecommerce,


21. Kotler, P., & Keller, K.L. (2012). Marketing management (14th ed.). England: Prentice Hall
22. Sulaiman A, Jani R, Bahri S (2001), The Development of E-commerce in Malaysia. In Towards the E-
Society 74: 341-353.
23. Kurnia S, Choudrie J, Mahbubur RM, Alzougool B (2015) E-commerce technology adoption: A
Malaysian grocery SME retail sector study. Journal of Business Research 68: 1906-1918
24. Ismail AF, Tean WS, Sam MFM, Pei CS (2017) E-Commerce Adoption among Retailing Malaysia’s
SMEs in Perspective of Technological-Organizational-Environmental (TOE) Framework. International
Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management
25. Lee, G. G., & Lin, H. F. (2005). Customer perceptions of e-service quality in online shopping.
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 33(2), 161-176.
26. Hou, G. (2005). Service quality of online apparel retailers and its impact on customer
satisfaction, customer trust and customer loyalty. (Doctoral dissertation, University of North
Caroline, 2005), pp. 236.
27. Business Wire- A Berkshire Hataway - Global B2B E-Commerce Market 2018: By 2020, Sales are
Projected to Be More than Two Times Higher than Global Online Retail Sales - –Company- September 28, 2018
28. Mark Rao-The Malaysian Reserve; Malaysian e-commerce space to grow exponentially by 2025;
Thursday, June 8th, 2017
29. Adrian, Future of E-commerce in 2019: 10 International Growth Trends;
30. 5 Reasons Small Business Owners Adopt Ecommerce,

23 | P a g e

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