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Why I want to Become a Teacher

Leah Fortin

Concordia University Portland

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Many people get asked, why do you want to become a teacher? I am motivated to

become a teacher because I love working with kids and I would love the opportunity to make an

impact in a child’s life. I feel that making an impact in a child’s life can help shape them to the

person they are. Preparing them for their future and being a part of their journey to the future

is something that would make me love my job each and every day. Hopefully making a

difference in children’s lives would make a positive impact on mine. The students could teach

me life lessons or teach me something new about themselves that could help me understand

my job better and make me a better teacher. This is also explaining that I won’t just be

teaching the students, but I would also be learning from them. I am curious to see the things I

will learn from the students as I believe they have the ability to impact my life. Being a teacher

can mean shaping the future of our society and I find that very interesting and motivational to

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The level of education that I would love to teach is either grade 2 or grade 3. I feel that

this level is appropriate for me because the students aren’t too young and already understand

reading and a little writing. I like challenges and group work therefore I believe this age is a

good grade to start teaching and influencing these topics. At this age, they are still young

enough to enjoy the fun crafts and reading time which is something I look forward to teaching

and incorporating into the class schedule. I feel that if I teach at a younger or older age than

grade 2 or 3, I wouldn’t enjoy it as much as I feel that with my experiences with children, this

age is the best for me. The location I would like to teach at is in Langley, British Columbia,

Canada. Back in my hometown there are plenty of elementary schools that I could hopefully get

a job at. The schools are very friendly and happy, and the environment is very welcoming. The

city and the population are growing, hopefully opening up more job opportunities for teachers.

One of my old high school teachers, Mr. Salter is someone who I believe demonstrates

good teaching. Mr. Salter is a very kind, caring, open- minded, patient and honest man. He was

very passionate for his job and cared more about the students than anything. He got to know

everyone in his class personally and always acknowledged his students in the hallway with a

smile and a simple “good morning” or “good afternoon.” He made everyone feel welcomed in

his classroom. Mr. Salter was very organized and understanding. He knew that students had

other things going on and would offer a safe place to talk if ever needed. The class environment

was always fun, and jokes were always made which made it not too stressful. He knew

discipline and applied it when necessary, but it took a lot for Mr. Salter to yell at a student. Mr.
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Salter had all the qualities I believed to make a good teacher. I can say with confidence that Mr.

Salter made an impact on my life.

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