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January 2020

British Literature I

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Activities are listed in 1 2 3 4
BLUE; Targets are listed
in GREEN; Major as- NO NO NO
signments or assess-
ments are listed in RED SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL
5 6 7 8 Course introduction; 9 Course introduction; 10 Archetypes SWBAT 11
History of Old English establish an understand-
Teacher Teacher History of Old English
SWBAT establish the
historical context for our
SWBAT establish the
historical context for our
ing of what an archetype
is and the features that

Workday Inservice first unit of study

*Assign Old English
first unit of study define those archetypes
that appear in Beowulf
Old English Reading
reading assignment
Assignment Due

12 13 Beowulf SWBAT 14 Beowulf reading 15 16 Beowulf reading 17 Character mapping 18

SWBAT make assertions
define the problem quiz 1-4 Beowulf 5-9 BLOCK quiz 6-9; Beowulf 10-
about how certain charac-
facing Herot and SWBAT create a list 13 SWBAT express
Hrothgar at the start of defining features of SCHEDULE: through archetypes
ters fulfill the role of
archetypes and support
of Beowulf the hero Beowulf and NO CLASS why G’s mom goes themselves with textual
provide textual evi- after B and why B evidence Reading Quiz
dence responds in kind 10-13

19 20 21 Anglo Saxon Cul- 22 23 Beowulf 14-17 24 Anglo Saxon Rid- 25

NO ture SWBAT under-

stand social mobility
SWBAT explain why
Beowulf must die in
dles SWBAT engage
in the Anglo Saxon
in Anglo Saxon cul- his final battle and pastime of creating
SCHOOL ture and apply it to
Beowulf’s assent to
NO CLASS why he must also
stand up to his final
and solving riddles for
entertainment Read-
power foe in the first place ing Quiz 14-17
26 27 Beowulf movie 28 Beowulf movie 29 30 Beowulf movie 31 Beowulf essay
SWBAT compare and SWBAT compare and BLOCK SWBAT compare and SWBAT respond to a
contrast text and film contrast text and film contrast text and film thematic prompt from
adaptations of the adaptations of the SCHEDULE: adaptations of the Beowulf and use tex-
same story same story NO CLASS same story tual evidence to sup-
port their claims
February 2020
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Activities are listed in 1
BLUE; Targets are listed
in GREEN; Major as-
signments or assess-
ments are listed in RED

2 3 Middle English lec- 4 Middle English lec- 5 6 Middle English 7 Wife of Bath pro- 8
ture SWBAT know ture SWBAT know BLOCK Reading Assignment logue SWBAT famil-
the social, historical, the social, historical, Due; Canterbury Pil- iarize themselves with
and political context and political context SCHEDULE: grims SWBAT know Chaucer’s language
of our next unit of of our next unit of NO CLASS the character traits and articulate the
study *assign Middle study and plot summaries of Wife’s argument re-
English reading each character and garding marriage
their tales

9 10 Wife of Bath pro- 11 Wife of Bath pro- 12 13 Wife of Bath 14 Wife of Bath 15
logue SWBAT famil- logue SWBAT famil- BLOCK SWBAT compare and SWBAT compare and
iarize themselves with iarize themselves with contrast the argu- contrast the argu-
Chaucer’s language Chaucer’s language SCHEDULE: ments she poses in her ments she poses in her
and articulate the and articulate the NO CLASS tale versus that of her tale versus that of her
Wife’s argument re- Wife’s argument re- prologue prologue Wife of Bath
garding marriage garding marriage reading quiz

16 17 18 Introduce Canter- 19 20 Canterbury Tales 21 Canterbury Tales 22

NO bury Tales project

SWBAT know the
workday SWBAT
read and understand
workday SWBAT
read and understand
expectations for this the events within their the events within their
SCHOOL assignment and will
select their tales and
NO CLASS individually selected
individually selected

23 24 Canterbury Tales 25 Canterbury Tales 26 27 Canterbury Tales 28 Canterbury Tales 29

workday SWBAT workday SWBAT BLOCK workday SWBAT workday SWBAT
read and understand read and understand prepare a script that prepare a script that
the events within their the events within their SCHEDULE: reflects key events of reflects key events of
individually selected individually selected NO CLASS their tale while mod- their tale while mod-
tale tale Reading quiz and ernizing it ernizing it
guide due
March 2020
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 Canterbury Tales 3 Canterbury Tales 4 5 Canterbury Tales 6 Canterbury Tales 7
Activities are listed in workday SWBAT workday SWBAT BLOCK workday SWBAT workday SWBAT
BLUE; Targets are listed prepare a script that prepare a script that begin putting together begin putting together
in GREEN; Major as- reflects key events of reflects key events of SCHEDULE: their final projects, their final projects,
signments or assess- their tale while mod- their tale while mod- NO CLASS rehearsing scripts, rehearsing scripts,
ments are listed in RED
ernizing it ernizing it editing video, etc. editing video, etc.

8 9 Canterbury Tales 10 Canterbury Tales 11 End of Quarter 3 12 13 14

workday SWBAT put
the finishing touches
Projects Due SWBAT
present their projects
Canterbury Tales Pro-
jects Due SWBAT Teacher Teacher
on their projects and to the class and will present their projects
will reflect upon the
work put forward by
discern the moral of
other tales presented
to the class and will
discern the moral of
Workday Inservice
themselves and their to them other tales presented
peers to them
15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 Introduction to Arthu- 24 Sir Gawain and the 25 26 Sir Gawain and the 27 Sir Gawain and the 28
rian Legends SWBAT
know the basic inspira-
Green Knight BLOCK Green Knight Green Knight essay
SWBAT read and SWBAT read and test SWBAT explore
tion of the legends as
well as the people, places, discuss the story of SCHEDULE: discuss the story of one of five prompts
and objects most central Sir Gawain and his NO CLASS Sir Gawain and his related to the piece we
to the stories adventures adventures just read

29 30 Robin Hood 31 Robin Hood and

Webquest SWBAT the Monk SWBAT
research information compare their back-
related to the tales and ground knowledge of
adventures of Robin Robin Hood with the
Hood one portrayed in this
April 2020
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Activities are listed in 1 2 The Geste of Robin 3 Robin Hood and 4
BLUE; Targets are listed BLOCK Hood SWBAT com- Maid Marian SWBAT
in GREEN; Major as- pare their background compare their back-
signments or assess-
SCHEDULE: knowledge of Robin ground knowledge of
ments are listed in RED NO CLASS Hood with the one Robin Hood with the
portrayed in this story one portrayed in this
5 6 Robin hood cumula- 7 8 Shakespeare 9 10 England in the 11
tive exam SWBAT BLOCK webquest SWBAT BLOCK Renaissance SWBAT
show what they know research information know the social, polit-
of the Robin hood SCHEDULE: related to our final SCHEDULE: ical, and historical
stories in creative and NO CLASS unit of study NO CLASS context of our final
interesting ways unit of study

12 13 England in the 14 15 16 17 18
Renaissance SWBAT PSAT 9/SAT PSAT 10
know the social, polit-
ical, and historical TESTING: NO TESTING: NO
context of our final CLASS CLASS
unit of study

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30
May 2020
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Activities are listed in 1 2
BLUE; Targets are listed
in GREEN; Major as-
signments or assess-
ments are listed in RED

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 Senior’s last day in 13 14 Senior’s Last Day 15 16

this class BLOCK

17 18 19 20 21 Last day of school 22 23

Graduation 8am

24 25 26 27 28 29 30


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