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Lecture 1-3

When do you find your mind relaxing somewhat and getting away from focused attention? When
taking a shower? Riding on the bus? Going for a walk? Type your answer below.

Well done!

Lecture 1-3A

How many synapses are there in the brain?

a million billion
Well done!

a million

a billion

twenty thousand

According to the video, what happens on the dendrites of neurons when you learn something
new? (Select the single best answer.)

Many new synapses (connections) are formed on the dendrites.

Well done!

The dendrites develop a sort of putty-like substance that conducts electricity through blood.

As Dr. Sejnowski discussed in detail, the dendrites wilt.

Lecture 1-4A

This video suggested using the Pomodoro technique--25 minutes of steady concentration with no
disruptions. Everybody is different, of course. What in particular would YOU want to make sure is
turned off or unavailable to ensure you retain your focus when you do a Pomodoro? Type your
answer in the blank space here.

Lecture 1-5

Check the true option

It is possible to change and become accomplished in areas that you don't think you can do very well at.
Well done! That's right! Barb was very surprised to discover this in her life. Part of the challenge for her was
when she realized that if any mindset could possibly be more alien to her "natural" way of looking at things, it
would be an engineering mindset. She realized that a highly-trained analytical perspective might be interesting
for her to acquire--that it might be just as intriguing a perspective as that offered by learning new languages and

Perhaps you share similar challenges with Barb in opening your mind to more analytically-oriented approaches.
Or perhaps your challenge might run the other way--from analytical to being able to be more metaphorically
oriented. What do you think your biggest learning challenge might be?

Everybody has an inborn talent--it is always best to only follow what you believe you are good at and what
comes easily for you.

Lecture 1-6

"Spaced repetition" is good because it (select the single best answer)

Allows you to create both beautiful and useful spatial patterns.

Builds stronger neural structures by repeating them over a number of days

Well done!

Is actually NOT good (Barb is trying to trick you here).

Lecture 1-7

Sleep (check all that apply)

allows the brain to wash away metabolic toxins.

Well done!

is not important--sleep is for the weak.

Well done!

allows your brain to strengthen important parts of memories even as it erases less important memories
Well done!

allows your brain a chance to rehearse difficult material--going over and over the tougher aspects of what you
are trying to learn

Lecture 1-9

Poll Results
If you had to select ONE most interesting and/or useful topic that was covered in this week's
videos, what would you choose? (There is no right or wrong answer here--this gives you an
opportunity to compare what you think is important with what other people are finding important.)

Focused versus diffuse modes of thinking


The Pomodoro


The importance of practice and repetition in making something permanent in memory


The importance of sleep in clearing metabolic toxins from the brain


The importance of exercise in helping you to learn and remember better


28,727 responses

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