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Activity 3.

Memory Game

How well do you remember?

What To Do:
Click the link below to test your memory.

What Have You Found Out?

1. What is/are the item/s that you have remembered?

2. What is/are the item/s that you have forgotten?

1. What lobe of the brain worked during the activity?


2. How well can you remember things?

I can remember things easily thru their colors, shapes, sizes and with my experiences with

3. What can you do to improve your memory?

To improve memory, one must first, give his or her brain a workout, which means solving
unfamiliar problems and executing tasks with mental efforts from time to time. Second, don’t
skip the physical exercise. While mental exercise is important for brain health, that doesn’t
mean you never need to break a sweat. Physical exercise helps your brain stay sharp. Third,
get your sleep. There is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get by on and the
amount you need to function at your best. Even skimping on a few hours makes a difference!
Memory, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking skills are all compromised. And
lastly, keep stress in check. Stress is one of the brain’s worst enemies. Over time, chronic
stress destroys brain cells and damages the hippocampus, the region of the brain involved in
the formation of new memories and the retrieval of old ones. Studies have also linked stress to
memory loss.
Check Your Knowledge
A. Direction: Using the list of words on the table, replace the underlined words with the correct
key terms. Write your answer on the space provided.

brain stem synapse cerebrum

cerebellum reflex spinal cord

__ synapse ________1. The axon of one neuron is separated from the dendrites of another
neuron by a gap.
__ cerebrum ________2. The largest part of the brain functions when you are reading this
_ brain stem _________3. The part of the brain that controls breathing, digestion, and
heartbeat links the brain and the spinal cord.
__ cerebellum ________4. You are able to perform complex activities because the motor
center of your cerebrum receives help from another part of your brain, which coordinates
muscle activity.
__ reflex ________5. An automatic response to a harmful stimulus can help you avoid serious

B. Direction: Label the parts of neuron. Trace the path of impulse in the illustration below.

Cell Body Dendrite Node of Ranvier Axon Terminal

Axon Myelin Sheath Schwann Cell Nucleus

Check Your Understanding


Direction: Explain the following statements briefly. Write your answer in a complete sentence. 
1. Explain why an injury to the back of the head might affect the way you walk.

Any injury at the back of the head might affect any motor activity especially if the cerebellum is
damaged since its function is for the motor skills.

2. Compare your central nervous system to a centralized telephone. Which part acts like the

Like a centralized phone and nervous system, the centralized phone has so many wires like our
nervous system, when one of the wires on the phone is cut or snapped, the phone will not be
functioning well anymore or will not function anymore.

3. Hypothesize why it is sometimes difficult to smell things when you have a stuffy nose.
Nasal congestion from a cold, flu, or allergies can often cause a temporary loss of smell. If you're
sick or having a runny nose, excess mucus can block the scent receptors in your nose. Mild
respiratory infections often clear up on their own, and your sense of smell usually returns after a
few days.

4. Describe the role of the cerebellum during swimming exercises.

The cerebellum modifies voluntary movements and helps to coordinate the timing and force of
your muscle groups for accurate body movements. This small but crucial part of your brain plays
a key role in the adaptation of movements acquired through the trial-and-error method of
learning, such as when swimming.

5. After a severe accident, a person can write and talk but has to learn to walk again. What part
of the nervous system was probably affected?

The Cerebellum.

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