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Stay Safe on Road: Two Wheeler Safety Instructions

1. Always wear fully cover helmet fixing the chain strap, it is for your own safety.
2. Drive on left side of the Road. Leave the centre of the road for cars and avoid zig zag
3. Never overtake on Bridges, Junctions, Pedestrian Crossing, School Zones and in places
marked with yellow lines.
4. Give Way to pedestrian at pedestrian crossing.
5. No overtaking from left side.
6. Avoid over speed that may lead to severe accident.
7. Reduce the speed of your vehicle to 30-40km during rainy days.
8. While driving, you should be much extra cautious about the stray animals over the road.
9. It is proved many times that dogs are the most dangerous animals for two wheeler
accidents. So, in case of any dog at the road, reduce the speed of your vehicle to 20-30
km speed.
10. Signal your intentions clearly in advance before stopping, turning etc.
11. Do Not Turn Abruptly and don’t take chances.
12. Keep proper space in between moving vehicles for avoiding collision and do not ride in
that Gap.
13. On the road traffic situation can change at any time and hence alertness is a must.
14. Anticipate and make allowance for the mistake of other users.
15. Respond properly to what you see in the mirror.
16. Vehicle cannot stop at the same place where you brake and this stopping distance will
increase with the speed.
17. Do not talk on cell phone while driving. Park and Talk.
18. Avoid talking with pillion while driving.
19. Do not mix drinking and driving.
20. Check Vehicle condition particularly Brake, Tyre Pressure, Light, Horn and Clutch before
starting the vehicle for the day.
21. Treat every junction as ‘Halt and Go’ Point and slow down well before approaching the
22. Stop at stop line when signal turns from green to amber and do not start before amber
becomes green again.

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