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Level 1

In order to perform well as a Data Curator you must know that you can be subject to
two situations.

!!"# $%&'()*+,-./,

!!0# 1,23,*+.*$411

The database is not created The database is already created !!0#

!!<# >,()/,

and you need to do it. and you need to debug the !!<# 1,2*?.'()*'.*/)%*?&2)%
!!<@ A.//&*>,7B)*C.//)

information. !D## 5(3E()*4,(3F2.:

Diagnosis: Stage in which you analyze

Backup: The stage in which you make

1.A an Entity-Relationship diagram.

. Do you understand the whole diagram?
1.B a copy of the table or tables that you
are going to debug.
. Solve each of your doubts with your superior

Identification: At this stage it locates the: Analysis: Stage in which you verify that all the information

2.A . Entities
. Relations
. Primary and foreign keys 2.B
complies with the same rules as:
. Proper names with capital letters.
. Cardinalities . Same format in the dates.
. Same character length.

Execution: At this stage use the software

Execution: The stage in which you delete
3.A of your liking to create a database.
Define your activities and set a time
3.B repeated records from the table.
Define your activities and set a time to do them.
to do them.

Tests: This stage confirms that the database

Export: Convert the file to the appropriate format
4.A works correctly with information that you
can propose or that will be provided,
4.B for the database (CSV, TXT).
to verify that the queries give correct data. Convert the file…

Evaluation: Check if you met your goals:

. The amount of activities you did.
. The time it took to do them

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