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The Contemporary Period

I. Literature under Republic

1946-1970 The Rebirth of Freedom

1970-1972 The Period of Activism
1972-1980 ThePeriod of the New Society
1981-1985 The Period of the Third Republic

II. Literature after EDSA

1986-1999 Regained of Independence

The Rebirth of Freedom (1986-1999)

Historical Baclground The Americans returned in 1945. Filipinos rejoiced and guerillas who fled to the
mountain joined the liberating American Army. *Hukbalahap - Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon
(People's Army Against the Japanese), a guerilla army operating largely in Central Luzon. *There was a
popular movement in the Philippines, and it had began to expand in Central Luzon. The Hukbalahap was
originally a guerilla army unit built by the Communist Party of the Philippines to fight the Japanese.
*Shortly before Feb. 28, 1945, after General MacArthur found out the country in chaos and people
stunned and shattered, he returned to the country to reetablished the Commowealth Government.
*The liberation of the country was followed by an intellectual liberation which caused a resurgence of
literary effort. Guerillas stories and liberation stories began to appear early during this period. The
Japanese War had been a deeply felt, shattering experience. It seemed to have filled the hearts and
minds of the writers. "Without Seeing the Dawn" - by Steven Javellana - first Filipino postwar novel
*There was a sudden mushrooming of periodicals; among these were: 1. Manila Post 2.Philippine -
2. Philippine-American 3. Manila Times 4. Evening News 5. Manila Chronicle Prewar Publications 1.
Philippine Free Press 2. Philippine Herald College Papers also reappeared 1. "Literary Apprentice" and
"Philippine Collegian" - UP 2. "Varsitarian" - UST 3. "National" - NU 4. "Advocate" - FEU 5. "Standard" -
Arellano University 6. "Dawn" - UE 7. "Sands and Corals" - Silliman University *This only proved that
there were more readers in English than in any other vernaculars like Tagalog, Ilocano, or others.
The Rebirth of Freedom (1986-1999) On July 4, 1946, the Philippines regained its freedom and the
Filipino flag waved joyously alone. *US declared the Philippines a new nation and with grant of political
freedom. Most writers felt a new sense of responsibility. *Americans granted us our independence. In
1946, the Barangay Writer's Project whose aim was to publish works in English by Filipinos was
established. N.V.M. Gonzalez was its first president. Had published 3 books:
1. Heart of the Island - by Manuel A. Viray - an anthology of Filipino poetry in English 2. Philippine Cross-
Section - Maximo Ramos and Florentino B. Valeros 3. Philippine Annual - for 1947-1949 -by Manuel A.
Viray *Along these developments The National Teachers College offered a 3-unit course in
contemporary Philippine Literature in English. *1949, this subject was offered as a research course for
graduate classes. In 1951, the Bureau of Civil Service included Philippine Literature as a subject to be
covered in the CSE for teachers.
*Further encourage literary activity The Free Press resumed its annual award of P1,000.00 for the best
short story, it published annually the Palanca Memorial Award for literature was created. 1955
"Signature" - a poetry magazine in English 1968 "The Adversary" - Louis V. Teodoro Jr. - won the
Philippine Free Press short story award 1969 "The Trail of Professor Riego" - won second prize in the
Palanca Memorial Award for Literature 1970 "The Distant City" - won the Graphic Short Story Award
1955 A poetry magazine in English, "Signature", began the publication. 1955 A new Philippine Writers
Association was organized. 1956 The Arena Theater Playwriting Award was established. 1958 First
postwar National Writers Conference was held in Baguio. 1958 A chapter of the International PEN
(Poems, Essays and Novels) was inaugurated in the Philippines.
1960 The Republic Cultural Heritage Award for Literature was created. Objective: To initiate a
movement for greater and more dedicated efforts in cultural advancement to complement the country's
program of economic development. 1961 The first Pro Patria Awards for literature were given. 1964
Philippine Republic created the National Commission of Culture. 1970 Graphic Magazine launched a
literary contest as an incentive for young writers. Objective: To stimulate the development of a
significant national literature.
Writers and their notable works of the Period 1. Poetry in English during this period A. "Heart of the
Islands (1947) - a collection of peoms by Manuel Viray B. "Philippine Cross-Section" (1950) - a collection
of prose and poetry by Maximo Ramos and Florentino Valeros *The themes of most poems dealt with
the usual love of nature, and of social and political problems. 2. Novel and Short Story in English A.
"Without Seeing The Dawn" - by Steven Javellana - first Filipino postwar novel was published by Little
Brown, in Boston. *Tells of the grim experiences of war during the Japanese Occupation.

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