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PREFACE ....................................................................................................................... 5

I. PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES ......................................................................... 7

1. The process of creaton by guiding the power of thoughts: affirmations ........... 7
1.1. Description of power of thoughts and affirmations ........................................... 7
1.1.1. Thoughts are creative is a Law of Nature ............................................... 7
1.1.2. Thoughts are acting from the subconscious............................................ 8
1.1.3. Thoughts create their equivalents in the material world ...................... 9
1.1.4. There are two fundamental thoughts .................................................... 10
1.1.5. Love is always more powerful ................................................................. 10
1.2. Phrasing................................................................................................................. 11
1.2.1. The importance of the personal pronoun.............................................. 11
1.2.2. The importance of the present tense..................................................... 11
1.2.3. The importance of accuracy and dimension ......................................... 12
1.2.4. The importance of positivity ................................................................... 12
1.2.5. Last but not least : the importance of the “Golden Rule” .................. 13
1.3. Method for phrasing affirmations....................................................................... 14
1.3.1. Think about what you want..................................................................... 14
1.3.2. Forget what the others want .................................................................. 15
1.3.3. Eliminate what does not feel right.......................................................... 15
1.3.4. Reverse doubts.......................................................................................... 16
1.3.5. Make changes whenever necessary : when your wish changes............ 19
1.4. Discipline when pursuing the affirmations ........................................................ 20
1.4.1. Each day..................................................................................................... 20
1.4.2. Do not pay attention to situations which do not correspond with your
affirmation ........................................................................................................... 21
1.4.3. Be persistent until you achieve the materialization, for years if need
be .......................................................................................................................... 21
1.4.4. Keeping affirmations for yourself............................................................ 23
1.4.5. Minimum number of times the affirmation has to be used ................. 24
1.5. Interference with the collective mind when making affirmations.................. 24
1.5.1. What is the collective mind? ................................................................... 24
1.5.2. How can we protect ourselves ? ............................................................. 25
1.5.3. The affirmation can also be used for collectivity .................................. 25
1.5.4. An individual’s wish, providing that it corresponds to the universal
principles of love, kindness and peace, is favourable to us all........................ 26
1.5.5. When you do not know whether you wish is good for you and for all,
terminate your affirmation with an affirmation of general welfare.............. 26
1.6. Interference with a third person involved in the affirmation.......................... 27
1.6.1. Repetition of the “golden rule” .............................................................. 27
1.6.2. Time needed for materialization............................................................ 28
1.6.3. Building in guarantees.............................................................................. 30
1.6.4. Distance or time are not important....................................................... 30
1.6.5. Transmission without being aware of it................................................. 31
2. Why using affirmations .......................................................................................... 32
2.1. For oneself ............................................................................................................ 32
2.1.1. In order to grow ....................................................................................... 32

2.1.2. In order to purify and increase the energy one has .............................. 32
2.1.3. The future.................................................................................................. 33
2.1.4. In relation to others ................................................................................. 35
2.1.5. To realize that guilt does not exist......................................................... 36
2.2. For others ............................................................................................................. 36
2.3. For the collectivity ............................................................................................... 36
2.4. To have (and recognize) the effect on all aspects of life ................................. 37
3. How to use affirmations ......................................................................................... 38
3.1. Affirming in thoughts........................................................................................... 38
3.2. Saying the affirmation out aloud........................................................................ 38
3.3. Writing down the affirmation ............................................................................ 38
3.4. Visualizations........................................................................................................ 39
3.5. Index card ............................................................................................................. 40
3.6. Various affirmations at the same time?............................................................. 41
3.7. Concentration ...................................................................................................... 41
4. What may hamper the effect of an affirmation ? ................................................ 42
4.1. Abstract formulation : need of accuracy........................................................... 42
4.2. Contradictory phrases or contradictory thoughts ........................................... 42
4.3. Wondering how it works..................................................................................... 43
4.4. Resistance ............................................................................................................ 43
4.5. Doubts ................................................................................................................... 44
4.6. A negative mood, a lack of faith......................................................................... 45
4.7. Disability to forgive and resentment ................................................................. 45
4.8. A lack of gratitude for what you have ............................................................... 47
4.9. Letting go.............................................................................................................. 47
4.10. The will................................................................................................................ 48

II. ON YOUR WAY TO PRACTICE: a summary of some essentials ................... 49

CREATE YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE ............................................................. 49
VALUABLE TIME............................................................................................... 49
OUR FEELING IS THE TOUCHSTONE......................................................... 49
YOU CAN CHANGE ANY FEELING WITH A THOUGHT........................ 50
CONSCIOUSNESS ............................................................................................ 50
IT IS OUR ONLY KEY ....................................................................................... 50
BECAUSE THE FUTURE DEPENDS ON THE PRESENT ........................... 51
USE WHAT WE HAVE AT OUR DISPOSAL ................................................ 51
ATTENTION IS THE CENTRE OF THINGS ................................................. 52
FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WISH ..................................................................... 52
MUCH FASTER .................................................................................................. 52
BECAUSE IT ALL HAPPENS IN THE MIND................................................. 52
WE CONTROL THE MIND .............................................................................. 53
PRECISELY DEFINED WISHES....................................................................... 53
COMPUTER ........................................................................................................ 53
FOR MATERIALIZATION TIME IS NONEXISTENT ................................... 53
NOW.................................................................................................................... 54
EXECUTION ...................................................................................................... 54


BELIEF IS NOT INVOLVED ............................................................................. 55
TECHNIQUE ...................................................................................................... 55
IT IS COMFORTING TO KNOW THAT IT IS “LAW”................................ 56
BE GRATEFUL ................................................................................................... 56
FOR ALL PARTIES INVOLVED ....................................................................... 56
IMPORTANT FOR THIS TIME ........................................................................ 57
ACTION AND REACTION .............................................................................. 57

III. EXAMPLES OF AFFIRMATIONS....................................................................... 58

1. About relationships................................................................................................. 58
1.1. With a partner ..................................................................................................... 58
1.1.1. A partner has not been found yet........................................................... 58
1.1.2. A partner has been found but he/she is difficult to approach.............. 59
1.1.3. A partner has been found but you doubt whether it will last.............. 60
1.1.4. A partner has been found but there is no harmony ............................. 61
1.1.5. A partner has been found but there is a new partner.......................... 61
1.2. With a child .......................................................................................................... 61
1.2.1. There is no child yet ................................................................................. 61
I.2.2. A child is on its way ................................................................................... 62
I.2.3. The first years ............................................................................................ 62
1.2.4. Coué ........................................................................................................... 62
2. About oneself .......................................................................................................... 63
2.1. In general .............................................................................................................. 63
2.2. Love, peace and joy.............................................................................................. 64
2.3. To eliminate jealousy or rivalry.......................................................................... 64
2.4. Concerning the time schedule............................................................................ 66
2.5. Concerning a task ................................................................................................ 66
2.6. About health......................................................................................................... 66
2.6.1. In general................................................................................................... 66
2.6.2. In case of a treatment .............................................................................. 66
2.6.3. For one specific part of the body () ........................................................ 67
2.6.4. Getting out of negative habits................................................................. 67
2.6.5. Increased energy....................................................................................... 67
2.7. Appearance........................................................................................................... 68
2.8. Success .................................................................................................................. 68
2.9. Exam .................................................................................................................... 68
2.10. Wealth................................................................................................................. 68
2.11. Faith..................................................................................................................... 69
2.12. Peace ................................................................................................................... 69
2.13. Professionally...................................................................................................... 70
2.13.1. No satisfying job yet ............................................................................... 70
2.13.2. The job is satisfying but difficult relationship with.............................. 70
2.13.3. The job is satisfying but no pay increase.............................................. 70
2.13.4. The job is satisfying but you want or can have another ..................... 70
2.13.5. Nice colleagues but no satisfying job.................................................... 70
2.14. Forgiveness ......................................................................................................... 71

2.15. Emotional disengagement ............................................................................... 73

2.16. To be informed by the subconscious ............................................................... 73
2.17. Protection ........................................................................................................... 74
2.18.Gratitude.............................................................................................................. 74

IV. EXAMPLES OF VISUALIZATIONS................................................................... 75

1. In relation to others................................................................................................ 75
2. In relation to yourself ............................................................................................. 75

EPILOGUE................................................................................................................... 76


You will find in this book the practical point of view of the
law of “creating thoughts”, of how to handle the power of
thoughts, as I have experienced it during a quarter of a century
now. That approach has proven to yield awards, looking back,
amazing awards even. In view of efficiency I wish to share my
approach without much scientific basis, without having to refer
to the theories on which it is based. That is why I am confining
myself to what I consider essential. The key issue is that the
people applying this, will create a certainty for themselves, the
certainty that it works.

This is not about my selection of literature – that is why

there is no bibliography included – but about my own
experience. That is why this book is not just another copy of the
books being published at a high pace. The thought that what
really helped me, could be useful to others, urged me to write
this book.

Since I wanted it to be a true-life book, I wrote it from

memory and the “affirmations” mentioned in chapter III, which
I partially apply, have already proven their effectiveness. They
already exist for quite a long time, but they are still of much
use. I have added some affirmations so that they can be used
across many areas. When writing this book I found it quite
difficult not to consult the books on power of thoughts I started
to buy ever since 1979, first because I was interested and from
1983 onward because I used them as a source of inspiration.
However, I have made some references, for instance to the
work of E. COUE or to the card scheme drawn up by Shirley
Mc Laine; in chapter III there are also some affirmations, which
have at the time been selected and adapted from the books of
Joseph Murphy, Louise Hay or Florence Scovell Shinn, drawn
from their enormous practical experience. I am very grateful to

Michael Losier for explaining in a practical way something that

remained a big question mark, in his book “Law of Attraction”.

But that made it all go faster and I felt quite comfortable

about it being so authentic. Even if it is all about age-old truths.
It was already written in what is usually called to be the World’s
most read book: “Your Word is Law””.
So many have described it :
“Nous aurons le destin que nous aurons mérité” (Albert


1. The process of creation by guiding the

power of thoughts: affirmations

1.1. Description of power of thoughts and


Affirmations are among the most powerful instruments

given to us to master our lives. There is no wish inside us that
cannot be realized. An “affirmation”, as it is used in this book,
is a consciously chosen and continuously repeated expression of
a wish. This book describes the way to do this and the results
yielded from it.

1.1.1. Thoughts are creative is a Law of Nature

Thoughts are creative: this is a Law of Nature, as is

gravity or as it the principle that seeds, when planted, produce
plants. The complete Universe is energy. We have at our
disposal an unlimited field of energy, which gives us what we
want it to give us thanks to our power of thoughts. The Power
of thought concentrates this energy.
Nothing is lost, nothing is added, only the appearance
changes. Thoughts are energy, energy always has a destination
in the Universe; energy does not disappear into nothingness. So
it is a fact that each thought has its effect. On your own life and
on the lives of others/all the others.

But in any case it always has an effect on you. This effect is

not linked to time nor space.

We are all constantly thinking; it needs a lot of practice to be

able to think about nothing for a couple o minutes. Most people
do not pay attention to whether or to what they are thinking,
they certainly are not aware of whether these thoughts are

positive or negative. It has to be stressed that it is characteristic

of thoughts that they materialize, that they work, whether we
want it or not. Being conscious of this fact means that we can
guide thoughts and being conscious of this fact as much as
possible is the key to controlling the events. This law apply both
to the individual and the collective level. The collective level
refers to thoughts present in the mind of individuals of a nation
or even of the whole world. These can be thoughts about war,
about the origin of certain illnesses, but it can also be about an
increasing awareness. The future of a country is already present
in the collective subconscious. The collective mind will be
discussed later on in this book.

1.1.2. Thoughts are acting from the subconscious

We have a consciousness, which allows us to think, but we

also have a subconscious where all thoughts are being saved. It
has an infallible memory and it accepts what it is told without
protesting. It controls the functions of our bodies, but also our
actions. When there is a conflict between our will and our
subconscious, the latter conquers.

Just like a computer our subconscious has a certain saving

pattern. Similar thoughts which are being thought, expressed
or written down will – when repeated - become fixed in our
subconscious, which is in fact our hard disk. From there they
act autonomously, even when we are not aware of this. They
act upon our environment since the others unconsciously catch
these thoughts and act according to them, unless they want to
realize other things through their own chosen thoughts. These
have priority because the own mind has its free will and this will
is of course more powerful in the own mind.

Saving these thoughts is done in clusters, in patterns of

thoughts. Thoughts of a certain theme, a certain event, a
certain emotion will attract each other and will bundle up. That
makes them stronger and they can act better on what they
represent. When there are many thoughts about the same
subject, these become concentrated around that subject
forming a hard core. This core can be fed with many or only
negative thoughts or by many or only positive thoughts or by

thoughts of both kinds. Whether it is a positive or a negative

core thus depends on which kind of thoughts prevails.

When it is a negative core and when it gained a fixed form, it

will start to attract its equivalents, this means the negative
things integrated in it. The same happens with a positive core.
As a core of thoughts is being formed, it becomes more and
more powerful and able to realize clearly and firmly what it
represents, in accordance with the thought with which it was

All thoughts that were once saved remain there until we

decide to erase them and that is why they can be seen by
others. Thoughts always materialize, do not forget that, unless
we intentionally decide to change them.

1.1.3. Thoughts create their equivalents in the

material world

It is a Law of Nature that, as we said before, that each

thought is a form of energy, each thought will provoke a
corresponding reaction in the material world, meaning in the
world of our sensory perceptions. It is a fact that a positive
core of thoughts can never provoke a negative reaction in the
real world and vice versa. Thoughts or cores of thoughts
always manifest themselves, however, one does not know
when this will happen as we do not have a clear idea of the
intensity of the core of thoughts versus the totality of our
subconscious on the one hand and the factors influenced by the
thoughts in the material world on the other hand, either in
relation to the human being or to the circumstances in which
the thoughts are being materialized.
The more a group of thoughts is fed with ideas, the
stronger it becomes. Each new idea is like hammering a nail
down and fixing it.

1.1.4. There are two fundamental thoughts

There are in fact only two fundamental thoughts: fear and

love. All the other thoughts can be traced back to those two
thoughts. It can be quite illuminating to discover the real origin
of our and other people’s thoughts. When the fundamental
thought is fear as it is for jealousy, anger, resentment,
arrogance, etc. and when we recognize this fundamental
thought in someone else, this helps us to realize that the other
one in fact only expresses his own fears and that e.g. his
outburst of anger is based on the fear of not having (not having
love), not being (not being loved) and that it is not anger as
such. When we are afraid, there is no love at that moment and
vice versa.

Fear cannot be banned by fear, but by a loving approach.

Loving in the broadest sense of the word, since it is impossible
to ask us to love someone we do not love. However it is at that
moment possible to try to achieve a situation of rest, for
instance by sending the thought: “I wish you harmony and
wellness in any area”. When even that is too much, and this is
perfectly possible, one can then send a thought such as: “I bless
you and set you free” or still “We leave each other’s lives in
harmony or we are both free”.

1.1.5. Love is always more powerful

Love is more powerful than fear as the vibrations number

is higher. We can opt for it at any time, it is our choice.
Consequently, thoughts borne by love have a stronger power of
realization. These thoughts correspond to the truth of our
existence. They offer protection.

1.2. Phrasing

1.2.1. The importance of the personal pronoun

The affirmation which in principle only refers to yourself

has to be expressed in the first person. The phrasing “I am...
(followed by whatever you wish”) is commonly considered as
very powerful. Using your own name in an affirmation is also
very good. You can do that when erasing a condition, so when
you created for yourself a truth, which you want to erase from
your subconscious (see “underlying patterns” below), it is very
effective to make the affirmation using the three personal
pronouns and to mention the first names: I, X, are …; you, X,
are.. ; she, X, is…. This way of making affirmations, as if you are
talking about someone else, is also advisable when you have
some doubts about your affirmation.

Phrasing an affirmation can also be done for someone else,

however, when the wish only concerns that one person, you
cannot do this without his consent. When the wish concerns one
or more persons, for instance you and your partner, the wish
always has to be phrased in a positive way and without harming
what you know or think to know about your partner’s wishes. An
innocent and very simple example: your partner wants to visit a
friend and you do not want this, then you would go against his
wish when you express your wish. To solve this conflict you can
then use a phrasing ending with the following consideration “this
is done according to the cosmic harmony; when the wish is good,
it will be materialized, when not, it will now be cancelled” or
“this is what I wish and I leave it to the cosmos”.

1.2.2. The importance of the present tense

A wish has to be expressed in the present tense; a wish in

the future tense will be interpreted by the subconscious as if we
want it to be far away from us in time. So that will happen. The
Law of creativity is very precise. A wish can only be materialized
when it is felt and experienced now, at this very moment,
because in the energy flow of the Universe between the mental
creation and the material creation there is no difference and

there cannot be any difference: thinking and material

observation must not be anything else but identical.

However, it can be that because the wish is expressed in the

present (now) and the fact that “now” indicates that the wish
has not been realized yet, gives us a negative feeling, namely
that we are fooling ourselves. When you feel like that, use for
your phrasing point 1.3., which handles about the way you can
express your wish.

In other words, the phrasing has to express the desired result as

an accomplished result: “you are” and not “you will be”.

1.2.3. The importance of accuracy and dimension

Your wish has to be :

- As accurate as possible, each word has to be chosen carefully
and all nuances you find in them have to be considered; the
more accurate, the better

- As short, as concise as possible; the pithier the affirmation is,

the better it is; then it takes less time to repeat it

- It is advisable not to phrase it as a plea since the tone of it is

not “affirmative” enough.

1.2.4. The importance of positivity

It certainly has to be stressed that the affirmation has to

be phrased in a positive way; as a rule it cannot contain any
negations. Eliminate words such as “not”, “no”, words with a
negative connotation or words which make you feel bad, such as
“angry, sad”. It is better to replace the formulation “X does no
longer make me sad” by “From now on it is fine to experience
that X always makes me happier”. Whenever you affirm
something, your feelings react to the words you express.

So do not make the affirmations “I do no longer want (this or

Make the affirmation: “I speak frankly”.
Always reverse the negativity: do not talk about “no pain/fear or
whichever problem you have” but formulate the positive
When you conclude your affirmation with the words “I trust it
will happen” or start with “I believe that”, it is a very efficient
and positive approach.
You give a lot of materializing force to your affirmation when
you start with “I love it that…”.

The subconscious takes everything literally “at heart” and it also

wants to materialize the words that are negative since it cannot
distinguish between what we do not want or what we want and it
only listens to the order as it is given. You can also compare this
part with a computer. In that sense such a processing unit is
easier to control since the computer, when a wrong command is
given, will not react or give an unwanted result, while the input
in our subconscious does not give a (direct) evident result since
it needs some time to manifest itself.

1.2.5. Last but not least : the importance of the

“Golden Rule”

Your wish has to answer to the “golden rule”, which

means that you cannot wish something for somebody else
which you do not wish for yourself, so the wish must no harm
anyone. A wish like that will materialize as well, but it will have
a boomerang effect, it will harm something or someone very
close to you. Hatred or revenge are not solved by that, but by
sending the person or the circumstance peace and harmony, by
setting them free and by redirecting your thoughts after having
sent that. In that way you yourself will find more peace and
harmony. You are what you think and when you think negative
about something or someone, this will surely show in your own
life. So you also hurt yourself when you think bad about
someone else.

1.3. Method for phrasing affirmations

1.3.1. Think about what you want

This is a very important item. You must first decide what

you want exactly. Not what someone else wishes, no
compromise between existing situations, but what you wish,
deep in your heart. When you have doubts, when your wish is
vague, continue to think about it until you are sure about what
you really want and about the – at least a minimum - of
feasibility of it. Then the phrasing of your affirmation will be
more convincing.

You can also determine what you want instead of what you
have and so define an unwanted situation, which you can then
change in its opposite, namely a wanted situation. It can be for
instance, that you feel you are being neglected in your
relationship because your partner does not take into account
what you want. You can then define precisely what it is and
write down the opposite concept, something you do want.
Refer also to the chapter on “underlying patterns”.

You can aim high, even very high, but your wish should
remain realistic, not something of which your are quite sure
that it is impossible to realize. In general you yourself can
establish whether it is a real wish for you. Still you have to try
to discover whether this wish is of any use for your personal
development. The wish can be situated in any area. You do not
have to be afraid to wish something situated in the material

Do not talk about what this wish could be precisely unless

that person wishes you all the best and has a very positive
attitude (that means that you very rarely can talk about your
wishes before their realization).

Wishes can sometimes be used as a cover to get out of a

certain situation or they can hide a lack of love or be a
compensation for something that you do not have and that can

be more fundamental. It is necessary that you should think

thoroughly about this phase. Do not be afraid of what you
might discover and of the real problem. Imagine that you have
accomplished your wish: does this make you happy? Does it
make you feel good? Is the motive behind it really good? Is it
something that is really yours? We must answer the question
whether something feels good for us, only for us and we are the
only ones that can give an answer. Even if objective experts
already have given us an answer. There is no absolute expertise
in the field of other people’s wishes. Nothing is impossible if it
feels good for us.

Do not ask for something that is not specific : if you wish to

have more wealth, then do not ask for a highly paid job, but ask
for what you truly want. If you want to travel, do not ask for the
money to go on a trip, but as for the trip itself. It could be that
even if your wish for money is materialized, all kinds of
obstacles prevent you from making the trip.

1.3.2. Forget what the others want

When expressing your wish forget for once totally that

one has to be altruistic, that you do not have the right to wish
exclusively what you want. Do not take the wishes of other
people into account. Just consider the following important
condition that your wish must not harm anyone to any extent.
Consequently you do not have to ask the permission of
somebody else, do not ask what he thinks about it, only ask
yourself about it. Your deepest self. You know for certain what
can be harmful for others, so you yourself are perfectly able, in
all openness, to determine what you can “stand up for” by
means of affirmations.

1.3.3. Eliminate what does not feel right

When thinking about what it is you really want and

writing it down in order to create the affirmation form, it can
be that you write something down that goes against your
feelings. When a wish does not feel right, then leave it. Feelings
are a very good standard to determine whether a wish is good
for you or not. Reasoning alone is not sufficient, because you

need to link it to the feeling you need in order to realize your

wish as soon as possible. So you have to be happy when you see
what you have written down. So happy that you shout with
happiness when you image that your wish will accomplished.
When this is the case, then it is alright.

Feelings are also a good standard to measure the energy of an

affirmation. When you wish to be slim and use the affirmation :
“I am now slim” while you are looking unhappily in the mirror
thinking that you are not slim at all, that will make you feel bad
when expressing your affirmation. The energy to materialize
the affirmation will not be very high or even negative, in other
words it could even give you more of what you do not want.
This is because your conviction conquers.

That is why it is important to redirect when you are not feeling

so good, either by eliminating the underlying patterns, the
negative convictions, either by persuading and convincing
yourself of the fact that what you wish has already become true
so many times for other people, by imagining your own
affirmation and possibly by making an index card (see the 21
days index card below).

1.3.4. Reverse doubts

In the process of writing down it can happen that you are

expressing your wish, but that at that moment the following
thoughts pop up:
- Do I deserve this?
- Is it realistic ?
- I do not have enough talent for that
- I am too old for that
- I do not have enough time for that
- Shall I still be loved when I have this or when I am that?
- Won’t I lose it right away ?

And so on. Thoughts occurring to you when phrasing your

own wish are connected to the way you see things. Possibly
without you being aware about it. They show you the point you
need to “work on”. These inner resistances are good standards
to learn about the way you feel about yourself, your self-

respect. Eliminating those resistances is a process that may be

more important than materializing your wish. They are in any
case a tremendous improvement. They show you what you
need to clean up on your way to developing your wish, in other
words, yourself. As we have seen before, your wish is a part of
you. It is the guide to the more complete person you can
become. The perfectness within your reach. Otherwise, I want
to repeat it, you would never have that desire. It would not
have been put inside you. Wishes are not arbitrarily put into
someone’s heart, but only if they are meant for that specific

How to do the cleaning up ? Writing an affirmation expressing

the opposite of the “thought of resistance”. For instance when
you have doubts about whether you deserve it: “I deserve (e.g.
to be love or to earn X Euros)”. Or when you wonder whether
you can still do this on your age: “Age does not matter, now is
the right moment. Or in order to erase a feeling of uncertainty:
“I always feel peaceful and calm”.

When such an affirmation provokes another thought of

resistance, in for instance the example mentioned above “I
always feel peaceful and calm” and you suddenly think “except
when X says something specific or when he gets angry”, you
have to change this into something positive for yourself: “I feel
peaceful and calm also when X says this or that”.

So, at the beginning you can, along with the new and chosen
affirmation, also write down the opposite of the convictions
hindering the accomplishment of your wish. Maybe you can put
right opposite each other. This may lead to another “cleaning
up process”. So leave enough place to write down new fears or
emotions. Then you have to make new affirmations expressing
the opposite of these fears, emotions, negative considerations.

These “provoked” affirmations have to be made until these

opposite thoughts stop popping up, until you are completely at
ease with the new positive thoughts about your wish. So that
you no longer stand in the way of your wish. Underlying
patterns of thoughts can be very deep.

It goes without saying that when you are expressing an

affirmation without thoughts of resistance occurring, you can
go on with it. Then you have to feel that what is in your
affirmation can become true, even more, already is true for you
and as we have seen before it important that you feel good
when expressing your wish. In that way you can really believe in

So in the hypothesis mentioned above, the doubt or

scepticism arising is a reflexion of what is in our subconscious.
Doubt based on a lack of believe in one’s own possibilities, due
to situations in the past or to comparing oneself with others
instead of responding to your own unique self. So listen to your
own unique being, formed by your own unique abilities and
skills, by the completely unique form of energy of it.

So when your subconscious “protests” when you express a

wish, phrasing the affirmation is not enough. After all, we are
always the sum of all thoughts saved at some time and these
continue to produce their effects. So, there should not be any
contradiction between what you phrase as a wish and what you
think might happen. In that case you do not believe strongly
enough and it could have an opposite effect. As we have seen
before, opposite convictions neutralize each other and the
strongest conviction always conquers.

On the other hand, doubts which are in fact the non-

conformity between consciousness and subconscious, can have
an opposite effect as well, which is in fact in line with what we
said in the previous section. It can be that what you feel, that
your subconscious, your intuition tells you that it is best not to
take that new job, but another one. Still you have doubts
because you think about prestige, wages, etc. Your conscious
mind tells you that it not reasonable not to choose the well-paid
job as from the objective point of view, that job will give you
many advantages. When you do not choose the job in
accordance with your feelings and intuitions because your
reason tells you that the other one is much better, this would
do your own deep wish much wrong.

It is also a fact, even if that appears impossible at that

moment, that allowing that incredible opportunity to pass, may
create possibilities for an even better bargain. You remain true
to yourself. You being conscious of that allows you to realize
your wishes faster.

1.3.5. Make changes whenever necessary : when

your wish changes

So your phrasing always has to be identical in order to

anchor a strictly defined image in your subconscious. Thoughts
that are being expressed in one and then in another way, will
lead to a vague equivalent of which the materialization will of
course take longer or show the same vague pattern. When you
give your computer contradictory commands, it will crash at
some point.

However, you shouldn’t be too strict. Nothing stagnates. When

you have already strictly and consciously defined and phrased
your wish, but quite some time ago, you may feel that it is
necessary to adjust your wish since it has changed and then you
should do that. Thoughts in all serenity, yes, obsessive thoughts,
no. Your wish should at any time correspond, very precisely,
with what you desire in that specific phase of your existence.
That is why it is extremely important to know well in advance
what you want. However, do not change it too often or this will
confuse your subconscious.

However, when you notice that what you affirm or visualizes no

longer corresponds with what you wish to obtain, accept this
change in your desires and change, or more radically, drop that
wish. Be grateful that you became aware of it in time. In that
way you can distinguish the real from the fictitious wishes.

It can also happen that certain circumstances put your

affirmation to the test, for instance when we make an
affirmation to get more inner peace. In that way the affirmation
can maybe be strengthened or refined. What is important is
being able to recognize what hampers your affirmation. It is
also a fact that the more skilled you become in this process, the

deeper and the quicker one is “put to the test”, namely

circumstances occur which we have to ignore in order to
remain focussed on what we desire. Our skills in pursuing the
faith in what we affirm will thus evolve.

1.4. Discipline when pursuing the affirmations

1.4.1. Each day

- moment : recommended in the morning and in the evening

At these moments the “distance” between our consciousness

and our subconscious is smaller and it is easier for thoughts to
penetrate into the subconscious.
This is about the so-called alpha zone, where the right half of
the brain is involved. The right hemisphere can also be reached
by meditation, autogenous training methods or by other
methods and is also addressed in the phase between sleeping
and awaking.
Making affirmations while you are quiet is also much more

- Do not skip making affirmations during the first 21 days,

unless the wish has already been materialized, of course

As I recall, Shirly Mc Laine argued that it is a scientifically

proven fact that our subconscious needs maximum 21 days to
absorb a thought and to save it in the subconscious (refer to
chapter III, the scheme). In my own experiences, sometimes
affirmations were materialized within a couple of seconds and
sometimes it took two and a half years. However, it is my
opinion that this has been modified slightly due to the increased
vibrations number of the Earth : a couple of decennia ago, the
materializing power of affirmations was not the same as it is
now. We live in a time where wishes are materializing faster
and faster.

1.4.2. Do not pay attention to situations which do

not correspond with your affirmation

It is also important that in order to solve a problem, one

does not have any feelings of revenge or hatred or another
negative emotion. One should pretend not see what one sees
and try to avoid any vibration that is not positive. It is no use
trying to ignore the fact that one bears hatred, because then
you confirm this hatred. Hatred is a force just like love is: one is
attracted to whom or to what one hates. It can help to remind
oneself that the principle of harmony is always active and that it
cannot be stopped by anything, except by ourselves when we
have different thoughts.

Not seeing in your mind’s eye what your senses observe is one
of the hardest things to do. You have to deny, but without
resistance, whatever is contrary to your wish. When someone is
hostile to you, then in your mind you see a friendly person.
When your living conditions are poor, you see wealthier
conditions in your mind. As long as you allow yourself to be
stopped by clinging to the reality you see and which you deem
to be impossible to change, you take away your affirmation’s
force. Give it new power by deleting all negative thoughts ever
again, until they stop popping up and replace them with your
own wishes.

1.4.3. Be persistent until you achieve the

materialization, for years if need be

I never stopped affirming once I had started. It would not

have been possible. You choose whether you do something or
not and then you have to persevere. This is essential. When you
go for it, when you believe in it and by consequence, when you
know that only time remains between your wish and its
materialization, you keep approaching its materialization, in full
faith that your wish will come true.

Furthermore, you have to keep making affirmations to avoid

that one relapses into the old mental patterns.

This point is where many people fail: they do not persist. The
affirmations have to be repeated, every day – at least during the
first period (3 weeks) – until they are materialized. This can
take three hours, three days or even three years. But they
always materialize, at least they always have some kind of
effect. Most people repeat the affirmations for a short period of
time and then they fail to do so, or they only do it once in a
while or they skip days. But the system does not work like that.
Only enthusiasm drives you. Do not consider affirmation to be
a tough job. Do not try to force things, this will slow you down.
Some of my most important affirmation have taken months or
even years. But they came true, every detail of it. Literally.
Totally, even when they covered a whole page. Or even those
sometimes linked to another affirmation.

You can choose a certain moment of the day to write down

your affirmations. I for instance wrote them down when I
opened my laptop in the morning on the train. It was a kind of
routine. A start of the day. It becomes a real habit so that you
do not have to think about it, you just start writing down your
affirmations. The only thing I saved on when I had a loaded
timetable was the number of times I wrote. But never on
Making a special computer file for it, has the advantage that the
affirmation can be rewritten in the same way and that you can
protect it by password so that nobody else can read your
affirmations. When you write it on paper, be sure to hold on to
the different papers.
As we have said before, it is better that no one notices the fact
that you are making affirmations and their nature. Only people
who think exactly the same way. In other cases: the more
reticent you are, the greater the power of the affirmations.
Even if one is sure that he will persevere, suggestions of other
people and especially of people playing an important role in our
lives are not entirely without risk.

We can ask ourselves whether we have to continue or whether

we can stop after 21 days and “release” the affirmation and
leave it to the law of attraction.

I always continued making affirmations until my wish

materialized or at least a part of it. I think that Ernest Holmes
already described at the beginning of the previous century how
a bond was being made between the wish and the thought, a
bond stronger than iron, which became stronger with each
confirmation, thus bringing the wish more and more within
reach. That convinced me to keep on making affirmations, once
I had started to do so.

In theory it is possible that one affirmation is enough to

materialize the wish. But then our faith has to be extremely
pure and strong and it should not be hampered by anything. I,
however, think that the current “constellation” of our
subconscious does not work like that and that underlying
patterns can be present.

Letting go of something sometimes appears in literature and

the Universe will realize what we entrust it with, in full
confidence about its result. I for instance have a couple of
examples of my own (in my case it were some secondary
wishes, which means that there was only little or no resistance
against them) – but the materialization will be slower when
affirmations are not constantly made.

Additionally the normal pattern of thoughts will in the

meanwhile (after the wish has been released), continue and
daily thoughts will be added, which means that what has been
“sent” can be eroded. Continuing to make affirmations will
retrieve the existing or additional patterns of resistance so that
these are visible and can be eliminated by making affirmations
until these thoughts stop popping up. It is a fact that the wish
comes true when nothing hampers its materialization.

1.4.4. Keeping affirmations for yourself

Do not mention your wish or the way you want to

achieve it to others unless they wish you the best and do not
oppose to your affirmations. It is possible that someone really
wants your wish to come true but that he in fact does not have
faith in the method you are using. By interference of minds, he
can transfer his doubts to you slowing down the outcome of

your wish. You are the only thinker in your mind but the less
resistance, the better.

Suppose that you want more revenue, but your partner is

convinced that wealth is not meant to be for you. He or she of
course wants to have more financial resources, but inside he or
she is convinced that it is impossible. Then it is harder for you
to manifest the contrary, as you have to overcome the
negativity of your partner. People living together have closely
related auras. Unwillingly we capture and absorb thoughts of
other people. So this means that you have to take that obstacle.
But, on the other hand it can also prove to be useful. When this
is not the case, talking about it can be an additional obstacle. It
is also true that the more you keep a wish for yourself, the
bigger the energy load. By talking about it, the wish is being
“demagnetized”. The force of materialization spreads. So
concentrate your forces and keep your wishes to yourself, even
if this proves to be difficult. Once your wish has become true, it
is also advisable not to talk about it as the result is then visible.

1.4.5. Minimum number of times the affirmation

has to be used

Twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, that is the

minimum. Changes are made faster when your make more
affirmations. It would not have to be like that should we have
absolute faith. Then one affirmation would do. It is my
experience that 30 times a day always gives result. But half of it
is fine as well when it feels right considering your time schedule.
Some even recommend x 30 times a day. The more, the better
of course, but you have to be able to keep that pace up.

1.5. Interference with the collective mind when

making affirmations

1.5.1. What is the collective mind?

We have already mentioned that people living together

influence each other’s minds through their subconscious. They

have common goals and make each other stronger. But as said
before sometimes their convictions about these goals may
differ. In the same way, they are a group of persons constituted
by country borders or by a common goal, urged by the same
convictions. They thus make each other many times stronger.

These convictions can be positive.

But maybe they are not. Why are we subject to a process in
which our physical body does not keep its normal form? Why
are animals subject to the same process? Why is it possible that
a group of people suffers in the same period the same kind of
health problems?
People take some collective opinions as being true, for example
that colds are caused by draught. They then become collective
convictions, of all kinds due to the fact that a massive number
of people believes them. They are very strong. So strong that
repetitive personal affirmations are necessary in order not to
succumb to them.

1.5.2. How can we protect ourselves ?

We can protect ourselves with a general affirmation of

protection or with a specific affirmation. For example in a
group, when everyone has a cold, one individual can escape
from that cold when he is convinced that he is not liable to
colds. There are many examples to protect oneself writing the
corresponding affirmations. They can be connected to those
fears against which you are not protected, according to you.
Refer to the last part.

1.5.3. The affirmation can also be used for


As the subconscious of all individuals are connected, there

is a kind of collective and universal subconscious linking all
parallel thoughts. There is a constant manipulation. Thoughts
of peace, joy and kindness have their effects. No thought goes
back to its creator without having had its effect. Energy going
unfailingly to its destination. Thoughts of harmony for all
people always have a positive effect, thanks to interference.

As a person with kind thoughts has at that moment a stronger

energy flow than someone with negative thoughts, the persons
with harmonious thoughts already has a certain protection
against negativity. It is only when he goes along with a thought
opposed to love, that this thought can be strengthened by the
negativity sent by people on the same wavelength. At that
moment it can seem hard to get back on ones feet, away from
sadness and fears.

But as we said before: a thought comes before the feeling and

by thinking about something else, for instance a pleasant event,
a wish, positive things in general, the negative feeling can make
room for a better mood.

1.5.4. An individual’s wish, providing that it

corresponds to the universal principles of love,
kindness and peace, is favourable to us all

The Universe and everything being part of it seem to be a

combination of precisely tuned wishes. A wish stimulating your
own growth, also stimulates the whole. There is no
competition. To be aware of this, can create a deep serenity
where isolating egocentricity does not exist. It is not like that
there is not enough for everyone. There is plenty, so that
everything can be materialized by mental power. Wishes come
to us when we have the power to materialize them. They do
not come to someone else in the same way. Being convinced of
the fact that your wish is unique and that you do not have to
fight for it with someone else, but that it is also favourable to
that other person, enhances its materialization. On the
contrary, when you continuously compare yourself with others,
you can hamper your own progress.

1.5.5. When you do not know whether you wish is

good for you and for all, terminate your affirmation
with an affirmation of general welfare

It is not about the doubt within yourself, for instance

whether your wish is worth it, but about the doubt whether it is
a good wish for you and for the others.

The question may arise whether it is a real wish, a true desire

or whether it is inspired by some negativity, for instance a kind
of rivalry or aggression. This question only arises when after
having done everything possible in combination with a long
period of affirmations, nothing seems to happen, when one
seems to be paralysed, when no changes appear to be possible.
Then you have to let go, stop focussing on it and say in full faith
and without hesitating:
“This is now solved in the most harmonious way and in the public
interest. When the wish is good for me, it will come true, if not, I
will achieve its equivalent or even something better”.
Taking into account the interest of others we can be sure that
what we do is right and this gives us peace. Peace gives more
strength to the formulated wish since doubt is no longer
present. It can be that Universe has a similar thing in mind for
you, even better, with more quality, more tuned to what you
truly desire. The kind of doubt described here differs from the
one that has to be eliminated based on other patterns within
us. Here it is about the fact that the wish may be bad for us,
without us being aware of it and not about the fact that a
negative pattern inside us should not cross our wish.

Furthermore the attitude created by the affirmation

mentioned above, will always continue to yield in the long term.
We are all part of the whole and as said before, what is good for
someone else, will be good for us. It should be stressed that our
ideas always have a – sometimes small – impact on all people.
When we tune to the universal energy, ours will be so much all-

1.6. Interference with a third person involved in

the affirmation

1.6.1. Repetition of the “golden rule”

This refers to point 1.4.5. “Never do something to

another when you do not wish it to happen to yourself”. Only

positive thoughts provoke similar reactions. When

affirmations are used to manipulate, to gain something of
which one knows or suspects that the third party does not
want it, the affirmation will have its effect, but it will act as a
boomerang and have a reverse effect in a field deemed to be
very important by the one making the affirmation!! Florence
Scovil Shinn writes that a woman made an affirmation to have
a certain house. She wanted that one specific house and not a
similar one, which would have been her right. The house she
wanted belonged to someone else living in it. She got what
she had wished: the man died and she could move into the
house. But it so happened that her husband died soon after
that. This real-life example quoted by Shinn has always stayed
in my memory.

That is why I think that one cannot make an affirmation to

marry a certain person when one has doubts about the fact
whether the other person wants it as well or even when one
does not know it.
Nor can you use affirmations to make a certain person love
you: this would be an attempt to limit the liberty of others. You
could use affirmations to have more love in your own life and to
increase your ability to love.
I do think that you can make an affirmation so that you have a
growing harmony with a certain person. Because this is good
for both of you. The effect will go its way.

1.6.2. Time needed for materialization

When another person is involved in the affirmation you

might get resistance by obstructions in the subconscious of that
person. It can also be that the circumstances in which the other
one lives, have to change first. For example you are looking for
the ideal partner, but that person first has to take care of his
own business or he has a relationship with someone else he or
she wants to end.

Nobody knows when a wish comes true. It depends on

the intentions of the actors taking part in the process. The

free will always exists and when the mental power of the
individual or of the parties involved focuses on another point
of interest, the materialization of the affirmation may take
But, as said before, nothing is static, unless one
intentionally chooses to continue making the choice he once

Traditionally it is said that the time needed for

materialization may vary from a couple of hours to a couple
of years. A rather small wish, such as finding a parking space
at a certain place, can take little time (and it should be like
that) while obtaining a harmonious relationship, which
furthermore was really blocked, can take a long time. In that
case the affirmation has to “take effect” in the subconscious
of the person involved (see below).

In my own experience my affirmations were materialized

as soon as a couple of seconds or as late as after two and a
half years. However, it is my opinion that this may differ
slightly now as the number of vibrations of the Earths is
increasing: some decennia ago the power of materialization of
affirmations was not the same as it is now. We live in a time
where material is much more easier to “manipulate”.

It goes without saying that you cannot see what your

affirmation does in the energy field and how the parts of the
puzzle are moving, it is a matter of trust in the “law”.

We have said above that obstructions in the

subconscious of third parties – which are totally beyond our
control – may hamper or slow down the materialization.
But of course the same is true for ourselves.
That is why we paid so much attention to eliminating
those obstructions in the section “Underlying pattern”. It is a
fact that the less resistance there is in our subconscious, the
quicker a wish will come true. These two data are
proportional to each other. When there are many doubts, the
manifestation will take a long time. When there is no
resistance, manifestation is nearly immediate. We wrote

before that, strictly spoken, an affirmation only needs to be

made once when no resistance at all is present.

When resistance remains, the materialization will take a

very long time or will not take place at all. This means that
even when you follow all the rules concerning the
formulation, the number of times to formulate, the objective
belief, etc. it is always possible that your wish does not come
true or that it will take too long.

1.6.3. Building in guarantees

A special formula can be used when choosing the best way

in the knowledge that the affirmation is good for the other
person(s) implied. Also here the explanation given in the
section “a collective mind” applies.
It can happen that by using the affirmation: “this or
something better will show in accordance with the Cosmic
Law” or “I am grateful to receive this if it is in harmony with
the Universe and if it only brings good things to everyone””,
the thought is being directed correctly and that when it would
be harmful to others, which cannot always be known by the
one making the affirmation, it will not be realized in that
damaging way. A built-in guarantee, as you wish. It is very
important as one always has to direct oneself, not only to
what is good for oneself, but also to what is not harmful for
others, for anyone. An affirmation that does not respect this
and that has been realized, often does not last or it harms the
person making the affirmation in a domain not known

1.6.4. Distance or time are not important

Thoughts originating in Australia, can be captured in

Europe. The same invention is then created without having
communicated the concept by means of the senses. When
someone with whom you are close, thinks about you, you can
feel it. At least, you feel it in an unconscious way and that
person does not have to be with you. It is the same feeling like
when someone keeps looking at you. The power of focussing.

Thoughts travel faster than light and nothing can stop them.

1.6.5. Transmission without being aware of it

It is a fact that we are not always aware of having received

thoughts. It is only when we investigate our acts and our social
environment, that we know what is controlling our way of
thinking and which thoughts we have emitted.
An example is the partner who fears that the other one is no
longer interested in him or her, but fails to tell this to him or
her. However, this persons does lead the interest of the other
one in one or another direction, since these thoughts of fear are
being received by the subconscious of the other one and in that
way they can be realized. A process which occurs entirely
beyond the consciousness, the awareness of the other one.

This means that the concept of guilt, as we have already

mentioned, has to be considered in a different way. The only
guilt the partner would have is that he or she has no knowledge
of the laws ruling our subconscious.

2. Why using affirmations?

2.1. For oneself

2.1.1. In order to grow

Is all this really useful ? Wishes are put into us because

their materialization is good for us, because they make us feel
good, enhance our development, make us move along. Wishes
make us feel alive. As we have said before, a tricky issue is to
know whether our wishes are really our own true wishes and
not inspired by fear or similar feelings. Examine the motive of
your wish.

Learning the affirmation technique helps us to retain the

state of happiness, to make us less susceptible to changing
moods. Affirmations can be used to feel more serene, to be
able to see the unity with others. Each step is permanently
acquired. Thanks to this technique you have the means to cope
with all kinds of situations that first appeared to be

2.1.2. In order to purify and increase the energy one


Affirmations have the ability to undo what has been

hammered into our subconscious for years by negative
thoughts, without us being aware of it. Do not be surprised or
desperate when an affirmation does not instantly become
true. It first has to face and erase all the negative things in our
subconscious impeding the realization of the affirmation.
Furthermore, there can be a lot of obstacles around us, of
which we have no idea.
Having faith that everything is for our own good is an
indispensable basic attitude.

Affirmations can block unwanted intentions : “I am in

any way protected from damaging influences of others”. This
can be useful to protect us from people stealing our energy,
mostly unconsciously, which happens more often than one
may think.

2.1.3. The future

The future is determined by our current thoughts, which

are as we have said before, embedded in our aura. When our
pattern of thoughts continues to be parallel, we can identify a
future event based on how we have created it. This means that
we have the power to change our future at any time by
changing our thoughts. Nothings remains constant, nothing
stagnates, everything is constantly evolving.

The question whether our complete course of life can be

change, in other words how much of it is predetermined, is one
of the most difficult issues. It appears to me that everything is a
result of our own choice. A choice to materialize a wish or a
choice not to materialize it, a choice not to believe that it is
possible. It is due to the lack of belief that undesired
circumstances in life occur.

Such circumstances are often referred to as “it is my

destiny”. Affirmations saying that “it always happens to me, I
am always the victim, etc.” materialize a self created so-called
“destiny”, which can at any time be changed.

Is there a general lot, a predestination ? In the sense that

no wish can be put into us without us being able to materialize
it, which also means that the capacity to do so is present and at
the same time in the sense that no wish is the same, that
everyone expresses it in a unique way, that he in fact has to do
this and that wishes never can be contradictory in respect to
both the individuality and the collectivity of individuals, there is
the predestination that wishes harmonize with each other. This
means that that wish is good for all of us. Departing from this
basic principle means that the wish will be materialized in a way
that meets the ancient principles of harmony, peace, joy and

good will. If not, there will be chaos and all kinds of negative
circumstances, including disputes.

The complete machinery is based on one fact that was

given to our consciousness. Freedom of thought. We cannot
change the law that thoughts become things, but we can use it.
Freely. Always freely, for right and for wrong.

However it is not really necessary to know how everything

works, it is even not necessary to know that it works.

Without individual choices on the one hand, the

collectivity of thoughts on the other, the different situations in
which individuals are living, are born, die, would not occur.
These conditions confirm the pattern.

Can one argue that, when one is not familiar with the
power of thoughts, he is forced to go along or to peacefully
accept the realization of his own wishes or the negativity in the
world? And that he is not the cause of a life with our without
complete self-realization? We can only answer this by saying
that also ignorance has its effects. Also ignorance is a choice.
Although currently this is being addressed more and more.

What it is about is that everyone is the only conscious

thinker in his or her life if he or she wants it and that he or she
can go beyond the unwanted circumstances. History gives us
many examples. People have managed to go from bitter
poverty, both material and spiritual, to great wealth, also both
material and spiritual, by realizing great accomplishments and
inventions, by become great leaders, be acquiring great wealth,
by all of that at the same time.

When we want another future, it is important to stop

focussing on the past. I repeat that by focussing our attention
on something, we strengthen it. We can use for instance the
following affirmation for this: “The past does not longer exist.
From now on, I create a present and a future as I want them to

It is also important that we realize that each day is a new

beginning. An eternal possibility to start again. We do not have
to carry the load of previous experiences. We have the power
to erase them when we do not want them to be part of us.
Your “lot” is in fact your mental attitude: the way you
feel, believe and think will mould your future.

2.1.4. In relation to others

Just listen to conversations: when someone says that he

always has bad luck when... or that he always has bad
relationships or that he always attracts the same type of
partner or that he is always lucky when doing this or that, etc. ,
what you hear are clusters, hard cores formed by repetition in
the subconscious and these clusters will express themselves
repeatedly and fiercely in that person’s life and they will then be
the confirmation of what he told before.

It can be useful to have a closer look at the circumstances in

which that persons lives: that is the mirror of his mental
patterns. It can help us to understand him or her better, to help
him to build up or to break down something in that respect.
When there is someone in our world, for a short or longer
period of time, it is useful to wonder why that particular person
is there. He reflects a certain aspect of us: an aspect that we
have or have not recognized before. How someone behaves in
our presence, is an answer to what is inside us. That is why no
interference between persons occurs in the same way, as it is
principally based on the emission of the thoughts and the
reaction of the other person is the answer to the emitted
thoughts. Also animals have this reaction. An animal reacts
correspondingly to the fear or kindness of human-beings. Like
the human-being, the animal also captures the thought about
him. One will for instance not have the wanted effect when one
is acting friendly while at the same time he is having negative
thoughts about someone.

2.1.5. To realize that guilt does not exist

The world around us is the reflection of our own mental

image. It is the expression of what is present in our depository
(our subconscious). The reason for this is that, as said before,
things around us are made of matter, which eventually will be
energy. That is why “matter” – any matter, also the hardest
one – can be changed as to its form and in fact it continuously
changes its form. Nothing remains unchanged, it all changes in
one way or another. Nature has no blanks and no stagnation.
Inside and outside us, there is always the “mental equivalent”.

It is important to know that matter can be changed when we

want to change it. It can be that the house we live in, the car we
drive, the relation we have, the work we do, is not what we
really want. These circumstances are a consequence of the own
creation through the power of thoughts. No one bears any guilt,
except for the person living in these circumstances. But the
wish to change these circumstances, is the motor behind
human progress.

2.2. For others

Failing to accomplish what we really want as a kind of

compromise, is not good for anyone or anything, not for us, not
for other people. It may happen that the universal scheme is
unable to put a true whish into our mind that is at same time
good for us but not good for others. It can of course be that our
true wishes are not materialized because we prefer not to
make “all those efforts” to write down affirmations, but this
means that were are stagnating or not progressing very quickly.
That is of our own free will.

2.3. For the collectivity

There have always been people whose aim it was to send

thoughts of harmony without precise addressees. With the aim
of bringing good things wherever necessary. And there are still
people doing this.

But some people aim at something specific. They seek to

increase harmony in the world, so that the positive elements
would prevail. And as said before, love is more powerful than
Also individuals can act as a group when expressing their
wishes. If a group strives for independency, they can bundle
their wishes to achieve their aim. If a group aims at peace and
another group not, the intensity, the amount of energy in one
direction or the other, will prevail. As everything on which we
focus is also present in our auras and multiplies, sending
harmony and good will to others will increase our own
positivity and thus our capacity to manifest. Hatred is
destructive and may harm our potential. Making an affirmation
for good health and hating a person at the same time, can cause
a conflict. The collectivity can take advantage of the mental
power of individuals. History has given us some examples.

2.4. To have (and recognize) the effect on all

aspects of life

Affirmations can change life much faster when we use them

than when we don’t. A wish can come true much faster. When
one does not materialize a wish (quickly) – although
affirmations always have results – it is a sign that what you wish
is not really meant to be or that you will have something better
or that it really takes that much time to achieve it (for
example when a third party is involved and when that third
party has to go through a mental process). But it is a sure fact
that your affirmations have effect, that you will achieve what
you want (much) faster and that you will achieve what you
really want instead of floating on the waves of existence. It is a
law of Nature: nothing compares to the focussed use of

3. How to use affirmations ?

3.1. Affirming in thoughts

How converting words in reality ? The more the wish differs

from what your world shows you, the longer or stronger the
“affirmation” will have to be. Once you have found a sentence, a
formula that translates your wish completely and truly, you can
say this formulation in your head. Once or repeatedly. It goes
without saying that it is better to repeat the wish. Coué
recommends to say the affirmation repeatedly and very quickly.
In his method this was : “it passes (ça passe)”.
You can also, when formulating your wish in your head, move
your lips, which is more effective. Sometimes it is just not
possible to say your wish out loud.

3.2. Saying the affirmation out aloud

Saying the formulation out aloud is more powerful than in

thoughts; in literature we find that it is very effective to say the
affirmation out aloud before the mirror while looking yourself in
the eyes.

You can also do this in a low voice, you can do it without

stressing and it has to be done without effort of the will. As
monotone as possible Coué confirmed. However, I think that
saying a wish out aloud with enthusiasm must increase its power,
due to the tension and emotion this expresses.

You can also listen to the formulation on tape. When you let it
play at night, the affirmations go directly to the subconscious,
which increases their effectiveness.

3.3. Writing down the affirmation

Writing down the formulation is the most effective way. It is

the most powerful formulation to engrave the thought in the

subconscious. As said before, thinking is less powerful, saying

your wish out aloud is more powerful and writing it down is the
most powerful way: it is a combination of visual and locomotory
aspects and it leaves something tangible.
You can save the affirmation in a computer file so that it
remains the same, because it is necessary to use always the
same text (unless you sense that another text reflects your
needs better, then you have to change it and keep to these
changes, see before).
You can write the affirmation on a card and look at it
whenever you have the opportunity (refer to the index card).

3.4. Visualizations

There is another way to make “affirmations” and that is to

visualize them. This means that you have to keep the image in
mind of what you wish, as clearly as possible while imagining
yourself in the situation that you see, that you experience. This
inevitably means that imagining the wish goes hand in hand
with emotions, with the joy one feels when seeing the fantasy
and this is a good thing. The more senses involved in the
process, the better. When it is hard to see the wish in one’s
mind’s eye, it can help to combine it with smelling and feeling
things, to see the joy on the faces of other people, to hear them
say how happy they are.

To make visualizations – a strong way to change reality quickly

– work, it goes without saying that you do not have to see the
reality in one’s mind’s eye, but the changed and wished reality
and to imagine oneself in that reality, as if it were true. As true
to life and as illustrated as possible. Concentrate this in an
image with the essentials, a picture of the results obtained.
Then you can always evoke that picture during daytime. What
one can image, can become true, as it seems that no one can
image something that cannot exist.

Here the same conditions apply as for affirmations and we wish

to recall some here, namely:

- having faith in the method is required – it even makes your

wish come true faster than the mere use of affirmations; the
combination of both things is perfect
- when your faith has not yet been strengthened by proofs of
the method or are you still a bit sceptical, then you have to
concentrate on goals that are easier to achieve

- the fact that what you wish should not hurt anyone or thwart
someone else’s wish

- create a very precise image in one’s eye’s mind, an image that

can be retrieved easily

- ‘look’ at this image especially in the morning and in the

evening and try to retrieve it during daytime as many times as
possible, when you are relaxed

- do not try to unravel the way a wish becomes true

- do not waste your time on the question how long it will take,
as this reduces the power of the wish

3.5. Index card

As I recall, Shirly Mc Laine has developed a practical system.

She made an index card of her formulation, with the
affirmation on top and she drew 21 boxes referring to 21 days,
3 x 7 days (see the example at the back). Each day you make
the affirmation, you have to put a cross. You cannot skip any
day of the 21 days or all your “efforts” made before will lose
their power and you will have to start again or add days. She
based this theory on a scientifically proven fact, namely that the
subconscious requires 21 days to save something permanently,
which means that from then on the materialization will start.
The index card can also be replaced by a computer file, where
the affirmation can always be completed in exactly the same

3.6. Various affirmations at the same time?

It is recommended to have one subject per affirmation, unless

it is a very general affirmation, aiming e.g. at success.

It appears that it is not effective, in view of the realization, to

try to solve simultaneously family problems, professional issues
and health problems. It definitely has to be avoided to put three
different formulations one after the other.
When it is about a general formulation, like the one made by
Coué, “things keep going better and better, day after day and in
every respect”, then these formulations can be combined.
However, non-specific formulas will need much more time to
materialize when one wishes to change specific circumstances.

Wait some time – one day is amply sufficient – before phrasing

specific affirmations concerning a different subject. It is my
opinion that the subconscious is able to store thoughts there
where similar thoughts have already been stored, in order to
enhance their effects. It is also true that each wish has a certain
vibration; only one vibration can be emitted at a time.

3.7. Concentration

Even if it is a fact that nice manifestations occurred when the

affirmation was rattled off, without any emotion, I feel that
concentration and immersion, which originate other similar
feelings, will speed up the materialization.
It is also recommended not to be restless or to make nervous
movements when making affirmations. A relaxed body and
mind stimulate the affirmation’s force.
As said before, an affirmation should not be made when you are
in a negative mood, for instance, when you are angry or furious
or when you are in a big hurry and make your affirmation really
quickly in order to have it all over.
When making affirmations, impatient thoughts will push away
the realization and they will confuse the aura since they reveal a
lack of faith in the “effectiveness of the system”.

4. What may hamper the effect of an

affirmation ?

4.1. Abstract formulation : need of accuracy

The aforementioned formula of Coué, “things keep going
better and better, day after day and in every respect”, is
fantastic, but as we said before, it will not lead (directly) to the
realization of a specific wish. The formula will accomplish what
it says and being so general it is complete and effective at the
same time because every aspect is involved in the formulation
and because the words “better and better” will neutralize any
resistance in the subconscious.
But if you want something specific, be as accurate and clear as
possible or else its accomplishment will take more time.

4.2. Contradictory phrases or contradictory

Mind your words. When you want to travel to a certain
country, which you have mentioned exactly in your affirmation,
do not say during daytime to yourself or to someone else: I
would like to go to that country, but it will be very difficult. I try
but I really do not have the means. Etc.

Mind your thoughts.

Next to the fact that you have to be calm when thinking, saying
or writing down your affirmations, without any fear (refer to
point 3.7.), you also have to neutralize any feelings of fear and
restlessness immediately by saying: my affirmations are being
accomplished right now or X and I live in an increasing
harmony, I believe in the mental power, I am capable of doing
what others have accomplished or even better, things are like
that now, etc. … Or you will destroy the power of it partially or
even totally – you will erase the positive elements – and that
would be a pity.

It has to be stressed that minding your thoughts requires a lot

of discipline and a lot of mental efforts. Try to recognize your
thoughts and to abandon them immediately when they oppose
your wish.

When they keep popping up, replace those thoughts by

something that makes you happy. Apply the law of substitution.
You can only think about one thing at a time. Try not to stay
too long in a depressive mood. Think intentionally about a
positive situation in order to change your energy. When these
negative thoughts keep coming back and you do not manage to
suppress them, clear your mind by using general formulas and
by repeating “everything is working for my own good”, “chaque
homme est un maillon d’or dans la chaîne de mon bien”. Think
and even better, be convinced that what you say and feel, each
circumstance, how difficult it may seem, will eventually bring
good things for you. Do not wonder, be convinced.

4.3. Wondering how it works

Once you have made your affirmations, do not ask questions

about how they will be accomplished ! Making the affirmations
works independently and has its own growth. It is the same as
for a flower you plant: it grows automatically when you water it
from time to time (just like repeating your affirmation, possibly
in combination with visualization). When the seed is still in the
ground, it is not necessary to go and look whether it is shooting
or not, because this will slow down the growth process or even
stop it: wondering when it will come true and why it does not
happen sooner, is harmful. One thing is sure: the affirmation is
working, even at a distance. And sometimes, when one least
expects it, it will come true. And it won’t have a reduced effect,
because at that moment all resistance will have disappeared.

4.4. Resistance

A good method is to break the resistance of the subconscious,

as said in the point about the general aspect of affirmation. You
can do this by using in your affirmations words like “always

better, always stronger, etc...”. The subconscious hears then

very clearly that a certain direction has to be chosen.

This can be important when a person is unable to stand

aloof from what he or she sees. When he sees a lack of comfort
around him and when he wants more comfort, his
consciousness can tell his subconscious that the affirmation he
made is in fact nonsense, since it is the contrary of the situation
he is living in. The subconscious will register these thoughts of
disbelieve – these are linked to conviction, which is a feeling and
to visual observation – and as a consequence there will be no
improvement. Whereas when this persons adds to the
formulation that there will be improvement, maybe slowly in
his conviction but also closer as for quantity, time and intensity,
his subconscious will react correspondingly.

So add to your formulation, next to the inversion of your

limitative convictions, in order to avoid resistance, that what
you wish will happen in a way that is “always more, always
more intense, more often, quicker, etc.”. We often know that
when making affirmations we deny reality, but the mere fact of
knowing this, leads to it that what we consider to be reality
happens faster than what we formulated in the affirmation. This
is due to the fact that what we know at the back of our mind,
goes hand in hand with a stronger emotion or to the fact that
we have more faith in that reality than in the affirmation.
Emotionally charged affirmations tend to materialize quicker,
as we said before. In order to erase resistance you can also
make the following affirmation: “I leave this to the law of the
mental power, which attracts everything necessary to realize
my wish”.

4.5. Doubts

Having doubts about whether your wish will come true is what
hampers the materialization of a wish or stops the creative
process, as we have mentioned before. This is an important

obstacle, which may arise when the result of the affirmation is

When such a thought occurs, make an affirmation to
cancel that thought and replace it by the affirmation. Always
remember that you are using a law of Nature. You can for
instance make an affirmation that you leave the materialization
of your wish to the law of mental power, since it knows the
perfect solution for your worries, for the realization you wish to
accomplish. You can add to it that you will recognize that
perfect solution and react to it.

Also very pressing affirmations making use of your will,

may give the signal that you have some doubts about the
outcome of the affirmation. Will is not appropriate here, quiet
conviction is.

4.6. A negative mood, a lack of faith

It helps to realize your affirmation quicker when you are happy,

especially when making your affirmations. When you have a
depressive mood, your energy is negative and you cannot be a
magnet for the positive elements you want to attract. At that
moment you keep these positive elements at a distance. Try to
attract positive energy by having high hopes, by being happy
and then you are ready to receive it.
Your energy condition attracts similar energy. Also this
conversion will require your attention.
Examine your mood and change your mood, or in other
words your vibration, by changing your thoughts.
Examine the amount of faith you have and if necessary
make an affirmation to increase your faith. Faith is essential. If
possible, do things in the direction of your wish in order to show
your faith.

4.7. Disability to forgive and resentment

Being unable to forgive makes people unhappy, steals energy
away from us and more important, it ties us to those whom we
do not want to forgive. We are bound by love, but also by
hatred. Thoughts of love and hatred create ties between

people, which are stronger than steel. Hatred can hamper the
materialization of affirmations.

For your own progress: ask yourself whether there is

someone you haven’t forgiven and talk about it with that
person, at least in your own mind. Try to forgive: if you fail to
do this (immediately) and as we said before, you do not have to
blame yourself for this, because you cannot force this, then try
to say: I set you free. Or write it down in affirmations. Because
as long as there is a bond of hatred, love cannot come into your
live as you would wish.

As long as we have resentment and we cherish the idea

that our resentment is justified, we harm ourselves, sometimes
even more than what caused the resentment. Hearing this may
cause resistance, but it does not imply that the behaviour of the
other one is approached with kindness or even with some kind
of approval, we only said that the rule is that what gets your
attention, becomes larger. Larger inside yourself, larger in your
own life. There is no room for two things at the same time.

We are not always able to identify (immediately) the cause

of the circumstances occurring in our lives. What we can do, is
to stop feeding the thought of guilt and to accept, affirm, that
what happened to us, will finally be good for us. Approaching
this in such a way means that your new thoughts will bring you
better conditions and that you will (eventually) benefit from
this situation in the form of personal development, love or
wealth in your life. The formula of “being good for you” can
come true whenever it is necessary.

Forgive yourself in particular and examine your thoughts

to see whether there are no feelings of guilt left, since this may
make you very unhappy and hamper your growth. Feelings of
guilt accumulate inside you. They bring you less love and by
consequence you will meet less love in your life.

When you forgive yourself, then it is immediately forgiven

in the absolute, in the collective mind. This means that you are
your own “saviour” to use this word for he who uses this

terminology. You are then your own guardian of your ‘karma”,

to use this term with its many meanings.
What is called karma is in fact nothing more than an unsolved
programme, which hunts you until you have erased it by
replacing it, so that it is deleted, by having accepted and
abandoned it. But each judgement or prejudice, criticism, in
short each negative thought in the present creates a new karma
because it is able to install a new programme.
That is why being happy is: not building up karma. Everything
that doesn’t feel right, is karma. Living in the present in a way
that feels good is the best you can do to avoid installing new
programmes. Being skilled in feeling good today gives us better
skills to feel good tomorrow.

4.8. A lack of gratitude for what you have

When you are thankful for your current situation, you create
space for new things. By thanking you accept what you have,
you accept yourself, you do not have resistance against what
already exists and you do not strengthen it. You know that this
is the result of what you created before. You thus express your
conviction that you know that and how it was realized. By doing
so you remove the obstacles to realize more wishes.

Affirmations starting with an expression of gratitude for

what one asks, are the most powerful ones. They bring you in a
certain state of susceptibility and positive energy. Also ending
the affirmation with thanks for what one received, is very

4.9. Letting go
This arises from the preceding paragraph, it also means that
one commits his wish to the power of materialization without
trying to control it, without trying to force it in any way; when
thanking for the ongoing materialization, you do not have to be
concerned about it and you can leave it to the Universe, which
has its own laws of manifestation. Exactly according to the
instructions of your mind. Until you make other affirmations.
Everything requires time. All negative feelings you may have

about the time needed to realize your wish, have to be


It is also easier to let go when you know that there is no

reason for concern. There are thousands of channels the
conscious mind is not able to think about and which can still
bring you what you asked.

4.10. The will

Even if we have talked about this before, it is approached
separately here. The will combined with efforts and thus
tension must not play a part : the will is not capable to convince
the subconscious, this has to be done by imprinting the
“instructions” gently, without stress.

Trying to make the affirmations more “powerful” by using your

will can harm the effects or even destroy them completely.
When you want to get rid of your sleeping problems with the
formula “I want to sleep”, this will most probably not be
achieved. This forced expression causes inner resistance in the
subconscious. When you want to use your will to suppress your
stammering, you will not stammer less, but by putting
emphasis on it, you may make it worse.


summary of some essentials


The first part contains a description of the technique and

a short explanation. Here we want to recall some important
Virtually nobody has perfect control of the technique of
making affirmations. Start with wishes that are within easy
reach for you and with short periods of time. But do not forget
to say a general formula, like the one of Coué, every day. Next
to this you can make an affirmation about one of your big
dreams. Part III gives you some examples of affirmations and


Time spent on affirmations is extremely well spent time;

ten minutes per day can accomplish quite a lot, can reverse
years of negative thoughts.
We often think about things that are not so positive : this
has to be countered ! Since scientists say that we have about
60.000 thoughts every day and that we do not control all of
them in a conscious way. By replacing the negative ones
immediately by positive ones, our feeling has given us the
means to do so.


When we are not feeling well, we need to replace our

thoughts. This is the test. When you are in a good mood, this
means that what you are thinking and by consequence what
your are manifesting in your life, is good for you.



This is very important. When you are sad, you can think
about something else right away and make your sadness
disappear. It is impossible to about a nice experience and be sad
at the same time. The power to control this, gives you the key
to cope with depressive feelings. To avoid that you drown in
grief. To stop being afraid of melancholy. With a lot of practice
you will soon be able to replace sad thoughts by joy. Do not give
up when you have a setback, when it does not work right away.
Each skill requires exercising. Ever again. No one can do this
right away. We must not judge ourselves, we just have to
observe how we are doing and be conscious.


This is the centre of it all. Your consciousness makes you

realize, examine, know which thoughts you have and by
consequence why you act, with all the corresponding feelings
involved. Often you will automatically slip into thinking without
control. The more often you examine what you are thinking,
the more often you will remind yourself to do this.


But also the most difficult one. It is much easier to float

on the course of life, on the rhythm of conversations, on what
your way of thinking brings you. To go along. This can be good.
Daydreaming is good, provided that it are good daydreams.
When you know it and accept them. Then you can only get
more good moments.



The more good thoughts you have today, the better

tomorrow will be. Tomorrow is not today and it will never be.
But tomorrow seeks to repeat today. The established patterns
of thoughts want to become permanent. That is their nature,
that is what they do, unless we decide to change this. To do so,
we have to break our resistance and change them.



Thoughts creating stress, carry this emotion in them. The

result is more stress. Thoughts carrying rest in them, will
automatically create more rest.
Affirmations made when stressed, will be registered
together with a factor of fear. Because fear arises when we have
doubts about the outcome. Uncertainty deprives affirmations
of their push. Think about the fact that all of this is based on an
age-old element : a law of nature which we cannot change. We
can only use it.


Without being ignorant. Do not go along with all those

stereotypes about love, money, society, about how to be, about
how nothing can be changed and about that it will be like that
for ever. Because it won’t.



Change is the essence of life. Change means that nothing

remains the same. And when it does not remain the same,

there are two directions: more or less. That is our choice.

When we want more of something, we have to focus on it.


What gets our attention, becomes larger. The more

attention we give it, the larger it becomes. The object of our
attention does not escape from that rule. Impossible. We would
be unable to change that.


Find out what it is you give your attention to. Do you want
that? If yes, keep focussing on it. If no, make it disappear from
your area of attention. How? By changing your thoughts. By
thinking about what you wish, in combination with joy.



Scientists can prove what feelings cause in the etheric

plane, so that energy is easily converted into something
tangible. That is much easier than when you put what you
would like to be converted, in other words materialized in your
world, only in words, which are rattled off without emotion,
without enthusiasm.


The mind controls everything. Everything we do not have

to be concerned about, like the functioning of our organs. But
what we are concerned about, is whether our life works out the
way we want it. The motor of the course of our life, is the mind,
our subconscious. It controls our life. And we have the power to
direct our mind.


With what ? With our freedom of choice. Which we can

form when thinking consciously. This choice we make
consciously will be planted in our mind, provided it feels really
good. It goes faster when the insertion is well-defined.


Give the mind a clear order. One it cannot misinterpret.

Because the mind does not reason. It merely accepts. And it
starts immediately to work on the execution. So, do not give
contradictory instructions.



You do not give a computer consecutive contradictory

orders, do you? When you want it to breakdown, that is what
you have to do. You can give it a larger RAM memory, but that
will only increase speed. It will not enable it to recognize
messages that you do not want to be executed. It will try to
execute everything. When you give too many orders at the
same time, it will stop execution. Or it will take a very long



That is a very difficult concept. What we wish and the

time needed to materialize it is a concept we need in our way
of thinking. In essence, there is no time between it; what we
want, already exists, right now and right here and we only have

to “harvest” it with our thoughts and feed it with these

thoughts until it becomes tangible and visible. Here and now.


Now is the only existing time. Thinking about the future is

in fact stealing from the current moment; thinking about the
past is letting the past continue in the present and experience
the same thing. That is a choice. When the past was great, it is
nice to do it all over again. That thinking about the future is in
fact failing to honour the present is not contradictory to the
technique of making affirmations. Affirmations aim at changing
the future, but they make use of the present. The “computer”
gets the order now – as the order is something we want and by
consequence it is something we would want right now – and by
putting the wish in the future tense, the computer – being our
mind - will start to execute the order then instead of now.


The mind or our subconscious does not know any other

method. It is unable to reason. It does not know time. It does
not know the difference between right and wrong. Does not
know any nuances. But it does listen very carefully. The better
the order is defined, the easier it can be executed. The hazier,
the more difficult. Then our subconscious has to search for
some time. When there are contradictory instructions in our
subconscious, these will neutralize each other and nothing will



Because it conflicts with an order, an affirmation taking

away the power of the affirmation to a greater or lesser degree.

Then one has to make an effort to eliminate the existing order

saved in our mind, to erase it.



Everyone is subject to the laws of nature. Anyone thinking

consciously has a mind executing orders, whether this person
knows it or not; whether he wants it or not; whether he
believes in it or not; whether he want to believe or not;
whether he is sceptical or not. That is why life is so just. For
some people it does not seem like that. It even seems
incredible for them to accept that they give instructions to
themselves to bring them the circumstances in which they are
living. It can be at the same time confusing and relieving to
realize that. Then a question pops up: if I can change it, why
doesn’t it happen ?

My description has absolutely nothing to do with

philosophical or religious convictions; it is the simple
application of what has been proven scientifically and/or
empirically. An atheist, an indifferent person or a devote
person, in any religion, will benefit to the same extent when
applying these principles, since the “law of creating thoughts” is
totally impersonal, just like all the other laws of nature. One
does not have to believe, to hope (but nor must one despair).
One only has to know what the consequence is of a certain



And we cannot stress these patters enough. You find

them below. The speed and perfection of the materialization of
the wish depends on it. Everything has to be taught. Everything
needs exercising. And the technique of giving one’s life the
desired form takes a whole lifetime. Practice makes perfect.
Patience is not really necessary. One just has to “know”.



A pattern means that we do not have to fight it. We can

adapt ourselves to what this law can offer us, we can use it. To
have electricity or to make a plant grow, we do not have to
fight for it. We know that it is like that. That gives us faith.



Because it then has to remove less obstacles. When

people go many times to look at the seeds they put in the earth
in order to see whether they are shooting, it can be that the
seeds will be obstructed in their growth. What appears to be
clear, is not that clear where the law of nature regarding the
materialization of wishes is concerned. Give yourself up.


Gratitude gives wings to the affirmation. Say: I am so

grateful that it is like that, that it will be like that, so that it will
be realized. Thankfulness and joy and positive emotions go
hand in hand, they express that wish in the best way possible.
Let’s be thankful for that : an affirmation asking the
materialization and thanking for it makes the affirmation very
powerful. One can never give enough thanks. The more thanks
are rendered, the more reason you will have to say thanks.


This is very important. Because what is good for you,

necessarily has to be good for the other one. That is why we
recommended many times to formulate your wish that
something better will come along to the benefit of everyone or of
all persons involved.


Affirmations are always more important in this time

where the number of vibrations of the Earth is increasing, due
to which the wishes will come true quicker. By consequence it is
very important to acquire skills in doing this.


In the Universe nothing comes into being just like that,

action is always required.
After having made your affirmations, you have to take action;
you have to do what your intuition tells you to do. Being quiet
and wait until something happens, is not the appropriate way to
make progress. Take as many steps as possible in the direction
of what you want to achieve, but do not rush; be alert for signals
and ideas. Write them down, they are volatile.

The action we mentioned before also refers to the making of

affirmations, they require constant “efforts”, which means that
we constantly have to be alert and watch our attitude of quiet
faith. Affirmations require that you, through your own
imagination, words, thoughts, bring your wish closer and closer
within your reach. Every time closer.


1. About relationships

I.I. With a partner

I.I.I. A partner has not been found yet

I am glad to attract a person who is meant for me and

harmonizes with me in any respect. I can give him/her
everything he/she needs and he/she can do this for me. We are
united in love, freedom, respect and honesty. We enhance each
other’s growth and love each other as we really are. Our
relationship makes us both complete.

I am so grateful to be busy bringing the man/woman in my

life harmonizing with me in any respect and to see a growing
harmony between us.

Formulated for someone else: She/he, X (name) is now

grateful to find the love she/he is longing for and needed by
her/him now.

I come closer and closer to a satisfying and fulfilling

relationship with my perfect partner, with whom I can live in
complete harmony in any respect.

These general affirmations allow you to attract and find

the partner suitable for you in any respect.

A more specific affirmation – in case a certain aspect of

the relationship is not what you would like it to be – can be :

I am now grateful for honest love

I say thanks because x comes to me now or gets in touch
with me in an increasingly spontaneous way (or more and more
spontaneous way or easier and easier).

I am grateful because x is more and more communicative

towards me.
I am grateful because x shows more and more interest in
what occupies both of us.
I am grateful because x acts more and more lovingly
towards me.

Next to thanks – a powerful word – it is equally possible to

say that one is glad : “I am grateful and glad that ...” (and then
the correct ending).

A more specific affirmation aims at stopping to attract a

certain unwanted characteristic in a partner. As a result of this
affirmation that characteristic will disappear or another partner
who does not have this characteristic, will be attracted. It is not
unthinkable that when trying to eliminate something that you
do not want in a relationship, Universe will show you the way to
another person, who will be a better match. It is indeed so that
the best situation for your personal growth will be found for
you. However, it can be useful to see whether you do not have
the same characteristic you want to eliminate in the other
person. We are in fact each other’s mirrors.

I.I.2. A partner has been found but he/she is difficult

to approach

Here it depends whether both persons agree with the

relationship, in other words, whether they want the relationship
to continue.

- If yes :

I am glad that bonds between X and myself, Y are

tightening and this is for both of us stimulating and elevating.

X (the name of the woman/man involved) has more and

more faith in himself, in me and in love. Her/his faith, honesty
and love are growing. Our mutual harmony is constantly
growing. Our contacts become more and more frequent and

- If not both of the persons involved have the same wish

If X and me are suitable for each other, our relationship

will grow day by day in all its beauty, love, respect and all
qualities that may help us both and make us develop/evolve. If
not, I will get his/her equivalent or even someone better. I am
very grateful and have peaceful faith that my wish will be

- If you want to terminate an attraction, a crush

I couldn’t care less about X and my feelings toward

him/her. X is a man/woman like all the rest and he/she will only
bring something good in my life in accordance with my will to
wish him/her all the best.

1.1.3. A partner has been found but you doubt

whether it will last

It goes between X and myself, Y better and better as for

honest communication. I continue to offer him what he is
looking for and so does he in relation to me. We are always
together in faith and belief and we are able to express that.

When there is uncertainty because one of the partners is not

convinced by the relationship, the following affirmation can be
used provided that it starts with : When X is the right man/wife
for me, things will be better and better between us in any
respect and we will not lose each other. On the contrary, we
help each other to make progress in the area of what we both
truthfully wish.

When there is uncertainty because one of the partners fears

that the other one will lose his interest in him/her and/or when
the other partner shows interest in someone else, see point
1.1.4. below. It is a fact that doubts are “planted” in the
subconscious of the other persons, who will start to act
correspondingly to this doubt. When someone for instance
doubts whether his/her partner still loves him/her, the partner

will capture that doubt. He will have to face that doubt and he
himself can also have a vague feeling of doubt about whether
his/her partner still loves him/her. This creates a vicious circle,
which cannot be broken by them as long as they are not familiar
with the laws of the mind.

I.I.4. A partner has been found but there is no


I wish x and our relationship without reservations and

sincerely all the best. I know that his success is also my success,
that love and jealousy cannot coexist. I stress that love fills my
whole being and that there is peace in my mind. Each time I see
the image of X I shall say in a state of peace and goodness that
he and we are totally protected and that we will be guided at
any moment of each day. I am grateful for the evolution of our
relationship toward sincerity and growth for both of us.

X and I have found our balance, we feed each other and we give
each other energy. If it is not like that, I am grateful that he/she
will disappear from my life in full harmony.

I.I.5. A partner has been found but there is a new


I am grateful that my subconscious will show me the right

way I have to follow in the interest of all parties, including
myself. I shall recognize the clear signals that will be given to
me and I will act correspondingly in full faith that what is good
for someone else, also will be good for me and vice versa and
that the best for both of us will soon manifest itself.

1.2. With a child

1.2.1. There is no child yet

I am thankful to receive a child that belongs to me and to

whom I will give my unconditional love and I will offer it the

best I have. I have faith in the materialization of this wish and I

know that everything will happen at the perfect moment.

I.2.2. A child is on its way

I have now a perfect bond/relationship with my

child/daughter/son I see, in any respect (here you can mention
mental and physical characteristics you want your child to
have). Or I have a perfect relationship with my … (fill in
adjectives) daughter/son/child. When you are saying it out aloud
or sing it, your child will be able to hear it even better.

I.2.3. The first years

The first years of a child’s life are very important for its
mental development. The suggestions it receives in that period
determine its behaviour in life until the moment the child
manages to control the laws of the mind and is able to choose
which suggestion it wants to keep or not.
The negative or positive ideas of the parents will be adopted by
the child. When you see in your child a negative attitude that
you recognize in yourself or in your partner or in other persons,
you have to make efforts to erase it from the subconscious of
your child.

1.2.4. Coué

Coué recommends to make suggestions while the child is

sleeping, for instance “you fall asleep easier and easier and you
do not wake up”. These suggestions have to be whispered in
order not to awake the child, at a distance of a couple of meter
away from the child. These suggestions will be taken up by the
subconscious immediately because the consciousness cannot
offer any resistance.

2. About oneself
2.1. In general
Only good things manifest themselves at any moment in my

I am constantly guided towards the correct action and I am

grateful for that.

I fulfil my goal in life at any moment and I am always inspired by


My subconscious is all-knowing and reveals me the next step to

be taken so that all good things of life are within my reach. I am
thankful for the answer in the form of an intuitive knowledge or
a spontaneous idea occurring in my mind.

All the wishes that are right for me, are revealed to me in a
precise and clear way.
All my wishes are accomplished at the right moment.
I only think about my wishes with the deep-rooted conviction
that they will come true at the right moment.

I ask to be guided to accomplish what makes my essence and

the essence of others complete and I am grateful for that.

Only what is best for me, happens to me. A maximum number

of possibilities is given to me non-stop.

My true self is full of blessing, harmony, joy, it is indivisible,

independent from time and age. Love fulfils my being by
banning all thoughts of fear. The river of peace flows in my
mind, I am full of faith and confidence. I radiate love/harmony
and goodwill to all people around me.

All the negativity embodied in sadness or fear in my

subconscious will be undone by love and from now on there is
only positivity in me. I say thanks for everything I have
experienced, it was a steppingstone towards my spiritual
progress and it is now converted into beneficial things, into

blessings. I have more and more self-confidence and I am more

and more sure that I am worthy to have respect, love,
dedication and faith.
The last example can also be narrowed to one of this qualities
in relation to a certain person or to various specific persons.

2.2. Love, peace and joy

I have more and more happiness and love and I give as much
love and happiness as possible; I get much more of it back.

I live in joy and spread joy wherever I come.

I have every reason to get more and more joy and peace,
because I have many successes.

2.3. To eliminate jealousy or rivalry

Perfect love does not involve fear; unconditional love is my

heritance, I am guided towards it more and more.

All people without exception are a link in the chain of my

welfare and they bring me good things in any area; it has to be
like that because there is no duality. The longing for my wish
only exists inside me and in that unique manner.
Each link is necessary.

I ask for faith that everything that does not correspond to my

true wishes is eliminated now in a harmonious way, so that I
always have everything and only keep that what I really need,
without exception.

I am ready to let go of the need to be unhappy and to feel

jealousy, I am happy and joyful and I make the others happy,
there is no need for fear, I always get more of what I wish. Only
good things will reach me when I am full of joy. I am completely

outside the reach of other people : my vibrations only allow

nice things to happen in my life.

I am the true love of X and he/she is my true love, we remain

faithful to each other, without competition. I know only
certainty; any doubt is permanently removed from my
subconscious. I am glad and I am aware that I open up forever
for a love that is more and more perfect, an all-embracing love,
a love that is a blessing for other people too. I belief in the
sincerity and loyalty of X, in his/her dedication to me and in the
fact that I make him/her more complete.

I bless X and any other woman/man, she/he disappears

(disappear) from my mind, she/he and all the others will bring
us something better, they will strengthen the plan meant for us.
The omnipotent Universe wants in each situation what is best
for me, for us; I constantly say thanks for all that and I have
more and more faith. I am confident about the sure outcome of
my wish and I continue with great peace, joy, serenity, love,
creativity and self-confidence. I emit an élan of attraction to
whom I love, I am unique and indispensable for him/her and
Universe will bring us closer to each other in accordance with
the laws of attraction.

What is meant for me in that relation will always be mine and

the one I love will act in harmony with my intentions and
interests. Everything opposed to that is now erased from my
subconscious and from the subconscious of the one I love. I
cannot lose anything that belongs to me. I accept it with
pleasure and without doubts because I am then a perfect
channel to receive his/her wishes and to make them come true.

I always attract that kind of relationships and I can keep them

perfect, that is how I am. I fulfil all the desires of my partner, I
bring him/her what his heart, his soul, his body and mind need.
When I have a relationship, I meet no competition; the one I
love is completely true to me, in mind and in body. We are a
unity in any respect. I cannot control him/her and I don’t do
that : he/she is free and I ask that he/she would be inspired by
all his/her actions and thoughts; I have an unshakeable belief in

him/her, in us and I have inner peace and rest. Love is all about
faith and not about pain. It leaves the flow between lovers
totally open, without obstacles.

2.4. Concerning the time schedule

I ask for all the time I need so that I can be quiet and spend that
time only on the priorities I have chosen as good as possible in
function of my soul.

I have enough time to complete everything I wish.

2.5. Concerning a task

All knowledge is inside me. I constantly use and benefit from
the knowledge and inspiration of everyone who can contribute
to this. I am grateful for all the continuous help I get.

2.6. About health

2.6.1. In general

I am grateful for my good health.

All I need to keep my health in optimal condition is revealed to
Today my energy is perfect.

2.6.2. In case of a treatment

I am guided to the medical doctor that is best for me.

I am guided to the best possible therapy for me.

I am quiet and I have faith in the medical treatment I shall

have; it will have the best possible results for me.

I am getting the best advice now, which is right for me and I

shall recognize it at once.

2.6.3. For one specific part of the body (1)

There is a lot of healing energy flowing to that organ. My

subconscious, which know the perfect matrix of (that specific
organ) will heal it in the most perfect way more and more.

Each day my (…) is getting better, I imagine how (a certain

event) is happing right now.

2.6.4. Getting out of negative habits

I am ready to let go of the need to ....

I have come to a definitive conclusion and I decide that I am

freed of habits that are not good for me. Thanks to the Cosmic
energy, which supports this decision, I am now totally free and I
am grateful for this now.

I am completely free of the urge to ... …

My body, which perfectly knows what is right for me, will guide
me to the food that is best for me.

I only take what is right for me and I am not attracted to the


I don’t not care about smoking and I am grateful that I am free

and that I do not fancy a cigarette anymore.

2.6.5. Increased energy

My energy stays the same the whole day long and no one
can take it from me.

I have a perfect energy level today and it stays like that.

I do not want to say that getting medical help is not necessary, but affirmations
can help a lot, due to the extremely large influence of the min don the body.

2.7. Appearance
I am grateful that the cells of my body reproduce in the best
way possible

2.8. Success
Each opportunity brings success in one way or another.

I gain now insight in the ways leading to success.

Everyone is good for my success, I find in everything elements

that can do me good.

Today everything I do turns out well.

What I do has more and more success, just like the success I
want to have. I am confident about my future and about the
opportunities life will bring me, also today, so that all my wishes
will come true. I have more and more success in everything I
undertake. I can now work, speak, read, write, in short live
exactly as I want and I am very grateful for this and very happy.
I also ask to be part of the pure Universal and to be this for me
and for others here and now.

2.9. Exam

My intelligence and memory process everything smoothly and I

know perfectly what I have to know for each exam. I know
everything in time and my planning and time are perfectly
controlled. I have all strength and discipline I need to pass the
exams. At this very moment my subconscious, which is fully
aware of all this, is working to achieve the perfect realization of
my wish.

2.10 Wealth
I am very happy now to acquire (a large amount of money) in a
harmonious way.

I attract more and more wealth. I am grateful for all proofs of

wealth I see every day.
My wealth is growing each day and I am every day grateful for
all things bringing welfare and wealth on my way.
I acquire now X EURO in a harmonious way and I am grateful
for that.

2.11. Faith

The faith the others have in us, is the reflection of the faith we
have in ourselves.
This experience will produce nothing but positive things.
I have faith in the fact that I am using a law working unerringly.
I have faith in the fact that the law of mental power will
materialize my wish.
I leave it to the Universe in full confidence.
I know that everything I need to realize my wish will be given to
I am on my way to realize (this or that).

Everything is possible for he who believes.

Everything thinkable can be realized.

The law of mental power has the perfect solution and I am

confident that I will recognize it and act correspondingly.

2.12. Peace
I have peace with myself.
I am cheerful, with the necessary vigour and confidence.

2.13. Professionally

2.13.1. No satisfying job yet

I now have the job that fits me in any way and I am

grateful for that.

2.13.2. The job is satisfying but difficult relationship

with colleagues

I send love and goodwill to all my colleagues; we help each

other as much as we can.

2.13.3. The job is satisfying but no pay increase

Visualize that you are telling about the cheque or

statement of account you showed to someone you love and
where the increase is indicated. Imagine it very lively.

Visualize that you thank your boss for the pay increase.

2.13.4. The job is satisfying but you want or can

have another one

I am grateful for this job, which gave and gives me a lot of

opportunities and which now leads me to a job that is even
better for me.

2.13.5. Nice colleagues but no satisfying job

I am thankful for all the collegiality I experienced and

continue to experience here and I am grateful for my current
job; it is the perfect steppingstone for a better job and it brings
me the working environment that suits me better now.

2.14. Forgiveness
I leave him/her to universal justice and set him/her free.

I forgive myself for any mistake I made before and I do not

blame anyone else. These were all steps towards my success
and prosperity and to my fast progress. I unconditionally
believe that I am guided at all times and that everything I do is
right. I always move forward. I do all my activities as good as
possible and I use my time optimally in function of my goal. I
believe, feel and know that what I do is always guided,
stimulated and protected. I do what is good, I have good
thoughts and I know that my subconscious has an indefinite
intelligence, which gives me all the answers. I am guided to the
right answer and based on my inspiration I always know what I
have to do and how it has to be done. And that is what I do. I
attract the right people and I elicit the right reactions, so that
everything works harmoniously to my benefit. I do my level
best to succeed. What is good for me, is good for everyone, I
wish to have the success meant for them. All the preceding is
captured by the subconscious of the persons involved. I am very
grateful that this happens now. I know that these thoughts will
penetrate in my subconscious and that they will form a
subjective pattern of thoughts there; I also know that I can
count on the automatic reaction of my subconscious, in
harmony with my pattern of thoughts.

I forgive X everything now and he/she will forgive me. All this
has lead and leads to much more happiness and I am grateful
for that.
I forgive myself that I pretended that I was right while I in fact
wanted love.

The 21-days scheme. In the scheme shown above four days of

affirmations have been made and there are 17 days left.
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
1 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July

X X x X

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

8 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13 July 14 July

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July

This sentence is an example of an affirmation placed on top of

the scheme so that you can always use the same formulation.

“Things go better and better for me, every day and in

any respect”

2.15. Emotional disengagement

Shirly Mc Laine has established a programme of emotional
disengagement, which according to her does not erase the
feelings but helps us to be more objective and calmer in
relationships so that people listen to us.

Start to read slowly, if possible aloud, during 21 days :

- I shall not be concerned
- I shall not worry
- You will not make me unhappy
- You will not cause me pain
- I shall not have fear for you
- I shall keep my hopes up and not blame you for nothing
- I shall not criticize nor judge you
- I shall remember in first and in last instance, in other words
always, that intuition enlightens
- I shall leave you to it, so that it shows you the way and fulfils
your needs
- I shall be patient with you and have faith in you
- I shall support you with my belief in you knowing that you will
find any help you might need
- I only have good intentions for you, I am willing to let you lead
your life as you want it
- Your ideas are not necessarily my ideas, but I am confident
that you will be guided along the way that is best for you
- I wish you all the best, 24 hours a day.

Shirly Mc Laine writes that she herself did not develop this
programme – which I have translated quite freely – but that she
has copied it form a diary, without mentioning the author. She
writes that she has used it for someone with whom she finds it
difficult to control her feelings and that she guarantees its

2.16. To be informed by the subconscious

“The infinite intelligence of my subconscious knows everything
and it will reveal the correct decision to me. When the answer
comes to me, I will recognize it”.

2.17. Protection
I am also protected and I am not subject to the Law of Average.
I reject / I am not susceptible to the beliefs of the masses.

2.18. Gratitude

I express my thanks for this day, for everything I have

experienced. From now on I have even more reasons to be
grateful, an even larger capacity to achieve success in any
circumstance and at any time. I express my thanks for the past,
for what it contained, it has been the base for everything I am
now grateful for.


1. In relation to others
If you want to improve your relationship :

- Think about the qualities and talents of the other one and
imagine that he/she shows them to you. Be glad and thankful
for that.
- Imagine the joy and courtesy a loved one shows you
- Imagine that you are reading a letter of the other one, where
he writes what you would like to read
- Imagine the success of the other one
- Imagine an improved behaviour of the other one
- Imagine that your are invited by someone you would like to
get to know better

2. In relation to yourself

Make an ideal picture :

- of the career you want to make, of your promotion

- of having reached inner peace
- of the prosperity in all its forms
- of all aspects of your health
- of the result of a certain activity or action
- of the result of an exercise, a game
- of your partner congratulating you with your achievements
- of the luck of your loved ones

There are many examples; you find the rules to be observed in

the description of visualizations : you do have to imagine the
final result, the final outcome of what you wish.


Writing this book did not take much time. Even if I only
helped one person with it, it would not have been written in
vain. As it is completely based on my own inspiration and
experience, it was quite pleasant to write it. From the point of
view of durability it is easier to write on paper what you want to
transmit and with my mother in mind, I most certainly want to
transmit this to my daughter. I would like to save her many
years of searching. Also she has freedom of choice. But I was
able to accomplish a part of a wish : to transmit this to her. And
I am grateful for that.

August 2008.

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