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12 Agraam, Trisha Camille G.

1580 CFE104 TTH 9:30-11:00 March 01, 2020

BSAC- 2 Sir Jose Soliman Jr.

MATTHEW 4:1-11

In this Sunday Gospel it is the story when Jesus encountered Satan. Wherein Satan
attempted to get Jesus think about his own needs before his Father’s will. He wanted Jesus to
over through everything he possesses, yet, Jesus overcome Satan’s challenge by trusting his
father to do all things in his time, in his way, and his result.

Everyday in our lives, temptation is always there to bait us. For example sometimes
when I have earned a little I have a habit that makes me think and temps me to buy something
that I want instead of what I really need. These may start out as small temptation, but in the end
they all add up. I am not surprise when temptation comes because even Jesus was tempted by
the devil so we should not be guilty when the thoughts and desires come.

Even when we are already on the edge of our temper and we give in to temptation,
having or doing a sin is not the end of all. God still forgives even we sin over and over because
he loves us just like his son. So for us to overcome temptation is to know God. Have a greater
love that sin and more passionate about God, then whatever the devil will challenge us we will
overcome it for sure with God.

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