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Question No 1:

Discuss the complexities and challenges of the distributed system that we are currently facing for developing a
distributed application? 8 Marks
In general, though, system complexity can be described as a measure of how understandable a system is and how difficult
it is to perform tasks in the system. A system with high complexity requires great mental use, while a system with low
complexity is easily understood and used.
1. Task structure complexity
2. Unpredictability
3. Size Complexity
4. Algorithm complexity
Task-Structure Complexity
Task-Structure Complexity measures how difficult it is to understand how to perform a task in a distributed system. This
complexity aspect takes a graph or flowchart representation of a task and gives a measure of how complex the structure of
this graph is.
Unpredictability gives a measure of how difficult it is to predict the effects of an action in a distributed system. An important
element that affects predictability is the amount of randomness in the system. The higher the randomness of the system, the
more difficult it is to predict the state of the system after performing an action. The unpredictability of a system is measured
using the probability distribution of the possible states of the system.
Size Complexity
Another measure of system complexity is the size of the distributed system. Traditionally, the size of a distributed system
is measured by the number of nodes, devices, services, and applications or other components.
Algorithmic Complexity
The traditional definition of the complexity of an algorithm is in terms of its time and space requirements or its relation to
Turing machines or universal computers. However, there is also the effort required to understand an algorithm.
Simple algorithms are often fast in nature and may have high space or time complexity. And Algorithm complexity is the
study of the algorithm worst case and effort required to perform.
Challenges of Distributed System
With the increases in demand of the distributed system in our daily life we are now more dependent on the system for
working and it increase the importance and by this dependability factor. And dependability requires consistency, security
and fault tolerance.
Any system should strive for maximum performance, but in the case of distributed systems this is a particularly interesting
challenge, since it directly conflicts with some other desirable properties. In particular, transparency, security, dependability
and scalability can easily be detrimental to performance.
Protection (security and privacy)
Protection of distributed system assets, including base resources such as processing, storage, communications and user-
interface I/O as Ill as higher-level composites of these resources, e.g., processes, files, messages, display windows and more
complex objects is not a strength of existing distributed systems.
Error Control
That system should be more efficient to control error rate and always lemmatized in the negligible region because with great
size error rate increases too.
Resource management
It is a big issue for the todays distributed system to manage the resources because with the increase of the size and
components of system resource maximum utilization and management is a big problem.
(b) Question: Define Distributed file System and discuss the file attribute record structure briefly?
DFS: Stands for "Distributed File System." A DFS manages files and folders across multiple computers. It serves the same
purpose as a traditional file system, but is designed to provide file storage and controlled access to files over local and wide
area networks.
A typical module structure for implementation of non-DFS

Question Number 2
(a)List down any three examples of the distributed application and discuss the architecture and working of any
application in detail. 5 Marks
1. Chemical Plant Control System
2. Automated Car Assembly Plant System
3. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
4. Robot Used in Recovery of Displaced Radioactive Material
5. Automotive and Transportation System
6. Missile Projectile System
Chemical Plant Control System

Chemical plant control systems are essentially a type of process control

application. In an automated chemical plant, a real-time computer
periodically monitors plant conditions. The plant conditions are
determined based on current readings of pressure, temperature, and
chemical concentration of the reaction chamber. These parameters are
sampled periodically. Based on the values sampled at any time, the
automation system decides on the corrective actions necessary at that
instant to maintain the chemical reaction at a certain rate. Each time the
plant conditions are sampled, the automation system should decide on the
exact instantaneous corrective actions required such as changing the
pressure, temperature, or chemical concentration and carry out these
actions within certain predefined time bounds. Typically, the time bounds
in such a chemical plant control application range from a few
microseconds to several milliseconds.

Automated Car Assembly Plant

An automated car assembly plant is an example of a plant automation system. In an automated car assembly plant, the work
product (partially assembled car) moves on a conveyor belt (see Fig. 1). Alongside the conveyor belt, several workstations
are placed. Each workstation performs some specific work on the product such as fitting engine, fitting door, fitting wheel,
and spray painting the car, etc. as it moves on the conveyor belt. An empty chassis is introduced near the first workstation
on the conveyor belt. A fully assembled car comes out after the work product goes past all the workstations. At each

workstation, a sensor senses the arrival of the next partially assembled product. As soon as the partially assembled product
is sensed, the workstation begins to perform its work on the work product. The time constraint imposed on the workstation
computer is that the workstation must complete its work before the work product moves away to the next workstation. The
time bounds involved here are typically of the order of a few hundreds of milliseconds.

(b) Define the following terms in your word

GRID: A distributed system that allows sharing, selection, and aggregation of resources distributed across multiple

Grid computing is the collection of computer resources from multiple locations to reach a common goal. The grid works
with large number of files this distinguishes grid computing from conventional high performance computing. Although a
single grid can be dedicated to a particular application, commonly a grid is used for a variety of purposes.

INTRUSIONS: Intrusions are actions that attempt to bypass security mechanisms of computer systems. They are caused

– Attackers accessing the system from Internet

– Insider attackers - authorized users attempting to gain and misuse non-authorized privileges

When an attacker is eavesdropping on your communications, it is referred to as sniffing or snooping. The ability of an
eavesdropper to monitor the network is generally the biggest security problem that administrators face.

A masquerade attack is an attack that uses a fake identity, such as a network identity, to gain unauthorized access to personal
computer information.
The intentional and malicious destruction of or damage to the property of another.

Question Number 3

(a)Draw and discuss the working of NFS architecture?

Define and elaborate the main classes of Cryptography Algorithms

– Cryptography is an art of encoding information in a format that only intended recipient can access.
– Cryptography can be used to provide a proof of authenticity of information in a manner analogous to the
use of signature in conventional transactions.

Shared Secret Keys

– In cryptography, a shared secret is a piece of data, known only to the parties involved, in a secure
communication. The shared secret can be a password, a passphrase, a big number or an array of randomly
chosen bytes.
– The shared secret is either shared beforehand between the communicating parties, in which case it can
also be called a pre-shared key. Or it is created at the start of the communication session by using a key-
agreement protocol, for-instance using public-key cryptography.

Public Key and Private Keys

– The Public Key is what its name suggests - Public. It is made available to everyone via a publicly
accessible repository or directory. On the other hand, the Private Key must remain confidential to its
respective owner.
– Because the key pair is mathematically related, whatever is encrypted with a Public Key may only be
decrypted by its corresponding Private Key and vice versa.
– Public Key Cryptography can therefore achieve Confidentiality. However another important aspect of
Public Key Cryptography is its ability to create a Digital Signature

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