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Tarea VIII Inglés

I. Lea el siguiente texto y responda las siguientes preguntas relacionadas: Laura Morris es
periodista de televisión. Ella es de Escocia pero vive y trabaja en Nueva York. Trabaja tres
días a la semana para CNN y dos días a la semana es profesora de periodismo televisivo en
la City University. Laura está casada con una alemana y ella tiene dos hijos, Franz y Jack.
Habla alemán con su marido e inglés con sus hijos. Ella también habla francés. Laura
trabaja sin parar los días de semana: se levanta a las 6.00 y se dirige a su oficina. Ella no
desayuna A las 12.00 una cafetería entrega una ensalada a su oficina. Ella va a casa a las
7.00 y ayuda a los niños con la tarea. Laura nunca trabaja los sábados y domingos. En su
tiempo libre, juega al tenis y le gusta mirar televisión con su familia.

1 Is Laura Morris a magazine journalist?

b. No

2 Where does she come from?

Seleccione una:

a. Scotland

3 Where does she live?

d. New York

4 How many jobs does she have?

c. 2

5 Who is Laura married to?

a. A German

6 Which languages does she speak?

Seleccione una:

a. English, German and French

7 What does she have for breakfast?

f. Nothing

8 What time does she go home?

b. 7:00

9 Is Laura busy on weekends?

b. No, she never works on weekends.

10 What does she do in her free time?

c. She plays tennis

2do cuestionario ingles

Homework IX Ingles I. Read the following text and answer the related questions below:
Fiona is a twelve-year-old English girl. When she was two she could
do mathematics. Both her parents are teachers but Fiona doesn’t go
to school. On week days, Fiona goes to university and at weekends
her mother teaches her at home. ‘Fiona is a happy child. She loves
going to university and I can teach her other things. She doesn’t
want to go to school. My daughter was at school when she was five
but the teachers couldn’t help her because she’s a genius.’
Fiona studies mathematics for five hours a day. ‘I can’t have friends
because I study a lot. I was at school when I was five years old – it
was great, I could play with other children. I don’t think I’m a genius,
I just work very hard.’
1 How old is Fiona?

R/ twelve

2.At What age could she do mathematics?

R/ two

3.What do her parents do?

They are teachers

4 Where does she study mathematics?

c. At home

5 What does Fiona do at weekends?

Studies Math with her Mom
6. Why doesn’t she go to school?

Because teachers can not help her

7 Why can’t Fiona have friends?

Because she studies a lot




TO BE - PAST SIMPLE I. 08. Please change to QUESTION FORM the following sentence:
They were in the classroom.

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