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1 Overview of HTML and CSS

1.1 Overview of HTML

1.2 Overview of CSS
!important = ensures style is applied

Specificity = least specific selected applied first

Source order = equal specificity selectors are applied in the order they appear in the stylesheet
2 Creating and Styling HTML Pages
2.1 Creating an HTML5 Page

2.2 Styling an HTML5 Page

 The visibility property enables you to blank out the selected elements, but leave the
space that they
would take up on the page empty.
 The display property enables you to set how to display selected elements on the page.
This includes
hiding the selected elements, or completely removing them from the page.
 The position property enables you to set positioning method for the selected elements
positioned. The four possible values are static (the default), fixed, absolute, and relative.
 The float property enables you to take the selected elements out of the flow of content
and 'float'
them to the left or right of their containing elements.
 The overflow property enables you to set what happens when the content of an element
is too big
for the box that contains it.
 The box-sizing property enables you to set how the width and height properties apply to
element's box model. If set to content-box (the default), they work as described above. If set to
border-box, the width and height apply to the total of content, padding, border and margin
h2.highlight {
height : 100px;
width : 500px;
padding : 10px;
border : 2px dotted blue;
margin : 25px 0 25px 0; /* Could also be written 25px 0

padding-top: 10px;
padding-right : 10px;
padding-bottom : 10px;
padding-left : 10px;

Reader Aid: You can easily recall the order of

the sides by thinking of the word TRouBLe:
Top, Right, Bottom, and Left.

border-width: 2px;
border-style: dotted;
border-color: blue;

border-top, border-right, border-bottom,

and border-left

border-left-style, border-left-width,
border-right-style, border-right-width

3 Introduction to JavaScript
3.1 Overview of JavaScript
3.2 Introduction to the Document Object Model
3.3 Introduction to jQuery

jQuery() = $() function jQuery selectors and each function

Other transversal functions:

4 Creating Forms to Collect and Validate User Input

4.1 Creating HTML5 Forms
<Input> types <Textarea>
 button
 checkbox
 color <Select> (<option>, <optgroup>)
 date (see above)
 datetime
 datetime-local <Datalist>
 email
 file
 hidden
 image
 month
 number
 password
 radio
 range
 reset
 search
 submit
 tel
 text
 time
 url
 week

4.2 Validating User Input by Using HTML5 Attributes

4.3 Validating User Input by Using JavaScript
5 Communicating with a Remote Server

5.1 Sending and Receiving Data by Using the XMLHttpRequest Object


0: The XMLHttpRequest object is has not been

1: The XMLHttpRequest object has been opened.
2: The XMLHttpRequest object has sent a
3: The XMLHttpRequest object has started to
receive a response.
4: The XMLHttpRequest object has finished
receiving a response.


5.2 Sending and Receiving Data by Using the jQuery Library

6 Styling HTML5 by Using CSS3
6.1 Styling Text by Using CSS3

@font-face {
font-family: 'RobotoRegular';
src: url('Roboto-Regular-webfont.eot');
src: url('Roboto-Regular-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-
url('Roboto-Regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('Roboto-Regular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('Roboto-Regular-webfont.svg#RobotoRegular') format('svg');

CSS typographic attributes:

There are six units of absolute measurement:
 Centimeters.
 Millimeters (mm): 10 millimeters = 1 centimeter.
 Inches (in): 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters.
 Picas (pc): 1 pica = 12 points = 1/6th of an inch.
 Points (pt): 1 point = 1/72nd of an inch.
 Pixels (px): 1 pixel = 1/96th of an inch.
There are seven units of relative measurement. Four are 'font-relative':
 em: 1em = the current font size of the current element.
 ex: 1ex = the height of the font's lowercase x-height, or 0.5 em if not calculable.
 ch: 1ch = the width of the font's 0 (zero) character.
 rem: 1rem = the size of the font defined on the html element (16px default).
The other three are 'viewport-relative'. That is, they are relative to the size of the browser window
 vw: 1vw = 1% of the width of the viewport.
 vh: 1vh = 1% of the height of the viewport.
 vmin: vmin = the smaller of vh and vw.
6.2 Styling Block Elements
Outlines are defined by four properties:
 outline-width sets the width of
the outline. Possible values are
thin, medium (the default), and
thick, or a specific measurement
such as 2px or 1.5 rem.
 outline-style sets the line style of
the outline. The most common
values used are none, dotted,
dashed, and solid.
 outline-color sets the color of the
outline. Set it to any allowable
color value, or invert (the default).
 outline-offset sets the distance
between the outline and the

6.3 Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements

Text Pseudo-Elements Link and Form Pseudo-Classes

Forms elements also provide the :valid and :invalid

pseudo-classes that you can use
to select items that have been validated successfully or
DOM-Related Pseudo-Classes ================================================
 :first-child selects the item that's the first child of
its parent. As an example, to find the first
element in a list, use li:first-child.
 :last-child selects the list item that's the last child
of its parent.
 :only-child selects a list item if it is the only child
of its parent.
 :nth-child(n) selects a list item if it is the nth child
of its parent.
 :nth-last-child(n) selects a list item if it is the nth
child of its parent, counting backwards from its
last child.
 :first-of-type selects a list item if it is the first list
item child of its parent.
===================================================  :last-of-type selects a list item if it is the last list
n item child of its parent.
odd or even  :only-of type selects a list item if it is the only list
xn + y item child of its parent.
===================================================  :nth-of-type(n) selects a list item if it is the nth
 E:root selects a document's root element. For an HTML list item child of its parent.
document, it will always select the <html> element.  :nth-last-of-type(n) selects a list item if it is the
 E:empty selects an element of type E if it has no nth list item child of its parent, counting
children or text content. backwards from its last child.
 E:target selects an element of type E if it is the target of ===============================================
a referring URL. Note: Remember: Pseudo-classes qualify the
 E:not(s) selects any element which does not match the element they are attached to rather than
selector strings. specifying other elements. For example, li:first-
child selects a list item that's the first child of
its parent, and not the first child of the list

6.4 Enhancing Graphical Effects by Using CSS3

html {
color : inherit;
background: -ms-linear-gradient(30deg, lightblue, green,
color: currentColor;
html {
background: -ms-radial-gradient(top right, ellipse, red, blue);

7 Creating Objects and Methods by Using JavaScript

7.1 Writing Well-Structured JavaScript Code

The JavaScript global functions are actually

functions belonging to the Global
object. This is another singleton object. The
functions of the Global object are intrinsic to
JavaScript, and you do not need to qualify them
with Global.
7.2 Creating Custom Objects
7.3 Extending Objects
Implementing Encapsulation (CLOSURES)

1. Define the base constructor and prototype.

2. Define the derived constructor.
3. Set the prototype property of the derived constructor to be an instance of the base object. This
ensures that the derived object has access to all the members defined in the base prototype.
4. Reset the constructor property in the derived prototype so that it refers back to the derived
// Implementing Inheritance by Using Prototype Chaining Adding functionality to an existing object
// Base constructor.
var Person = function(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
// Base prototype.
Person.prototype = {
haveBirthday: function() {
// Derived constructor.
var Student = function(name, age, subject) { = name; Using the apply Method with Generic Functions
this.age = age;
this.subject = subject; function SetColor(color) {
} this.color = color;
// Set the derived prototype to be the same object as the base }
// and reset that derived prototype so that it uses the correct
Var p1 = new Point(100, 200);
Student.prototype = new Person(); SetColor.apply(p1, [“red”]);
Student.prototype.constructor = Student; alert(p1.color); // displays “red”
// Create a derived object and invoke any methods defined in the
object or one of its
// parents. JavaScript uses prototype chaining to locate methods up
the inheritance tree.
var aStudent = new Student("Jim", 20, "Physics");
aStudent.subject = "BioChemistry";

8 Creating Interactive Pages by Using HTML5 APIs

8.1 Interacting with Files
HTML5 File Interfaces The FileReader Interface

Reading a Text File Reading a Binary File

Implementing Drag-and-Drop <!DOCTYPE HTML>

<style type="text/css">
#div1 {width:350px;height:70px;padding:10px;border:1px solid #aaaaaa;}
function allowDrop(ev)
function drag(ev)

function drop(ev)
var data=ev.dataTransfer.getData("Text");;

<p>Drag the W3Schools image into the rectangle:</p>

<div id="div1" ondrop="drop(event)"

<img id="drag1" src="img_logo.gif" draggable="true"
ondragstart="drag(event)" width="336" height="69">


8.2 Incorporating Multimedia

Define video Multiple video formats

8.3 Reacting to Browser Location and Context
Requesting Geolocation Informationna

Processing Geolocation Information function myPositionCallbackFunction(position) {

var latitude = position.coords.latitude;
var longitude = position.coords.longitude;
var accuracy = position.coords.accuracy;
var heading = position.coords.heading;
var speed = position.coords.speed;
var altitude = position.coords.altitude;
var altitudeAccuracy = position.coords.altitudeAccuracy;
// Add code here, to process the information.
Handling Geolocation Errors Detecting the Context for a Page

HINT: Modernizr

8.4 Debugging and Profiling a Web Application

9 Adding Offline Support to Web Applications

9.1 Reading and Writing Data Locally
 only available to web pages running as part
 serialize objects as text by using the
of the website that stored the data
JSON.stringify() function before storing them
 serialize objects as text by using the
JSON.stringify() function before storing them
if( window.sessionStorage ){
if( window.localStorage ){
Handling Storage Events IE:

function myStorageCommitCallback( e ) {
alert("Data written to disk");
myStorageCommitCallback, true);

Internet Options > Caches and databases > Allow
website caches and databases

Storing Structured Data by Using the Indexed Database API var db; // Reference to the database to use
var openRequest ="contosoDB");
openRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
db =;
openRequest.onerror = function(event) {
alert("Error " + + " occurred while opening
the database");

var attendee = {
id: "1",
name: "Rachel Valdez",
password: "Pa$$w0rd"
var attendeeStore = db.createObjectStore("attendees", { keyPath: "id" });
var newAttendee = {
id: "2",
name: "Eric Gruber",
password: "Pa$$w0rd"
var addRequest = attendeeStore.add(newAttendee);
addRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
// Attendee was successfully added
addRequest.onerror = function(event) {
// Handle failure
var deleteRequest = attendeeStore.delete("1"); // Remove the details for Rachel Valdez
deleteRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
// Attendee was successfully deleted
Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 9-9
deleteRequest.onerror = function(event) {
// Handle failure
var attendee;
var getRequest = attendeeStore.get("2"); // Retrieve the details for Eric Gruber
getRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
// Attendee details are available in
attendee =;
getRequest.onerror = function() {
// Handle failure

9.2 Adding Offline Support by Using the Application Cache

Internet Options > Caches and databases > Allow

website caches and databases
 checking: This event fires when the browser examines the application cache for updates.
 downloading: This event fires when the browser starts downloading resources to the application cache.
 updateready: This event fires when the new version of the cached objects for a web page have been downloaded.
 obsolete: This event fires if the manifest file is no longer available and the application cache is no longer valid for the current web
 cached: This event fires when the application cache is ready and available for use.
 error: This event fires if an error occurs while downloading resources to cache, or when checking for resources to download.
 noupdate: This event fires if no changes were found after checking the manifest for updates.
 progress: This event fires as each resource specified in the manifest is downloaded to the application cache.

10 Implementing an Adaptive User Interface

10.1 Lesson 1: Supporting Multiple Form Factors
10.2 Lesson 2 Creating an Adaptive User Interface

CSS Media Types Detecting Device Capabilities by Using Media


You can test for 13 device characteristics in a media query. The All of these characteristics except scan and grid also allow you to
following list summarizes these query for minimum and maximum values as well. For example, you
characteristics. can specify min-width, max-width, min-resolution, max-resolution,
• width, height: The width and height of the viewport (usually the and so on.
browser window).
• device-width, device-height: The width and height of the active
device screen (or paper, if printing).
• orientation: Whether the device is in portrait or landscape mode.
• resolution: The pixel density (in dpi or as a ratio) of the target device.
• aspect-ratio: The width to height ratio of the viewport.
• device-aspect-ratio: The width-to-height ratio of the device screen
(or paper).
• color: The bits per color of the target display.
• color-index: The total number of colors the target device screen can
• monochrome: The bits per pixel in a monochrome frame buffer.
• scan: The scanning method of a TV. Possible values are progressive
and interlace.
• grid: The display type of the output device: grid or bitmap.
Detecting an Older Version of Internet Explorer by Using Conditional <html>
Comments <head>
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!--[if IE 8]> <link href="ie8.css" rel="stylesheet" /><![endif]-->
<!--[if lt IE 8]> <link href="ie7.css" rel="stylesheet" /><![endif]-->
<!--[if gte IE 9]> <link href="ie9.css" rel="stylesheet" /><![endif]-->
<!--[if IEMobile7]> <link href="winPhone7.css" rel="stylesheet" /><!
<!--[if !(IE)]> <link href="otherBrowsers.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <!

Defining Style Sheets for Printing

11 Creating Advanced Graphics
11.1 Creating Interactive Graphics by Using SVG

Using Gradients and Patterns

<svg xmlns="">
<linearGradient x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%">
<stop offset="0.2" stop-color="yellow" />
<stop offset="0.5" stop-color="green" />
<stop offset="1.0" stop-color="red" />

<svg xmlns="">
<radialGradient id="gradient2" fx="0.3" fy="0.3">
<stop offset="0.1" stop-color="yellow" />
<stop offset="0.7" stop-color="red" />

<svg xmlns="">
<pattern patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="100"
<image xlink:href="wales.png" x="0" y="0" width="100"
height="100" />

Creating Reusable Gradients and Patterns

<svg xmlns="">
<!-- Define some gradients and patterns, for use later -->
<linearGradient id="gradient1" ... />
<radialGradient id="gradient2" ... />
<pattern id="wales" ... />
<!-- Draw shapes that make use of the gradients and
patterns -->
<polygon points="50,50 250,50 150,200"
fill="url(#gradient1)" />
<ellipse cx="150" cy="50" rx="100" ry="20" fill="url(#wales)"
<circle cx="150" cy="250" r="50" fill="url(#gradient2)" />

Drawing Graphical Text

SVG provides a <text> element that enables you

to draw graphical text. You specify the text
between the <text> start tag and the </text>
end tag.

SVG provides ways to customize the appearance

of text:
• Text style.
• Text decorations.
• Text paths.
• Text span.

<svg xmlns="">
<text x="20" y="50"
fill="yellow" stroke="purple" stroke-width="2"
font-size="36" font-family="verdana" font-weight="bold">
Styled text
Text Decorations Text Paths
text-decoration attribute : A <text> element can contain a <textPath> child
 Underline element that indicates a path to use as the baseline for
 Overline the text when it is displayed on the web page.
 line-through
 blink
<g> element allows grouping the multiple texts
<svg xmlns="" id="textPath">
<path id="wavyPath1"
fill="none" stroke="green" stroke-width="5"
d="M 50 250
C 150 150 250 50 350 150
C 450 250 550 350 650 250
C 750 150 850 150 850 150" />
<text font-size="46" fill="red" font-family="Verdana">
<textPath xlink:href="#wavyPath1">
Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi!
Text Spans
A <textSpan> element can contain any number of <tspan>
child elements that partition the text into a
series of discrete sections. Each section can be styled
<svg xmlns="" id="textSpans">
<path id="wavyPath2"
d="M 50 250
C 150 150 250 50 350 150
C 450 250 550 350 650 250
C 750 150 850 150 850 150" />
<text font-size="46" fill="orange" font-family="Verdana"
<textPath xlink:href="#wavyPath2">
<tspan>Cubic equation: 5x</tspan>
<tspan dy="-30" fill="green" font-size="33">3</tspan>
<tspan dy="+30"> + 4x</tspan>
<tspan dy="-30" fill="green" font-size="33">2</tspan>
<tspan dy="+30"> + 6x - 5 = 0</tspan>
Transforming SVG Elements
11.2 Drawing Graphics by Using the Canvas API

Drawing Paths

12 Animating the User Interface

12.1 Applying CSS Transitions
12.2 Transforming Elements
• translate(), translate3d(), translateX(),translateY(), and translateZ():
Translate the element in 2D or 3D space.
• scale(), scale3d(), scaleX(), scaleY(), and scaleZ(): Scale the element
in 2D or 3D space.
• rotate(), rotate3d(), rotateX(), rotateY(), and rotateZ(): Rotate the
element in 2D or 3D space.
• skew(), skewX(), and skewY(): Skew the element along the X-axis or
along the Y-axis.
• matrix(), matrix3d(): Perform a 2D or 3D transformation by using a
matrix to specify the transformation.
• perspective(): Define a perspective for an element that has been
transformed in 3D.
• none(): Cancel any transformations that apply on an element
12.3 Applying CSS Keyframe Animations

Starting a Keyframe Animation Programmatically Handling Keyframe Events

13 Implementing Real-time Communication by Using Web Sockets
13.1 Introduction to Web Sockets

How Do Web Sockets Work?

The web sockets protocol defined in RFC6455 states that there are four steps to exchanging data between
a client and a server:
1. The client requests a connection to the server over HTTP or HTTPS.
2. If the server responds positively, both the client and server switch to the web sockets protocol (known
as WS) or WSS (the secure variant of WS), and a persistent bi-directional socket connection is created
between the two.
3. The client and server send and receive messages over the open connection. The format of the data in
the messages is entirely up to the client and server; the client just needs to construct messages in a
format that the server expects, and vice versa.
4. The client or the server explicitly closes the connection, or a timeout value is reached.
All four steps are carried out transparently by the browser in response to methods implemented by the
Web Sockets API.

13.2 Using the WebSocket API

socket.close(); socket.onclose = function(event) {

socket.close(1000, "No Error. All communication finished with."); // Connection has been closed
if (event.wasClean) {
alert("Connection closed OK");
} else {
alert("Connection closed with issues. Code " + event.code);
Sending Messages to a Web Socket Message types:
function sendRequest(socket, text) {
socket.send(JSON.stringify({ request : text }));
function sendFile(socket) {
var file = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]').files[0];
An ArrayBuffer object.
function sendRawData(socket) {
var numbers = new Uint8Array([8,6,7,5,3,0,9]);
An ArrayBufferView object
function sendCanvasImage(socket, canvas) {
var image = canvas.getImageData(0,0,50,50);
var binArray = new Uint8Array(;
for (var i=0; i<; i++) {
binArray[i] =[i];
function handleTextMessage(text) {
var message = JSON.parse(text);
if (message.request) { // do something }

function handleBinaryMessage(binaryType, data) {

if (binaryType == "arrayBuffer") {
var binArray = new Uint8Array(data);
} else {
var canvas = document.getElementById("serverCanvas");
var image = canvas.getImageData(0,0,50,50);
for (var i=8; i<; i++) {[i] = binArray[i];

14 Performing Background Processing by Using Web Workers

14.1 Understanding Web Workers
14.2 Performing Asynchronous Processing by Using Web Workers
inline web workers – method 1

inline web workers – method 2

Communicating With A Dedicated Web Worker // >>>>>>>>>>>>>WORKER>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

// processScript.js
function messageHandler(event) {
self.postMessage("Received: " +;
self.addEventListener("message", messageHandler, false);

function replyHandler(event) {
alert("Reply: " +; // Display the reply in an alert
function errorHandler(event) {
var webWorker;
The event object passed to the error handler contains the webWorker = new Worker("processScript.js"); // The web worker
following properties: code is in this file
o message. A human-readable error message. webWorker.addEventListener("message", replyHandler, false);
webWorker.addEventListener("error", errorHandler, false);
o filename. The name of the script file (as a URL) in which the
webWorker.postMessage("Here is some data");
error occurred. ...
o lineno. The line number of the script file where the error
The Structure of a Web Worker Web workers have access to the Global object

Web workers have access to the navigator object (appName,

appVersion, platform, and userAgent)

Web workers also have read-only access to the location

object (hostname, pathname, and port)

Creating a Shared Web Worker //>>>>>>>>>>WORKER SIDE>>>>>>>>>>>>
function messageHandler(event) {
// Handle messages received on a port
function connectHandler(event) {
var port = event.ports[0];
port.addEventListener("message" messageHandler, false);
self.addEventListener("connect", connectHandler, false);

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