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HUMSS125 WEEK 11-20


TRENDS AND HUMSS125 - Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture

WEEK 12- 13


Shaking hands, high five, peace sign, and other hand gestures are examples of social roles.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

The social roles that come with a social status can change through time

Select one:

a. False

b. True

Information that enters an artificial neural network through the _____

Select one:

a. Neural network

b. Input layer

c. Hidden layer

d. Output layer

_____ is a branch of Machine Learning that uses algorithms based on artificial neural networks.

Select one:

a. Machine learning

b. Artificial Intelligence
c. Artificial Learning

d. Deep Learning

_____ is the network inside the brain.

Select one:

a. Artificial Neural Network

b. Biological Neural Network

c. Central Neural Network

d. Social Neural Network

People need motivation in order to continue functioning as members of a society.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

What is the function of the given part of the neuron?

Axon Terminal

Select one:

a. sends out the neuron’s output

b. branch out to different directions and connect to other neurons

c. contains most of our DNA

d. connected to the dendrites of other neurons

e. acts like a factory that produces proteins

_____ is a computing system that is modeled after the neural structure of the brain.

Select one:

a. Software neural network

b. Procedural neural network

c. Structural neural network

d. Artificial neural network

_____ is the sum of the norms, responsibilities and expectations that applies to a person.

Select one:

a. Social status

b. Social network

c. Social norm

d. Social role

Rank or position of a person in a society

Select one:

a. Centrality

b. Adaptation

c. Social Stratification

d. Social structure

e. Society

f. Social Roles

g. Integration

h. Goal

i. Social norms

j. Social Status

Week 15 - Short quiz 3

A _____ is a person who has been forced to leave his or her country because of human conflict, natural
disasters, or political persecution.

Select one:

a. Immigrant

b. Migrant

c. Dual Citizen
d. Refugee

The way a society is organized

Select one:

a. Goal

b. Social Stratification

c. Integration

d. Social structure

e. Social norms

f. Society

g. Social Roles

h. Social Status

i. Centrality

j. Adaptation

_____ is a branch of Machine Learning that uses algorithms based on artificial neural networks.

Select one:

a. Neurons

b. Output layer

c. Input layer

d. Training

e. Hidden layer

f. Data mining

g. Machine learning

h. Artificial neural networks

i. Training examples

j. Deep learning
Measure of importance of a node in a network

Select one:

a. Centrality

b. Integration

c. Social structure

d. Goal

e. Adaptation

f. Social Roles

g. Social Status

h. Social norms

i. Social Stratification

j. Society

_____ is measured by how many indirect connections passes through a node.

Select one:

a. Betweenness centrality

b. Social centrality

c. Closeness centrality

d. Degree centrality

_____ is the process of processing raw data and turning it into useful information.

Select one:

a. Output layer

b. Data mining

c. Training

d. Machine learning

e. Input layer
f. Deep learning

g. Neurons

h. Training examples

i. Artificial neural networks

j. Hidden layer

Shaking hands, high five, peace sign, and other hand gestures are examples of social roles.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The social roles that come with a social status can change through time

Select one:

a. True

b. False

_____ are thin fibers that branch out of the cell body and connects to other neurons

Select one:

a. Synapse

b. Dendrite

c. Axon

d. Soma

_____ is society’s way of ranking people based on factors such as wealth, intellect, power, etc.

Select one:

a. Social stratification

b. Social status

c. Social structure

d. Social norm
Betweenness centrality determines which node has the shortest average path to the other nodes in the

Select one:

a. False

b. True

What is the name given to a group of people that are in constant interaction with each other?

Select one:


b. Stratification

c. Society

d. Network

What is the function of the given part of the neuron?


Select one:

a. sends out the neuron’s output

b. acts like a factory that produces proteins

c. connected to the dendrites of other neurons

d. contains most of our DNA

e. branch out to different directions and connect to other neurons

International trade leads to lower prices

Select one:

a. True

b. False

Choose push if item is a push factor and pull if item is pull factor


Select one:
a. Push

b. Pull

_____ is a part that a person is expected to play in a society.

Select one:

a. Stratification

b. Social norm

c. Social role

d. Social status

The nodes in an artificial neural network are also called _____

Select one:

a. Output layer

b. Data mining

c. Training

d. Training examples

e. Deep learning

f. Neurons

g. Artificial neural networks

h. Machine learning

i. Input layer

j. Hidden layer

In most cases, it is dangerous for a _____ to go back to his or her home country.

Select one:

a. Immigrant

b. Refugee

c. Dual Citizen
d. Migrant

Choose push if item is a push factor and pull if item is pull factor

High crime rate

Select one:

a. Pull

b. Push

_____ is the sum of the norms, responsibilities and expectations that applies to a person.

Select one:

a. Social norm

b. Social network

c. Social role

d. Social status

Week 16 - 17 Democracy

Who gave the Gettysburg Address?

Select one:

a. Abraham Lincoln

b. Aung San Suu Kyi

c. Athens

d. King John of England


Select one:

a. consul

b. power

c. the people

d. Magna Carta
e. ekklesia

f. Direct democracy

g. Abraham Lincoln

h. jury

i. freedom of speech

j. freedom of association

In most cases, it is dangerous for a _____ to return home.

Select one:

a. Citizen

b. Migrant

c. Immigrant

d. Refugee

Freedom of expression

Select one:

a. jury

b. Magna Carta

c. power

d. ekklesia

e. Direct democracy

f. freedom of speech

g. consul

h. Abraham Lincoln

i. the people

j. freedom of association

Swiss Confederation is the official name of Switzerland.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The Ancient Greek word “demos” means _____.

Select one:

a. The people

b. Strength

c. Power

d. The Republic

Question text

_____ is the exchange of capital, goods, and services between entities from different countries.

Select one:

a. Social Organization

b. International Trade

c. Specialization

d. Globalization

The conditions that drive people to leave a particular area are called _____.

Select one:

a. Push factors

b. Refugees

c. Citizenships

d. Pull factors

Important document

Select one:

a. ekklesia
b. Direct democracy

c. freedom of association

d. Abraham Lincoln

e. power

f. the people

g. Magna Carta

h. freedom of speech

i. consul

j. jury

Representative democracy is a type of democracy where officials are elected by the citizens to act in
their behalf.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

Week 18-19 climate change Short quiz

Freedom of expression is the right of every citizen to express his opinions without being censored or
suppressed by others.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

_____ is a form of government where power is held by a small group of people.

Select one:

a. Oligarchy

b. Athenian Democracy

c. Monarchy

d. Democracy
What does ppm mean?

Select one:

a. Pieces per million

b. People per millennium

c. Particles per million

d. Parts per million

Question text

At least _____ of climate scientists agree that global warming is real and man-made.

Select one:

a. 86%

b. 64%

c. 50%

d. 97%

The Swiss Republic is the official name of Switzerland.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

_____ is the “government of the people, by the people, for the people”.

Select one:

a. Parliamentary System

b. Democracy

c. Monarchy

d. Oligarchy

The conditions that attract people to a particular location are called _____.

Select one:
a. Immigration

b. Migration

c. Pull factors

d. Push factors

_____ is a gas that is a byproduct of fertilizer use.

Select one:

a. Nitrous oxide

b. Oxygen

c. Carbon dioxide

d. Methane

The _____ was formed immediately after World War 2 and has 51 founding members.

Select one:

a. European Union

b. World Trade Organization

c. United Nations

d. World Bank

Ancient Athens is believed to be the first sovereign state to officially have a democratic government.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

Coal, petroleum, natural gas

Select one:

a. Climate change

b. Plate Tectonics

c. Greenhouse gases
d. Methane

e. Greenhouse effect


g. Global warming

h. Deforestation

i. Ellipse

j. Fossil fuel

Produced in the digestive system of animals

Select one:


b. Fossil fuel

c. Climate change

d. Greenhouse gases

e. Deforestation

f. Global warming

g. Ellipse

h. Greenhouse effect

i. Plate Tectonics

j. Methane

Ancient Rome is believed to be the first sovereign state to officially have a democratic government.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

Heat from the sun is retained inside the Earth’s atmosphere instead of escaping to space

Select one:
a. Deforestation

b. Global warming

c. Ellipse


e. Greenhouse effect

f. Plate Tectonics

g. Climate change

h. Methane

i. Fossil fuel

j. Greenhouse gases

Nitrous oxide and methane are examples of _____

Select one:

a. Fossil fuels

b. Greenhouse gases

c. Climate gases

d. Ozone gases

Voting is mandatory or required by law

Select one:

a. True

b. False

_____ is a gas that is a byproduct of fertilizer use.

Select one:

a. Nitrous oxide

b. Carbon

c. Carbon dioxide
d. Oxygen


Select one:

a. freedom of speech

b. freedom of association

c. Magna Carta

d. Abraham Lincoln

e. the people

f. jury

g. consul

h. Direct democracy

i. ekklesia

j. power

_____ is “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them
directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free

Select one:

a. Republic

b. Monarchy

c. Oligarchy

d. Democracy

The hottest year on record is 2005.

Select one:

a. False

b. True
4th quarter exam

The _____ in a social network are the relationships between people.

Select one:

a. Links


c. Nodes

d. Networks

Question 2

Which of the following is a UN specialized agency?

Select one:

a. EU



d. WTO

_____ states that the land masses in our planet are moving in different directions

Select one:

a. Global warming

b. Climate change

c. Plate Tectonics Theory

d. Earth’s orbit

_____ is what happens when more heat from the sun is retained inside the Earth’s athmosphere instead
of being reflected back to space.

Select one:

a. Deforestation

b. Greenhouse effect

c. Plate tectonics
d. Fossil Fuel

_____is the international exchange of products, knowledge, and culture.

Select one:

a. Globalization

b. Specialization

c. Social Organization

d. International Trade

There are 5 known major Ice ages in our planet’s history.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are examples of _____.

Select one:

a. Greenhouse gasses

b. greenhouse effect

c. deforestation

d. fossil fuel

_____ is the rank or position of a person in a society.

Select one:

a. Social norm

b. Social structure

c. Social status

d. Social stratification

The World Trade Organization was established in January 1, 1995.

Select one:
a. False

b. True

Question 10

An artificial

Select one:

a. Neural layers

b. Output layers

c. Hidden layers

d. Middle layers

_____ are economies that rely on a particular kind of industry.

Select one:

a. Developing Economies

b. Specialized Economies

c. Special Economies

d. Developing Countries

The last _____ ended about 12 thousand years ago.

Select one:

a. Worldwide Global warming

b. Overpopulation

c. Major Greenhouse effect

d. Major Ice age

_____ are conditions that attract people to a particular location.

Select one:

a. Migration

b. Refugees
c. Push factors

d. Pull factors

_____ is the network inside the brain composed of neurons.

Select one:

a. Brain Neural Network

b. Biological Neural Network

c. Artificial Neural Network

d. Social Neural Network

“_____ is the “government of the people, by the people, for the people”

Select one:

a. Oligarchy

b. Monarchy

c. Parliamentary System

d. Democracy

_____ means moving to another country with the goal of becoming permanent residents.

Select one:

a. Immigration

b. Dual Citizenship

c. Migration

d. Citizenship

Kingdom, empire, sultanate, are examples of a _____.

Select one:

a. Roman Republic

b. Democracy

c. Monarchy
d. Oligarchy

The number of indirect connections that pass through a node is the measure of its _____.

Select one:

a. Betweenness centrality

b. Degree centrality

c. Closeness centrality

d. Social centrality

The human brain has approximately _____ neurons.

Select one:

a. 1 million

b. 100 million

c. 100 billion

d. 100 thousand

_____ is the sum of the norms, responsibilities and expectations that applies to a person.

Select one:

a. Social role

b. Social status

c. Social norm

d. Stratification

_____ is determined by measuring the average length of a node’s path to other nodes.

Select one:

a. Degree centrality

b. Closeness centrality

c. Social centrality

d. Betweenness centrality
The amount of energy that is released by the sun changes from time to time.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

Question 23

_____ are conditions that drive people to leave a particular area.

Select one:

a. Push factors

b. Refugees

c. Pull factors

d. Forced migration

_____ is when a person is a citizen of more than one country

Select one:

a. Multiple citizenship

b. Nationality

c. Migration

d. Immigration

At least 97% of climate scientists disagree that global warming is real and it is most probably caused by

Select one:

a. True

b. False

Which organization has the motto "United in diversity"

Select one:


b. European Union
c. United Nations

d. World Health Organization

The number of the links that a node has is used to measure its _____.

Select one:

a. Betweenness centrality

b. Social centrality

c. Closeness centrality

d. Degree centrality

The hottest year on record is 2015.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

_____ is an informal rule or practice that is followed by the members of a society.

Select one:

a. Social stratification

b. Social structure

c. Social status

d. Social norm

What does ppm mean?

Select one:

a. Particles per million

b. People per millennium

c. Pieces per million

d. Parts per million

_____ is a form of government where power is held by a small group of people.

Select one:

a. Oligarchy

b. Athenian Democracy

c. Monarchy

d. Democracy

Question 32

Answer saved

"United in diversity" is ASEAN’s motto.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

Which event happened in the 1840’s and many people from Ireland to immigrate?

Select one:

a. Cold War

b. Irish Potato Famine

c. Irish Civil War

d. Irish Gold Rush

The _____ was founded immediately after World War 2. The Philippine Commonwealth was a founding

Select one:

a. World Bank

b. United Nations


d. European Union

_____is a body of ice that are connected to land.

Select one:
a. Land ice

b. Iceland

c. Iceberg

d. Sea ice

The World Trade Organization has 154 member countries.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

_____ is the measure of importance of a node in a network.

Select one:

a. Importance

b. Neutrality

c. Centrality

d. Intensity

_____ is a branch of Machine Learning that uses algorithms based on artificial neural networks.

Select one:

a. Artificial Learning

b. Deep Learning

c. Artificial Intelligence

d. Machine learning

The _____ provides loans to developing countries.

Select one:

a. World Bank

b. World Trade Organization

c. United Nations
d. European Union

The United Nations has 61 founding members.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The _____ was founded with the signing of the Bangkok Declaration?

Select one:

a. Association of Southeast Asian Nations

b. United Nations

c. World Bank

d. European Union

What is the official of most of the members of the European Union?

Select one:

a. Euro

b. Dollars

c. Pound

d. German Franc

A _____ is a person who has been forced to leave his or her country because of human conflict, natural
disasters, or political persecution.

Select one:

a. Dual Citizen

b. Immigrant

c. Refugee

d. Migrant

The soma is also known as _____.

Select one:
a. Synapse

b. Axon

c. Dendrite

d. Cell body

_____ is society’s way of categorizing people.

Select one:

a. Social stratification

b. Social structure

c. Social status

d. Social norm

_____ is the increase in the Earth’s overall atmospheric temperature.

Select one:

a. Global warming

b. Climate change

c. Deforestation

d. Greenhouse Effect

The _____ in a social network are people.

Select one:

a. Nodes

b. Answer

c. Links

d. Networks

_____ is the exchange of capital, goods, and services between countries.

Select one:

a. International Trade
b. Specialization

c. Social Organization

d. Globalization

The Ancient Greek word “demos” means _____.

Select one:

a. Power

b. The Republic

c. The people

d. Strength

Who gave the Gettysburg Address?

Select one:

a. King John of England

b. Abraham Lincoln

c. Constantine the Great

d. Aung San Suu Kyi

Question 1
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Question text
Each _____ in an artificial neural network performs a specific task

Select one:
a. Artificial neural networks
b. Input layer
c. Machine learning
d. Training
e. Output layer
f. Deep learning
g. Neurons
h. Training examples
i. Hidden layer
j. Data mining

Question 2
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Question text
Examples: Shaking hands, offering your seat to the elderly, chewing with your mouth closed

Select one:
a. Adaptation
b. Centrality
c. Social Roles
d. Social Stratification
e. Social norms
f. Goal
g. Social Status
h. Social structure
i. Integration
j. Society

Question 3
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Question text
Choose push if item is a push factor and pull if item is pull factor

Select one:
a. Push
b. Pull

Question 4
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Question text
In most cases, it is dangerous for a _____ to go back to his or her home country.

Select one:
a. Migrant
b. Dual Citizen
c. Immigrant
d. Refugee

Question 5
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Question text
_____ is the things that we do in order to survive.

Select one:
a. Integration
b. Latency
c. Adaptation
d. Goal attainment

Question 6
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Question text
_____ is when a person is a citizen of more than one country

Select one:
a. Multiple citizenship
b. Immigration
c. Migration
d. Nationality

Question 7
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Question text
_____ is measured based on the number of links that a node has.

Select one:
a. Social centrality
b. Degree centrality
c. Betweenness centrality
d. Closeness centrality

Question 8
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Question text
It is also possible for a society to be composed of people from different places.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 9
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Question text
There can be several _____ in a neural network which perform specific tasks

Select one:
a. Neural layers
b. Output layers
c. Hidden layers
d. Input layers

Question 10
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Question text
The European Union was founded in November 1, 2003.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 11
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Question text
Choose push if item is a push factor and pull if item is pull factor
Fertile land

Select one:
a. Pull
b. Push

Question 12
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Question text
Which event happened in the 1840’s and many people from Ireland to immigrate?

Select one:
a. Cold War
b. Irish Potato Famine
c. Irish Gold Rush
d. Irish Civil War

Question 13
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Question text
_____ is a cell that is capable of receiving, processing, and sending information in the form of very
small electrical impulses.

Select one:
a. Axon
b. Dendrite
c. Synapse
d. Neuron

Question 14
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Question text
Relocation to another country with the goal of becoming a permanent resident

Select one:
a. Push factor
b. Citizen
c. Migration
d. Immigration
e. Ireland
f. Refugee
g. Nationality
h. California
i. Saudi Arabia
j. Pull factor

Question 15
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Question text
Training is done by inputing large amounts of data called _____.

Select one:
a. Training examples
b. Deep learning
c. Data mining
d. Training
e. Neurons
f. Hidden layer
g. Artificial neural networks
h. Machine learning
i. Output layer
j. Input layer

Question 16
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Question text
What are considered as nodes in a social network?

Select one:
a. roles
b. people
c. norms
d. relationships

Question 17
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Question text
_____ is society’s way of ranking people based on factors such as wealth, intellect, power, etc.

Select one:
a. Social norm
b. Social stratification
c. Social structure
d. Social status

Question 18
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Question text
In real life, _____is measured by how many connections or social relationships you have.

Select one:
a. Closeness centrality
b. Betweenness centrality
c. Degree centrality
d. Importance centrality

Question 19
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Question text
_____ are conditions that attract people to a particular location.

Select one:
a. Migration
b. Push factors
c. Pull factors
d. Refugees

Question 20
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Question text
Shaking hands, high five, peace sign, and other hand gestures are examples of social norms.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

WEEK 12-13 LA HUMMS 125

Question 1
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Question text
_____ is composed of software algorithms and/or hardware components and imitates the way the
brain works.

Select one:
a. Software neural network
b. Artificial neural network
c. Biological neural network
d. Hardware neural network

Question 2
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Question text
The cell body is also known as _____.

Select one:
a. Synapse
b. Soma
c. Dendrite
d. Axon

Question 3
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Question text
The human brain is composed of 100 billion _____.

Select one:
a. Neurons
b. Synapses
c. DNA’s
d. Dendrites

Question 4
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Question text
Each _____ in an artificial neural network performs a specific task
Select one:
a. Input layer
b. Machine learning
c. Hidden layer
d. Training examples
e. Neurons
f. Training
g. Data mining
h. Artificial neural networks
i. Deep learning
j. Output layer

Question 5
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Question text
_____ is the network inside the brain.

Select one:
a. Artificial Neural Network
b. Biological Neural Network
c. Central Neural Network
d. Social Neural Network

Question 6
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Question text
It is also possible for a society to be composed of people from different places.
Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 7
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Question text
What is the rank or position of a person in a society.

Select one:
a. Social structure
b. Social status
c. Social stratification
d. Social norm

Question 8
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Question text
_____ is the network inside the brain composed of interconnected neurons.

Select one:
a. Brain Neural Network
b. Biological Neural Network
c. Artificial Neural Network
d. Social Neural Network

Question 9
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Question text
The things that we do in order to survive

Select one:
a. Centrality
b. Integration
c. Social structure
d. Society
e. Goal
f. Social Status
g. Social norms
h. Social Stratification
i. Social Roles
j. Adaptation

Question 10
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Question text
The Filipino tradition of pagmamano is an example of _____.

Select one:
a. Stratification
b. Social centrality
c. Social status
d. Social norm
Week 17

Question 1
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Question text
The principle emphasis of Sikolohiyang Pilipino is to destroy national identity and consciousness,
social involvement, and psychology of language and culture.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 2
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Question text
Enriquez also eliminated the bondage of Western tradition that bothered Filipino intellectuals before
him. This proves that Sikolohiyang Pilipino is something original to the Filipino, and that Filipino
culture is not destined to live under the shadows of another culture or an outside nation.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 3
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Question text
Filipinos have never been a strictly intellectual culture. Their mindset even before the dawn of the
21st century has always been a collection of both the strictly academic and the open culture that
Filipinos have always espoused.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 4
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Question text
From the beginning of the periods when the Philippines was colonized by Spain, and then the USA,
academic psychology, or the psychology taught in schools, was predominantly ____ in theory and in

Select one:
a. Eastern
b. Spanish
c. American
d. Western

Question 5
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Question text
Since the Philippines was a colony of three different countries, they have been exposed to culture
after culture, all of them distinct and special in their own way, that have led to the Filipinos having a
certain kind of:

Select one:
a. classification
b. identity crisis
c. class conflict
d. self-awareness

Question 6
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Question text
In simpler terms, Sikolohiyang Pilipino is aimed at understanding the Filipino ____ the Filipino.

Select one:
a. according to
b. in line with
c. referring to
d. disloyal to

Question 7
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Question text
The most important aspect of this definition is the Filipino orientation. For centuries, Filipino behavior
has been analyzed and interpreted in the light of ____ theories.

Select one:
a. American
b. Eastern
c. Western
d. Spanish

Question 8
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Question text
“Sikolohiyang Pilipino is anchored on Filipino thought and experience as understood from a Filipino
perspective (Enriquez, 1975).”

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 9
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Question text
Pua and Marcelino regard him as the founder of Sikolohiyang Pilipino

Select one:
a. Virgilio Ramos
b. Virgilio G. Enriquez
c. Carpio Santos
d. Virgilio S. Lorenzo

Question 10
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Question text
Sikolohiyang Pilipino is a by-product of Western psychology.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

_____ is also known as a nerve cell.


Information enters the artificial neural network through the _____

-Input layer

What is the first layer in an artificial neural network?

-Input layer

The members of a society have to be in the same location.


Choose push if item is a push factor and pull if item is pull factor


Negative condition that drives people to leave a particular area

-Push factor

Axon is also called soma


_____ is the measure of importance of a node in a network.

_____ is an informal rule or practice that governs the behaviour of the members of a society.

-Social Norm

_____ is the way a society is organized.

-Social Structure

Choose push if item is a push factor and pull if item is pull factor


The ASEAN Declaration was signed in Tokyo, Japan


The Filipino tradition of pagmamano is an example of _____.

-Social Norm

The WTO’s headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland.


_____is the process of studying social structures through network science.

- Social Network Analysis

Which country experienced a famine in 1840’s caused by potato blight?


Which of the following is NOT a founding member of ASEAN?

The WTO was established in January 1, 1996.


It is possible for a person to be a citizen of more than two countries.


Freedom of assembly

- freedom of association

The ASEAN Declaration was signed in Bangkok, Thailand

The ASEAN Declaration was signed in Bangkok, Thailand


Who said “government of the people, by the people, for the people”.

- Abraham Lincoln

The hottest year on record is 2005.


Which country experienced a civil war in 2011 where millions of people became refugees?


Representative democracy is a type of democracy where citizens can personally participate in dialogue and decision


_____ is the right of every citizen to voice out his or her opinions without being censored or suppressed by others.
- Freedom of speech

ASEAN was founded on August 8, _____.


_____ is a greenhouse gas is produced in the digestive system of animals.


Within ideal levels _____ allow most of the sun’s radiation to escape the athmosphere so the Earth’s surface doesn’t
get too hot but they also trap just enough heat to keep us from freezing.

-Greenhouse gases

_____ is the legal status of a person as a member of a country.


Land masses move at the speed of 2 to 5 kilometers per year


_____ is a type of democracy where members can personally participate in dialogue and decision making.

-Direct democracy

Which of the following is a founding member of ASEAN?


A majority of Japanese people celebrate Christmas as a religious tradition


The tilt of the Earth’s axis is permanent.


_____ is the permanent or semi-permanent movement of people across political boundaries.


The European Union has how many member countries?


The _____ was founded immediately after World War 2. The Philippine Commonwealth was a founding member.

-United nations

_____ is what happens when more heat from the sun is retained inside the Earth’s athmosphere instead of being
reflected back to space.

-Greenhouse effect

The last Ice Age ended about 12 thousand years ago.


_____ is a group of people that constantly interact with each other.


The Magna Carta is composed of how many clauses?


Which of the following is NOT a specialized agency of the United Nations?

- World Trade Organization

_____ is determined by measuring the average length of a node’s path to other nodes.
-closeness centrality

There are 5 known major Ice ages in our planet’s history.


Social status is something that you have to do.


ASEAN has 10 member states.


WHO stands for World Health Organization.


Which of the Following is a proof of global warming?

-All of the choices

The last _____ ended about 12 thousand years ago.

- Major Ice age

The _____ in a social network are people.


The Increase in _____ in the Earth’s atmosphere contributes to global warming

- Greenhouse gases

What event started in 2011 and forced about 11 million people to leave their homes?
-s yrian Civil War

_____ is something that you have.

-Social status

Closeness centrality determines which node has the shortest average path to the other nodes in the network.


Degree centrality is based on the number of links that a node has.


Place where gold was discovered in 1848 and site of the Gold Rush


Specialized economies are economies that rely on a particular kind of industry


The Euro (€)is the official currency used by all member countries of the EU


A Nerve cell is also known as a _____.


Choose push if item is a push factor and pull if item is pull factor
Free health care

The S in UNESCO stands for Scientific


_____ is “the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing scale of cross-border trade of
commodities and services, flow of international capital and wide and rapid spread of technologies.”

-Economin globalization

“_____ is when the people keep a government in check.”


The _____ is an intergovernmental organization that regulates international trade.

-World trade organization

Group that decides the outcome of a court trial


Direct democracy is a type of democracy where citizens can personally participate in dialogue and decision making.


Natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons are pull factors


The last major Ice Age ended about _____ years ago.

-12 thousand

Movement of land masses

-Plate tectonics
Cambodia is a Founding Member of ASEAN


What is CO2?

-Carbon dioxide

Who said “Democracy is when the people keep a government in check.”

-Aung San Suu Kyi

_____ is defined as a change in the typical or average weather of a region or city.

-Climate change

Global Warming is mainly due to an intensified

-Greenhouse effect

UNESCO stands for United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organization


The European Union has 22 member countries.


_____ is a computing system that is modeled after the structure of the brain.

-Artificial neural network

Which organization has the motto “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”

-Association of Southeast Asian Nations

_____ is another term for citizenship


ASEAN stands for Association of Southern Asian Nations.


The nodes in an artificial neural network are also called _____

Select one:
a. Deep learning
b. Training examples
c. Training
d. Hidden layer
e. Artificial neural networks
f. Input layer
g. Neurons
h. Data mining
i. Machine learning
j. Output layer

Question 2
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Examples: to attain a certain social status or to fulfill a social role

Select one:
a. Goal
b. Social Status
c. Social structure
d. Integration
e. Social norms
f. Centrality
g. Social Roles
h. Adaptation
i. Social Stratification
j. Society

Question 3
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_____ is the way a society is organized.

Select one:
a. Social norm
b. Social status
c. Social stratification
d. Social structure

Question 4
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Question text
Choose push if item is a push factor and pull if item is pull factor
High crime rate

Select one:
a. Push
b. Pull

Question 5
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Question text
What event started in 2011and forced about 11 million people to leave their homes?

Select one:
a. Migration of Filipinos
b. California Gold Rush
c. Syrian Civil War
d. Cold War

Question 6
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Question text
_____ is the process of processing raw data and turning it into useful information.

Select one:
a. Neurons
b. Training examples
c. Data mining
d. Deep learning
e. Hidden layer
f. Input layer
g. Machine learning
h. Artificial neural networks
i. Output layer
j. Training

Question 7
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Question text
International financial institution that provides loans to developing countries

Select one:
a. Language
b. Treaty on European Union
c. Political globalization
d. Art
g. United Nations
h. European Union
i. World Bank
j. World Trade Organization

Question 8
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Question text
The social roles that come with a social status can change through time

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 9
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Question text
Shaking hands, high five, peace sign, and other hand gestures are examples of social roles.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 10
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Question text
The UN had 21 founding members

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 11
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Question text
What are considered as nodes in a social network?

Select one:
c. people
Question 12
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Question text
_____ is composed of software algorithms and/or hardware components and imitates the way the
brain works.

Select one:
c. Artificial neural network
Question 13
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Question text
_____ is something that you have.

Select one:
a. Social norm
b. Social role
c. Social stratification
d. Social status

Question 14
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Question text
What are considered as links in a social network?

Select one:
a. relationships
Question 15
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Question text
_____ is a subfield of Computer Science that is concerned with creating computers that can “learn”.

Select one:
a. Artificial neural networks
b. Data mining
c. Input layer
d. Machine learning
e. Training examples
f. Neurons
g. Hidden layer
h. Output layer
i. Deep learning
j. Training

Question 16
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Question text
Communication via written or spoken words

Select one:
a. Political globalization
c. World Bank
d. Art
f. World Trade Organization
g. Treaty on European Union
h. European Union
i. United Nations
j. Language

Question 17
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Question text
In a society, people are categorized through _____.

Select one:
a. Social structure
b. Social norm
c. Social status
d. Social stratification

Question 18
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Question text
Expression of human creativity

Select one:
a. Art
b. Treaty on European Union
c. Language
d. United Nations
e. European Union
h. Political globalization
i. World Trade Organization
j. World Bank

Question 19
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Question text
_____ is a subfield of Computer Science that is concerned with creating computers that can “learn”
without having to be programmed by humans.

Select one:
a. Artificial Learning
b. Deep Learning
c. Artificial Intelligence
d. Machine learning

Question 20
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Question text
Founded in October 24 1945

Select one:
a. United Nations

The nodes in an artificial neural network are also called _____

Select one:
g. Neurons
Question 2
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Question text
Examples: to attain a certain social status or to fulfill a social role

Select one:
a. Goal
Question 3
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Question text
_____ is the way a society is organized.

Select one:
a. Social norm
b. Social status
c. Social stratification
d. Social structure

Question 4
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Question text
Choose push if item is a push factor and pull if item is pull factor
High crime rate

Select one:
a. Push
b. Pull

Question 5
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Question text
What event started in 2011and forced about 11 million people to leave their homes?

Select one:
c. Syrian Civil War

Question 6
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Question text
_____ is the process of processing raw data and turning it into useful information.

Select one:
c. Data mining
Question 7
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Question text
International financial institution that provides loans to developing countries

Select one:
a. Language
b. Treaty on European Union
c. Political globalization
d. Art
g. United Nations
h. European Union
i. World Bank
j. World Trade Organization

Question 8
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Question text
The social roles that come with a social status can change through time

Select one:
a. True
Question 9
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Question text
Shaking hands, high five, peace sign, and other hand gestures are examples of social roles.

Select one:
b. False

Question 10
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Question text
The UN had 21 founding members

Select one:
b. False

Question 11
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Question text
What are considered as nodes in a social network?

Select one:
b. roles
Question 12
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Question text
_____ is composed of software algorithms and/or hardware components and imitates the way the
brain works.

Select one:
c. Artificial neural network
Question 13
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Question text
_____ is something that you have.

Select one:
b. Social role
Question 14
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Question text
What are considered as links in a social network?

Select one:
a. relationships
Question 15
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Question text
_____ is a subfield of Computer Science that is concerned with creating computers that can “learn”.

Select one:
i. Deep learning
Question 16
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Question text
Communication via written or spoken words

Select one:
j. Language

Question 17
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Question text
In a society, people are categorized through _____.

Select one:
a. Social structure
b. Social norm
c. Social status
d. Social stratification

Question 18
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Question text
Expression of human creativity

Select one:
a. Art
Question 19
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Question text
_____ is a subfield of Computer Science that is concerned with creating computers that can “learn”
without having to be programmed by humans.

Select one:
a. Artificial Learning
b. Deep Learning
c. Artificial Intelligence
d. Machine learning

Question 20
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Question text
Founded in October 24 1945

Select one:
a. United Nations

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