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UN SMA 2011 Bahasa Inggris

Kode Soal 999

Doc Name: UNSMA2011ING999 Version : 2012-11 | halaman 1

Text for Questions Number 16 and 17 18. What is informed on the announcement?
Reading Section (A) A request to return library books.
The following text is for questions 16 and (B) The subjects of the library books.
17. (C) A compulsory to replace lost books.
Good acting and good story can make a (D) The library administration officers.
play interesting. It is equally important to (E) Submission of receipts.
make it as realistic as possible with suit- 19. What will happen if the book you borrowed
able costumes, props and sets. Be creative is lost?
but don’t forget to have fun. (A) You will get receipts.
Good Luck
(B) It should be covered by non-colorful
Socy plastic.
16. "It is equally important to make it as realistic (C) The librarian will be fined by a certain
as...." The underlined word refers to.... amount of money.
(A) acting (D) You should cover with wrapping plastic.
(B) a play (E) It should be replaced with a similar
(C) postum book.
(D) prop The following text for questions 20 to 22.
17. What is the text about? ORGANIC FERMENTATION BACTE-
(A) The writer’s complaint to the actors.
(B) The direction of making good acting.
EM-4 is a mixture of micro-organisms that
(C) Steps on how to make a play interesting.
gives the benefit for cattle growth and prod-
(D) Advice to make the play realistic and in-
Usage :
(E) A motivation to make the actors work
1. Decrease smell pollution
2. Balance mutual micro-organisms
Text for Questions Number 18 and 19 3. Increase quality and quantity of cattle
The following text is for questions 18 and product
19. How to use :
To All Third Grade Students 1. To get satisfying result, dissolve Ice EM-
All library books have to be returned on 4 per litre water every day
the twenty-second of May, 2009. They 2. spray 1 cc EM per litre of water every
should be covered with non-colorful week on the floor, wall, and manure.
wrapping plastic. Lost books must be re- Agent : PT. Songgolangit
placed with the ones of similar subjects. Persada, Jakarta Distributor :
Fine will be charged to the late return of Jl. Ki hajar Dewantara 46
the books. Students who have handed on Jakarta Phone : (021) 7894529
all books will get receipts that have to be 20. This text tells us about …
submitted to the administration officers. (A) organism.
Library Staff (B) fermentation.
(C) cattle product.
(D) contact address.
(E) the use of EM-4.

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UN SMA 2011 Bahasa Inggris—Kode Soal 999

Doc name: UNSMA2011ING999 Version: 2012-11 | halaman 2

21. One of the benefits of the product is.... 23. What was a reason for Kang's grandfather
(A) for growing cattle bacteria never returned lo Kang's house?
(B) for increasing smell pollution (A) A supporter of Kim II Sung.
(C) or producing cattle manure and organic (B) Accused of betraying North Korea.
fermentation bacteria (C) Regarded as a hero.
(D) for increasing micro-organisms (D) As an important person in Korea.
(E) for increasing quality and quantity of (E) Force Kang's family to leave their home-
cattle product land
22. What will you do to get satisfying result? Soal nomor 24-36 dianulir.
(A) Dissolve Ice EM-4 per litre of water The text is for numbers 37 to 41.
every two days.
Male chauvinism (men’s believe in male su-
(B) Dissolve 4cc EM-1 per litre ot water
every week. periority) extends even into the area of auto-
(C) Dissolve Ice EM-4 per litre of water mobile driving, it seems. Believing that they
every week. are far better drivers than women. Men con-
(D) Dissolve 4cc EM-1 per litre of water per sider women drivers incompetent, inatten-
day. tive, and even dangerous behind the wheel.
(E) Dissolve Ice EM-4 per litre of water eve- However, statistics prove that women are, in
fact safer drivers than men. For example,
The following text is for questions 23 to 26. insurance rates for women are 20 percent
Kang Choi Hwan was born into a loyal fam-
ily that had once lived in the large Korean than they are for men. Another proof is that
community of Japan. In 'Kyoto, his grandfa- more accidents are caused by male drivers
ther had been supporter of Kim II Sung, between the ages of 18 and 23 than by any
North Korean's Great Leader since 1945. In other groups. Also the greater percentage of
1961 the grandfather returned with his family accident involving deaths is caused by men.
to North Korea and had important govern- Although women are criticized for being too
ment post. Within months, however he was
cautious, they are really just being safe driv-
complaining to friends that North Korea was
not the country he had expected. He was ers.
shocked to see so much poverty, which he 37. The text is about …
eventually came to blame on the govern- (A) road accidents
ment's stifling grip on the economy. One (B) women attitude loward automobile
morning in July 1977, when Kang was nine, (C) male superiority in automobile driving
his grandfather left for work and never re- (D) a comparison between men and women
turned. A few weeks later, seven plain clothes drivers
security guard stormed into Kang's house (E) statistics about the number of road acci-
"Your grandfather betrayed the fatherland,” dents
one of them stated” You must be punished." 38. In term of car accidents, the statistic proves
Kang's parents and grandmother sobbed as that car accidents caused by...
they forced to pack their belongings into two (A) men are higher than those of women.
army trucks. The family was driven off, but (B) men are lower than of women.
Kang’s mother was left behind, "spared' be- (C) men are as high as that of women.
cause her own father was regarded as a revo- (D) women are equal to that of men.
lutionary hero. That was the last Kang ever (E) women are the same as that of men.
saw her.
Inside North Korean's Gulag, by David

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UN SMA 2011 Bahasa Inggris—Kode Soal 999

Doc name: UNSMA2011ING999 Version: 2012-11 | halaman 3

It's a great story, and should be one that eve-

39. Which of the following you don't agree with ryone has the chance to read. Now, thanks to
about men drivers? this release, even those who don't particu-
(A) They are safe and careful drivers. larly like to read too much are given the
(B) They cause more accidents than women. chance to find this tale and hopefully it may
(C) They consider themselves to be compe- encourage them to search out the original
tent drivers. book too.
(D) They feel that using a car shows status As with previous Classical Comics, the pres-
of symbol. entation is first class. The best grade glossy
(E) They regard automobiles as an extension paper really helps to set this graphic novel
of their egos. head and shoulders above the usual comic
book releases on the market. Not only that,
40. We can understand from the text that.... you also get a pretty comprehensive biogra-
phy of Shelley’s; Mary Shelley's Family Tree;
(A) men always criticize women for their
a feature that explains what life was like in
bad driving attitude.
the year of the book's release; and a brief
(B) women show their egos by aggressive
look on how Frankenstein has been adapted
to many different format over the years.
(C) the statistic shows women drive the car
carelessly. 42. The text is about...
(D) young women drivers get many accident (A) the quick text and original text of Frank-
(E) men underestimate women. enstein story.
41. "Men consider women drivers incompetent, (B) the simplified text of the updated horror
inattentive, and even dangerous behind the Story.
wheel. (Paragraph 1) (C) the horror story written by Frankenstein
The underlined word means.... (D) the original text of the author's novel.
(E) the update of classical horror story.
(A) intent.
(B) furious. 43. The simple way to understand the story is to
(C) watchful. read....
(D) careless. (A) the original text
(E) indiscipline. (B) classic comics
The text is for questions 42 to 46. (C) the quick text
It was the dawn of science and technology. (D) the original book
Anything seemed possible — even the crea- (E) the author's biography
tion of life itself. Victor Frankenstein be- 44. The main idea of the third paragraph is....
comes obsessed with this idea and works (A) Victor Frankenstein wrote his story with
relentlessly to prove his theories; but the gothic horror style.
glory he imagined becomes a living night- (B) there are two versions of the graphic
mare -not only for him, but for his friends novel to enjoy.
and family too. (C) the different versions of Frankenstein
Mary Shelley's gothic horror story- story is always an inspiration tor drama
Frankenstein was first published in 1818 and and film productions.
has been the inspiration behind numerous (D) the simplified novel has more interesting
stage productions and films - many of which pictures for readers to understand.
strayed a long way away from her original (E) Mary Shelley had two different versions
masterpiece. Classical Comics presenting a of Frankenstein story adapted for film.
full-colour graphic novel remains true to this
classic tale, bringing the original story to life
which has never been created before.
This graphic novel is available in two ver-
sions: Original Text and Quick Text editions,
The Original Text stays faithful to Shelley's
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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UN SMA 2011 Bahasa Inggris—Kode Soal 999

Doc name: UNSMA2011ING999 Version: 2012-11 | halaman 4

45. The original text of Frankenstein graphic 47. What is the text about ?
story makes the readers .... (A) The website of newspaper El Pais and
(A) understand the style of writing in its era. El Mundo.
(B) curious about the historical background (B) Spanish media reporter, Jose
of story. MarianoTrillo Figueroa.
(C) recognize the different life of Franken- (C) The arresting of Spain's most wanted
stein story. thief in Portugal.
(D) have the inspiration to put the story to (D) A submachine gun in preparation for an
film and drama products. -other bank robbery.
(E) remind the life of Mary Shelley, the au- (E) A Spanish 1970s television bandit in the
thor of Frankenstein. style of Robin Hood.
46. “… many of which strayed a long way away 48. Before arrested, Jaime limenez Arbe... in
from ...” (paragraph 2) Spain
The underline word can be replaced with ... (A) had just robbed policemen.
(A) wandered. (B) had robbed 30 banks.
(B) changed. (C) would have killed three officers of the
(C) directed. law.
(D) pointed. (D) had robbed insurance companies.
(E) avoided. (E) had been working for companies.
The following text is for questions 47 to 50 49. The reason why "The Loner"robbed banks
Spanish thief shaw himself as Rohin Hood- is because....
like bandit (A) his lawyer helped him.
Madrid (Reuters) - Spain's most wanted thief, (B) he was the most wanted thief in Spain.
"The Loner," saw himself as a Robin Hood- (C) he was accused of killing three
style figure and said he robbed banks only policimen.
because they stole money from the public, (D) he believed that the banks stole money
his lawyer said Thursday. from the public.
Accused of killing three policemen and (E) he saw himself as a Robin Hood-style
holding up more than 30 banks, Jaime figure.
Jimenez Arbe was planning to move on to 50. "Trillo-Figueroa Mid Jimenez, who robbed
insurance companies when he was arrested the banks disguised in a false beard and a
last month, Spanish media reported, citing wig..." (Paragraph3)
lawyer Jose Mariano Trillo- Figueroa. The underlined word 'disguised' means...
" I am not a killer and if I was obliged to
(A) changed appearance.
shoot at officers of the law, it was always (B) reduced confidence.
against my will and in order to avoid being (C) damaged reputation.
arrested,” Jimenez said in a letter reproduced (D) exposed to view.
on the websites of newspapers El Pais and (E) made known.
El Mundo. Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez, who
robbed the banks disguised in a false beard
and a wig, thinks of himself as Curron
Jimenez, a Spanish 1970s television bandit in
the style of Robin Hood.
The loner was arrested in Portugal, armed
with a submachine gun in preparation for
another bank robbery - Reuters

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