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Define carbon cycle

Circulation of carbon

20. Occurrence of Carbon monoxide

Decay of swamp gas and other organic absence of oxygen

Traces in the atmosphere near volcanic regions.
Containing carbon-such as coal,
Wood, gasoline burned in insufficient oxygen.
Automobile engines also release
Cigarette smoke
21. Uses of Carbon monoxide

industrial fuel in the form of

Producer gas (CO +N,] and water gas (CO + H, 1.
Reducing agent
Extraction of metals like nickel.
Manufacture of methanol, synthetic petrol
22. What is Greenhouse Effect

Heating of the Earth and atmosphere due

To infrared radiation trapped by the carbon
Dioxide layer.
23. What is global warming

Greater the amount of carbon dioxide gas in

atmosphere or thicker carbon dioxide
Layer, greater will be the insulation effect and
Greater will become the temperature of the
24. Name of some Greenhouse gases
Carbon dioxide, Ozone, Watervapour

25. Properties of Carbon dioxide

Nature: colorless gas with
A very faint smell.
Density: 1.5
Solubility: fairly soluble in water.
Combustibility: Carbon dioxide does not
Itself burn and neither does it support the
Burning of other substances.
Action on Litmus: Turns moist blue litmus red.

26. Uses of Carbon dioxide

Photosynthesis-Green plants
in the presence of sunlight
use the carbon dioxide of the air to prepare food
in the form of carbohydrates.
Fire extinguisher.
Aerated drinks

27. What is Dry Ice

solid carbon dioxide ( Temperature below - 40°C)

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