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Dodong: I want to marry Teang

Dodong: I want to marry Teang!

(His father stared at him doing nothing and saying nothing)
Dodong: I asked him last night to marry me and he said yes! Now I want your permission. I… want…
Father: Do you really have to do this Dodong. You are very young.
Dodong: I’m seventeen
Father: That’s very young to be married at.
Dodong: I… want to marry her. Teang’s…. a good girl
Father: Tell your mother!
Dodong: No father you tell her
Father: Dodong tell your mother
Dodong: You tell her
Father: All right, Dodong
Dodong: You will let me marry Teang?
Father: Son if that is your wish… of course…
Dodong: Yes! Yes! Yes! Thanks father

Second scene
(Dodong and Teang get married and they are now starting a family)
Dodong: Mother, I can’t stand it here. I will leave this house
Mother: No! Don’t leave your wife is giving birth to a child
(Dodong left the house)
Mother: Come back now Dodong it’s already over.
Dodong: What! It ended already. I’m surprised
Teang: Yes Dodong, I have done it.
Dodong: What is it a boy or a girl. Tell me what is it.
Teang: It’s a boy!
Dodong; I’ll name him Blas
(But Dodong Keeps on thinking it and suddenly he felt embarrassed from his parents)
(Years came and Blas was not their only child they also had Six more children)
(Teang is tired of all the work. Laundering, Cooking, The house, The children)
(Teang imagined if he didn’t marry Dodong and if he married a different man)
(Teang looking at a mirror)
Teang: Poor me, I’m so thin and ugly. I wonder what would happen if I did not marry someone.
(Night broke and they are both sleeping in bed)
(Teang rose and stared at the moonlight and at this time Blas is already 17 years old)
Teang: Why does my dreams did not come true. Why I am stuck with this lame life.
Dodong: Love you should go to sleep. It is late.
Teang: Okay
Blas: Itay…
Dodong: What son…
Blas: I am going to marry Tona. She accepted me tonight.
Blas: Itay, you think it over. I love Tona and I want her.
Dodong: You want to marry Tona but your too young to marry a girl. I don’t want you to follow my
footsteps and my mistakes
Blas: But I really love her
Dodong: Do you really want to marry her?
Blas: Yes! Of course Itay!
(Dodong silenced and remembers his past)
Blas: Do you have objections Itay.
Dodong: Son…N…one…
(But in his mind he doesn’t want Blas to marry so early and Dodong cried)
Blas: Why are you crying Itay..
Dodong: Its nothing I just remembered something.


First Scene
(Dodong is feeding the carabao and he thought that he should tell his father about his feelings for
Dodong: There’s no holding back now, I will tell him. I will tell him.
(While going home Dodong is still hesitating because he thinks of his age. He is only 17 to marry
(Dodong while talking to himself)
Dodong: I am old enough to have a wife. I have pimples, my upper lipsare already dark and this means
I’m not a boy anymore.
(He was so excited that’s why he rushed to go)
(When Dodong arrived at home it’s already supper so the eat together)
(After they eat his mother and little sister left to wash the dishes and only his father remained)
Dodong: Father what are you doing?
Father: Oh! Nothing my tooth pains a lot you know.
Dodong: Father, I told you that you should let the dentist pull it out.
Father: I can’t
Dodong: Why?
Father: Because I’m afraid of the dentist.
Dodong: Oh! I should’ve known
Dodong: Father
Father: Yes
Dodong: I have to tell you something
Father: What!
Dodong: I want to marry Teang. I know I must not say this but I already thought it a million times
and I already made my decision.
( It’s already night and when his father heard it an intense silence rose and his father stopped doing
(Dodong repeated what he said)

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