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Nama : Melvin Natalius Caronal Surbakti

NIM : 16919104

All About My Dream

My name is Melvin Natalius Caronal Surbakti, my daily life is usually called

by the name Melvin. Surbakti is my clan that signifies me as a descendant of the
original Batak Karo tribe. I was born on December 22, 2001 in Medan. I graduated
from high school in my hometown that SMA N 2 Balige. Right now I am sitting in
one of the best college in Indonesia, namely the Bandung Institute of Technology. I
majored in Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering .
Become an engineer was my current goal after completing the college. I
always imagined having a great job and be an useful people to the other people
especially to my hometown in North Sumatera. I have a dream to develope my
hometown that can became a fascination to tourist from all over the world. Why I
think so, its because I think that my hometown have a big potency to became a big
tourist destination.
I love music very much. Someday, when I have my own salary, I want to
build my own music studio that filled with my favourite musical instrument. I have
a dream to have my own music band or group band and we can share our
knowledge about music and make some music arrangement. The other side, I love
sport too, especially soccer. I am very interested to play soccer with my own team
in a great stadium with a lot of specatator watching me and my team play. I have a
dream to go a country with an extraordinary football euphoria, such as England
and Spain. I want to go there to watch my favourite football player play in a big
I have a lot of dream that i want to achieve. I hope someday, my dream can
be realized. But, before that all, I want to study well to help me achieve my dream.
I always remembering a quotes from Colin Powell, he said that,”A dream doesn’t
become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”

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