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DOI 10.17605/OSF.

IO/P4JKF (ISSN: 2204-9827)

Durreesamin Journal
December Vol 4 Issue 3, Year 2018
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Environmental Change Means to the State, as an

By Ronald Valledor Gomeseria, Ph.D. – January 2019 (Republished)

Figure 01, Qatar West View (credit: Flickr)

This article paper has been provided and published through Durreesamin Journal as a series of
Environmental Advocacy & Conservation Personal Journal & Reflections compositions for the subject
course at the University of the Philippines. The topic is about climate change that is always a burning issue
in today’s generation whereas the world was alarmed on how to mitigate this kind of phenomenon at all
costs. But according to the given studies from most scientists and scholars around the world, there are
only two levels that need to address the issue, and that is at the government level whereas, from the
state, they can do something through policymaking and subsidy that will help the community as a nation.

Qatar is among the countries located in the Middle East Region, which accordingly has extreme
temperature places on Earth compared to the Philippines. Also, the state is highly vulnerable to the impact
of environmental change — however, the IPCC Report models with a projected average temperature
that will increase by 1-2˚C by 2030-2050. Furthermore, people for 21 countries who participated in the
summit have realized with an immediate need for reshaping energy, agriculture, water, and
environmental policy for this purpose on how to adapt the climate conditions (Figure 01).

Temperature Incremental in the Region

Based on the facts provided by the Climate Engine, the temperatures throughout the Middle East region
from 1979 to the present was ranged from 25˚C in the winter to 35˚C in the summer from 1900-96
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Ronald Valledor Gomeseria UP STD NO 2011-82336, AIU Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering
Graduate Diploma/Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management (University of the Philippines), and Ph.D. in Environ mental Engineering (AIU USA)
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/P4JKF (ISSN: 2204-9827)
Durreesamin Journal
December Vol 4 Issue 3, Year 2018
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increased by 0.7˚C for the whole area. Until then, the temperature is getting hotter and hotter even in the
most conservative part is due to climate change for a more extended period whereas some parts of the
region unlivable and the agricultural growth rate has been reduced instantly. The heat island effect
increases tremendously in the urban areas every year with the temperature incremental in giving intense
pressure on crops, increasing migration and the risk of conflict with the water-scarce. Thus, the
occurrence of extreme weather events resulting in droughts in most of the parts of the region, however,
the immediate and potential sectoral impacts of climate change on the environment, energy, agriculture,
water, and social well-being.

Environmental Innovation and Communication

With the semi-arid lands environment in the region, the impacts of vegetation projects may be more
significant in composition and distribution with more integrated agro-ecosystems that could improve land
conditions and counteract pressures arising from climate change due to the technology invention.
Observation: We all know the societies from around the globe not only in Qatar, whereas the author has
stayed for many years, but historically, also manifests of the environmental erosion that has been
challenged by many environmental issues within the jurisdiction. And from the jurisdiction to the courtyard
is because of the environmental possibilism theoretical approach and development. In the
advancement of technology, ecological problems occurred are due to the people's activities in today’s
generation and the pollution within the urbanized and industrialized society, and the challenge of
biodiversity loss because of the greediness of humankind for their self-interests. These are one of
the causes of climate change with ocean acidification, ozone layer depletion and other implications to us.
Innovation: But with the impact of the environmental innovation through communication, it does
help in formulating engineering theories that have been applied on several occasions with the trial and
researches evolves when the chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) refrigerants from the HVAC and Refrigeration
industries are the leading cause of depleting the ozone layer. The engineers from all industrialized
concerned have come up with a solution for a new and friendly refrigerant with less damaging
replacements, which have been used in the competitive landscape as a contribution to solving the
environmental problem somehow.
Communication: The effect of environmental innovation was when carbon dioxide emissions have
contributed to climate change, the scientists and engineers had formulated for the new or the alternative
technologies that improve efficiency. Which in return, they do not rely on fossil fuel that will be needed
in some development but the creation of Renewable Energy in the market. Through this innovation will
sustain a sustainable environment within the electrical grid for the consumer’s energy requirements.

Energy Conservation
Qatar and other countries in the Middle East have the highest potentials of renewable energy using
wind and solar transformation enabling them to decrease the vulnerability using their existing oil and gas
exploration as a means of energy systems. However, with the use of wind and solar energy might increase
electricity production in helping the economic status. Consequently, it is expected to have an incremental
increase in the coming years because of demographic and economic development with the increasing need
for space cooling in the additional temperatures in the environment.

Impact on the Agriculture

In the semi-arid lands environment in the region, like Qatar, land degradation problems occurrence
and limited potable water supplies constrain in the present agricultural productivity which threatens the
countries food security. However, because of technological innovation, treated sewage effluent (TSE) does
help in agriculture and industrial productions. But due to unusual heat extremes happening on Earth affect
the local food production, and as a consequence, deteriorate the common livelihoods on both rural and
urban areas because of environmental change impacting .on food and fiber production, however, some
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Ronald Valledor Gomeseria UP STD NO 2011-82336, AIU Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering
Graduate Diploma/Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management (University of the Philippines), and Ph.D. in Environ mental Engineering (AIU USA)
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/P4JKF (ISSN: 2204-9827)
Durreesamin Journal
December Vol 4 Issue 3, Year 2018
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crops increases. Moreover, the implementation of tactical flexible risk-management strategies does help
with the use of a wider variety of domestic animals, game ranching, and multiple production systems that
provide greater food security in the region.
Impacts: It is the effects of changes in the climate on the natural environment and human society, such
as changes in temperatures and rainfall patterns, and increases in sea levels. However, impacts can be
“potential” and “residual”; where the Potential Impact will occur only at the given projected change in a
climate without considering adaptation while the Residual Impact will only occur after the adaptation or
even if the adaptation is undertaken.
Vulnerability, It is the susceptibility of human society and the natural systems to the impacts of climate
change. Two aspects of vulnerability: the state of the regional community and individual sectors and the
resilience to respond to that state. In other words, the extent of damage that occurs is affected by the
natural and societal factors, and by their resilience including climate variability and extremes that had been
identified. Thus, to the same extent of climate change, a region that has low vulnerability will be able to
get by with less damage.
Resilience: It is the capacity of society and natural systems to prevent or minimize the impacts of climate
change. The resilience of society consists of “soft” factors such as legislation and regulations, evacuation
plans, damage compensation and restoration frameworks, and public awareness. The resilience of natural
systems is the ability to absorb the impacts and recover their original condition; where the role of humans
is being measured to support the ability of nature to heal.
Risk: It is the extent of damage that could happen to society and the natural systems as a result of
climate change. The amount of risk is being assessed as a combination of the damage and its likelihood of
occurring. The amount of damage is evaluated by considering climate change impacts, resilience, and
Adaptation: It is the introduction of programs, policies, measures, or actions of governments,
corporations, individuals, or other entities, to prevent or minimize, or to beneficially utilize the impacts of
climate change. The adaptation strategies and measures result in societies that are more resilient and less
vulnerable. Also, it is opposed to climate change mitigation, which addresses the need to prepare and
fortify itself against the impact of environmental change. However, in contrast to climate change
mitigation, which usually focuses on actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation explores
ways to physically adapt to climate change, such as fortifying against the rising of sea levels or putting in
place systems that manage increasingly large amounts of rainfall. Moreover, an adaptation also addresses
the issue of resilience that includes designing solutions to improve emergency services in cases when
climate-related disasters hit. Perhaps, unsurprisingly tension exists between policies, which are adaptation
and mitigation.
Resolution: The compromised work that has to reduce carbon emissions in places where focus on
working toward the future in which the global temperature remains at a reasonable level ensuring future
generations can still thrive on Mother Earth. In contrast, with the adaptation work has always had a much
more local focus; however, instead of working in mitigating climate change, adaptation addresses the
effects of climate change by working in keeping the local community safe, attractive, and competitive for
the residents and the businesses which will give potential changes to the climate. Some adaptation is
necessary through scientific evidence that has been demonstrated of the impact of climate change which
has already in the community and will be more severe in the coming years because of the evolution
happening from now.

Challenge on Water Preservation

We all know that in the Middle East region, water stresses becomes a vital problem. However, desalination
like in Qatar progresses water security in supplementing their needs by providing bulk storages and
distributed throughout the country, likewise in some parts of the region for the same.

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Ronald Valledor Gomeseria UP STD NO 2011-82336, AIU Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering
Graduate Diploma/Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management (University of the Philippines), and Ph.D. in Environ mental Engineering (AIU USA)
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/P4JKF (ISSN: 2204-9827)
Durreesamin Journal
December Vol 4 Issue 3, Year 2018
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Risks: With the combination of population growth and urbanization in the region somewhat in Qatar, this
will put increased pressure on scarce natural water resources. Further, the rainfall was projected to decline
by 20 to 40% in a 2°C hotter, and up to 60% in a 4°C world.
Water shortages are many countries' crisis problems predominantly in the arid region, but unlikely might
reduce and climate change exacerbation. In an area like Qatar has the lowest freshwater endowment in
the world, where millions of people will experience water stress in the coming years. Because of the rapid
development in the region which has to threaten those continuously of some water supplies with
salinization, pollution and population growth are increasing water demand.
Adaptation: The strategies have been laid whereas the government has developed with more efficient
processes in securing water supply through water treatment, and delivery systems throughout urban
areas. Hence, the practice of water conservation and reusing water becomes mandatory to overcome
shortages somehow. Thus, without technological evolution and risk management might replenish it. The
region’s capacity has to provide water to its people and economies which will be harshly challenging, but
with the strategies have changed in the agricultural cropping practices and because of sewage treatment
process has improved the irrigation practices which reduce water usage.

Figure 02, Environmental Change in Qatar Development Process (credit: Qatar Living)

Environmental Social Well-being

Despite the environmental change, human health varies depending on the nationality where everybody
treasures on it. Like other nationalities working in this region are highly tempered and calm with the
unpredictable climate happening year-round. However, the impacts of climate change can’t be measured
and are likely detrimental to the population health because of heat stress, vector-borne incremental and
waterborne diseases. Similarly with the water shortage might lead to human health indirectly associated
with nutritional and hygiene issues.
In 15-years onward in Qatar, witnessing and experiencing extreme hot-humidity weather, frequent
sandstorm, unpredictable rains and floods, and earthquake sometimes are conventional and not new to
me. This is life since the author came and up to the present which is a fantastic experience (Figure 02).
Whereas some areas have drought-parched grounds that are unable to absorb heavy rains resulting in
flashing floods everywhere. Electricity disruptions are a potential side effect that can force and suspend

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Ronald Valledor Gomeseria UP STD NO 2011-82336, AIU Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering
Graduate Diploma/Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management (University of the Philippines), and Ph.D. in Environ mental Engineering (AIU USA)
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/P4JKF (ISSN: 2204-9827)
Durreesamin Journal
December Vol 4 Issue 3, Year 2018
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _

scheduled activities. With the extreme cases happening where severe weather can damage infrastructures
and the building-built environment for some reasons outcomes.
However, research suggests that in all instances of such effects are likely either to mitigate or make some
adaptation wherever environmental change is happening.

Everybody knows that environmental change is one of the severe threat happening around the globe that
means to Qatar and other leaders from other countries which have a similar view and they do not hesitate
in taking action. As an expatriate and environmental advocate, with all the learning process learned at the
University of the Philippines, through mitigation and adaptation strategies are the only way
incorporating in the state policymaking will give an emphasis that will benefit the people and the mother
earth. However, these are being addressed and implemented by the GCC countries which likely to provide
some significant a “win-win” opportunities for the conservation of every state resource, as well as an offset
of the impacts of environmental change.
Additionally, with this kind of phenomenon, an efficient and effective environmental management plan and
framework are essential in making sure with a productive and measurable interaction amongst various
stakeholders involve across vital governmental sectors that include the national, regional and international
linkages. Also, with the proactive involvement of the public and the private sectors, researchers and
academia in mitigating environmental change issues mean to every state, like Qatar, and as an
environmental advocate is looking for a solution.

Write-Up References can be Read from this Links;

Gomeseria RV; (December 2018); "Environmental Advocacy & Conservation;’’ Durreesamin Journal
(ISSN: 2204-9827) December Vol 4 Issue 3, the Year 2018
ENRM 252, Environmental Advocacy; Master of Environment and Natural Resources
Management; University of the Philippines (UPOU), 2018
Gomeseria, RV; (2019, January); "The Implication of Law of Ecology Means to the Environment;”
Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (2019, January); "View on the Implementation of Biodiversity Conservation;”
Retrieved from;
Community-Based Adaptation, a Slides Presentation; Maria Victoria O. Espaldon, UPLB
Climate Change and Food Security; FAO
Climate-Change-Implications-for-Agriculture; University of Cambridge
Climate Change Adaptation, Basic Concepts, and Approaches; Lecture by Dr. Rodel Lasco
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 2007. Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. Accessed

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Ronald Valledor Gomeseria UP STD NO 2011-82336, AIU Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering
Graduate Diploma/Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management (University of the Philippines), and Ph.D. in Environ mental Engineering (AIU USA)
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/P4JKF (ISSN: 2204-9827)
Durreesamin Journal
December Vol 4 Issue 3, Year 2018
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About the Author

With 27,770+ LinkedIn Followers Connections (28 February 2020)

Er. Ronald Valledor Gomeseria, Ph.D. ME/PME, PE, PEng, CEng, CBuildE, CEnv, APEC (IntPE), ACPE, ASEANEng
Professional Engineer (Philippines, Qatar, India, UK); Chartered Engineer (India, UK); Chartered Environmentalist (India);
Chartered Engineering Manager (USA); Chartered Health Care Manager (USA); Specialized Engineering Manager (UK);
Specialized Project Manager (UK); Master Project Manager (USA); Chartered Building Engineer (UK); ASEAN Engineer; ASEAN
Chartered Professional Engineer; APEC Engineer (IntPE); Mechanical Engineer (Phils); Plumbing Engineer / Master Plumber
(Phils); Master Electrician (Phils); Certified International Project Manager (USA)

Book & Article Author/Writer – CEAI ViewPoint Journal | Durresamin Journal | Top 1% Author of Academia and

eCommerce Graduate Course (99.34 GWA-High Distinction Award); New Enterprise Planning Grad Course (94.6 GWA Distinction Award)
RCRANRM / CCA&DRM / PED Graduate Courses – UPOU CEP Courses Topnotch | SAfE Course (2020 – Ongoing)
Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Natural Resources Management major in Upland Resources Management (DENRM-URM, 1.78 GWA)
Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Natural Resources Management major in Coastal Resources Management (DENRM-CRM) - Ongoing
University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

Master of Science in Construction Management (36 Credit Units / 2016-2018, 1.14 GWA / 4.0 US GPA, Topnotch)
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines

Master of Mechanical Engineering (48 Credit Units / 2010-2013, 3.78 US GPA, Magna Cum Laude)
Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering (65 Credit Units / 2016-2019, 4.0 US GPA, Summa Cum Laude)
Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering (Ongoing)
Atlantic International University, USA

Master of Arts in Teaching major in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology | EARIST Manila, Philippines (1.12 GPA, 2002-2004)

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering | Bicol University, Legazpi City, Philippines

You can access the Top 10 Most Read Views and Popular Articles
1) The eCommerce Business Plan (Published at ResearchGate)
2) Environmental Determinism (Published at Academia)
3) Reflection on the Battle of Manila Bay (Published at LinkedIn)
4) Fire Detection and Alarm System (Published at LinkedIn and Academia)
5) Building Services Engineering Management (Published at Academia and ResearchGate)
6) Environment Possibilism - Durreesamin Journal (Published at Academia and LinkedIn)
7) High Rise Building Fire Environment (Published at Academia)
8) The Importance of Environmental Communication (Published at LinkedIn)
9) The Effect of Nacirema Body Ritual and Practices (Published at ResearchGate)
10) The Approach of the Four Laws of Ecology (Published at LinkedIn)

Keywords: Ecosystem, Climate Change, Policies, Strategies, Adaptation, Sustainability, Conservation

To cite this paper: Gomeseria, R. V. (2020, March 6). Environmental Change Means to the
State, as an Advocate.

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Ronald Valledor Gomeseria UP STD NO 2011-82336, AIU Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering
Graduate Diploma/Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management (University of the Philippines), and Ph.D. in Environ mental Engineering (AIU USA)

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