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Common Disorders

1. Diarrhea

Bacteria and Viruses are the most common cause of diarrhea in infants. In some instances,
overfeeding and underfeeding may also be the cause of diarrhea. Cow’s milk may also cause
allergy to some infants that could lead to diarrhea. In mild diarrhea, rice water suffices may be
adequate but in case of dehydration, parenteral/oral fluids must be administered such as “SI
Oralyte” an oral rehydrating therapy that is locally developed. Oresol may also be given.

Food can be given for as early as 8 hours after the beginning of rehydration in acute
diarrhea. During the early phases of therapy, breastfeeding must be maintained, with only few
hours interruption. Foods rich in protein are generally added like banana and guava as the stool
volume decreases.

2. Vomiting

During the first few days, vomiting is commonly seen in infants. Same measures would be
given as with diarrhea as there is a need for special attention in terms of fluid replacement.
Other modifications may also be administered such as reducing the number of feedings,
acidifying milk and making the infant burp every after feeding.

3. Allergy

In infants before 9 months of age, eczema is the most common allergy that is encountered.
If the offending ingredient is the protein of milk, it is referred to as milk allergy. In lactose
intolerance, the enzyme that hydrolyzes the carbohydrate lactose in milk into glucose and
galactose is present, increasing the gut fluid volume. Lactose is fermented by the bacteria
present in the colon and a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms occur with varying severity.

4. Constipation

In infants, infrequent bowel movements are not really the problem. The pain on the passage
of stools, inability to complete a movement through the urge is strong, blood in stools, and
constipation are the main problems. These following measures may be given to overcome

 Milk intake should be moderately restricted

 Fruit, vegetable and fluid intake should be increased
 Laxative brown sugar must be replaced with the sugar in the formula
 Check the reconstitution of milk formula

5. Colic
Colic is be defined as an acute paroxysm of pain that is characterized by fussing, crying,
and irritability that lasts for 3 months. Psychologic factors, maternal and family tensions,
gastrointestinal hypermotility, and function immaturity of the central nervous system and the
GI tract may be the causes of colic.

In most cases, changing the formula may bring some improvements but is not really that
effective. Administering physical measures which includes providing a cozy and warm
environment, placing the baby in a prone position on a hot water bottle. A drink of warm water
may also be given to subdue paroxysm of crying.

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