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Report on a marketing article – “TAKE A CALL”
Magazine- INDIAN MANAGEMENT (March 2019)
Author- Vasuta Agarwal


The article talks about how marketers do advertisements there days. Before deciding the
marketing and advertising tactics, marketers step into the shoes of customers to identify
their behavior, as customers are the heart and soul of the business. For this, the study data
relating to customers browsing preference be it offline or online. There are platforms like
CDP (customer data platform) to target the right customers at the right time, right
advertisements need to be delivered for this marketers trace locating anonymous data to
create a personalized experience. With the digital penetration kicking in marketers are using
mobile app video as a new medium to reach and understand masses like those using gaming
apps. Language being another criterion India being a multilingual nation with people having
multiple vernaculars food traditions and cultures, marketers see them as micro-segments to
serve that specific need of the niche.
Marketers also apply Programmatic advertising here they purchase digital media through
the online exchange using real-time bidding. As per the report'2018, 40% of marketers
spend one-fourth of their digital advertising budget on programmatic advertising.
Here the author talks about the deep technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning that are changing the marketing industry in terms of understanding the
preference of customers, enabling personalized targets, finding what motivates them and
ad fraud prevention.
Artificial intelligence is basically the simulation of human intelligence processed by machine
for decision making, error detection and solving complex problems. Machine learning allows
the system to learn new things from data.

Intertextuality and Interdiscursivity

It is shaping of a text’s meaning by another text or interdependent ways in which text stand
in relation to one another to produce meaning.
Basic theme- How can marketers deliver superior experiences personalized to an
individual’s behavior and preferences and also maximize ROI?
Marketers are investing in customer data platforms to fulfill the above-mentioned objective.
To understand the concept of CDPs and how it actually works. We went through various
links available on google and found that CDP is a packaged system that can inject all types of
data sources and gives access to other systems while being marketer-centric. The data
collected is used by companies to prepare offers, promotions and customized emails. While
DMP(Data management platforms) only performed the function of collection and
categorization of data. The article also talks about increasing programmatic awareness
among marketers. But what exactly is programmatic advertising?
A system that automates the processes and transactions evolved with purchasing and
placing ads on websites or apps. It makes it possible to place ads incending targeted
advertising content.
Programmatic marketing/advertising clearly justifies the market to who matters. Automate
decision-making process of media buying by targeting specific audience and demographics.

Political-Economic-Social-Environmental impact of e-marketing:

An e-marketer in a pursuit to provide his customer with the best information about its
products may end up overloading the customer with spam, which may frustrate the
customer and he may experience behavioral changes.
Also, as per a study, an email creates a carbon footprint of approximately 30grams thereby
jeopardizing the concept of sustainability of keeping our future generations preserved.
On one side we emphasize on reducing carbon footprints while on the other we emphasize
on delivering the customer with the innovative marketing practices (Here e-advertising).
Innovation in marketing through digital medium and sustainability may be at loggerheads.
We need to stark a balance between both the ideologies.
To ensure that such type of marketing trends don't bring a huge shift in customer's mental
behavior, there arises a need to standardize and create legal norms and regulations to
control such cyber practices.
By annoying the customer unintentionally, the marketer has lost the present benefits as
well as the future benefits which he would have otherwise gained by being cautious and
sensitive to create the desired experience for the customer.


Artificial Intelligence has affected the working style of marketing team. Although we might
do not like it, but AI is a part of our daily life. Taking advantage of AI will definitely impact
marketing efforts in a positive manner.
The advantages of AI in Marketing are: -
- Personalized and Relevant Messages: In understanding the tastes and preferences of
consumer and make recommendations based on that data.
- Cost Savings
- Efficient marketing: Deep Learning helps AI to identify user behaviour and predict
which segments are more likely to become customers.
- Customized Products: AI identifies user’s browsing data which provide them with
user’s location and purchase history.
The disadvantages of AI in Marketing are: -
- Computers can’t do things without humans.
- Costumers mostly do not like chatbot.
- AI can trigger unemployment.
As India is growing on very fast pace to become a digital economy. Therefore country
need a technology which can be accessed for rapid growth. Companies are collecting
data of customers and potential customers from sources using AI but there is no proper
tool which can combine the data and process it. So that they can get properly what
customer is thinking?
But AI and ML are so quick and play with emotions that they can convert a window
shopper to a potential customers.

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