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The term system is generally used for a group of actions, personnel and procedures, used for
processing data. In general, it is a set of related activities which may or may not involve
computers. The first one is known as manual systems. The subsystems are referred to the parts of
a large system, where the system analyst can work with a smaller group of tasks. The essence of
systems analysis is to cover the entire problem in context and systematically investigate the
objectives of
! the system and the criteria for system effectiveness and to evaluate the alternatives in terms of
effectiveness and cost.
The system onnfyst is responsible for examining the total flow of data throughout the
organisation. Various aspects of an organisation like personnel interactions and procedures for
handling problems of the computer are studied by him.
The use of system concepts to decompose the infoTmation system and define the boundaries
and intedaces of each subsystem is generally called structured design.
As shown in Fig. 13.1, system consists of elements which operate together to accomplish an
o bjective. The basic model is input, process and output. Systems can be deterministic or probabilistic
and open or closed. An iiJormation system is a human machine system, with the machine elements
relatively closed and deterministic, the human elemen ts are open and probabilistic. The
decom posit ion of systems into subsystems is an importan t step in simplilying the design of s ystem-5
The use of su bsystem usually requires some decoupling mechanisms to reduce the complexities of
coordination and comm unication among them. Some methods of decoupling are inventories, buffers,
stock a fid flexible rnsources and standards. System concepts apply to organisations which are open
co mputer Based Information Spstem (CBIS) is a set of software packages, which provides
information for de

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Fig. J3. I A cystem

big,. 33.2 The organisation os a system

The classification of information needed to mariage the businesses are:

fi) Task-job, the function lselling, manufacturinq, financing etc.)
fiiJ Resources—lhe objects or events reported open (pensons, equipment. mo eç en.)
that are being used or acquired.
(iii) Netwoi flow ot information and resouices.
(ir) 1-eues levels iepresenting the hierarchy of planning and control {stral .c ptar
management control and operational control).
(u) Environment-the environmenÎ in which the lirm operales including intorciation
r›ts›&ad to set goals and objectives, information concerninq lhe other external
enx*ror=ment tsuppllers, government etc) and other external plannlng premises.

The typical breahdown ot an Information systems life cycle 1s shown lu Fl3 . 13.3. lt
ÎnCludes a teasibility study, iequirements, collection and analysls, desIqu. p» =wv›=3
'+plementation. validation, testing and operation.
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