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Exploitation of Higher=ChderCyclostationarity for Weak-Signal

Detection and Time-Delay Estimation

Chad M. Spooner William A. Gardner
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California
Davis, CA 95616

Abstract - but not second-order CS [8] - with period TO, and

the two interferers are second-order CS with periods
TIie cumulant theory of cyclostationary time-series +
TI and Ts such that TI Ts = TO.The first prob-
iS applied to a e v e d tVpes of weak-signal detection lem is to detect the presence of the SO1 given a finite
problems that arise an the a m of signal intemption, segment of z(t). The next problem is to determine
and to the problem of estimating the dative tame- the parameter 4 given finite segments of both ~ ( t )
delay of a heady corrupted slgnd that w received at and y(t). These problems are ditlicult to solve using
two locations. The cumutant theory of cyclostationar- the stationary models of the various signals (which
aty (CS) U the theory of hagher-der tempoml and leads to radiometry [4] and generalized cross correla-
spectml cumulants and moments of CS time-series. tion methods [SI)becausefor detection the nonstation-
Specifically, the theory characterizes the additive sine ary noise and interference complicates the threshold
waves present in the output of nonlinear tnansforma- setting, and for time-delay estimation the interference
tiona of CS time-series. The detection and time-delay corrupts the relevant phase information in the cross
atimation problems that ate posed a n daficult to solve spectrum. The theory of higher-order statistics is not
bemuse the sigral iS weak, the nowe and interference w helpful because it also is not signal selective: all of
nonatationaty and non-Gawsian, and the signal does the signals contribute to higher-order cumulants for
not ezhibit sewnd-order CS. a stationary signal model [8]. The theory of second-
order CS (SOCS) is also not helpful because the SO1
1 INTRODUCTION has no second-order cyclic features [3].However, these
two tasks (and other similar tasks) can be handled by
The problems considered in this paper can be for- using the higher-order CS (HOCS) of the SOI.Before
mulated in terms of the following two-sensor signal showing how thia can be done, we first review the defi-
model nitions of higher-order moments and cumulants for CS
z(t) = 8(t) + m,(t) + C i i ( t ) (1)
P(t) = &s(t + do) + mv(t)+ Aki&(t+ dk), For the time-series z ( t ) for -00 < t < 00, we define
k 1 the nth-order lag-product time-series by
where 8(t) is the signal of interest (SOI),m.(t) and n

my(t) are independent white Gaussian noises, the

{ik(t)}are signals not of interest (SNOIs), { A L }are j=1
attenuation factors, and {dk} are the relative delays
between the signal components in z(t) and y ( t ) . For where t denotes transposition. The nth-order cyclic
example, suppose that M = 2 and the power levels tempoml moment fvnction (CTMF) is defined by the
of m. and m yare time-varying. hrther, assume that limiting time average
the SO1 is weak and fourth-order cyclostationary(CS)
*This work waa jointly supported by the National Science e(T)n =
A Lim /v+T'2 L,(t, T)" dt
T-rooT v - T / 2
Foundation under grant MIP-91-12800and the Army Research
Office under contract DAAM3-91-C-0018.

-,197 -
and is simply the Fourier coefficient associated with for many timeseries of interest and, therefore, it is
the component ei21crt in the theseries L#(t,T)n. It strictly Fourier tramformable [SI. The RD-CTCF
can be seen that the CTMF is a Fourier CoefIiCient is simply the CTCF aimdated with the n variables
of a moment function because the nth-order fraction- +
{z(t r ~ ) ) $ ~ 7" = 0. We use! the notation
of-time probabilistic moment (the tempnal moment
function) sssociated with L#(t,T)n c(uL be expreseed ct(U)n Ct(T)n T = [U 019 (7)
as 111
where U is an (n-l)-dimensional vector. The (n-1)-
&(t, T)n = K ( T ) n Ciarat, (4)
dimension$ Fourier transform of (7) is denoted by

where the sum is Over all real numbers a,called nth- P/(f')n:
order impun cycle jhquencies, for which e ( T ) n f 0.
The functions (3) and (4) exist and are well-behaved
for appropriate models of many timeseries including
amplitude modulated, pulse-amplitude-modulated, where f' = [fi fn-11'.
* * a

and phase!-shift-keyed and frequency-shirtkeyed sig- Coneider the n complex-demodulate timeseries

nals [8]. X~(t,fj)for j = l , . . * , n , see~cistedwith natrow
The nth-order temponal cumulont function (TCF) bandpasa ftltered versions of z(t), where
for the set of timeseries translates {z(t Tj)}&l is +
defined by (cf. [q and [8])
f) =
XT(~, J t+T/2
z(u)e-iar'u du. (9)
- t-T/1

T)n =

The sum in (5) is over the set P of all distinct parti-

1 (5)
The limit as T + 00 of the limiting timeaverage of
the product of these spectral componentsis called the
spectml moment function
tions of the index set {1,2,--.,n}, where each par- I n \
tition { ~ k } i = has
~ p elements, 1 s p s n, and
k@) = (-l)P-l@- l)!. The vector Tvj consists of the
nj lags with indices in the set Vj. The cyclic tempoml
and it can be shown that Dirac deltas (denoted by
cumulont function (CTCF) is the Fourier coefficient
6(.)) can be factored out as follows:
of the TCF:

Ct(r)n = (c=(t,
7 ) n e-i2"fi')o , (6) Sz(t)n = C s:(t')nb(ttl
- a). (11)

where /3 is an nth-order pure cycle liequency for z(t)

[2, 81. Combining (4)-(6) reveals that the CTCF is
However, the factor s$(
j')n typically contains addi-
tional Dirac deltas [8]. The spectml cumdun: function
given by the following explicit function of lower-order is given by
)..[ ficj(Tuj)nj
a t i = f i j=l

where 1 = [ l - . .l]t, and a = [a1..-a#. An nth-

1 9

where f vj is the vector of frequenees with subscripts

in the set Vj, and it follows from (8) and (11) that
order pure cycle frequency, as first defined in (21, is Dum deltas can be factored out:
the frequency of a finite-strength additive sine-wave
componentin L,(t, T ) that~ is free of all contributions
from products of sine-wave components from lower-
order lag products obtained by factoring L,(t, T)"
The CTMF and the CTCF are not in general ab- where P,B(f')n is called the cyclic plyspactrum (CP)
solutely integrable due to the presence of sinusoidal and does not contain Dirac deltas. As first shown in
components in 7. These components formally result [2], the CP is the (n-1)-dimensional Fourier transform
in Dirac deltas in the n-dimensional Fourier trans- of the RD-CTCF (8). This is a generalization of the
form of the CTCF. However, a reduced-dimension Wiener relation between the power spectrum and au-
(RD)version of the CTCF is absolutely integrable tocorrelation from second-order stationary time-series

- 198-
to nth-order CS time-series (d.111). For dtrictw s t e useful than t h o a for moments. Thus, the following
tionary time-series, the only cycle frequene ( p u b or llectiollll describe algorithms in terms of cumulants,
impure) is a = I/ = 0. For a strictly stationary but in moet cases, an alternative algorithm can be
stochastic process, the same is true for probabilistic created by Simply replacingcumulanta with moments.
versions of the temporal momedh and cumula,nt~d o The aeefuloewr of the resulting alternatives depends
fined in this section, which form the basis for the t h o on the cycle frequencies sesociated with the SNOLe,
ory of higher-order statistics. Such parameters are not which must be evaluated on a case-by-caeebasis.
signal selective, as noted in the next section, whereas
the cyclic parameters (p # 0, a # 0), which form the 4 WEAK-SIGNAL DETECTION
basis for the theory of HOCS, can be signal selective.
In this h i o n , the problem of detecting the pres-
3 SIGNAL SELECTIVITY ence of the signal r(t) in a received data set z(t) as in
(1) is considered. There are several versions of this de-
An important advantage of exploiting CS in sig- tection problem that are of interest. The first is called
nal processing tasks is that the cyclic parameters are the g e w d r a d ptoblem, in which a data set is ana-
signal selective in that the parameters associated with lyzed to determine if there are any CS signals present.
the SO1 can be estimated from data that also contains No information about the received data is assumed to
noise and SNOIs; and as the amount of data becomes be known in the general search problem. In the second
infinite, the effects on the estimate of the noise and problem, called the know-cycle-lnquency pmblem, a
interference vanish. The nature of the signal selec- specific pure cycle freguency/order pair (P,no) is of
tivity properties of higher-order cyclic moments and interest, and it is desired to determine if there is a sig-
cumulants is examined next. nal present in the data correspondingto this pair. In
Because the signals and noises in (1) are assumed the third problem, called the known-modulation pmb-
to be mutually independent, the TCF for z(t) is given lem, the modulation format of the signal of interest is
by the simple formula [8] known, and hence the cyclic cumulants of the signal
are known (in principle); it is desired to determine the
M presence or absence of this signal.
cz(t,r)n = ca(t,T)n + Cm,(t,T)n + Ccih(t,7)n, The General Search Problelq
k=1 In this problem there is a maximum order N of non-
which implies that if p is an nth-order pure cycle fre- linearity that is to be used for processing. The goal
quency for s ( t ) , and is not for any of the other signals of the processing is to produce a list of pure cycle fre-
(it is unique to e ( t ) ) , then Cf(r)n = Cf'(r)n. Simi- quencies {&} for each order n IN. This list {&}
larly, if p k is a unique nth-order pure cycle frequency for each n characterizes the detectable CS of order n
for i k ( t ) , then C ~ : ( T )=
, , Ct(T)n. (and only n) that is associated with z(t). Thus, these
For moments, the signal selectivity property de- lists are not contaminated by entries that are due to
pends on the cycle frequencies for all of the signals lowersrder sine wave interactions. To accomplish this
present for all orders m 5 n. This can be seen by task, the TCF is estimated for z(t) for each order n.
expressing the CTMF in terms of CTCFs [a]: &om the estimate of the TCF of order n, the cycle
frequencies {/3n}, which are needed for the estimate of
r 1 +
the TCF for order n 1, can be found. More explic-
itly, the general search problem can be tackled using
the following algorithm:
If there is a vector fl such that at least one of its el-
ements is a cycle frequency that is associated with a
SNOI, then the CTMF for z ( t ) will not be equal to
the CTMF for e(t). Nevertheless, it can happen that 2.
the contributions to the CTMF from SNOL do not
affect the phase of the CTMF but only its magnitude. 3.
For moments, then, there are two kinds of signal selec- 4.
tivity, depending on what information in the moment
is considered useful (magnitude or phase). Because of 5.
this potentially troublesome complication, the signal-
selectivity properties of cumulants are deemed more 6.

- 199 -
In step 4, the interval over which the average is to remove all her-order sine wwes up to order no 1. -
performed is determined by the amount of data avail- Then, from &;(t,r)- the CTCF estimate CT(U)no
able. If any of the detected cycle frequencies are of for cycle frequency /3 can be determined by computing
particular interest, a cyclic polppectral anal* C(UL the Fourier coefacient M in (6). The proposed detec-
be performed from which the modulation type can tion statistic in
possibly be determined [a].
The Known-Cycle-Frequency Problem Y = f C&(u>,Cf(u):, du.
In this problem, one or more of the signal's modulation -do

frequencies, such (LB a symbol rate or c a d e r frequency, The primary jwtilication for thia particular statistic
is assumed to be known,but the exact functional form is that when no eignaI in present with nth-order pure
of the CTCF is unknown. The environment in still cycle frequency B, then C&.(U)no+ 0, which implies
assumed to be unknown and, therefore, the general that Y -D 0; when the signal of interest is present,
search algorithm in still of interest. However,it can then
be improved for the known-cycle-frequency problem
by combining it with a least-squares estimation tech- Y -+ ICt(U)nr du. (16)
nique. Let (@,%) be the cycle frequency/order pair of
interest. Use tke general search algorithm up to order Thus, 8 is an asymptotically noise-free statistic on
n~ 1. Form C : ( ~ , T ) , and
, ~ , use a least-squarea esti- both the signal-present and signal-absent hypotheses.
Furthermore, the integral (16) ia finite [8]. Hence, this
mator to detect the presence of the signal of interest
using the statistic statistic in the natural generalizationof the single cy-
cle detector that exploits SOCS [4].
The detection statistic Y CBD be generalized to in-
clude only a portion of u-space, denoted by G c R"0,
y= ar(u)n,w4:o du-

Choices for G might include those values of u for which

the RD-CTCF C'!(U)no is particularly large, or for
which the coefficient of variation (variance divided by
and where w is the least-squares weight vector squared mean) of the estimator C&,(u)n, of the RD-
CTCF is particularly small [8].

( -
w = arg min ~ W ~ C L ( ~ ei2rp112)
. (15)
The solution to (15) is w = R - ' C ~ ( T ) ,where
,~, Conventional approaches to the problem of esti-
mating the time-delay (or time difference of arrival
(TDOA)) between signal components in data from
two sen" can be collectively referred to (LB gener-
in which H denotes conjugate transpose. Thus, the alized cm88 comlotion (GCC) methods [SI. In the
detection statistic is GCC methods, filtered versions of the sensor outputs
z ( t ) and ~ ( tare
) cross correlated, and the estimate
Y =ct(T)foR-lct(T)no, of do is taken to be the location of the peak in the
cross-correlation estimate. These methods suffer when
which is obtained by forming the particular linear interferers are present (M 2 1 in (l)), because each
combination of data sets C (t, T 1 ) n o , ,C'(t,T K ) n o interferer contributes a peak of its own to the cross cor-
that optimally combines the regenerated sine waves relation function. This causes two problems. The first
with frequency @ present in each set, and then cor- is a resolution problem which, to be solved, requires
relates this composite regenerated sine wave with the that the differences in the TDOAs for each of the sig-
stored sine wave ei2lPt. nals be greater than the widths of the cross correlcl
The Known-Modulation Problem tion functions so that the peaks can be resolved. The
In this problem, it is desired to determine if a signal second problem is that it is difficult to correctly as-
with known modulation type is present. In particular, sociate each peak with its correspondingsignal. Both
the CTCF of s ( t ) for n = no and pure cycle frequency of these problems arise because the GCC methods are
@ is known. The general search algorithm can be used not signal selective; they produce TDOA peaks for

- 200 -
all the signals in the received data unless they are which suggests the following least-squares approach:
spectrally disjoint and can, therefore, be separated
by filtering. Signal-selective methods that exploit the
SOCS of the desired signal, whiah is assumed to be
unique to that signal, are studied in [SI. These meth- The estimator for 4 is given explicitly by
ods have been shown to outperform the GCC methods,
and have been shown to produce unbiased TDOA esti-
mates with variance that is smaller than the Cramer-
Rao lower bound on the d a n c e of TDOA estimators which is a higher-order generalization of the second-
that are based on the assumption that the signal and order Cyclic Phase Merence algorithm for TDOA e%
its environment are stationary. However, these meth- timation without cross-sensor measurements [SI.
ods fail when there is no SOCS to exploit. In this case,
the theory of HOCS can be used to develop signal- 6 CONCLUSIONS
selective TDOA estimatore. Following the approach
in [SI for SOCS, the methodology considered here for The higher-order cumulants and moments of cyclo-
HOCS is based on least-squares estimation. The fol- stationary time-series can be used to perform diffi-
lowing two examples illustrate the methodology [8]. cult detection and estimation tasks. The basic signal-
Define a cross cumulant between n-1 time- selectivity properties of cumulants yield estimators
translates of z(t) and one translate of y(t) as follows that are tolerant to noise and cyclostationary inter-
ference. This admittedly terse presentation will be
+ +
Cz,(t, 7 ) n = Cumuiant { ~ ( tTn), ~ ( tTj)}&1 expanded on in a forthcomingjournal paper (see [a]).
The Fourier coefficient of this cross cumulant for the References
cycle frequency p for the signal model (1) (assuming
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Cgy(7)n =
A (Czu(t,r)ne-i2r'c)o
PrenticaHd 1987.
[2]W.A. Gardner and C. M. Spooner. "Highex-Order
= + ando),,
~gct(7 Cyclostationarity, Cyclic Cumulants, and Cyclic
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[4]W. A. Gardner. "Signal Interception: A Unifying
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which leads to the following estimator of the delay 4:
161 C. H. Knapp and G. C. Carter. "The Generalized
Correlation Method for Estimation of Time Delay,"
IEEE lknsaciions on AcowticJ, Speech, and Signal
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This estimator is a higher-order generalization of the [I V. P. Leonov and A. N. Shiryaev. "On a Method of
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Cz ( U)n = c!(u>n,
C,"<U),= ~C~(u)nei2*'do;

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