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Phoebe D.

Abatayo February 24, 2020

BSPT – 1A Contemporary World

Discuss the concept of cultural hybridity. In what way does it help provide a different
conceptualization of globalization?

Hybridity is blending of elements from different cultures that any society where cultures have
come together to create a new form of mixed. It can be linguistic, cultural, political, racial, social
and religious. Also the hybridity is not necessarily peaceful mixture because the concept of a
culture hybridity has gained prominence within a broad range of cultural and social theories
since the 1980’s because most notably within postcolonial studies, cultural studies and the
globalization theory. The importance and influence of hybridity theory is similar to an increased
awareness of global cultural flows, influences, and interdependences, both historically and
contemporarily. Because it focuses on hybridity and hybridization is a way of conceptualizing
difference that aims to avoid and undermine ideas of boundedness and closed identity and hence
also avoid the essentialism that haunts theories of multiculturalism for instance.

It helps to provide in a way where globalization has an increasing share of consumption consists
of goods that are available from the same companies almost anywhere in the world. Technology
that is used to produce these goods is increasingly standardized and invariant to the location of
production. Ideas have increasingly become the common property of the whole of humanity.
Highly skilled professionals have a relatively high degree of mobility, but those without skills
often face obstacles in migrating to higher-wage countries. Globalization is much less of a reality
in other fields than it is in the economic one and culture still displays strong national, and even
regional and local, variations, while English is clearly in the process of emerging to be a
common world language, at least as a second language, minority languages are making
something of a comeback, at least in developed countries.

Because of that, the globalization is the spread of products, technology, information, and jobs
across national borders and cultures. Describes an interdependence of nations around the globe
fostered through free trade for the economy. Its impact remains mixed for workers, cultures, and
small businesses around the globe, in both developed and emerging nations. On the good side
effect, it can raise the standard of living in poor and less developed countries by providing job
opportunity, modernization, and improved access to goods and services. As for the bad side
effect, it can destroy job opportunities in more developed and high-wage countries as the
production of goods moves across borders.

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