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Advisory regarding Novel Coronavirus in

Wuhan City, China
27th January 2020

Dear clients,
As many of you have known by now, there is a pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan City, China,
caused by a novel coronavirus. In addition, Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH) has on 23
January 2020 confirmed the first imported case of novel coronavirus infection in Singapore.

Health advisory by Jaga-Me

1. Clients registering with us will be required to complete a travel declaration

2. All JagaPros working in the Community Care sector (including home care) who have returned to
Singapore from Mainland China should inform Jaga-Me of their travel history and should not be
deployed to engage with clients for 14 days upon their return.
1. In addition, they should monitor their health closely, and see a doctor promptly if they are
unwell and inform their doctor of their travel history.
2. If they have a fever or respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, shortness of breath), they
should wear a mask and call the clinic ahead of the visit.
3. JagaPros may be deployed to clients after they have cleared the 14 days and they have not
developed any symptoms.
4. JagaPros who are caring for clients who had returned from mainland China within the last
14 days but have not shown any symptoms, appropriate Personal Protection Equipment
(e.g. surgical masks, gowns) will be provided.

2. Jaga-Me is required by MOH to contact their clients to check whether they have returned from
mainland China within the last 14 days
1. If client has been to mainland China within the last 14 days, they are encouraged to stay
at home and to monitor their health for the next 14 days from the date of return to
2. If client feels unwell, they should seek medical attention at a GP clinic or Polyclinic
promptly and inform their doctor of their travel history.
3. If they have a fever or respiratory syndrome (e.g. cough, shortness of breath), they should
wear a mask and call the clinic ahead of the visit.
4. Record the date of return to Singapore.
5. Clients who have returned from mainland China and require home care, may only be seen
on a case-by-case basis. If the care required is not urgent, clients will be advised to
postpone home visit after 14 days of return to Singapore and have not shown any

Notification of suspect cases

The common signs of Coronaviral infection are as follows: fever, cough, breathing difficulties,
and gastrointestinal symptoms.
As of 21st Jan 2020, MOH had issued an advisory and expanded the suspect case criteria to be
reported to the following:

1. A person with clinical signs and symptoms suggestive of pneumonia or severe respiratory
infection with breathlessness AND travel to mainland China within the last 14 days
2. A person with an acute respiratory illness of any degree of severity who, within 14 days before
onset of illness, had been to a hospital in mainland China or had close contact (defined as anyone
who provided care for patient or stayed with someone) with a case of 2019 novel coronavirus

Suspected cases whose conditions are medically stable should be sent to the following hospital
via dedicated ambulance service at 6220-5298:

 Persons aged 16 years and above (including pregnant woman) to TTSH Emergency Department
 Children below the age of 16 to KKH Children’s Emergency Department

Please call SCDF (995) ambulance if the patient is medically unstable (i.e. hypotensive, severe
breathlessness) and inform ambulance operator that you are referring a suspect case of 2019-

Should you require clarifications, feel free to contact us at 6717 3737.

Thank you,
Kuah Ling Ling, RN
Jaga-Me Clinical Operations

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