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This video is a news report about a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) who considers

transgender women as men and thinks that they should not enter female spaces. It presents a very
exclusionary viewpoint of feminism.

A post-structural approach argues that to understand an object (e.g., a text), it is necessary to study
both the object itself and the systems of knowledge that produced the object and find the errors in
them. The systems of knowledge which have produced feminism include social, political and
economic systems.

Socially speaking, the feminist movement was originally fuelled by women trying to change the
social inequalities that they were born into. At that time, transgender people were not heard of and
when the transgender movement emerged, many old school feminists were uneasy with it. They felt
that transgender women grew up with male privilege and were not true women.

Economically speaking, feminism has been around for a long time while transgenderism is still a
fairly new concept. TERFs like the interviewee feel that attacking transgenderism will raise the
visibility of the traditional feminist movement that they were brought up in.

Politically speaking, the video propagates very extremist feminist views compared to what we are
used to. This is because the interview was done on a news channel which promotes very right-wing
political views and this interview benefitted the channel’s image. This is also why the interviewer
was very biased towards the interviewee. This content would be watched and liked by the channel’s
mostly right-wing following.


1. Feminist speaks out against trans movement – YouTube –
2. Joe Biden: Anti-Feminist Movement Is ‘The Civil Rights Issue of Our Time’ –

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