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Tutorial 1: Shell

 Primary – man(manual) pages.

man <command> shows all information about the
 <command> --help shows the available options
for that command
Basic Commands
 ls
 $ ls -l  ".." (dot dot) -
 $ ls -a refers to the parent
 $ ls -la directory
 $ ls -l --sort=time  "~" (Tilda) or "~/" -
 $ ls -l --sort=size -r refers to user's home
 cd directory
 $ cd /usr/bin  “*” (star) -
 pwd refers to any file
 $ pwd names
 ~
 $ cd ~
 ~user
 $ cd ~mydir
 What will “cd ~/mydir” do?
Basic Commands (cont)
 echo  rm
 $ echo “Hello World”  $ rm foo
 $ echo -n “Hello World”  $ rm -rf foo
 cat  $ rm -i foo
 $ cat /etc/motd  $ rm -- -foo
 $ cat /proc/cpuinfo
 cp
 $ cp foo bar
 $ cp -a foo bar
 mv
 $ mv foo bar
 mkdir
 $ mkdir foo
Basic Commands
 tar
 $ tar cvfp lab1.tar lab1
 gzip
 $ gzip -9 lab1.tar
 untar & ungzip
 $ gzip -cd lab1.tar.gz |
tar xvf –
 $ tar xvfz lab1.tar.gz
 touch
 $ touch foo
 $ cat /dev/null > foo
Basic Commands

 Disk usage
$ df -h /
 File space usage
$ du -sxh ~/
 quota – display disk usage and limits
Usage: quota [OPTION]
eg. quota -v
 Delete
Vim – dd (delete a line)
 2 modes – d10d (delete 10 lines)
 Input mode – d$ (delete till end of line)
 ESC to back to cmd mode – dG (delete till end of file)
 Command mode – x (current char.)
 Cursor movement
 Paste
– h (left), j (down), k (up),
l (right) – p (paste after)

– ^f (page down) – P (paste before)

– ^b (page up)  Undo

^ (first char.)
– – u
– $ (last char.)  Search
– G (bottom page)
– /
– :1 (goto first line)
 Save/Quit
 Swtch to input mode
– :w (write)
– a (append)
– :q (quit)
– i (insert)
– o (insert line after – :wq (write and quit)

– O (insert line before) – :q! (give up changes)

A Pattern is an  ab*cd matches
expression that anything that starts
describes a set of with ab and ends with
strings which is used to cd etc.
give a concise
description of a set,  ls *.txt – prints all text
without having to list all files
Linux File Permissions
 3 types of file permissions – read, write, execute
 10 bit format from 'ls -l„ command
1 234 567 8 9 10
file type owner group others
eg. drwxrw_r__
 Means owner has all three permissions,
 group has read and write, others have only read
 permission read permission – 4, write – 2, execute 1
673 =
Linux File Permissions
 chmod – change file access permissions
Usage: chmod [OPTION] [MODE] [FILE]
eg. chmod 744

 chown – change file owner and group

Usage: chown [OPTION]... OWNER[:[GROUP]]
eg. chown remo myfile.txt
Process Management
 ps – report a snapshot of the current processes
Usage: ps [OPTION]
eg. ps, ps –el

 kill – to kill a process(using signal mechanism)

Usage: kill [OPTION] pid
eg. kill -9 2275
Process Management
 bg – make a foreground process to run in
Usage: type 'ctrl+z' and then 'bg <job id>'
 fg – to make background process as foreground
Usage: fg [jobid]
 jobs – displays the names and ids of background
Usage: jobs
Bash commands
 pushd

 popd
Bash commands
 alias
alias dog=tac
alias c='clear„
alias rm='rm -i'

 How to undo an alias

Bash commands
 ; semicolon
two or more commands on the same line separated by a semicolon ; . The
shell will scan the line until it reaches the semicolon. All the arguments
before this semicolon will be considered a separate command from all the
arguments after the semicolon. Both series will be executed sequentially
with the shell waiting for each command to finish before starting the next
echo Hello ; echo World

 & ampersand
sleep 20 &
 && double ampersand
cd mydir && ls
Bash commands
 || double vertical bar
echo first || echo second ; echo third
rm file1 && echo It worked! || echo It failed!
 # pound sign
 \ escaping special characters
echo hello \; world
Bash commands
 $ dollar sign: Environment variables
echo This is the $SHELL shell
echo The userid of $USER is $UID
 creating variables
echo $MyVar
 quotes: difference between “ and ‘
 How to remove a variable
Bash commands
 shell history
repeating the last command !!
repeating other commands !ca
history 10
 The bash shell ~/.bash_history.
file commands
 Hard, soft (symbolic) link

 Symbolic links refer to a symbolic path

indicating the abstract location of another file
ln -s {/path/to/file-name} {link-name}
ln -s firefox- firefox

 Hardlinks, refer to the specific location of

physical data.
ln vmlinuz- vmlinuz
everything is a file
 A directory is a special kind of file, but it is still a
(case sensitive!) file.
 Each terminal window (for example /dev/pts/4),
any hard disk or partition (for example /dev/sdb1)
 any process are all represented somewhere in the
file system as a file.
 It will become clear throughout this course that
everything on Linux is a file.
everything is a file
 The file utility determines the file type. Linux does
not use extensions to determine the file type. The
command line does not care whether a file ends in
.txt or .pdf.

 file <filename>
working with file contents
 Look at the contents of text files with head, tail,
cat, tac, more, less and strings.
filesystem hierarchy standard
 man hier
 the root directory /
 /home
ls -d /home/myname/.*
filesystem hierarchy standard
I/O redirection
 stdin, stdout, stderr

echo It is cold today! > winter.txt

cat winter.txt
 > sign will clear the file!
 >> append
 redirection of stdout to a file, and stderr to
find / > allfiles.txt 2> /dev/null
 Commands created to be used with a pipe are
often called filters
 tee
 grep, grep –i, grep -v
 cat tennis.txt
Amelie Mauresmo, Fra
Kim Clijsters, BEL
Justine Henin, Bel
Serena Williams, usa
Venus Williams, USA

cat tennis.txt | grep Williams

Serena Williams, usa
Venus Williams, USA
 cut -d" " -f1 tennis.txt
 cat tennis.txt | tr 'e' 'E‟
 cat tennis.txt | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z„

 tr -s filter
 tr to 'encrypt' texts with rot13
cat count.txt | tr 'a-z' 'nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm„

 Counting words, lines and characters is easy with

 sort
File Systems
 fdisk – partition manipulator
eg. sudo fdisk l

 mount – mount a file system

Usage: mount -t type device dir
eg. mount /dev/sda5 /media/target

 umount – unmount file systems

Usage: umount [OPTIONS] dir | device...
eg. umount /media/target

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