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Linux Cli commands

Navigating between Folders:

pwd – shows current directory Resources consumption display using top: Looking for commads using man:
cd – changing to desired directory i.e cd Desktop top – display memory cpu etc. Usage man command – displays command info
cd command alone relocates to home directory. S key – updates refresh time of data display(cpu usage etc.) man -k – short description of command
cd ~ shifting to Home/username Folder I key – filter idle processes-display only running processes keyword.
cd / (with a space before slash) cd to root directory k key – kill process by tpying PID and then ENTER twice
cd .. back to the former directory q key – quit top command screen
cd ../.. going back 2 directories

Displaying Folder Content: kill command:

ls – display current folder content pidof process name- displays the PID number
ls ~ - display home/username content kill 3286 – kills process with PID 3286
ls / - display root directory content kill -KILL 3294 – forces kill of this PID
ls .. - display content of one directory back kill -9 3294 - forces kill of this PID
ls ../.. - display content of 2 directories back ps -ux – displays current user processes
ls -l – displays content in a form of list specifying ps -aux – display all users processes
ls -al – same as -l with hidden file display ps -U username – display username running processes
ls -R – displays all content recursively ps -C process name – display all instances of this process
premissions,creator,owner,date and time of creations,file type.
ls -lS – same as ls -l but sorted. echo command:
ls -d */ - displaying only directories. echo – prints all chars after the word echo on the screen
** if dir name consists of 2 words or more creating variable – myvar=”Mark” -create myvar
use double quotes as: ls -lS “my dir” echo $myvar wil print Mark word
echo -e ‘some \n text’ - prints some and next line text
Displaying/printing Files content: -e option stands for escape
cat – displaying/printing file content
cat File.txt – enables writing to File.txt File premission and chmod command:
to terminate writing use ctrl + d chmod – change premissions of user u
cat file1.txt file2.txt -disply the files consecutivly group g and others o
cat -b file.txt – adds numbers to non blank rows r – read w – write x - execute
cat -n – adds numbers to all lines chmod u+rwx file.txt – enables rwx premission to file.txt
cat -s – diminishes all blank lines to one line chmod ug=rwx file.txt – sets premission of user to rwx
cat -E – adds $ sign at the end of each row chmod a-rwx file – cancels rwx premission to all users
chmod u+rw,g=wx,o+r file
Redirection of output to a file:
cat > out.txt – redirect written words to out.txt (ctrl +d to terminate) Directory premission using chmod:
cat >> out.txt – enables to write a new attached input to out.txt same as in files
cat file1.txt file2.txt > out.txt – concatnate file1 to the end of file2 disabling write premission adds lock symbol to the folder
and saves to out.txt and prevents adding files for instance
cat file1.txt >>file2.txt – same as upper example only saves to file2. Substracting read premission prevents content display of the folder

Creating Directories using mkdir: which command:

mkdir Folder– create a new dir named Folder which – dispaly PATH of specific command
mkdir -p – creates nested directories i.e name/mark which bash – dispalys the path/location of bash
mkdir -p names/{john,dude,mark} – creates parent dir consists whatis – displays short description of command
john dude and mark folders
Adding user using useradd:
Removing directory using rmdir: useradd mark -m -s bin/bash -g users -c “my comment” (dont forget to use sudo)
rmdir Folder – remove empty folder directory m for creating home dir
rmdir -p a/b/c/d – removes all empty dir and sub dirs(deletes all) s the current shell
(without -p flag removes only top level dir d) g – the specific group
rmdir -pv – removes all empty directories and display removal process c – comment for user
passwd – enables to add password for the user
Removing Directories and files using rm;
rm – deletes files and directories according to option flag removing users using userdel:
rm -r – removes recursively all directories and file ls home – to see current users
sudo userdel mark – deletes user mark but not his home dir
Copying Files using cp: sudo userdel -r mark – erases home dir also
cp file1.txt file2.txt – copys file1 content to file2
(if file2 doesn’t exist it creates it) groups and adding groups using groupadd:
cp file.txt dir1 – copy file1 to dir1 group – display the groups of the current user
cp file1.txt file2.txt dir1 – copys the 2 files to dir1 cat /etc/group/ - dispaly all groups of the O.S
cp -i file1 file2 dir1 – interactive (-i) copy of 2 files to dir1 sudo groupadd java – adding java to /cat/group
(asks for premission i.e if file1 already exists) sudo groupdel java – removes java grpoup
cp ../file1 ../file2 . - copy upper folder file1 and file2 to current sudo gpasswd -a yosikiss java – adds java to yosikiss group
directory the dot after file2 denoting current directory -d flag removes java from yosikiss group
cp -R dir1 dir3 – cp dir1 and it’s content to dir3
(in case dir3 exsists , if not copys only content) Viewing resources using du df and free:
df – display amount of resources used/unused by O.S
Moving Files and Folders using mv: df -h – readable versin of df
mv options source destination du – estimates and display disk space used by files
mv file1.txt file2.txt – changes file1 name to file2.txt and du -h – human readable for du
copys the content du -sh – summary of diskspace
mv file1.txt dir1 – moves file1.txt to dir1 free – displays the total free and used memory in the system
free -g – display data in gigabytes
Navigating through a text file using less: - k – for kilobytes
less file.txt – display file.txt -m – for megabytes
up and down arrow keys to move up/down -b - for bytes
space – moving page by page down
b key – moving page by page up running scripts /files using watch command:
shift g- moving to the end of file (like END key) watch – updating time intervals of current command
g key – moves u t the top of the file watch -n 1 free -m – display free resources on intervals of 1 sec
/book - enables search for the word “book” top to bottom ctrl + c – exiting watch command
(n to the next occourence of the word)
?book – enables search for the word “book” bottom to top Viewing files using head and tail: (for log files particulary)
q- quit less command head- display upper part of the file
tail- displays bottom part of the file
Creating new empty file using touch: head -n 3 file.txt – displays first 3 lines of file.txt
touch file.txt – creating new empty file.txt tail -3 file.txt – dispalys last 3 lines of file.txt
(if file exists updates timetamp of the file) tail -f file.txt – displays file.txt and follows input insertion and updates it.
head/tail dmseg kill.log - displays the files sequently
Linux Cli commands
looking for files using find command:
find /dir -name file.txt – will look for file .txt
in directory dir (-name option specify to look by name) ip config using ifconfig:
find home/yosikiss/ -name word.* - will look for all files ifconfig – displays all devices connections parallel to ipconfig
named word ignoring file type in home/yosikiss lo – specifys loopback connection for testing
find ~/ -name file1* - will search for all files named file1 wlp2s0 – wireless lan connection
find ~/ -mtime 1 – dsplays all file created 1 day ago ifconfig device – dispalys this device connection
(or + for future files) ifconfig eth0 down/up – turning this device/connection off/on.

Displaying word/character count using wc command: Compressing/extracting files using tar:

wc text.txt – displays no. Of lines, no. Of word, no. Of chars tar -cvf file.tar File – file.tar the name of the file File for folder
-c – displays chars only c for create
-l – dispalys lines only v for verbose
-w – displays oly words f for file
-L – displays number of chars of the longest line. tar -xvf file.tar – extracts file.tar , x for extraction
for .gz files you should add z flag
Installing/removing/updtating usin apt-get: tar -czvf file.txt File – z option for tar.gz files
**remember to use sudo
sudo apt-get install java printing document text using grep:
to check if certain package is installed grep – global regular expression print
you can use java-version grep “word to search” filename
sudo apt-get remove --purge java – removes package dependencies i – flag for non case sensitive
**remove/autoremove/install/update/upgrade n – flag for stating line number
cat etc/apt/sources.list – for apt sources. The expression can be more than one word
you can look for the expression in multipule files
Shell scripting: using astrisk states to look for word in all files.
cat /etc/shells – display shells O.S supports. grep -n “something good” file1 file2 file3
Which bash – location of current shell grep -n “something” *
# - used to write comments grep -v “something” file.txt – prints all lines that doesn’t contains “something”
name=Mark – creates variable name (to use it $name)
echo $name will print Mark. Network statistics using netstat:
Read -p ‘username: ‘ user_var – enables to read input and netstat -a – display all networking protocols running.
display it in the same line. netstat -a | less – display info in a shell size box using less
read -sp ‘username: ‘ user_var – silent print of input. -t – for tcp connection
Read -a names – read names and store it in an array. -u – for udp
echo “names: ${names[0]}, ${names[1]}” -l – for listening
echo -e – enables printing backslash chars.e -s – for statistics
name = (“$@”) -p – pid of connection
-x – for unix connections
-n – displays numric ports
-ie – i for interface , e for extended mode. Same as ifconfig
netstat -an | grep “:80’ - looks for ports 80

installing chrome browser:

adding -- no-sandbox to / opt / google / chrome /google-chrome

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