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CE 29 Due: March 19, 2020

Homework # 2

Instructions: Same as in Quiz.

Solve the following Exercises from Walpole, et. al. Show your solution and not merely the
answers. You don’t have to write the problem.

1. 5.3
2. 5.5
3. 5.16
4. 5.19
5. 5.35
6. 5.43
7. 5.48
8. 5.51
9. 5.73
10. 5.78
11. 5.84
12 5.92
13. 5.100

14. 6.3
15. 6.13
16. 6.37
17. 6.41
18. 6.45
19. 6.47
20. 6.50
21. 6.63
22. 6.64
23. 6.74

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