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Title Love
 Hook / Attention-catcher What is love? This is the question that has boggled the minds of philosophers,
theologians, scientists, and many more types of people—including the everyday man or
 Briefly tell about the woman. Why is this question so difficult to answer? Well, not only are there so many
term you are going to different types of love, defining love is notoriously complex.
talk about
This essay will focus first on a universal definition of love, and then spread out into
 Thesis statement
the variety of facets this phenomenon entails.
Body The word “love” has gone through various dictionary definitions throughout the
 Body paragraph 1: eons. According to the Harvard Crimson, “The roots of the word “love” can be traced
History and Origin of the back to the Indo-European root leubh, meaning “to care” or “to desire,” approximated
from words including the Latin lubet, “it pleases” and the Sanskrit lubhyati, “he
desires.” Along with “love,” related English words like “libido” and “belief” also
descend from *lebuh.
 Body paragraph 2: According to The Bloomsbury Dictionary of Words, while the word “love” initially
Complete dictionary
meant “find pleasing,” it later took on associations with “praise,” “trust” and “belief”’
explanation and use of
the Word. (Cocola, Jim). This follows a common pattern in romantic relationships that begins with
pleasure, progresses to admiration, and finally becomes about trust. We can look at
history to see that humanity has considered love to be, in essence, a variety of virtues
and feelings. To say one sentence about love is seemingly impossible. That is why is
important to differentiate between the types of love we humans experience.
 Body paragraph 3: What constitutes “pure love” is highly debatable. Religious or spiritual people will
Personal definition say “pure love” is that love which is divinely inspired or related to the divine. Other
created from your
experience. people will say friendship is the truest love of all. While others will say unconditional
love is the only pure form of love. There is no consensus on what constitutes “pure
love,” however there are similarities between the definitions. Most ideas about what
“pure love” is circles around the concept of something transcendent. This variety of
love is commonly above attachment, hate, codependency, and other forms of
Perhaps the most famous depictions of love in the western world are discussed by
Plato, Aristotle, and other historical sources. We can say there are seven flavors of love:
romantic love, friendship, familial love, universal love, uncommitted love, practical love,
 Summarize the main key and self-love.
pieces of evidence All of these types of loves intermix in our lives. It is difficult to find someone who
does not have all these flavors of love present in his or her experience of reality.
However, it is up to us to determine the most significant type of love and to search for
 Restate the thesis it. Commonly, figuring out what this most important flavor of love is will indicate what
statement in different we need to do with our lives, how we need to act, and how we want to construct our
words family and work lives. Therefore, knowing what love is to you is not only a philosophical
pursuit but also a practical one.

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