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GEC4: PURPOSIVE A message may be encoded in

COMMUNICATION various platforms such as pictures

(visual), mails (written), gestures
(nonverbal) and through talks or
A message may not understand
Communication is defined as “the easily due to some factors such as
imparting, conveying, or exchange of ideas, noise (nuances) and/or context
knowledge and information” (Oxford Living (unclear and vague).
Receiver. The one whom a message is
Communication, basically, is specie directed. Receiver is the one to decode and
specific. Thus, communication is comprehend the message of the sender.
exclusive for human.
Language plays a great role in Decoder is the one who evaluates
communication. It is impossible to and understands the message being
communicate without the use of sent; decoding is the process of
language. understanding and analysing the
Language is primarily human. received message.
Human language is basically for
Feedback. The response of the receiver
human. Therefore, animals were
regarding the message of the sender.
failed to communicate to humans,
However, the communication is Hindrance to an effective communication
limited yet human may derive
1. Noise. Any sort of interference that
meanings from the actions of the
affects the message being sent,
animals but not necessarily mean that
received, or understood.
animals were communicating to
2. Context. Setting and situation in
which communication takes place—
Basic Components of Communication the surrounding may also incur
Sender. The source of information and the
3. Content. The core meaning of the
one responsible in conceptualizing a
message – sometimes vague and hard
message. Basically, sender is the encoder of
to analyse.
a message—can either be request, idea or
command. Types of Communication
Encoder is the one who sent the Verbal Communication. A communication
message; encoding is the process of involved oral communication—verbalized
turning thoughts into message and response.
Nonverbal Communication. The message
Message. The content is the information sent is mainly through gestures, body
encoded by the sender. language, facial expressions etc.
Written Communication. Messages were does not only confined through
conceptualized and sent through letters, e- verbal or oral. Non-verbal cues can
mails, and books. It does not involved oral also be considered as the determinant
responses and gestures. of how you see your relationship
with a person, how you see yourself
Visual Communication. Messages were
and how they should interpret your
encoded through the use of symbols,
pictures, paintings and more.
Interpersonal Communication. A
communication and interaction with other 1. Seek to “elicit the best” in
people. communications and interactions
with other group members.
Intrapersonal Communication. A one-
2. Listen when others speak.
person type of communication where the
3. Speak non-judgementally.
respondent is also the receiver.
4. Speak from your own experience.
PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION 5. Seek to understand others.
6. Avoid speaking for others.
1. Communication is an interaction 7. Manage your own personal
situation wherein the participants boundaries: share only with what you
are affected by each one’s are comfortable sharing.
behaviour. The response to a certain 8. Respect the personal boundaries of
message can be affected by how the others.
sender delivered the message and 9. Avoid interrupting and side
also depends on the communicants’ conversations.
situation. 10. Make sure that everyone has time to
2. One does communicate. We speak.
communicate even without the use of
words from mouth. A complete Why communication is important?
silence, gestures and facial
1. Resolving Disputes
expression are still considered ways
2. Knowledge
of communication.
3. Building Genuine friends and
3. The message received is not
necessarily the message sent. We
4. Sharing of emotions and feelings- a
can interpret a statement or a
sense of belongingness
message based on the level of our
5. Businesses exist because of
understanding. Sometimes, we relate
the message with our own
6. Brand Promotion
perspective and experience without
7. Persuasion
considering the actual intention of
8. It helps us express ourselves in a
the sender.
clear fashion
4. Communication occurs
9. Pleasurable experience
simultaneously at more than one
10. Satisfy our needs and getting a good
level. The way we communicate
GLOBALIZATION in the internet were easily accessed
through internet and/or world wide
Globalization is the ongoing integration of
the world economy (Cameron, 2007)
2. Business Conduct. Influenced
Globalization refers to the increasing Global communication by
interdependence among national implementing new techniques for
governments, business firms, non-profit business conduct among workers at
organizations, and individual citizens.” international corporations.
3. Social Awareness. Information
Globalization is “the understanding of the Technology and networks enable
world and the increased perception of the them to share opinions, views, work
world as a whole” (Ronal Robertson) on projects and research different
Impacts Of Globalization On areas/.
Communication 4. The Problem. Global
communication has not reached the
1. Virtual Interactions. A majority of people on all continents.
communication with other nations or On the Philippine setting, there are
nationality for business, political or still places without stable
academic agenda through the help of communication signals such as those
communication medium such as who lived at an isolated islands
electronic mails (e-mail) or internet- and/or those who are those in forest
aided social media platforms. areas and regions in the country.
2. Cultural Awareness in Speech. We
must have the ability to catch subtle
nuances of people’s manner of speech PROS AND CONS OF
when communicating across culture. GLOBALIZATION
3. Cultural Awareness in Body
Language. We must understand
acceptable speaking distances, 1. Reduce barriers. (i.e. language
conflict styles, eye contact, and and cultural barriers)
postures in different cultures, 2. Promotes Global economic
accepting that the physical growth: creates job, makes
expressions of their own culture are companies more competitive, and
not universally accepted. lower prices for consumers.
4. Time Differences. We must 3. Competition between countries
understand the need to communicate may drive price down.
and share information with people 4. Cultural intermingling and each
across several time zones. country is learning more about
other culture.
Impact of Globalization on Global
5. We become more open towards
each other who lived in other part
1. Availability of Information. of the world.
Abundant resources of information
1. Globalization is not working for Cultural Sensitivity involves accepting those
majority of the world. differences without insisting that your own
2. Incursion of communicable culture is better, or that everyone should do
diseases. it your way.
3. Exploitation of labor and other
Cultural Sensitivity skills are sometimes
social issues like human
called cultural competence, or the ability to
work alongside people with different
4. Makes the rich richer and then
cultural attitudes and behaviours and to do
poor poorer.
so effectively. (Sherman, 2018)
5. Spread of fake information.
It refers to the aim of understanding and
The concept of Diversity encompasses
taking account of the societal and cultural
acceptance and respect. It means
factors involved in gender-based exclusion
understanding that each individual is unique,
and discrimination in the most diverse
and recognizing our individual differences.
spheres of public and private life. It focuses
These can be along the dimensions of race,
mainly on instances of structural
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-
disadvantage in the positions and role of
economic status, age, physical abilities,
religious beliefs, or other ideologies. It is the
exploration of these differences in a safe, Gender sensitive words and/or basically the
positive, and nurturing environment. It is realization of gender equality in both written
about understanding each other and moving and spoken language. Gender equality in
beyond simple tolerance to embracing and language deliberately mean to remove the
celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity barrier and role designation of each gender
contained within each individual. because they (both gender) must be
( addressed as persons of equal value, dignity,
integrity and respect.
Example of gender-neutral words are as
It refers to the people of the world;
considered as being closely connected by
modern telecommunications and as being 1. ancestors, forebears (instead of
economically, socially and politically forefathers)
interdependent. 2. artificial, manufactured (instead of
3. representative, legislator (instead of
It is basically knowing that there are 4. person, individual (instead of man)
multiple different cultures- based on 5. Police officer (instead of Policemen)
religion, ethnicity, nationality and other
Gender-sensitivity also aims to erase the
factors-that have different attitudes and
stereotyping roles attributes. Stereotyping
roles mean certain jobs are presumed to be
performed only by a specific gender which
gives rise to gender-biased words (i.e
fireman, which shows that the job is
exclusive for man.)
It is used to describe language, policies, or
measures that are intended to avoid offense
or disadvantage to members of particular
groups in society.
Political correctness is nothing more that
treating others with respect. Being kind.
Being nice person. And basically not being
too offensive or making judgements or
assumptions based on stereotypes.
Some useful words that may be used for
political correctness are as follows:
1. Academic dishonesty (instead of
2. Aesthetically challenge (instead of
3. Black (instead of Negro)
4. Comb-free (instead of bald)
5. Elderly or senior (instead of old)
6. Ethically disoriented (instead of
7. Informal settlers (instead of
8. People of mass (instead of fat)
9. Nondiscretionary fragrance (instead
of body odor)
10. Intellectually impaired (instead of

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