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Survey – Local health aspects

Health care is the science or the guided practice for the diagnosis, the treatment and the disease
prevention. In the modern state, the health care is integrated into the health system, which is
administrated and regulated by the government. The access of citizens to the health system and
so, to the health care varies from one country to another. Most people consider the health as a
thing they should take care of. Many aspects of the health are affected by what we do and what
we think. Having the right information, we can improve our health and also, our live.Otherwise,
the lack of information could lead to significant limitations, generated by health issues.

This questionnaire was made in order to find out more about the people's opinion about health
and how important is for them to take care of it. For reaching a conclusion, 12 patientswith ages
between 15 and 80 were questioned.

Analyzing the results of the questionnaires, the following statistics were obtained : 75% of the
number of patiens get sick rarely. This fact explains the reduced number of the visits at the
doctor. The patients prefer to go the the doctor only when they are sick and only 10% are going
regularly at the doctor.

The frequent of Medical visits

People who
go to the
People who doctor
get sick regularly
People who
People who don't go to
get sick the doctor
frequently regularly

It can be observed the link between those who get sick frequently and those who go to the doctor
regularly.Also,many people take a lot of pills, especially analgesics.

Only 50% of those who were questioned were hospitalized for various reasons: surgeries,asthma
and dermatological diseases.

Another thing that can be easily deduced is the fact that all of the patients are informed and they
know about the most dangerous disease. Therefore, 80% consider that cancer is the most
dangerous disease, 15% choose HIV and 5% the cardiovascular diseases.
The most dangerous diseases

Cardiovascular diseases

We don’t know much about alternative medicine. It is named complementary medicine or

unconventional medicine.This implies diagnostic methods and treatment which is outside the
medicine. 50% of people don’t trust it,are skeptical,don’t believe in it or don’t have o good
opinion. 35% of people don’t know too much about it or don’t have any opinion and only 15%
have a good opinion and believe in it.

Alternative medicine



Alternative medicine


Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

Finally, we will take into consideration the dissatisfaction of people regarding the medical
system and hospitals. Absolutely allthe patients (100%) don’t trust the medical system, they
consider very unsatisfactory, or they concerns about the decline.

In conclusion, we want to remember that health represents the most important thing we can have
and we have to take into consideration this fact. Therefore, the regular visits to the doctor, the
controls and theanalyzes should not miss our routine. People should accord more attention to
health, to be more informed and avoid as much as possible the health damage, because health is
life and life is health.

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