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The increase in contractions causes

Homeostasis and Hormonal Action more oxytocin to be released and the cycle goes
on until the baby is born. The birth ends the
release of oxytocin and ends the positive feedback
Peña & Coronel mechanism.
 Just remember that positive feedback
What is Homeostasis? mechanisms enhance the original stimulus and
negative feedback mechanisms inhibit it.
Homeostasis refers to the ability of the body or a cell to 
seek and maintain a condition of equilibrium or stability within its  Signal Transduction Mechanism
internal environment when dealing with external changes. It is involved  Signal transduction is defined as the ability of a
in the maintenance of the constant internal environment which includes cell to change behavior in response to a receptor-
the function of kidney, liver, skin, etc. ligand interaction.
 The ligand is the primary messenger.
 Internal Environment  As the result of binding the receptor, other
 In the context of homeostasis, the internal environment molecules or second messengers are produced
refers to the medium inside the body in which the cells within the target cell.
function.  Second messengers relay the signal from one
location to another (such as from plasma
 Tissue Fluid membrane to nucleus).
 The medium inside your body in which your cells  Often a cascade of changes occur within the cell
function. which results in a change in the cell/s function or
 Factors affecting cell functions  The signal transduction pathway can act to amplify
1. Temperature the cellular response to an external signal.
– At low temperatures metabolic  Messenger molecules may be amino acids,
reactions occur very slowly. At high temperatures peptides, proteins, fatty acids, lipids, nucleosides
proteins, including enzymes, are denatured. or nucleotides.
2. Volume of water  Hydrophilic messengers bind to cell membrane
– If there is too little water, cells will lose receptors.
water by osmosis. If there is abundance, the cells  Hydrophobic messengers bind to intracellular
will gain water, swell and burst. receptors which regulate expression of specific
3. Amount of glucose genes.
– Because it is the substrate for
respiration, if there is a lack cells will be deprived
of energy. If there is too much the osmotic balance
of cells will be disrupted and the cells will lose • A hormone is a chemical produced in one part of the body,
water. a gland, and carries out its action in another part of the body, target
 Homeostatic conditions control the composition of blood and so site.
control the composition of tissue fluid. • The system responsible for producing hormones is the
endocrine system.
 Negative Feedback Mechanism • Glands are groups of cells which secrete one or more than
 This is a technique carried out by the cell to resist one substances.
any change from the normal. • Endocrine glands secrete their materials into the blood.
 Most homeostatic mechanisms use a negative • There are other glands that secrete materials into ducts
feedback control loop. and not the blood.
 The loop includes a receptor (sensor) and an • These are called exocrine glands.
• Exocrine means ‘secreting to the outside’.
• Endocrine glands include; the pituitary, thyroid gland,
 The receptor receives input.
adrenal gland, ovary and testes.
 Input is information about the parameter being
• Hormones are secreted in very small concentrations,
usually a few micrograms per cm3 of blood.
 A series of events is then triggered which then
• These concentrations have very large effects on the body.
allows the effector to perform a corrective
• Some endocrine glands secrete hormone very quickly,
others take a little more time.
 As the parameter is continuously monitored, there
• The effect can also be short lived or last a long time.
are continuous adjustments of the output.
• Even though hormones are carried within the blood, only
 The result is an oscillation around the ideal level or target cells respond to each hormone.
set point. • For protein hormones, the receptors are on the surface of
the cell.
• The hormone attaches and triggers responses without
 Positive Feedback Mechanism entering the cell.
 A positive feedback mechanism is the exact • For hormones that are steroids, the receptors are inside the
opposite of a negative feedback mechanism. With
cell in the cytoplasm.
negative feedback, the output reduces the original
effect of the stimulus. In a positive feedback What other reasons would allow steroids to pass in but not
system, the output enhances the original stimulus. proteins?
A good example of a positive feedback system is
child birth. During labor, a hormone called oxytocin
is released that intensifies and speeds up
Control of blood sugar • Fats are metabolized because the rate at which glucose is
taken up by the cells is reduced.
• The pancreas is the endocrine gland that is responsible for Ethene
the control of blood sugar.
• Ethene is a plant growth regulator.
• The part of the pancreas that carries out this function is a • It is a gas. This is ideal because diffusion can occur easily.
group of cells called the islets of Langerhans. It is also fat soluble and can therefore pass through cell membranes
• There are two types of cells in the islets. These are α cells • It has several developmental functions in plants.
which secrete glucagon and β cells which secrete insulin. • The production of ethene is controlled by positive feedback
mechanism. As ethene is produced, the enzymes that control its
 Why is it important that blood glucose levels be production are stimulated even more to increase production. • Ethene
controlled? controls many regulatory genes and so result in many changes in a
• Normal blood glucose levels range between 80 and 120 mg fruit.
of glucose per 100 cm3 of blood. • If the blood glucose level Developmental functions include:
falls below this, the cells will not have enough respiratory
substrate and will be unable to carry out their functions. 1. It causes ripening of fruit – it is able to do this because
• This is extremely important for brain cells which can only • it causes the conversion of starch to soluble sugar.
use glucose as a respiratory substrate. • it causes cell wall softening.
 Okay, so you just ate a meal containing carbohydrate. • It also triggers an increase in respiration rate.
What happens? 2. It aids in wound healing – this gas is released at the
• The blood glucose level rises as digested food is absorbed site of a wound. It stimulates the formation of a callus
from the intestine. which plugs the wound.
• As this blood passes through the pancreas, α and β cells 3. It causes etiolation.
detect this.
• The α cells respond by stopping the secretion of glucagon.
• The β cells respond by secreting insulin.
 How Insulin affects the Cell?
Plant Hormones
1. There is increased absorption of glucose by  Plant hormones are chemicals plants use for
muscle cells and adipose tissue. The glucose communication, coordination, and development between
enters through special transporter proteins their many cells. Like animals, plants rely on these chemical
kept in the cytoplasm. When insulin is signals to direct the expression of DNA and the operations of
detected by the cells the transporter proteins the cell. Plant hormones are natural substances which
move to the plasma membrane. The glucose control many aspects of plant development. They control
transporter in liver and brain is a bit different. everything from the length between nodes on the branches
It is always found in the cell membrane. to the programmed death, or senescence seen in many
Consequently, glucose can always move into annual plants.
these cells.  Types of Plant Hormones
2. The rate of use of glucose by the cells for  Abscisic Acid
respiration is increased.  Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant
3. The rate at which glucose is converted to hormone. ABA functions in many plant
glycogen increases. This occurs in the liver developmental processes, including
cells. Several enzymes are involved. They seed and bud dormancy, the control of
control the phosphorylation of glucose and organ size and stomatal closure.
the formation of 1, 4 glycosidase bonds
between α glucose molecules.  Auxins
 Auxins are a powerful growth hormone
Diabetes mellitus produced naturally by plants. They are
found in shoot and root tips and promote
• This is a metabolic disease which causes the blood sugar cell division, stem and root growth. They
level to be too high. can also drastically affect plant
• There are two forms: orientation by promoting cell division to
Juvenile –onset diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes. one side of the plant in response to
Here the pancreas does not secrete insulin. sunlight and gravity.
Non-insulin dependent diabetes. Here insulin is secreted but
it is not enough to control the blood glucose level.  Cytokinins
• The symptoms of both types of diabetes are the same.  Cytokinins are plant hormones that
These include: cause increased cell division by
1.Glucose in urine stimulating the process of mitosis. They
2.Extreme hunger and thirst. The hunger results from the are made naturally by plants but have
loss of glucose. The thirst results from the loss of water that been synthesized by humans. Increased
accompanies the glucose. mitosis results in plant growth and the
• Coma resulting from a combination of dehydration, salt loss formation of shoots and buds, as well as
and low blood pH. the development of fruits and seeds.
• Dehydration and salt loss result from excess urination.
• Low blood pH results from the keto-acids produced when  Ethylene
fats are metabolized.  Ethylene serves as
a hormone in plants. It acts at trace
levels throughout the life of the plant by  prolactin: stimulates mammary gland growth and
stimulating or regulating the ripening of milk production
fruit, the opening of flowers, and the  posterior pituitary: the following hormones
abscission (or shedding) of leaves. are produced by the hypothalamus and stored in the
posterior pituitary
 Gibberellins  antidiuretic hormone: promotes reabsorption of
water by kidneys; stored in posterior pituitary
 Gibberellins (GAs) are plant hormones
that regulate various developmental  oxytocin: induces uterine contractions during labor
and milk release from mammary glands during
processes, including stem elongation, suckling; stored in posterior pituitary
germination, dormancy, flowering, flower  thyroid gland: butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck;
development and leaf and fruit regulated by the hypothalamus-pituitary axis; produces hormones
senescence. involved in regulating metabolism and growth:
 thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3): increase the
Animal/ Human Hormone Disorder basal metabolic rate, affect protein synthesis and other
 Unlike plant hormones, animal hormones are metabolic processes, help regulate long bone growth
(synergy with growth hormone)
often (though not always) produced in  adrenal glands: two glands, each located on one kidney; consist
specialized hormone-synthesizing glands (shown of adrenal cortex (outer layer) and adrenal medulla (inner layer),
which each produce different sets of hormones:
below). The hormones are then secreted from
 adrenal cortex:
the glands into the blood stream, where they are  mineralocorticoids, such
transported throughout the body. There are as aldosterone: increases reabsorption of sodium by
kidneys to regulate water balance
many glands and hormones in different animal
 glucocorticoids, such as cortisol and related
species, and we will focus on just a small hormones: long-term stress response hormones that
collection of them. increase blood glucose levels by stimulating synthesis of
In vertebrates, glands and hormones they produce include (note glucose and gluconeogenesis (converting a non-
that the following list is not complete): carbohydrate to glucose) by liver cells; promote the
release of fatty acids from adipose tissue
 adrenal medulla:
 hypothalamus: integrates the endocrine and nervous  epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine
systems; receives input from the body and other brain areas and (noradrenaline): short-term stress response (“fight-
initiates endocrine responses to environmental changes; or-flight”) hormones that increase heart rate, breathing
synthesizes hormones which are stored in the posterior pituitary rate, cardiac muscle contractions, blood pressure, and
gland; also synthesizes and secretes regulatory hormones that blood glucose levels; accelerate the breakdown of
control the endocrine cells in the anterior pituitary gland. glucose in skeletal muscles and stored fats in adipose
Hormones produced include tissue; release of epinephrine and norepinephrine is
 growth-hormone releasing hormone: stimulates stimulated directly by neural impulses from the
release of growth hormone (GH) from the anterior pituitary sympathetic nervous system
 corticotropin-releasing hormone: stimulates release of  pancreas: located between the stomach and the proximal
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the anterior portion of the small intestine; regulates blood glucose levels via
pituitary the hormones:
 thyrotropin-releasing hormone: stimulates release  insulin: decreases blood glucose levels by promoting uptake
of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from the anterior of glucose by liver and muscle cells and conversion to
pituitary glycogen (a sugar storage molecule)
 gonadotropin-releasing hormone: stimulates release  glucagon: increases blood glucose levels by promoting
of follicle -stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone breakdown of glycogen and release of glucose from the liver
from the anterior pituitary and muscle
 antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin): promotes  gonads: produce sex steroid hormones that promote
reabsorption of water by kidneys; stored in posterior development of secondary sex characteristics and regulation of
pituitary gonad function:
 oxytocin: induces uterine contractions labor and milk  ovaries (in females):
release from mammary glands; stored in posterior pituitary  estradiol: regulates development and maintenance of
 pituitary gland: the body’s master gland; located at the base of ovarian and menstrual cycles
the brain and attached to the hypothalamus via a stalk called  progesterone: prepares uterus for pregnancy
the pituitary stalk; has two distinct regions: the anterior portion of  testes (in males): regulates development and maintenance
the pituitary gland is regulated by releasing or release-inhibiting of sperm production
hormones produced by the hypothalamus, and the posterior
pituitary receives signals via neurosecretory cells to release
hormones produced by the hypothalamus. Hormones produced
(or secreted) by the gland include:
 anterior pituitary: the following hormones
are produced by the anterior pituitary and released in
response to hormone signals from the hypothalamus
 growth hormone: stimulates growth factors
 adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH): simulates
adrenal glands to secrete glucocorticoids such as
 thyroid-stimulating hormone: stimulates thyroid
gland to secrete thyroid hormones
 follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH): stimulates
production of gametes and sex steroid hormones

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