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(Assembly Line)

The Laminator 300 laminates puff pastry, croissant, and Danish dough types in perfect and consistent
quality. For laminated dough types fine and uniform layers are essential; for other dough types the most
important thing is to maintain the delicate pore structure. The Laminator 300 guarantees a continuous,
uniform high-quality dough sheet.

The line can be operated by one person because of the central control of all units by touchscreen panel.
Every section can be controlled individually and in combination with others. Customized production
programmes which can be selected ensure a high degree of automation. It has a wide range of
applications due to the possibility to process very different types of dough. Also, it is easy to clean due to
hygienic design and good accessibility and long service life due to robust stainless steel design.

Cleanroom Air Showers


Cleanroom Air Showers are self-contained chambers installed at entrances to cleanrooms and other
controlled environments. They minimize particulate matter entering or exiting the clean space. Personnel
and materials entering or exiting the controlled environment are "scrubbed" by high velocity HEPA-
filtered air jets. HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air. A HEPA filter is a type of mechanical air
filter that works by forcing air through a fine mesh that traps harmful particles such as pollen, pet
dander, dust mites, and tobacco smoke .Contaminated air is then drawn through the base within the
unit, filtered and recirculated.

It is in demand in applications in the micro-electronics, semiconductors, pharmaceutical, lab animal

research and food markets.

These are installed between change areas and the cleanroom. The air shower enhances cleanroom
operating protocol by serving as a reminder to all operators that they are entering a controlled
environment. Personnel therefore develop the habit of gowning up properly before entering the air

Metal Detector

Metal detectors for food primarily are used for the purpose of consumer protection. Despite maximum
care metallic contaminations of food products during the production process cannot be fully excluded.
Metal particles that enter the product during the production process or already are contained in the raw
material may cause serious injuries of consumers. The consequences for the producing company are
numerous and serious and include compensation claims and expensive recalls. Even bigger and longer-
lasting damage is caused by the negative brand image and the loss of consumer trust caused by impure
food products.

Metal detectors for food provide effective protection against ferrous and non-ferrous metals (aluminum,
stainless steel, etc.). They can be installed in every step of the production process and can be used for
many different applications: for the inspection of bread and bakery products, meat and sausage product,
fruit, vegetables, dairy products, spices, sugar, etc.

In addition to consumer protection, metal detectors also are used to protect machinery. Even smallest
metal particles can lead to machinery failure. Expensive repairs and production downtimes are the
consequences, often followed by revenue decreases.

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