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Passive wrist movements: Flexion, extension, radial andd ulnar deviation (leftto right)

Resisted wrist movements: Flexion, extension, ulnar and radial deviation (leffto right)

The second editwn of ‘Cyrim’s Illustrated Manual of Orthopaedic Medicine’ uses drawings instead of photographs in all examination

Cyrlax’s illustrated Manual of detailed information provided i n tion is complicated and would have been
Orthopaedic Medicine volume 1 by Dr better illustrated with drawings or
Orthopaedic Medicine James Cyriax. photographs as in all other sections.
by J H Cyriax MD MRCP and P J Cyriax MCSF! This long-awaited second edition, However, it is unfortunate that the only
Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Oxford (2nd edited by Mrs Cyriax, contains some reference to recent research on discal
edition), 1993 (ISBN 0 7506 1483 8). Illus. 268 improvements on the first edition, the innervation is dismissive, and the most
main one being the substitution of modern reference on research into back
This is a succinct, easy-to-follbw and drawings for photographs in all the pain is 1971.
well-illustrated guide to the orthopaedic examination procedures. This clarifies This book is a n interesting reference
medicine approach to diagnosis and mme of the hand positions and the to Dr Cyriax’s approach for those who
management of musculoskeletal dis- direction of resistance employed. do not have the first edition.
orders. It is a useful companion for those Another improvement on the fmt Elizabeth Kelly MCSP
trained in the concept. It is not, however, edition is the enlarged section on sacro-
a substitute for the in-depth and iliac techniques, but the written descrip- Stephanie Saunders MCSP

Physical Disability in Childhood which it covers extensively, to details of prehensive bibliographies at the end
- An lnterdisclplinary approach various conditions.
In conclusion, although a degree ofbias
of each chapter for further reading.
It would be a worth-while addition as
to management is unavoidable as most ofthe authors have a reference book for physiotherapy
edited by Gillian T McCarthy MB FRCP DCH. worked together at Chailey Heritage, and department bookshelves.
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1992 (lS8N despite important omissibns of pirental
0 443 04288 8). Illus. 616 pages. €2750.
Pauline Raymond MTD BA MC-p
equality in management planning, it
This is a detailed, informative, multi- remains a very useful book, affordingboth
author book covering a vast range of a n extremely pragmatic approach to
subjects within paediatrics. However, paediatrics together with a good deal
although it is holistic in nature, it is of academic analysis, referring to com-
Llvlng With Arthritis
overwhelmingly professionally biased.
While providing a n extremely helpful Working With Arthritis
reference to a great number of con- Arthritis Care, 18 Stephenson Way, London NWI
siderations within this field, it lacks 2HD. 1993. Tripfych leaflets. Free with SAE.
a human quality and is devoid (apart from These leaflets were produced to mark
a sensitive chapter on bereavement) of the Arthritis Care Week in September.
perspective of the child and family despite ‘Living with Arthritis’ is perhaps a
beginning with several articles from misnomer because it simply details the
parents and clients. Significantly they are activities, services and support offered by
not referred to in the list of contributors Arthritis Care branches and Young
and this reflects the general flavour Arthritis Care contacts.
throughout, so that parents and clients as ‘Working with Arthritis’ is just what it
‘partners’ are not featured strongly. A says - a look a t some of the problems of
chapter on assessment presents a s finding and keeping a job in the 1990s for
ruthlessly intrusive towards the family. people with arthritis. Headings include
This said, the book covers most aspects ‘Should I register as disabled?’ ‘When
of childhood disability meticulously, should I tell my employer/colleagues?
both from a theoretical and practical ‘What about special equipment?’ and
viewpoint, but remains detached. ‘What about my career?’
Nevertheless, it contains a plethora of up- Illustration from ‘Physical Disability in The main value of both leaflets is to
to-date information, topics ranging from Childhood’ shows the effects ofsitting on a draw the attention of the public to the
neonatal difficulties, through assessment surface curved in the sagittal plane difficulties of sufferers.

Physiotherapy, October 1993, vol79, no 10

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