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Saint Columban College

Pagadian City
ENG 106 Philippine Literatures
Semi Final Requirement


Class Schedule: MTH 4:00-6:00 PM
Contact Number: 09191234567

Answer the following questions comprehensively.


1. The name of the hermit father.

Answer: The name of the hermit father is Yajnavalkya.

2. How old is the girl that her mother thought that she is ready for marriage?

Answer: The girl that her mother thought that she is ready for marriage is when

the she reached the age of twelve.

3. Why the girl doesn’t want to marry the…

a. sun?

Answer: The girl doesn’t want to marry the sun because he is too burning

hot and she could not like him.

b. clouds?

Answer: The girl doesn’t want to marry the clouds because he is black

and frigid and wants someone finer than the clouds.

c. wind?

Answer: The girl doesn’t want to marry the wind because he is too fidgety

and requested somebody superior than the wind.

d. mountain?
Answer: The girl doesn’t want to marry the mountain because he is rough

all over and stiff and ask for somebody else.

4. Why the girl wants to marry the mouse?

Answer: The girls want to marry the mouse because she feels that the mouse is

her own kind.

5. How the hermit changed the female mouse into a girl?

Answer: The hermit changed the female mouse into a girl through the magic

power of his holiness.

6. Expound this:

Though mountain, sun, and cloud and the wind

Were suitors at her feet

The mouse-maid turned a mouse again-

Nature is hard to beat.

Answer: The above-quoted lines from the story reminds us that it is better to

choose someone whom you can share the same level of kindness, wisdom,

social status, values and sense of humor more than anything else. Even though

a person is powerful and wealthy trying to lure you of his superiority, still,

choosing someone who will love you unconditionally is far better than the latter.


1. In what tree the sparrow and his wife live?

Answer: The sparrow and his wife live on the branch of a Tamal Tree located in

a dense bit of jungle.

2. Who are the sparrow’s friends that helped him in killing the elephant?
Answer: The sparrow’s friends that helped him killing the elephant are the

following: a) a woodpecker bird, a great friend of sparrow; b) a gnat called Lute-

Buzz, woodpecker’s friend; and c) a frog named Cloud-Messenger, gnat’s

intimate friend.

3. How they will kill the elephant?

Answer: They will kill the elephant by making the following plan: First, the gnat

will buzz the elephant’s ear, so that he shuts his eyes in delight at the sweet

sound. Second, the woodpecker swoops in the pecks out the elephant’s eyes,

leaving him to stumble to where the frog croaks by the edge of a deep pit. Lastly,

the elephant, being thirsty, will approach expecting to find a body of water. When

he comes to the pit, he will fall in and perish.

4. Why the sparrow wants to kill the elephant?

Answer: The sparrow wants to kill the elephant because the latter curse his

spring fever and killed his babies.

5. What is the lesson of the story?

Answer: The story teaches that our physical features do not define our

capabilities. Even if we feel weak to solve a huge problem, as long as we have

friends who are willing to help us, then nothing is impossible. With cooperation

and teamwork, we will be able to solve such problem through group effort.


1. Why the husband went to the village?

Answer: The husband went to the village because he wants to test his wife,

alleged to be whore, if she is unfaithful.

2. How the wife knows that her husband is in the room?

Answer: The wife knows that her husband is in the room when she suddenly

stubbed her toe on the carpenter’s body – whose was hiding under the bed.

3. Why the wife invited the “fellow” as an act of fooling the husband?

Answer: The wife invited the “fellow” as an act of fooling the husband to refute

the allegations that she is a whore.

4. Expound:

It argues utter want of sense

To pardon obvious offense

The carpenter upon his head

Took wife and him who fouled his bed

Answer: The above-quoted lines from the story tell us not to believe what others

are trying to feed our mind. In reality, let us not believe directly what others are saying.

We need to verify first and validate information.


When I went barefoot people loved me.

As long as my dwellings were banks and fields
Human affection clung to me
As moist sod clung to my toes and heels.

But then, when I got me some socks and shoes

And watched and worried my pocketbook
The near and dear who had wandered with me
Picked up and left, with averted looks

From breezy slopes to the warehouse’s stench

I traced the narrowing path of my loss
Watching the dews on the violet
Evaporate in the fire of remorse
I turned to a haunter of darkest alleys,
Seeking some clue to your new address
A watcher of lights in the city night
At every window of every house

I took to reading nameplates by matchlight

Rubbing each dusty letter clear;
I took to opening gates in the fences
Of fenced-off dwellings, till the door

Would open, and someone’s scathing voice

Cry, “No one you want is here, go away!”
Each slamming door, each light turned out
Cried, ‘” They are gone, you have lost your way.”

1. Give one visual image you can perceive in the poem.


2. Choose a line from the poem that you think is particularly striking or important to

the meaning of the poem. Explain.

Answer: “Picked up and left, with averted looks” is the striking or important to the

meaning of the poem. It is because the line speaks of a scenario wherein those

people, whom you shared your life journey and surround you since you were born,

left you behind.

3. Describe the persona in the poem. Explain why you say so.

Answer: The persona in the poem speaks of a person who grows up, got busy in

his own life and forgot those who people who help him since he was born. Then he

tried to look for them but he failed to do so and lost his way.

4. Select 5 words/phrases and its corresponding connotation

Answer: 1) When I went barefoot people loved me. This means that a person has

all the attention of people surrounds him during his younger years. 2) When I got

me some socks and shoes. This connotes that the person grows up and got busy
with his own life. 3) I traced the narrowing path of my loss. This postulates that the

person is trying to look back to what he had left behind. 4) I turned to a haunter of

darkest alleys. This line tells us that the person is doing his best to return to the

people whom he knows since his younger years. 5) They are gone; you have lost

your way. A heart breaking line which implies that the person is hopeless and no

way to return.


1. Make a diagram of the creation of each day.

The Story of Ruth

1. Why did Elimelech migrate to Moab?

2. What did Naomi ask the people of Bethlehem to call her instead of her real name

and why?

3. Why did Naomi decided to go to back to Israel?

4. Write your reflection about the story.

The Parable of the Last Seat

1. What kind of “humility” is Jesus speaking of?

2. What do you suppose is Jesus objective in telling this parable?

3. How you feel about people who falsely humble themselves?

4. How do you think the host would feel if he learned that his guest had falsely

humbled himself to gain his own honor.

The Parable of Talents

1. What do talents represent?

Answer: The talents represent the health, wealth, time and our capabilities. These

talents came from God and entrusted to the people on how to use them for the

benefit his Kingdom and in this world. A time will come that God will settle the

account where did we used those talents.

2. What have you learned from this parable using your talents.

Answer: I have learned 3 things in life using the talent based on the parable. First,

that God gave me good health as an instrument for me to become successful in life.

I will use this talent to work diligently for my future. For, success is the product of

hard work. Second, that God gave us everything we need to do what he has called

us to do. I will use this talent for the benefit of the common good. Sharing the wealth

that God had bestowed upon me. Lastly, that God created us unequal. I will this

wisdom to be grateful for all the things I received. For I believe that there are

superior and inferior in this world.


1. Encode your answer in a short bondpaper.

2. 12- font size

3. Ariel- font style

4. Normal – margin

5. Double space- spacing

6. Black ink

7. Stapled and pass this on February 27, 4:00 pm 2020. Failure to submit

means deduction of points.

8. AVOID Plagiarism by all means. Those who pass copied answers from

internet or from classmates means NO output at all.

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